JSON parsing; more posted-message parsing

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-04-29 13:13:17 -04:00
parent d59ed16de4
commit 00358db7ed
5 changed files with 159 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ type body = {
content: content
let empty_body = {headers = []; content = Fixed ""}
let empty_content = Fixed ""
let empty_body = {headers = []; content = empty_content}
type req = {
verb: string;
@ -116,28 +117,12 @@ let escape_url_char c =
| _ -> None
let url_escape s = Util.strsub escape_url_char s
let unhex_char c =
match c with
| '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
| 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
| 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
| _ -> -1
let unhex s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop index acc =
if index = len
then acc
else loop (index + 1) (acc * 16 + unhex_char (String.get s index))
loop 0 0
let unescape_url_hex_code (s, pos) =
let len = String.length s in
if len - pos >= 3
let v1 = unhex_char (String.get s (pos + 1)) in
let v2 = unhex_char (String.get s (pos + 2)) in
let v1 = Util.unhex_char (String.get s (pos + 1)) in
let v2 = Util.unhex_char (String.get s (pos + 2)) in
if v1 = -1 || v2 = -1
then http_error_html 400 ("Bad percent escaping: '"^String.sub s pos 3^"'") []
else (String.make 1 (Char.chr (v1 * 16 + v2)), pos + 3)
@ -270,7 +255,7 @@ let rec parse_headers cin =
let parse_chunks cin =
fun () ->
let hexlen_str = input_crlf cin in
let chunk_len = unhex hexlen_str in
let chunk_len = Util.unhex hexlen_str in
let buffer = String.make chunk_len '\000' in
really_input cin buffer 0 chunk_len;
(if input_crlf cin <> "" then http_error_html 400 "Invalid chunk boundary" [] else ());
@ -283,7 +268,7 @@ let parse_body cin =
(match find_header' "Content-Length" headers with
| None ->
(* http_error_html 411 "Length required" [] *)
{headers = headers; content = Fixed ""}
{headers = headers; content = empty_content}
| Some length_str ->
let length = int_of_string length_str in
let buffer = String.make length '\000' in

View File

@ -40,6 +40,23 @@ let sub b ofs len =
let remaining b = b.limit - b.pos
let skip_byte b =
if b.pos < b.limit
then b.pos <- b.pos + 1
else raise End_of_file
let skip_ws b =
while b.pos < b.limit && String.get b.buf b.pos <= ' ' do
b.pos <- b.pos + 1
let peek_char b =
if b.pos < b.limit
then String.get b.buf b.pos
else raise End_of_file
let peek_byte b = int_of_char (peek_char b)
let next_char b =
if b.pos < b.limit

