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2012-05-05 22:18:23 +00:00
(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Module Lwt_ocaml_completion
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jérémie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
open Toploop
open Lwt
open Lwt_read_line
module TextSet = Set.Make(Text)
let set_of_list = List.fold_left (fun set x -> TextSet.add x set) TextSet.empty
let keywords = set_of_list [
"and"; "as"; "assert"; "begin"; "class"; "constraint"; "do";
"done"; "downto"; "else"; "end"; "exception"; "external"; "false";
"for"; "fun"; "function"; "functor"; "if"; "in"; "include";
"inherit"; "initializer"; "lazy"; "let"; "match"; "method"; "module";
"mutable"; "new"; "object"; "of"; "open"; "private"; "rec"; "sig";
"struct"; "then"; "to"; "true"; "try"; "type"; "val"; "virtual";
"when"; "while"; "with"; "try_lwt"; "finally"; "for_lwt"; "lwt";
let get_directives () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun k v set -> TextSet.add k set) Toploop.directive_table TextSet.empty
let complete_ident = ref (fun before ident after -> complete ~suffix:"" before ident after keywords)
let restart = ref (fun () -> ())
let list_files filter fname =
let dir = Filename.dirname fname in
Array.fold_left (fun set name ->
let absolute_name = Filename.concat dir name in
if try Sys.is_directory absolute_name with _ -> false then
TextSet.add (Filename.concat name "") set
else if filter name then
TextSet.add name set
(Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir))
let list_directories fname =
let dir = Filename.dirname fname in
Array.fold_left (fun set name ->
let name = Filename.concat dir name in
if try Sys.is_directory name with _ -> false then
TextSet.add name set
(Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir))
let lower = ['a'-'z']
let upper = ['A'-'Z']
let alpha = lower | upper
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let alnum = alpha | digit
let punct = ['!' '"' '#' '$' '%' '&' '\'' '(' ')' '*' '+' ',' '-' '.' '/' ':' ';' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '[' '\\' ']' '^' '_' '`' '{' '|' '}' '~']
let graph = alnum | punct
let print = graph | ' '
let blank = ' ' | '\t'
let cntrl = ['\x00'-'\x1F' '\x7F']
let xdigit = digit | ['a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
let space = blank | ['\n' '\x0b' '\x0c' '\r']
let uchar = ['\x00' - '\x7f'] | _ [ '\x80' - '\xbf' ]*
let identstart = [ 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' ]
let identbody = [ 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0' - '9' ]
let ident = identstart identbody*
let maybe_ident = "" | ident
(* Parse a line of input. [before] correspond to the input before the
cursor and [after] to the input after the cursor. The lexing buffer
is created from [before]. *)
rule complete_input before after = parse
(* Completion over directives *)
| (blank* '#' blank* as before') (maybe_ident as dir) (blank* as bl) eof {
if Hashtbl.mem Toploop.directive_table dir then
return (match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table dir with
| Directive_none _ ->
{ comp_state = (before ^ ";;", after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
| Directive_string _ ->
{ comp_state = (before ^ (if bl = "" then " \"" else "\""), after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
| Directive_bool _ ->
{ comp_state = ((if bl = "" then before ^ " " else ""), after);
comp_words = set_of_list ["false"; "true"] }
| Directive_int _ | Directive_ident _ ->
{ comp_state = ((if bl = "" then before ^ " " else ""), after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty })
return (match lookup dir (get_directives ()) with
| (_, words) when TextSet.is_empty words ->
{ comp_state = (before, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
| (prefix, words) ->
if bl = "" then
{ comp_state = (before' ^ prefix, after);
comp_words = words }
{ comp_state = (before, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty })
(* Completion on directive argument *)
| (blank* '#' blank* (ident as dir) blank* as before') (ident as arg) eof {
return (match try Some(Hashtbl.find directive_table dir) with Not_found -> None with
| Some (Directive_bool _) ->
complete ~suffix:";;" before' arg after (set_of_list ["false"; "true"])
| _ ->
{ comp_state = (before, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty })
(* Completion on packages *)
| (blank* '#' blank* "require" blank* '"' as before) ([^'"']* as package) eof {
return (complete ~suffix:"\";;" before package after (set_of_list (Fl_package_base.list_packages ())))
(* Completion on files *)
| (blank* '#' blank* "load" blank* '"' as before) ([^'"']* as fname) eof {
let list = list_files (fun name ->
Filename.check_suffix name ".cma" || Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo") fname in
return (complete ~suffix:"" before fname after list)
| (blank* '#' blank* "use" blank* '"' as before) ([^'"']* as fname) eof {
let list = list_files (fun _ -> true) fname in
return (complete ~suffix:"" before fname after list)
(* Completion on directories *)
| (blank* '#' blank* "directory" blank* '"' as before) ([^'"']* as fname) eof {
let list = list_directories fname in
return (complete ~suffix:"" before fname after list)
(* Completion on packages *)
| blank* '#' blank* ident blank* '"' [^'"']* '"' blank* eof {
return { comp_state = (before ^ ";;", after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
(* A line that do not need to be completed: *)
| blank* '#' blank* ident blank* '"' [^'"']* '"' blank* ";;" eof {
return { comp_state = (before, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }
| "" {
complete_end (Buffer.create (String.length before)) after lexbuf
and complete_end before after = parse
(* Completion on keywords *)
| ((ident '.')* maybe_ident as id) eof {
let before = Buffer.contents before in
return (!complete_ident before id after)
| uchar as ch {
Buffer.add_string before ch;
complete_end before after lexbuf
| "" {
return { comp_state = (Buffer.contents before, after);
comp_words = TextSet.empty }