
347 lines
13 KiB
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from __future__ import with_statement
# Copyright (C) 2012 Tony Garnock-Jones. All rights reserved.
copyright_stmt = '(* Copyright (C) 2012 Tony Garnock-Jones. All rights reserved. *)'
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom
# XML utils
def attr(n,a,d=None): return n.getAttribute(a).strip() if n.hasAttribute(a) else d
def kids(e,t): return [k for k in e.getElementsByTagName(t) if k.parentNode is e]
# Identifier utils
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
keywords = set('type'.split())
def mlify(s):
s = s.replace('-', '_')
s = s.replace(' ', '_')
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
if s in keywords: s = s + '_'
return s
def ctor(s):
return mlify(s).capitalize()
def tname(s):
return mlify(s) + '_t'
# Load & parse the spec
with open('amqp0-9-1.stripped.xml') as f:
spec_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
amqp_elt = spec_xml.getElementsByTagName('amqp')[0]
major = int(attr(amqp_elt, 'major', '0'))
minor = int(attr(amqp_elt, 'minor', '0'))
port = int(attr(amqp_elt, 'port', '5672'))
revision = int(attr(amqp_elt, 'revision', '0'))
constant_elts = amqp_elt.getElementsByTagName('constant')
def constants():
for e in constant_elts:
yield (attr(e, 'name'), attr(e, 'value'))
domain_elts = amqp_elt.getElementsByTagName('domain')
domains = {}
for e in domain_elts:
domains[attr(e, 'name')] = attr(e, 'type')
def resolve(typename):
seen = set()
while True:
if typename in seen:
return typename
if typename in domains:
typename = domains[typename]
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
class DatalikeMixin:
def accessible_fields(self):
return [f for f in self.fields if not f.reserved]
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
def pattern(self, is_type = False, need_some = False):
if not self.accessible_fields:
return ctor(self.full_name)
elif is_type:
if need_some:
types = [(tname(f.type)+' option' if f.type != 'bit' else 'bit_t')
for f in self.accessible_fields]
types = [tname(f.type) for f in self.accessible_fields]
return '%s of (%s)' % (ctor(self.full_name), ' * '.join(types))
return '%s (%s)' % (ctor(self.full_name),
', '.join((mlify(f.name) for f in self.accessible_fields)))
def match_clause(self):
return ' | ' + self.pattern() + ' ->'
class Class(DatalikeMixin):
def __init__(self, index, name, fields, methods):
self.index = index
self.name = name
self.fields = fields
self.methods = methods
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
def full_name(self):
return self.name + '-properties'
class Method(DatalikeMixin):
def __init__(self, class_name, class_index, has_content, deprecated,
index, name, synchronous, responses, fields):
self.class_name = class_name
self.class_index = class_index
self.has_content = has_content
self.deprecated = deprecated
self.index = index
self.name = name
self.synchronous = synchronous
self.responses = responses
self.fields = fields
def full_name(self):
return self.class_name + '-' + self.name
class Field:
def __init__(self, name, type, reserved):
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.reserved = reserved
def load_fields(e):
return [Field(attr(f, 'name'),
resolve(attr(f, 'domain', attr(f, 'type'))),
int(attr(f, 'reserved', '0'))) \
for f in kids(e, 'field')]
class_elts = amqp_elt.getElementsByTagName('class')
classes = []
for e in class_elts:
classes.append(Class(int(attr(e, 'index')),
attr(e, 'name'),
[Method(attr(e, 'name'),
int(attr(e, 'index')),
int(attr(m, 'content', '0')),
int(attr(m, 'deprecated', '0')),
int(attr(m, 'index')),
attr(m, 'name'),
int(attr(m, 'synchronous', '0')),
[attr(r, 'name') for r in kids(m, 'response')],
load_fields(m)) \
for m in kids(e, 'method')]))
methods = []
for c in classes:
for m in c.methods:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
# Implementation restrictions
for c in classes:
if len(c.fields) > 15:
# We'd need to deal with more than one flags word
raise Exception("Having more than 15 fields in a class is not supported")
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
class BitAccumulator:
def __init__(self):
self.acc = []
def count(self):
return len(self.acc)
def add(self, x):
def flush(self):
if self.acc:
print ' write_octet output_buf (%s);' % (' lor '.join(self.acc),)
self.acc = []
def print_codec():
print copyright_stmt
print '(* WARNING: Autogenerated code. Do not edit by hand! *)'
print 'open Amqp_wireformat'
print 'open Sexp'
print 'let version = (%d, %d, %d)' % (major, minor, revision)
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let port = %d' % (port,)
for (n, v) in constants():
print 'let %s = %s' % (mlify(n), v)
for c in classes:
print 'let %s_class_id = %d' % (mlify(c.name), c.index)
print 'type method_t ='
for m in methods:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print ' | ' + m.pattern(True)
print 'let has_content m = match m with '
for m in methods:
if m.has_content:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print m.match_clause + ' true'
print ' | _ -> false'
print 'type properties_t ='
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print ' | ' + c.pattern(True, True)
print 'let is_synchronous m = match m with '
for m in methods:
if not m.synchronous:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print m.match_clause + ' false'
print ' | _ -> true'
print 'let sexp_of_method m = match m with '
for m in methods:
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print m.match_clause
if m.accessible_fields:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print ' Arr [Str "%s"; Str "%s"' % (m.class_name, m.name)
for f in m.accessible_fields:
print ' ; Arr [Str "%s"; sexp_of_%s(%s)]' % \
(f.name, mlify(f.type), mlify(f.name))
print ' ]'
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print ' Arr [Str "%s"; Str "%s"]' % (m.class_name, m.name)
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let method_name class_index method_index = match (class_index, method_index) with'
for m in methods:
print ' | (%d, %d) -> "%s"' % (m.class_index, m.index, ctor(m.full_name))
print ' | _ -> Printf.sprintf "unknown(%d/%d)" class_index method_index'
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let read_method class_index method_index input_buf = match (class_index, method_index) with'
for m in methods:
print ' | (%d, %d) ->' % (m.class_index, m.index)
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
bits_remaining = 0
for f in m.fields:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
target = '_' if f.reserved else mlify(f.name)
if f.type == 'bit':
if bits_remaining < 1:
print ' let bit_buffer = read_octet input_buf in'
bits_remaining = 8
print ' let %s = (bit_buffer land %d) <> 0 in' % \
(target, 1 << (8 - bits_remaining))
bits_remaining = bits_remaining - 1
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print ' let %s = read_%s input_buf in' % (target, mlify(f.type))
print ' ' + m.pattern()
print ' | _ -> raise (Amqp_exception (frame_error,'
print ' Printf.sprintf "Unknown method number %d/%d"'
print ' class_index method_index))'
print 'let method_index m = match m with'
for m in methods:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print m.match_clause + ' (%d, %d)' % (m.class_index, m.index)
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let write_method m output_buf = match m with'
for m in methods:
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print m.match_clause
acc = BitAccumulator()
for f in m.fields:
source = 'reserved_value_'+mlify(f.type) if f.reserved else mlify(f.name)
if f.type == 'bit':
if acc.count >= 8:
acc.add('(if %s then %d else 0)' % (source, 1 << acc.count))
print ' write_%s output_buf %s;' % (mlify(f.type), source)
print ' ()'
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let sexp_of_properties p = match p with '
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
print c.match_clause
print ' let fields__ = [] in'
for f in reversed(c.accessible_fields):
print ' let fields__ = (match %s with Some v -> Arr [Str "%s"; sexp_of_%s(v)] :: fields__ | None -> fields__) in' % \
(mlify(f.name), f.name, mlify(f.type))
print ' Arr fields__'
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let read_properties class_index input_buf = match class_index with'
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
print ' | %d ->' % (c.index,)
print ' let flags__ = read_short input_buf in'
property_bit = 15
for f in c.fields:
target = '_' if f.reserved else mlify(f.name)
if f.type == 'bit':
print ' let %s = if (flags__ land %d) <> 0 in' % \
(target, 1 << property_bit)
print (' let %s = if (flags__ land %d) <> 0 then '+
'Some (read_%s input_buf) else None in') % \
(target, 1 << property_bit, mlify(f.type))
property_bit = property_bit - 1
print ' ' + c.pattern()
print ' | _ -> raise (Amqp_exception (frame_error, Printf.sprintf "Unknown class number %d"'
print ' class_index))'
print 'let class_index p = match p with'
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
print c.match_clause + ' ' + str(c.index)
print 'let properties_of_sexp class_id ps_sexp = match class_id with'
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
print ' | %d ->' % (c.index,)
for f in c.accessible_fields:
print ' let %s = ref None in' % (mlify(f.name),)
print ' (match ps_sexp with'
print ' | Arr ps ->'
print ' List.iter (fun (p) -> match p with'
for f in c.accessible_fields:
print ' | Arr [Str "%s"; v] -> %s := Some (%s_of_sexp v)' % \
(f.name, mlify(f.name), mlify(f.type))
print ' | _ -> ()) ps'
print ' | _ -> ());'
print ' %s (%s)' % \
', '.join(('reserved_value_'+mlify(f.type) if f.reserved else '!'+mlify(f.name)
for f in c.fields)))
print ' | _ -> die internal_error (Printf.sprintf "Bad content class %d" class_id)'
2012-03-03 23:04:52 +00:00
print 'let write_properties p output_buf = match p with'
for c in classes:
if c.fields:
print c.match_clause
print ' let flags__ = 0'
property_bit = 15
for f in c.fields:
if not f.reserved:
if f.type == 'bit':
print ' lor (if %s then %d else 0)' % \
(mlify(f.name), 1 << property_bit)
print ' lor (match %s with Some _ -> %d | None -> 0)' % \
(mlify(f.name), 1 << property_bit)
property_bit = property_bit - 1
print ' in'
print ' write_short output_buf flags__;'
for f in c.fields:
source = 'reserved_value_%s' if f.reserved else mlify(f.name)
if f.type != 'bit':
print (' (match %s with Some v_ -> write_%s output_buf v_'+
' | None -> ());') % \
(source, mlify(f.type))
print ' ()'
if __name__ == '__main__':