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2012-05-05 22:18:23 +00:00
(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Module Lwt_read_line
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jérémie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
open Lwt
open Lwt_text
open Lwt_term
module TextSet = Set.Make(Text)
type text_set = TextSet.t
type edition_state = Text.t * Text.t
type history = Text.t list
type prompt = Lwt_term.styled_text
type password_style = [ `empty | `clear | `text of Text.t ]
class clipboard =
let signal, setter = React.S.create "" in
method set text = setter text
method contents = signal
let clipboard = new clipboard
exception Interrupt
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Completion |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
type completion_mode = [ `classic | `real_time | `none ]
type completion_result = {
comp_state : edition_state;
comp_words : text_set;
type completion = edition_state -> completion_result Lwt.t
let no_completion state = return {
comp_state = state;
comp_words = TextSet.empty;
let common_prefix a b =
let lena = String.length a and lenb = String.length b in
let rec loop i =
if i = lena || i = lenb || (a.[i] <> b.[i]) then
String.sub a 0 i
loop (i + 1)
loop 0
let lookup word words =
let words = TextSet.filter (fun word' -> Text.starts_with word' word) words in
if TextSet.is_empty words then
("", TextSet.empty)
(TextSet.fold common_prefix words (TextSet.choose words), words)
let complete ?(suffix=" ") before word after words =
let prefix, words = lookup word words in
match TextSet.cardinal words with
| 0 ->
{ comp_state = (before ^ word, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
| 1 ->
{ comp_state = (before ^ prefix ^ suffix, after);
comp_words = words }
| _ ->
{ comp_state = (before ^ prefix, after);
comp_words = words }
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Commands |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Command =
type t =
| Nop
| Char of Text.t
| Backward_delete_char
| Forward_delete_char
| Beginning_of_line
| End_of_line
| Complete
| Meta_complete
| Kill_line
| Backward_kill_line
| Accept_line
| Backward_delete_word
| Forward_delete_word
| History_next
| History_previous
| Break
| Clear_screen
| Insert
| Refresh
| Backward_char
| Forward_char
| Set_mark
| Paste
| Copy
| Cut
| Uppercase
| Lowercase
| Capitalize
| Backward_word
| Forward_word
| Backward_search
| Complete_left
| Complete_right
| Complete_up
| Complete_down
| Complete_first
| Complete_last
| Undo
| Delete_char_or_list
let names = [
(Nop, "nop");
(Backward_delete_char, "backward-delete-char");
(Forward_delete_char, "forward-delete-char");
(Beginning_of_line, "beginning-of-line");
(End_of_line, "end-of-line");
(Complete, "complete");
(Meta_complete, "meta-complete");
(Kill_line, "kill-line");
(Backward_kill_line, "backward-kill-line");
(Accept_line, "accept-line");
(Backward_delete_word, "backward-delete-word");
(Forward_delete_word, "forward-delete-word");
(History_next, "history-next");
(History_previous, "history-previous");
(Break, "break");
(Clear_screen, "clear-screen");
(Insert, "insert");
(Refresh, "refresh");
(Backward_char, "backward-char");
(Forward_char, "forward-char");
(Set_mark, "set-mark");
(Paste, "paste");
(Copy, "copy");
(Cut, "cut");
(Uppercase, "uppercase");
(Lowercase, "lowercase");
(Capitalize, "capitalize");
(Backward_word, "backward-word");
(Forward_word, "forward-word");
(Complete_left, "complete-left");
(Complete_right, "complete-right");
(Complete_up, "complete-up");
(Complete_down, "complete-down");
(Backward_search, "backward-search");
(Complete_first, "complete-first");
(Complete_last, "complete-last");
(Undo, "undo");
(Delete_char_or_list, "delete-char-or-list");
let to_string = function
| Char ch ->
Printf.sprintf "Char %S" ch
| command ->
let rec search = function
| (command', name) :: _ when command = command' ->
| _ :: rest ->
search rest
| [] ->
assert false
search names
let of_string name =
let rec search = function
| (command, name') :: _ when name = name' ->
| _ :: rest ->
search rest
| [] ->
failwith "Lwt_read_line.Command.of_stirng: cannot convert string to command"
search names
let of_key = function
| Key_up -> History_previous
| Key_down -> History_next
| Key_left -> Backward_char
| Key_right -> Forward_char
| Key_home -> Beginning_of_line
| Key_end -> End_of_line
| Key_insert -> Insert
| Key_delete -> Forward_delete_char
| Key_control '@' -> Set_mark
| Key_control 'a' -> Beginning_of_line
| Key_control 'd' -> Delete_char_or_list
| Key_control 'e' -> End_of_line
| Key_control 'h' -> Backward_delete_word
| Key_control 'i' -> Complete
| Key_control 'j' -> Accept_line
| Key_control 'k' -> Kill_line
| Key_control 'l' -> Clear_screen
| Key_control 'm' -> Accept_line
| Key_control 'n' -> Backward_char
| Key_control 'p' -> Forward_char
| Key_control 'r' -> Backward_search
| Key_control 'u' -> Backward_kill_line
| Key_control 'w' -> Cut
| Key_control 'y' -> Paste
| Key_control '_' -> Undo
| Key_control '?' -> Backward_delete_char
| Key "\027u" -> Uppercase