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ type t =
| Flg of bool
| Nil
exception Syntax_error
let escape_char c =
match c with
| '\"' -> Some (fun (s, pos) -> ("\\\"", pos + 1))
@ -52,6 +54,111 @@ let rec to_string j =
and kv_to_string (k, v) =
str_to_string k ^ ":" ^ to_string v
let accumulate_utf8 codepoint (acc, len) =
(* Of course, at the moment, the codepoint is limited to 16 bits... *)
if codepoint < 0x80 then
(Char.chr codepoint :: acc, len + 1)
else if codepoint < 0x800 then
(Char.chr (0x80 lor (codepoint land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0xC0 lor ((codepoint lsr 6) land 0x1f)) ::
acc, len + 2)
else if codepoint < 0x10000 then
(Char.chr (0x80 lor (codepoint land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 6) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0xE0 lor ((codepoint lsr 12) land 0xf)) ::
acc, len + 3)
else if codepoint < 0x200000 then
(Char.chr (0x80 lor (codepoint land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 6) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 12) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0xF0 lor ((codepoint lsr 18) land 0x7)) ::
acc, len + 4)
else if codepoint < 0x4000000 then
(Char.chr (0x80 lor (codepoint land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 6) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 12) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 18) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0xF8 lor ((codepoint lsr 24) land 0x3)) ::
acc, len + 5)
(Char.chr (0x80 lor (codepoint land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 6) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 12) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 18) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0x80 lor ((codepoint lsr 24) land 0x3f)) ::
Char.chr (0xFC lor ((codepoint lsr 30) land 0x1)) ::
acc, len + 6)
let string_of_revlist acc len =
let buf = String.make len ' ' in
let rec fill cs i =
match cs with
| [] -> ()
| c :: cs' -> (String.set buf i c; fill cs' (i - 1))
fill acc (len - 1);
let rec parse_num b (acc, len) =
match Ibuffer.peek_char b with
| '+' | '-' | 'e' | 'E' | '.'
| '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
as c ->
Ibuffer.skip_byte b;
parse_num b (c :: acc, len + 1)
| _ ->
Num (float_of_string (string_of_revlist acc len))
let rec parse_str b (acc, len) =
match Ibuffer.next_char b with
| '\"' -> Str (string_of_revlist acc len)
| '\\' ->
(match Ibuffer.next_char b with
| 'b' -> parse_str b (Char.chr 8 :: acc, len + 1)
| 'f' -> parse_str b (Char.chr 12 :: acc, len + 1)
| 'n' -> parse_str b (Char.chr 10 :: acc, len + 1)
| 'r' -> parse_str b (Char.chr 13 :: acc, len + 1)
| 't' -> parse_str b (Char.chr 9 :: acc, len + 1)
| 'u' -> parse_str b (accumulate_utf8 (Util.unhex (Ibuffer.next_chars b 4)) (acc, len))
| c -> parse_str b (c :: acc, len + 1))
| c -> parse_str b (c :: acc, len + 1)
let rec parse_arr b acc =
Ibuffer.skip_ws b;
match Ibuffer.peek_char b with
| ']' -> Ibuffer.skip_byte b; Arr (List.rev acc)
| ',' -> Ibuffer.skip_byte b; parse_arr b acc
| _ -> parse_arr b (parse b :: acc)
and parse_rec b acc =
Ibuffer.skip_ws b;
match Ibuffer.peek_char b with
| '}' -> Ibuffer.skip_byte b; Rec (List.rev acc)
| ',' -> Ibuffer.skip_byte b; parse_rec b acc
| _ ->
(match parse b with
| Str k ->
Ibuffer.skip_ws b;
(match Ibuffer.next_char b with
| ':' -> parse_rec b ((k, parse b) :: acc)
| _ -> raise Syntax_error)
| _ -> raise Syntax_error)
and parse b =
Ibuffer.skip_ws b;
match Ibuffer.next_char b with
| '+' | '-' | '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
as c -> parse_num b ([c], 1)
| '\"' -> parse_str b ([], 0)
| '[' -> parse_arr b []
| '{' -> parse_rec b []
| 't' -> if Ibuffer.next_chars b 3 = "rue" then Flg true else raise Syntax_error
| 'f' -> if Ibuffer.next_chars b 4 = "alse" then Flg false else raise Syntax_error
| 'n' -> if Ibuffer.next_chars b 3 = "ull" then Nil else raise Syntax_error
| _ -> raise Syntax_error
let of_string s = parse (Ibuffer.of_string s)
let resp code reason extra_headers j =
Httpd.resp_generic code reason
((Httpd.content_type_header_name, "application/json") :: extra_headers)

View File

@ -76,11 +76,20 @@ let api_tap_source r =
(Stringstream.seq id_block_and_padding (Stringstream.make message_stream))
let counter = ref 0
let api_tap_sink r =
(fun (k, v) -> Printf.printf "%s = %s\n%!" k (match v with Some x -> x | None -> "..."))
(Httpd.parse_urlencoded (Httpd.string_of_content r.Httpd.req_body.Httpd.content));
Httpd.resp_generic 202 "Accepted" [] (Httpd.Fixed "")
let params = Httpd.parse_urlencoded (Httpd.string_of_content r.Httpd.req_body.Httpd.content) in
(* let stream_id = List.assoc "metadata.id" params in *)
match List.assoc "metadata.type" params with
| Some "send" ->
(match List.assoc "data" params with
| Some data_str ->
let data = Json.of_string data_str in
counter := 1 + !counter;
Printf.printf "Data: %d %s\n%!" !counter (Json.to_string data);
Httpd.resp_generic 202 "Accepted" [] (Httpd.empty_content)
| _ -> Httpd.http_error_html 406 "Bad data parameter" [])
| _ -> Httpd.http_error_html 406 "Unsupported metadata.type" []
let api_tap r =
match r.Httpd.verb with

View File

@ -77,3 +77,19 @@ let strsub replacement_fn s =
inner_loop (high + 1)
in inner_loop low
in outer_loop [] 0
let unhex_char c =
match c with
| '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
| 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'a' + 10
| 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' -> Char.code c - Char.code 'A' + 10
| _ -> -1
let unhex s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop index acc =
if index = len
then acc
else loop (index + 1) (acc * 16 + unhex_char (String.get s index))
loop 0 0