Dedup subscriptions

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-05-10 15:22:58 -04:00
parent 18f09b324b
commit e094c17f73
6 changed files with 69 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
module SexpMap = Map.Make(Sexp)
module UuidSet = StringSet
let string_map_keys m = StringMap.fold (fun k _ acc -> k :: acc) m []

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@ -60,14 +60,17 @@ let route_message info n sexp =
return ())
(UuidSet.elements matching)
| Message.Subscribe (Str binding_key as filter, Str sink, name, Str reply_sink, reply_name) ->
lwt sub =
Subscription.create info.subscriptions filter sink name reply_sink reply_name in
let old_set =
(try StringMap.find binding_key info.routing_table with Not_found -> UuidSet.empty) in
let new_set = UuidSet.add sub.Subscription.uuid old_set in
info.routing_table <- StringMap.add binding_key new_set info.routing_table;
return ()
Subscription.create info.subscriptions filter sink name reply_sink reply_name
| Subscription.New sub ->
let old_set =
(try StringMap.find binding_key info.routing_table with Not_found -> UuidSet.empty) in
let new_set = UuidSet.add sub.Subscription.uuid old_set in
info.routing_table <- StringMap.add binding_key new_set info.routing_table;
return ()
| Subscription.Old sub ->
return ())
| Message.Unsubscribe (Str token) ->
unsubscribe info token
| m ->

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let unsubscribe info uuid =
let route_message info n sexp =
match Message.message_of_sexp sexp with
| Message.Post (Str name, body, token) ->
let snapshot = !(info.subscriptions) in
let snapshot = info.subscriptions.Subscription.uuid_table in
(fun (uuid, sub) ->
lwt _ = Subscription.send_to_subscription' sub body (unsubscribe info) in return ())

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@ -70,12 +70,15 @@ let queue_handler info n sexp =
info.backlog_out (Some body);
return ()
| Message.Subscribe (filter, Str sink, name, Str reply_sink, reply_name) ->
lwt sub =
Subscription.create info.subscriptions filter sink name reply_sink reply_name in
info.waiters <- info.waiters + 1;
info.waiters_out (Some sub);
return ()
Subscription.create info.subscriptions filter sink name reply_sink reply_name
| Subscription.New sub ->
info.waiters <- info.waiters + 1;
info.waiters_out (Some sub);
return ()
| Subscription.Old sub ->
return ())
| Message.Unsubscribe (Str token) ->
ignore (Subscription.delete info.subscriptions token);
info.waiters <- info.waiters - 1;

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ and t =
| Hint of display_hint_t
| Arr of t list
let compare a b = a b
let generic_output_sexp write x =
let rec walk x =
match x with

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@ -26,41 +26,64 @@ type t = {
name: Sexp.t
type set_t = t StringMap.t ref
type creation_t =
| Old of t
| New of t
let new_set () = ref StringMap.empty
type set_t = {
mutable subscription_table: Uuid.t SexpMap.t;
mutable uuid_table: t StringMap.t
let count subs = StringMap.cardinal !subs
let new_set () = {
subscription_table = SexpMap.empty;
uuid_table = StringMap.empty
let count subs = SexpMap.cardinal subs.subscription_table
let key_from sink_str name filter = Sexp.Arr [Sexp.Str sink_str; name; filter]
let create source subs filter sink_str name reply_sink reply_name =
let uuid = Uuid.create () in
let sink = Node.name_of_string sink_str in
let sub = {
live = true;
uuid = uuid;
filter = filter;
sink = sink;
name = name
} in
subs := StringMap.add uuid sub !subs;
lwt () = Lwt.join [
Meta.announce_subscription source filter sink_str name true;
Node.post_ignore' reply_sink reply_name (Message.subscribe_ok (Sexp.Str uuid)) (Sexp.Str "")
] in
return sub
let key = key_from sink_str name filter in
let uuid = SexpMap.find key subs.subscription_table in
lwt () =
Node.post_ignore' reply_sink reply_name (Message.subscribe_ok (Sexp.Str uuid)) (Sexp.Str "")
return (Old (StringMap.find uuid subs.uuid_table))
with Not_found ->
let uuid = Uuid.create () in
let sink = Node.name_of_string sink_str in
let sub = {
live = true;
uuid = uuid;
filter = filter;
sink = sink;
name = name
} in
subs.uuid_table <- StringMap.add uuid sub subs.uuid_table;
subs.subscription_table <- SexpMap.add key uuid subs.subscription_table;
lwt () = Lwt.join [
Meta.announce_subscription source filter sink_str name true;
Node.post_ignore' reply_sink reply_name (Message.subscribe_ok (Sexp.Str uuid)) (Sexp.Str "")
] in
return (New sub)
let delete source subs uuid =
let sub = StringMap.find uuid !subs in
let sub = StringMap.find uuid subs.uuid_table in <- false;
subs := StringMap.remove uuid !subs;
subs.uuid_table <- StringMap.remove uuid subs.uuid_table;
let key = key_from sub.sink.Node.label sub.filter in
subs.subscription_table <- SexpMap.remove key subs.subscription_table;
lwt () = Meta.announce_subscription source sub.filter sub.sink.Node.label false in
return (Some sub)
with Not_found ->
return None
let lookup subs uuid =
try Some (StringMap.find uuid !subs)
try Some (StringMap.find uuid subs.uuid_table)
with Not_found -> None
let send_to_subscription' sub body delete_action =