| Key "\027l" -> Lowercase
| Key "\027c" -> Capitalize
| Key ("\027Oc" | "\027[1;5C") -> Forward_word
| Key ("\027Od" | "\027[1;5D") -> Backward_word
| Key ("\027\027[A" | "\027[1;3A") -> Complete_up
| Key ("\027\027[B" | "\027[1;3B") -> Complete_down
| Key ("\027\027[C" | "\027[1;3C") -> Complete_right
| Key ("\027\027[D" | "\027[1;3D") -> Complete_left
| Key ("\027\027[7~" | "\027[1;3H") -> Complete_first
| Key ("\027\027[8~" | "\027[1;3F") -> Complete_last
| Key ("\027\n" | "\194\141") -> Char "\n"
| Key ("\027\t" | "\194\137") -> Meta_complete
| Key ("\027w" | "\195\183") -> Copy
| Key ("\027[3^" | "\027[3;5~") -> Forward_delete_word
| Key ch when Text.length ch = 1 && Text.is_print ch -> Char ch
| _ -> Nop
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Read-line engine |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Engine =
open Command
type selection_state = {
sel_text : Text.t;
sel_mark : Text.pointer;
sel_cursor : Text.pointer;
type search_state = {
search_word : Text.t;
search_history : history;
search_init_history : history;
type mode =
| Edition of edition_state
| Selection of selection_state
| Search of search_state
type state = {
mode : mode;
history : history * history;
let init history = {
mode = Edition("", "");
history = (history, []);
let all_input state = match state.mode with
| Edition(before, after) ->
before ^ after
| Selection sel ->
| Search search ->
match search.search_history with
| [] ->
| phrase :: _ ->
let edition_state state = match state.mode with
| Edition(before, after) ->
(before, after)
| Selection sel ->
(Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text) sel.sel_cursor,
Text.chunk sel.sel_cursor (Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text))
| Search search ->
match search.search_history with
| [] ->
("", "")
| phrase :: _ ->
(phrase, "")
(* Reset the mode to the edition mode: *)
let reset state = match state.mode with
| Edition _ ->
| Selection sel ->
{ state with mode = Edition(Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text) sel.sel_cursor,
Text.chunk sel.sel_cursor (Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text)) }
| Search search ->
{ state with mode = Edition((match search.search_history with
| [] ->
| phrase :: _ ->
phrase), "") }
let split_first_word text =
let rec find_last ptr =
match Text.next ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr) when Text.is_alnum ch ->
find_last ptr
| _ ->
let rec find_first ptr =
match Text.next ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr') ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then
let ptr' = find_last ptr' in
(Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l text) ptr,
Text.chunk ptr ptr',
Text.chunk ptr' (Text.pointer_r text))
find_first ptr'
| None ->
(text, "", "")
find_first (Text.pointer_l text)
let split_last_word text =
let rec find_first ptr =
match Text.prev ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr) when Text.is_alnum ch ->
find_first ptr
| _ ->
let rec find_last ptr =
match Text.prev ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr') ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then
let ptr' = find_first ptr' in
(Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l text) ptr',
Text.chunk ptr' ptr,
Text.chunk ptr (Text.pointer_r text))
find_last ptr'
| None ->
(text, "", "")
find_last (Text.pointer_r text)
let rec update ~engine_state ?(clipboard=clipboard) ~command () =
(* Helpers for updating the mode state only: *)
let edition st = { engine_state with mode = Edition st }
and selection st = { engine_state with mode = Selection st }
and search st = { engine_state with mode = Search st } in
match engine_state.mode with
| Selection sel ->
(* Change the cursor position: *)
let maybe_set_cursor = function
| Some(_, ptr) ->
selection { sel with sel_cursor = ptr }
| None ->
begin match command with
| Nop ->
| Forward_char ->
maybe_set_cursor (Text.next sel.sel_cursor)
| Backward_char ->
maybe_set_cursor (Text.prev sel.sel_cursor)
| Forward_word ->
let rec skip ptr =
match Text.next ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr) ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then find ptr else skip ptr
| None ->
and find ptr =
match Text.next ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr') ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then find ptr' else ptr
| None ->
selection { sel with sel_cursor = skip sel.sel_cursor }
| Backward_word ->
let rec skip ptr =
match Text.prev ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr) ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then find ptr else skip ptr
| None ->
and find ptr =
match Text.prev ptr with
| Some(ch, ptr') ->
if Text.is_alnum ch then find ptr' else ptr
| None ->
selection { sel with sel_cursor = skip sel.sel_cursor }
| Beginning_of_line ->
selection { sel with sel_cursor = Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text }
| End_of_line ->
selection { sel with sel_cursor = Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text }
| Copy ->
