Request parsing; keepalive

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-04-29 06:03:53 -04:00
parent ea0d0e7681
commit d49fca8f50
2 changed files with 86 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -117,13 +117,23 @@ let escape_url_char s =
| _ -> failwith ("Unexpected URL char to escape: " ^ s)
let url_escape s = Str.global_substitute url_escape_re escape_url_char s
let url_unescape_re = Str.regexp "%[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]"
let unhex_char c =
match c with
| '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
| 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a'
| 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A'
| _ -> 0
let unhex s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop index acc =
if index = len
then acc
else loop (index + 1) (acc * 16 + unhex_char (String.get s index))
loop 0 0
let url_unescape_re = Str.regexp "%[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]"
let unescape_url_char s =
String.make 1 (Char.chr (unhex_char (String.get s 1) * 16 + unhex_char (String.get s 2)))
let url_unescape s = Str.global_substitute url_unescape_re unescape_url_char s
@ -196,7 +206,20 @@ let split_query p =
| path :: [] -> (path, "")
| [] -> ("", "")
let parse_body cin = empty_body
let find_header name hs =
let lc_name = String.lowercase name in
let rec search hs =
match hs with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (k, v) :: hs' ->
if String.lowercase k = lc_name
then v
else search hs'
search hs
let find_header' name hs =
try Some (find_header name hs) with Not_found -> None
let input_crlf cin =
let line = input_line cin in
@ -205,6 +228,42 @@ let input_crlf cin =
then String.sub line 0 (len - 1)
else line
let rec parse_headers cin =
match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp ":") (input_crlf cin) 2 with
| [] ->
| [k; v] ->
(k, Util.strip v) :: parse_headers cin
| k :: _ ->
http_error_html 400 ("Bad header: "^k) []
let parse_chunks cin =
fun () ->
let hexlen_str = input_crlf cin in
let chunk_len = unhex hexlen_str in
let buffer = String.make chunk_len '\000' in
really_input cin buffer 0 chunk_len;
(if input_crlf cin <> "" then http_error_html 400 "Invalid chunk boundary" [] else ());
if chunk_len = 0 then None else Some buffer
let parse_body cin =
let headers = parse_headers cin in
match find_header' "Transfer-Encoding" headers with
| None | Some "identity" ->
(match find_header' "Content-Length" headers with
| None ->
(* http_error_html 411 "Length required" [] *)
{headers = headers; content = Fixed ""}
| Some length_str ->
let length = int_of_string length_str in
let buffer = String.make length '\000' in
really_input cin buffer 0 length;
{headers = headers; content = Fixed buffer})
| Some "chunked" ->
{headers = headers; content = Variable (Stringstream.from_iter (parse_chunks cin))}
| Some unsupported ->
http_error_html 400 ("Unsupported Transfer-Encoding: "^unsupported) []
let rec parse_req cin spurious_newline_credit =
match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp " ") (input_crlf cin) 3 with
| [] ->
@ -220,13 +279,27 @@ let rec parse_req cin spurious_newline_credit =
{ verb = verb; path = path; query = query; req_version = version; req_body = body }
| _ -> http_error_html 400 "Bad request line" []
let discard_unread_body req =
match req.req_body.content with
| Fixed _ -> ()
| Variable s -> Stringstream.iter (fun v -> ()) s (* force chunks to be read *)
let connection_keepalive req =
find_header' "Connection" req.req_body.headers = Some "keep-alive"
let main handle_req (s, peername) =
let cin = in_channel_of_descr s in
let cout = out_channel_of_descr s in
let req = parse_req cin 512 in
render_resp cout req.req_version (handle_req req)
let rec request_loop () =
let req = parse_req cin 512 in
render_resp cout req.req_version (handle_req req);
discard_unread_body req;
flush cout;
if connection_keepalive req then request_loop () else ()
request_loop ()
with HTTPError (code, reason, body) ->
render_resp cout `HTTP_1_0
{ resp_version = `HTTP_1_0; status = code; reason = reason; resp_body = body })

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@ -50,3 +50,12 @@ let starts_with s1 s2 =
let ends_with s1 s2 =
try Str.last_chars s1 (String.length s2) = s2 with _ -> false
let strip s =
let len = String.length s in
let ws i = Char.code (String.get s i) <= 32 in
let rec left index = if index < len && ws index then left (index + 1) else index in
let rec right index = if index >= 0 && ws index then right (index - 1) else index in
let l = left 0 in
let r = 1 + right (len - 1) in
if r <= l then "" else String.sub s l (r - l)