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2012-05-05 22:18:23 +00:00
(* Ocsigen
* http://www.ocsigen.org
* Module lwt_preemptive.ml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Nataliya Guts, Vincent Balat, J<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>me Vouillon
* Laboratoire PPS - CNRS Universit<EFBFBD> Paris Diderot
* 2009 J<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>mie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "lwt(preemptive)"
open Lwt
open Lwt_io
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Parameters |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
(* Minimum number of preemptive threads: *)
let min_threads : int ref = ref 0
(* Maximum number of preemptive threads: *)
let max_threads : int ref = ref 0
(* Size of the waiting queue: *)
let max_thread_queued = ref 1000
let get_max_number_of_threads_queued _ =
let set_max_number_of_threads_queued n =
if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Lwt_preemptive.set_max_number_of_threads_queued";
max_thread_queued := n
(* The function for logging errors: *)
let error_log = ref (fun msg -> ignore (Lwt_log.error ~section msg))
(* The total number of preemptive threads currently running: *)
let threads_count = ref 0
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Preemptive threads management |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
type thread = {
task_channel: (int * (unit -> unit)) Event.channel;
(* Channel used to communicate notification id and tasks to the
worker thread. *)
mutable thread : Thread.t;
(* The worker thread. *)
mutable reuse : bool;
(* Whether the thread must be readded to the pool when the work is
done. *)
(* Pool of worker threads: *)
let workers : thread Queue.t = Queue.create ()
(* Queue of clients waiting for a worker to be available: *)
let waiters : thread Lwt.u Lwt_sequence.t = Lwt_sequence.create ()
(* Code executed by a worker: *)
let rec worker_loop worker =
let id, task = Event.sync (Event.receive worker.task_channel) in
task ();
(* If there is too much threads, exit. This can happen if the user
decreased the maximum: *)
if !threads_count > !max_threads then worker.reuse <- false;
(* Tell the main thread that work is done: *)
Lwt_unix.send_notification id;
if worker.reuse then worker_loop worker
(* create a new worker: *)
let make_worker _ =
incr threads_count;
let worker = {
task_channel = Event.new_channel ();
thread = Thread.self ();
reuse = true;
} in
worker.thread <- Thread.create worker_loop worker;
(* Add a worker to the pool: *)
let add_worker worker =
match Lwt_sequence.take_opt_l waiters with
| None ->
Queue.add worker workers
| Some w ->
wakeup w worker
(* Wait for worker to be available, then return it: *)
let rec get_worker _ =
if not (Queue.is_empty workers) then
return (Queue.take workers)
else if !threads_count < !max_threads then
return (make_worker ())
else begin
let (res, w) = Lwt.task () in
let node = Lwt_sequence.add_r w waiters in
Lwt.on_cancel res (fun _ -> Lwt_sequence.remove node);
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Initialisation, and dynamic parameters reset |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let get_bounds _ = (!min_threads, !max_threads)
let set_bounds (min, max) =
if min < 0 || max < min then invalid_arg "Lwt_preemptive.set_bounds";
let diff = min - !threads_count in
min_threads := min;
max_threads := max;
(* Launch new workers: *)
for i = 1 to diff do
add_worker (make_worker ())
let initialized = ref false
let init min max errlog =
initialized := true;
error_log := errlog;
set_bounds (min, max)
let simple_init _ =
if not !initialized then begin
initialized := true;
set_bounds (0, 4)
let nbthreads _ = !threads_count
let nbthreadsqueued _ = Lwt_sequence.fold_l (fun _ x -> x + 1) waiters 0
let nbthreadsbusy _ = !threads_count - Queue.length workers
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Detaching |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let detach f args =
simple_init ();
let result = ref `Nothing in
(* The task for the worker thread: *)
let task () =
result := `Success(f args)
with exn ->
result := `Failure exn
lwt worker = get_worker () in
let waiter, wakener = wait () in
let id =
Lwt_unix.make_notification ~once:true
(fun () ->
match !result with
| `Nothing ->
wakeup_exn wakener (Failure "Lwt_preemptive.detach")
| `Success value ->
wakeup wakener value
| `Failure exn ->
wakeup_exn wakener exn)
(* Send the id and the task to the worker: *)
Event.sync (Event.send worker.task_channel (id, task));
if worker.reuse then
(* Put back the worker to the pool: *)
add_worker worker
else begin
decr threads_count;
(* Or wait for the thread to terminates, to free its associated
resources: *)
Thread.join worker.thread
return ()