let a = min sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark and b = max sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark in
clipboard#set (Text.chunk a b);
edition (Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text) sel.sel_cursor,
Text.chunk sel.sel_cursor (Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text))
| Cut ->
let a = min sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark and b = max sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark in
clipboard#set (Text.chunk a b);
edition (Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text) a,
Text.chunk b (Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text))
| command ->
(* If the user sent another command, reset the mode to
edition and process the command: *)
update ~engine_state:(reset engine_state) ~clipboard ~command ()
| Edition(before, after) ->
begin match command with
| Char ch ->
edition (before ^ ch, after)
| Set_mark ->
let txt = before ^ after in
let ptr = Text.pointer_at txt (Text.length before) in
selection { sel_text = txt;
sel_mark = ptr;
sel_cursor = ptr }
| Paste ->
edition (before ^ (React.S.value clipboard#contents), after)
| Backward_delete_char ->
edition (Text.rchop before, after)
| Forward_delete_char ->
edition (before, Text.lchop after)
| Beginning_of_line ->
edition ("", before ^ after)
| End_of_line ->
edition (before ^ after, "")
| Kill_line ->
clipboard#set after;
edition (before, "")
| Backward_kill_line ->
clipboard#set before;
edition ("", after)
| History_previous ->
begin match engine_state.history with
| ([], _) ->
| (line :: hist_before, hist_after) ->
{ mode = Edition(line, "");
history = (hist_before, (before ^ after) :: hist_after) }
| History_next ->
begin match engine_state.history with
| (_, []) ->
| (hist_before, line :: hist_after) ->
{ mode = Edition(line, "");
history = ((before ^ after) :: hist_before, hist_after) }
| Backward_char ->
if before = "" then
edition (Text.rchop before,
Text.get before (-1) ^ after)
| Forward_char ->
if after = "" then
edition (before ^ (Text.get after 0),
Text.lchop after)
| Uppercase ->
let a, b, c = split_first_word after in
edition (before ^ a ^ Text.upper b, c)
| Lowercase ->
let a, b, c = split_first_word after in
edition (before ^ a ^ Text.lower b, c)
| Capitalize ->
let a, b, c = split_first_word after in
edition (before ^ a ^ Text.capitalize (Text.lower b), c)
| Backward_word ->
let a, b, c = split_last_word before in
edition (a, b ^ c ^ after)
| Forward_word ->
let a, b, c = split_first_word after in
edition (before ^ a ^ b, c)
| Backward_delete_word ->
let a, b, c = split_last_word before in
edition (a, c ^ after)
| Forward_delete_word ->
let a, b, c = split_first_word after in
edition (before ^ a, c)
| Backward_search ->
let hist_before, hist_after = engine_state.history in
let history = List.rev_append hist_after ((before ^ after) :: hist_before) in
search { search_word = "";
search_history = history;
search_init_history = history }
| _ ->
| Search st ->
let lookup word history =
let rec aux history = match history with
| [] ->
| phrase :: rest ->
if Text.contains phrase word then
aux rest
aux history
begin match command with
| Char ch ->
let word = st.search_word ^ ch in
search {
st with
search_word = word;
search_history = lookup word st.search_history;
| Backward_search ->
search {
st with
search_history = match st.search_history with
| [] -> []
| _ :: rest -> lookup st.search_word rest
| Backward_delete_char ->
if st.search_word <> "" then
let word = Text.rchop st.search_word in
search {
st with
search_word = word;
search_history = lookup word st.search_init_history;
search st
| cmd ->
let phrase = match st.search_history with
| [] -> ""
| phrase :: _ -> phrase
edition (phrase, "")
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Rendering |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let rec repeat f n =
if n <= 0 then
return ()
lwt () = f () in
repeat f (n - 1)
let print_words oc screen_width words = match List.filter ((<>) "") words with
| [] ->
return ()
| words ->
let max_width = List.fold_left (fun x word -> max x (Text.length word)) 0 words + 1 in
let count = List.length words in
let columns = max 1 (screen_width / max_width) in
let lines =
if count < columns then
let l = count / columns in
if columns mod count = 0 then l else l + 1
let column_width = screen_width / columns in
let m = Array.make_matrix lines columns "" in
let rec fill_display line column = function
| [] ->
| word :: words ->
m.(line).(column) <- word;
let line = line + 1 in
if line < lines then
fill_display line column words
fill_display 0 (column + 1) words
fill_display 0 0 words;
for_lwt line = 0 to lines - 1 do
lwt () =
for_lwt column = 0 to columns - 1 do
let word = m.(line).(column) in
lwt () = write oc word in
let len = Text.length word in
if len < column_width then
repeat (fun () -> write_char oc " ") (column_width - len)
return ()
write_char oc "\n"
module Terminal =
open Engine
open Command
type state = {
printed_before : styled_text;
(* The text displayed before the cursor *)
printed_after : styled_text;
(* The text displayed after the cursor *)
