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2022-03-18 07:48:04 +00:00
# xdg-open-ng
2022-02-26 23:39:22 +00:00
An `xdg-open` replacement that uses Syndicate and PCRE pattern matching to open URIs.
2022-04-26 03:11:26 +00:00
There are two utilites, `xdg-open` and `uri_runner`. The former connects to a shared Syndicate dataspace via a UNIX socket at `$SYNDICATE_SOCK` otherwise `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dataspace` and as has no other configuration. The `uri_runner` component is intended to be managed by the [Syndicate server]( thru which it receives configuration, see [](./ as an example.
2022-02-26 23:39:22 +00:00
The [protocol.nim](./src/protocol.nim) file is generated from the [protocol.prs](./protocol.prs) schema, a [Tupfile]( file is provided to do this.
2022-02-26 23:39:22 +00:00
- Fallback commands?
2022-05-26 22:12:44 +00:00
## Examples
| Type | Rule |
| Bittorrent | <code><action-handler "magnet:?.*xt=urn:btih.*" ["transmission-remote-gtk" 0]></code> |
| Gemini | <code><action-handler "gemini://.*|file:///.*.gmi" ["/run/current-system/sw/bin/lagrange" 0]></code> |
| PDF | <code><action-handler "file://(.*.pdf)" ["mupdf" 1]></code> |
| Tox | <code><action-handler "tox:.*|uri:tox:.*", ["/nix/store/hix5jibhdzx0a2qbq5cqihac060zz10b-qtox-1.17.6/bin/qtox" 0]></code> |
| Twatter | <code><action-handler "*)" ["firefox" "--new-tab" "$1"]></code> |
| Video | <code><action-handler ".*\\.avi|.*\\.mkv|.*mp4|.*ogg|.*youtu.*|.*\\.m3u8|.*webm" ["mpv" "--no-terminal" "--force-window=immediate" "--loop-playlist" "--ytdl-format=best" 0]></code> |