
147 lines
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2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
open Unix
open Printf
open Thread
open Amqp_spec
type connection_t = {
n: Node.t;
mtx: Mutex.t;
cin: in_channel;
cout: out_channel;
mutable input_buf: string;
mutable output_buf: Buffer.t;
mutable frame_max: int;
mutable connection_closed: bool
let read_frame conn =
let frame_type = input_byte conn.cin in
let channel_hi = input_byte conn.cin in
let channel_lo = input_byte conn.cin in
let channel = (channel_hi lsr 8) lor channel_lo in
let length = input_binary_int conn.cin in
printf "Length %d\n%!" length;
if length > conn.frame_max
then raise (Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception (frame_error, "Frame longer than current frame_max"))
(really_input conn.cin conn.input_buf 0 length;
if input_byte conn.cin <> frame_end
then raise (Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception (frame_error, "Missing frame_end octet"))
else (frame_type, channel, length))
let write_frame conn frame_type channel =
output_byte conn.cout frame_type;
output_byte conn.cout ((channel lsr 8) land 255);
output_byte conn.cout (channel land 255);
output_binary_int conn.cout (Buffer.length conn.output_buf);
Buffer.output_buffer conn.cout conn.output_buf;
Buffer.reset conn.output_buf;
output_byte conn.cout frame_end
let serialize_method buf m =
let (class_id, method_id) = method_index m in
Amqp_wireformat.write_short buf class_id;
Amqp_wireformat.write_short buf method_id;
write_method m buf
let deserialize_method buf =
let class_id = Amqp_wireformat.read_short buf in
let method_id = Amqp_wireformat.read_short buf in
read_method class_id method_id buf
let serialize_header buf body_size p =
let class_id = class_index p in
Amqp_wireformat.write_short buf class_id;
Amqp_wireformat.write_short buf 0;
Amqp_wireformat.write_longlong buf (Int64.of_int body_size);
write_properties p buf
let send_content_body conn channel body =
let offset = ref 0 in
let len = String.length body in
while (!offset) < len do
let snip_len = min conn.frame_max (len - !offset) in
Buffer.add_substring conn.output_buf body (!offset) snip_len;
write_frame conn frame_body channel;
offset := !offset + snip_len
let next_method conn =
let (frame_type, channel, length) = read_frame conn in
if frame_type <> frame_method
then raise (Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception
(Printf.sprintf "Unexpected frame type %d" frame_type)))
let buf = Ibuffer.create conn.input_buf 0 length in
(channel, deserialize_method buf)
let with_conn_mutex conn thunk = Util.with_mutex0 conn.mtx thunk
let send_method conn m =
with_conn_mutex conn (fun () ->
serialize_method conn.output_buf m;
write_frame conn frame_method 0;
flush conn.cout)
let send_error conn code message =
if conn.connection_closed
let m = Connection_close (code, message, 0, 0) in
Log.warn "Sending error" [sexp_of_method m];
send_method conn m
let issue_banner cin cout =
let handshake = String.create 8 in
really_input cin handshake 0 8;
if String.sub handshake 0 4 <> "AMQP"
then (output_string cout "AMQP\000\000\009\001"; false)
else true
with End_of_file -> false
let amqp_handler mtx cin cout n m =
raise (Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception (not_implemented, "TODO"))
let handle_method conn m =
match m with
| _ ->
let (cid, mid) = method_index m in
raise (Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception (not_implemented,
Printf.sprintf "Unsupported method %s (%d/%d)"
(method_name cid mid) cid mid))
let initial_frame_size = frame_min_size
let amqp_mainloop peername mtx cin cout n =
let conn = {
n = n;
mtx = mtx;
cin = cin;
cout = cout;
input_buf = String.create initial_frame_size;
output_buf = Buffer.create initial_frame_size;
frame_max = initial_frame_size;
connection_closed = false
} in
let (major_version, minor_version, revision) = version in
send_method conn (Connection_start (major_version, minor_version,
Amqp_wireformat.table_of_list [],
"", ""));
let (_, Connection_start_ok (client_properties, mechanism, response, locale))
= next_method conn in
while true do
let (channel, m) = next_method conn in
handle_method conn m
| Amqp_wireformat.Amqp_exception (code, message) ->
send_error conn code message
let start (s, peername) =
Connections.start_connection "amqp" issue_banner amqp_handler amqp_mainloop (s, peername)