box : bool;
(* Tell whether a box is currently displayed *)
display_start : int;
(* For dynamic completion. It is the index of the first displayed word. *)
let init = { printed_before = []; printed_after = []; display_start = 0; box = false }
type box =
| Box_none
| Box_empty
| Box_words of text_set * int
| Box_message of string
let make_completion index columns words =
let rec aux ofs idx = function
| [] ->
[Text(Text.repeat (columns - ofs) " ")]
| word :: words ->
let len = Text.length word in
let ofs' = ofs + len in
if ofs' <= columns then
if idx = index then
Inverse :: Text word :: Reset ::
if ofs' + 1 > columns then
Text "" :: aux (ofs' + 1) (idx + 1) words
Text word ::
if ofs' + 1 > columns then
Text "" :: aux (ofs' + 1) (idx + 1) words
[Text(Text.sub word 0 (columns - ofs))]
aux 0 0 words
let make_bar delimiter columns words =
let buf = Buffer.create (columns * 3) in
let rec aux ofs = function
| [] ->
for i = ofs + 1 to columns do
Buffer.add_string buf ""
Buffer.contents buf
| word :: words ->
let len = Text.length word in
let ofs' = ofs + len in
if ofs' <= columns then begin
for i = 1 to len do
Buffer.add_string buf ""
if ofs' + 1 > columns then
Buffer.contents buf
else begin
Buffer.add_string buf delimiter;
aux (ofs' + 1) words
end else begin
for i = ofs + 1 to columns do
Buffer.add_string buf ""
Buffer.contents buf
aux 0 words
let rec drop count l =
if count <= 0 then
else match l with
| [] -> []
| e :: l -> drop (count - 1) l
let rec goto_beginning_of_line = function
| 0 ->
[Text "\r"]
| 1 ->
[Text "\027[F"]
| n ->
Text "\027[F" :: goto_beginning_of_line (n - 1)
let rec compute_position columns acc = function
| [] ->
| Text txt :: rest ->
let acc = Text.fold (fun ch (column, line) ->
match ch with
| "\n" ->
(0, line + 1)
| _ ->
if column = columns then
(1, line + 1)
(column + 1, line)) txt acc in
compute_position columns acc rest
| _ :: rest ->
compute_position columns acc rest
let _draw columns old_render_state new_render_state =
let new_width_before, new_height_before =
compute_position columns (0, 0) new_render_state.printed_before
and old_width_before, old_height_before =
compute_position columns (0, 0) old_render_state.printed_before in
let new_render_state, new_width_before, new_height_before =
(* If we terminates on the right margin, we add a "\n" to ensure
that the cursor will be printed at the beginning of the next
line: *)
if new_width_before = columns then
({ new_render_state with printed_before = new_render_state.printed_before @ [Text "\n"] }, 0, new_height_before + 1)
(new_render_state, new_width_before, new_height_before)
let new_width_total, new_height_total =
compute_position columns (new_width_before, new_height_before) new_render_state.printed_after
and old_width_total, old_height_total =
compute_position columns (old_width_before, old_height_before) old_render_state.printed_after in
(* Produce a sequence erasing n lines: *)
let rec eraser acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n -> eraser (Text "\027[K\n" :: acc) (n - 1)
let text = List.flatten [
(* Go back by the number of rows of the previous text: *)
goto_beginning_of_line old_height_before;
(* Erase all old contents: *)
eraser [Text "\027[K"] old_height_total;
(* Go back to the starting point: *)
goto_beginning_of_line old_height_total;
(* Print all new contents: *)
(* Go back again to the beginning of printed text: *)
goto_beginning_of_line new_height_total;
(* Prints again the text before the cursor, to put the cursor at
the right place: *)
] in
(text, new_render_state)
(* Render the current state on the terminal, and returns the new
terminal rendering state: *)
let draw ~columns ?(map_text=fun x -> x) ?(box=Box_none) ~render_state ~engine_state ~prompt () =
match engine_state.mode with
| Search st ->
let printed_before = Reset :: prompt @ [Reset; Text "(reverse-i-search)'"; Text st.search_word] in
let printed_after = match st.search_history with
| [] ->
[Text "'"]
| phrase :: _ ->
let ptr_start = match Text.find phrase st.search_word with
| Some ptr ->
| None ->
(* The first phrase of st.search_history is a
phrase containing st.search_word, so this
case will never happen *)
assert false
let ptr_end = Text.move (Text.length st.search_word) ptr_start in
[Text "': ";
Text(Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l phrase) ptr_start);
Text(Text.chunk ptr_start ptr_end);
Text(Text.chunk ptr_end (Text.pointer_r phrase))]
_draw columns render_state { render_state with
printed_before = printed_before;
printed_after = printed_after }
| _ ->
(* Text before and after the cursor, according to the current mode: *)
let before, after = match engine_state.mode with
| Edition(before, after) ->
([Text(map_text before)], [Text(map_text after)])
| Selection sel ->
let a = min sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark and b = max sel.sel_cursor sel.sel_mark in
let part_before = [Text(map_text (Text.chunk (Text.pointer_l sel.sel_text) a))]
and part_selected = [Underlined; Text(map_text (Text.chunk a b)); Reset]
and part_after = [Text(map_text (Text.chunk (Text.pointer_r sel.sel_text) b))] in
if sel.sel_cursor < sel.sel_mark then
(part_before, part_selected @ part_after)
(part_before @ part_selected, part_after)
| Search _ ->
assert false
(* All the text printed before the cursor: *)
let printed_before = List.flatten [[Reset]; prompt; [Reset]; before] in
match box with
| Box_none ->
_draw columns render_state
{ render_state with
printed_before = printed_before;
printed_after = after;
box = false }
| Box_message message ->
let bar = Text(Text.repeat (columns - 2) "") in
let message_len = Text.length message in
let message = if message_len + 2 > columns then Text.sub message 0 (columns - 2) else message in
let printed_after =
after @
[Text "\n";
Text ""; bar; Text "\n";
Text ""; Text message; Text(String.make (columns - 2 - message_len) ' '); Text "\n";
Text ""; bar; Text ""]
_draw columns render_state
{ render_state with
printed_before = printed_before;
printed_after = printed_after;
box = true }
| Box_empty ->
let bar = Text(Text.repeat (columns - 2) "") in
let printed_after =
after @
[Text "\n";
Text ""; bar; Text "\n";
Text ""; Text(Text.repeat (columns - 2) " "); Text "\n";
Text ""; bar; Text ""]
_draw columns render_state
{ render_state with
printed_before = printed_before;
printed_after = printed_after;
box = true }
| Box_words(words, position) ->
let words = TextSet.elements words and count = TextSet.cardinal words in
(* Sets the index of the first displayed words such
that the cursor is displayed: *)
let display_start =
(* Given a list of words and an offset, it returns
the index of the last word that can be
dusplayed *)
let rec compute_end offset index words =
match words with
| [] ->
index - 1
| word :: words ->
let offset = offset + Text.length word in
if offset <= columns - 1 then
compute_end (offset + 1) (index + 1) words
index - 1
if position < render_state.display_start then
(* The cursor is before the left margin *)
let rev_index = count - position - 1 in
count - compute_end 1 rev_index (drop rev_index (List.rev words)) - 1
else if compute_end 1 render_state.display_start (drop render_state.display_start words) < position then
(* The cursor is after the right margin *)
(* The cursor points to a word which is
displayed *)
let words = drop display_start words in
let printed_after =
[Text "\n";
Text ""; Text(make_bar "" (columns - 2) words); Text "\n";
Text ""];
make_completion (position - display_start) (columns - 2) words;
[Text "\n";
Text ""; Text(make_bar "" (columns - 2) words); Text ""]]
_draw columns render_state
{ display_start = display_start;
box = true;
printed_before = printed_before;
printed_after = printed_after }
let last_draw ~columns ?(map_text=fun x -> x) ~render_state ~engine_state ~prompt () =
let printed = prompt @ [Reset; Text(map_text(all_input engine_state)); Text "\n"] in
fst (_draw columns render_state { render_state with
printed_before = printed;
printed_after = [] })
let erase ~columns ~render_state () =
goto_beginning_of_line (snd(compute_position columns (0, 0) render_state.printed_before)) @ [Text "\027[J"]
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Controlling a running instance |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Control =
type 'a t = {
result : 'a Lwt.t;
send_command : Command.t -> unit;
hide : unit -> unit Lwt.t;
show : unit -> unit Lwt.t;
type prompt = Engine.state React.signal -> Lwt_term.styled_text React.signal
let fake w = { result = w;
send_command = ignore;
hide = return;
show = return }
let result ctrl = ctrl.result
let send_command ctrl command = ctrl.send_command command
let accept ctrl = ctrl.send_command Command.Accept_line
let interrupt ctrl = ctrl.send_command Command.Break
let hide ctrl = ctrl.hide ()
let show ctrl = ctrl.show ()
(* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
| Instance parameters |
+---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
open Command
let set_nth set n =
let module M = struct exception Return of string end in
let _ = TextSet.fold (fun x n -> if n = 0 then raise (M.Return x) else n - 1) set n in
invalid_arg "Lwt_read_line.set_nth"
with M.Return x ->
let read_command () = read_key () >|= Command.of_key
(* State of a read-line instance *)
type state = {
render : Terminal.state;
engine : Engine.state;
box : Terminal.box;
prompt : Lwt_term.styled_text;
visible : bool;
old_states : edition_state list;
type event =
| Ev_command of Command.t
| Ev_prompt of Lwt_term.styled_text
| Ev_box of Terminal.box
| Ev_completion of completion_result
| Ev_screen_size_changed
| Ev_hide of unit Lwt.u
| Ev_show of unit Lwt.u
let engine_state state = state.engine
let render_state state = state.render
(* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
| Read-line generator |
+---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let default_prompt _ = React.S.const [Text "# "]
let rec truncate_list n l = match n, l with
| 0, l ->
| _, [] ->
| n, x :: l ->
if n > 0 then
x :: truncate_list (n - 1) l
let make ?(history=[]) ?(complete=no_completion) ?(clipboard=clipboard) ?(mode=`real_time)
?(map_text=fun x -> x) ?(filter=fun s c -> return c) ~map_result ?(prompt=default_prompt) () =
(* Signal holding the last engine state before waiting for a new
command: *)
let engine_state, set_engine_state = React.S.create (Engine.init history) in
let prompt = prompt engine_state in
(* The thread of the last launched completion *)
let completion_thread = ref (return ()) in
(*** Events ***)
(* Thread of the last [read_command]. It is cancelled when
read-line terminates. *)
let last_read_command_thread = ref (raise_lwt Exit) in
(* Events typed by the user: *)
let user_events = Lwt_stream.from (fun () ->
let t = read_command () in
last_read_command_thread := t;
lwt command = t in
return (Some(Ev_command command))) in
(* Events sent by the program: *)
let program_events, push_event = Lwt_stream.create () in
let push_event event = push_event (Some event) in
(* Screan resizing *)
let size_events = Lwt_event.to_stream (React.E.stamp (React.S.changes Lwt_term.size) Ev_screen_size_changed) in
(* Prompt events *)
let prompt_events = Lwt_event.to_stream (React.E.map (fun prompt -> Ev_prompt prompt) (React.S.changes prompt)) in
(* All events *)
let events = Lwt_stream.choose [user_events; program_events; size_events; prompt_events] in
(*** Box for `real_time mode ***)
(* Contains the last suggested completion: *)
let last_completion = ref None in
(* If [true], [update_box] will generate an [Ev_completion] when
completion is done, instead of an [Ev_box]. *)
let want_completion = ref false in
let update_box =
match mode with
| `real_time ->
| { Engine.mode = Engine.Selection _ } ->
push_event (Ev_box(Terminal.Box_message "<selection>"))
| { Engine.mode = Engine.Search _ } ->
push_event (Ev_box Terminal.Box_none)
| { Engine.mode = Engine.Edition edition_state } ->
last_completion := None;
want_completion := false;
completion_thread := begin
let thread = complete edition_state >|= fun x -> `Result x in
let start_date = Unix.time () in
(* Animation to make the user happy: *)
let rec loop anim =
pick [thread; Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 >> return `Timeout] >>= function
| `Result comp ->
last_completion := Some comp.comp_state;
if !want_completion then
push_event (Ev_completion comp)
push_event (Ev_box(Terminal.Box_words(comp.comp_words, 0)));
return ()
| `Timeout ->
let delta = truncate (Unix.time () -. start_date) in
let seconds = delta mod 60
and minutes = (delta / 60) mod 60
and hours = (delta / (60 * 60)) mod 24
and days = (delta / (60 * 60 * 24)) in
let message =
if days = 0 then
Printf.sprintf "working %s %02d:%02d:%02d" (List.hd anim) hours minutes seconds
else if days = 1 then
Printf.sprintf "working %s 1 day %02d:%02d:%02d" (List.hd anim) hours minutes seconds
Printf.sprintf "working %s %d days %02d:%02d:%02d" (List.hd anim) days hours minutes seconds
push_event (Ev_box(Terminal.Box_message message));
loop (List.tl anim)
let rec anim = "" :: "\\" :: "" :: "/" :: anim in
let thread = loop anim in
Lwt.on_cancel thread (fun () -> push_event (Ev_box Terminal.Box_empty));
| `classic | `none ->
React.S.const ()
(*** Main loop ***)
(* Draw the state on the terminal and update the rendering
state: *)
let draw state =
let text, render_state =
~columns:(React.S.value columns)
lwt () = printc text in
return { state with render = render_state }
(* - [prev] is the last displayed state
- [state] is the current state *)
let rec loop prev state =
let thread = Lwt_stream.next events in
match Lwt.state thread with
| Sleep ->
(* This may update the prompt and dynamic completion: *)
set_engine_state state.engine;
(* Check a second time since the last command may have
created new messages: *)
begin match Lwt.state thread with
| Sleep ->
(* Redraw screen if the event queue is empty *)
lwt state = (if state.visible && prev <> state then draw else return) state in
lwt event = thread in
process_event state event (loop state)
| Return event ->
process_event state event (loop prev)
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
| Return event ->
process_event state event (loop prev)
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
(* loop_refresh redraw the current state, even if it haa not
changed: *)
and loop_refresh state =
let thread = Lwt_stream.next events in
match Lwt.state thread with
| Sleep ->
set_engine_state state.engine;
begin match Lwt.state thread with
| Sleep ->
lwt state = (if state.visible then draw else return) state in
lwt event = thread in
process_event state event (loop state)
| Return event ->
process_event state event loop_refresh
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
| Return event ->
process_event state event loop_refresh
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
and process_event state event loop = match event with
| Ev_prompt prompt ->
loop { state with prompt = prompt }
| Ev_screen_size_changed ->
lwt () = printc (Terminal.erase ~columns:(React.S.value columns) ~render_state:state.render ()) in
loop_refresh { state with render = Terminal.init }
| Ev_hide wakener ->
if state.visible then begin
lwt () = printc (Terminal.erase ~columns:(React.S.value columns) ~render_state:state.render ()) in
wakeup wakener ();
loop { state with render = Terminal.init; visible = false }
end else
loop state
| Ev_show wakener ->
if not state.visible then begin
lwt state = draw state in
wakeup wakener ();
loop { state with visible = true }
end else
loop state
| Ev_box box ->
loop { state with box = box }
| Ev_completion comp ->
let state = { state with engine = { state.engine with Engine.mode = Engine.Edition comp.comp_state } } in
if mode = `classic && TextSet.cardinal comp.comp_words > 1 then
lwt () =
printc (Terminal.last_draw
~columns:(React.S.value columns)
lwt () = print_words stdout (React.S.value Lwt_term.columns) (TextSet.elements comp.comp_words) in
loop_refresh { state with render = Terminal.init }
loop state
| Ev_command command ->
if not (command = Complete && mode = `real_time) then
(* Cancel completion on user input: *)
Lwt.cancel !completion_thread;
(* Save the command for possible [Undo] command *)
let state =
match command, state.engine with
| Undo, _ ->
| _, { Engine.mode = Engine.Edition es } -> begin
let old_states =
match state.old_states with
| es' :: _ when es = es' ->
| old_states ->
es :: old_states
{ state with old_states = truncate_list 1000 old_states }
| _ ->
(* User-provided filter *)
lwt command = filter state command in
(* Commands that need pre-processing *)
lwt command = match command, state.engine.Engine.mode with
| Delete_char_or_list, Engine.Edition ("", "") -> return Break
| Delete_char_or_list, Engine.Edition (_, "") -> return Complete
| Delete_char_or_list, Engine.Edition (_, _) -> return Forward_delete_char
| _ -> return command
match command with
| Nop ->
loop state
| Undo -> begin
match state.old_states with
| [] ->
loop state
| s :: l ->
loop { state with
engine = { state.engine with Engine.mode = Engine.Edition s };
old_states = l }
| Complete_right ->
begin match state.box with
| Terminal.Box_words(words, index) when index < TextSet.cardinal words - 1 ->
loop { state with box = Terminal.Box_words(words, index + 1) }
| _ ->
loop state
| Complete_left ->
begin match state.box with
| Terminal.Box_words(words, index) when index > 0 ->
loop { state with box = Terminal.Box_words(words, index - 1) }
| _ ->
loop state
| Complete_first ->
begin match state.box with
| Terminal.Box_words(words, index) ->
loop { state with box = Terminal.Box_words(words, 0) }
| _ ->
loop state
| Complete_last ->
begin match state.box with
| Terminal.Box_words(words, index) when not (TextSet.is_empty words)->
loop { state with box = Terminal.Box_words(words, TextSet.cardinal words - 1) }
| _ ->
loop state
| Complete ->
begin match mode with
| `none ->
loop state
| `classic ->
let state = { state with engine = Engine.reset state.engine } in
completion_thread := begin
lwt comp = complete (Engine.edition_state state.engine) in
push_event (Ev_completion comp);
return ()
loop state
| `real_time ->
match !last_completion with
| Some comp_state ->
loop { state with engine = { state.engine with Engine.mode = Engine.Edition comp_state } }
| None ->
want_completion := true;
loop state
| Meta_complete ->
if mode = `real_time then begin
let state = { state with engine = Engine.reset state.engine } in
match state.box with
| Terminal.Box_words(words, index) when not (TextSet.is_empty words) ->
let before, after = Engine.edition_state state.engine in
let word = set_nth words index in
let word_len = Text.length word and before_len = Text.length before in
(* [search] searches the longest suffix of
[before] which is a prefix of [word]: *)
let rec search ptr idx =
if Text.equal_at ptr (Text.sub word 0 idx) then
loop { state with engine = { state.engine with Engine.mode = Engine.Edition(before ^ Text.sub word idx (word_len - idx), after) } }
match Text.next ptr with
| None -> raise_lwt (Failure "invalid completion")
| Some(ch, ptr) -> search ptr (idx - 1)
if word_len > before_len then
search (Text.pointer_l before) before_len
search (Text.pointer_at before (-word_len)) word_len
| _ ->
loop state
end else
loop state
| Clear_screen ->
lwt () = clear_screen () in
loop_refresh state
| Refresh ->
loop_refresh state
| Accept_line ->
return (state, `Accept)
| Break ->
return (state,`Interrupt)
| command ->
loop { state with engine = Engine.update ~engine_state:state.engine ~clipboard ~command () }
let result = with_raw_mode begin fun () ->
(* Wait for edition to terminate *)
lwt state, result = loop_refresh {
render = Terminal.init;
engine = React.S.value engine_state;
box = Terminal.Box_none;
prompt = React.S.value prompt;
visible = true;
old_states = [];
} in
(* Cleanup *)
React.S.stop update_box;
Lwt.cancel !last_read_command_thread;
(* Do the last draw *)
lwt () = printc (Terminal.last_draw
~columns:(React.S.value columns)
match result with
| `Accept ->
map_result (Engine.all_input state.engine)
| `Interrupt ->
raise_lwt Interrupt
end in
result = result;
send_command = (fun command -> push_event (Ev_command command));
hide = (fun () ->
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
push_event (Ev_hide wakener);
show = (fun () ->
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
push_event (Ev_show wakener);
(* +---------------------------------------------------------------+
| Predefined instances |
+---------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let make_prompt prompt = React.S.value (prompt (React.S.const (Engine.init [])))
let read_line ?history ?complete ?clipboard ?mode ?(prompt=default_prompt) () =
lwt stdin_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdin
and stdout_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdout in
if stdin_isatty && stdout_isatty then
return (make ?history ?complete ?clipboard ?mode ~prompt ~map_result:return ())
return (fake (lwt () = write stdout (strip_styles (make_prompt prompt)) in
Lwt_text.read_line stdin))
let read_password ?clipboard ?(style:password_style=`text "*") ?prompt () =
lwt stdin_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdin
and stdout_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdout in
if stdin_isatty && stdout_isatty then
let map_text = match style with
| `text ch -> (fun txt -> Text.map (fun _ -> ch) txt)
| `clear -> (fun x -> x)
| `empty -> (fun _ -> "")
and filter state = function
| Backward_search ->
(* Drop search commands *)
return Nop
| command ->
return command
return (make ?clipboard ~map_text ~mode:`none ~filter ?prompt ~map_result:return ())
fail (Failure "Lwt_read_line.read_password: not running in a terminal")
let read_keyword ?history ?(case_sensitive=false) ?mode ?(prompt=default_prompt) ~values () =
let compare = if case_sensitive then Text.compare else Text.icompare in
let rec assoc key = function
| [] -> None
| (key', value) :: l ->
if compare key key' = 0 then
Some value
assoc key l
lwt stdin_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdin
and stdout_isatty = Lwt_unix.isatty Lwt_unix.stdout in
if stdin_isatty && stdout_isatty then
let words = List.fold_left (fun acc (key, value) -> TextSet.add key acc) TextSet.empty values in
let filter state = function
| Accept_line ->
let text = Engine.all_input state.engine in
if List.exists (fun (key, value) -> compare key text = 0) values then
return Accept_line
return Nop
| command ->
return command
and map_result text = match assoc text values with
| Some value ->
return value
| None ->
assert false
and complete (before, after) =
return (complete "" before after words)
return (make ?history ?mode ~prompt ~filter ~map_result ~complete ())
return (fake (lwt () = write stdout (strip_styles (make_prompt prompt)) in
lwt txt = Lwt_text.read_line stdin in
match assoc txt values with
| Some value ->
return value
| None ->
raise_lwt (Failure "Lwt_read_line.read_keyword: invalid input")))
let read_yes_no ?history ?mode ?prompt () =
read_keyword ?history ?mode ?prompt ~values:[("yes", true); ("no", false)] ()
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Simple calls |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let default_prompt = [Text "# "]
let read_line ?history ?complete ?clipboard ?mode ?(prompt=default_prompt) () =
Control.read_line ?history ?complete ?clipboard ?mode ~prompt:(fun _ -> React.S.const prompt) () >>= Control.result
let read_password ?clipboard ?style ?(prompt=default_prompt) () =
Control.read_password ?clipboard ?style ~prompt:(fun _ -> React.S.const prompt) () >>= Control.result
let read_keyword ?history ?case_sensitive ?mode ?(prompt=default_prompt) ~values () =
Control.read_keyword ?history ?case_sensitive ?mode ~prompt:(fun _ -> React.S.const prompt) ~values () >>= Control.result
let read_yes_no ?history ?mode ?(prompt=default_prompt) () =
Control.read_yes_no ?history ?mode ~prompt:(fun _ -> React.S.const prompt) () >>= Control.result
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| History |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let add_entry line history =
if Text.strip line = "" then
if (match history with [] -> false | x :: _ -> x = line) then
line :: history
let escape line =
Text.map (function
| "\n" -> "\\n"
| "\\" -> "\\\\"
| ch -> ch) line
let unescape line =
let buf = Buffer.create (String.length line) in
let rec loop ptr = match Text.next ptr with
| Some("\\", ptr) ->
begin match Text.next ptr with
| Some("\\", ptr) ->
Buffer.add_string buf "\\";
loop ptr
| Some("n", ptr) ->
Buffer.add_string buf "\n";
loop ptr
| Some(ch, ptr) ->
Buffer.add_string buf "\\";
Buffer.add_string buf ch;
loop ptr
| None ->
Buffer.add_string buf "\\";
Buffer.contents buf
| Some(ch, ptr) ->
Buffer.add_string buf ch;
loop ptr
| None ->
Buffer.contents buf
loop (Text.pointer_l line)
let rec load_lines ic acc =
Lwt_io.read_line_opt ic >>= function
| Some l ->
load_lines ic (unescape l :: acc)
| None ->
return acc
let load_history name =
if Sys.file_exists name then
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.input name (fun ic -> load_lines ic [])
return []
let rec merge h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with
| l1 :: h1, l2 :: h2 when l1 = l2 ->
l1 :: merge h1 h2
| _ ->
h1 @ h2
let save_history name history =
lwt on_disk_history = load_history name in
Lwt_io.lines_to_file name (Lwt_stream.map escape (Lwt_stream.of_list (merge (List.rev on_disk_history) (List.rev history))))