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Tony Garnock-Jones bf0c30a160 Simplify gatekeeper client-side protocols 2024-06-07 11:53:22 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 599b4ed469 Packet::Nop 2024-05-19 21:32:44 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 6e555c9fd5 Update binary schemas 2024-04-19 12:57:14 +02:00
Emery Hemingway 8ebde104ca http: order absent fields first
This makes the absent variants the default initialization for
some implementations.
2024-04-19 10:51:40 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones c0239cf322 And with that we are almost back where we started with http.prs! 2024-04-10 15:16:35 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 9cc4175f24 Cope with HTTP/1.0's optional Host header 2024-04-10 14:54:19 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 70f42dd931 Another revision of http.prs 2024-04-10 14:31:27 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones ef1ebe6412 Sigh. <done> turns out to be a good idea in addition to <processing> 2024-04-10 13:24:25 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones ca18ca08df Alternative representation of dataspacePatterns 2024-04-09 09:15:21 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 40ca168eac Repair typo 2024-04-09 09:13:51 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 5a73e8d4c3 Alter dataspacePatterns language to make rec and arr more like dict 2024-04-04 16:31:09 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 710ff91a64 Revise http protocol 2024-04-01 15:56:07 +02:00
Tony Garnock-Jones c59e044695 Set embeddedType for noise 2024-03-28 15:49:48 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones bf0d47f1b7 Repair noise protocol 2024-03-28 15:17:28 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 7797a3cd09 Updated description of gatekeeper protocol 2024-03-22 10:11:57 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 9864ce0ec8 Switch `#!` to `#:` 2024-02-05 23:14:19 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 5dd68e87c1 Preserves 0.993 lacks float 2024-02-03 15:16:23 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones 97876335ba Save a few bytes on the wire. If not now, never I guess 2023-12-19 21:37:41 +13:00
Tony Garnock-Jones d7b330e6dd stdenv.prs 2023-12-04 22:25:40 +01:00
Tony Garnock-Jones fe9ceaf65c Update comment syntax for Preserves 0.991 2023-10-31 21:56:44 +01:00
15 changed files with 307 additions and 193 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
´³bundle·µ³tcp„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³TcpLocal´³rec´³lit³ tcp-local„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ TcpRemote´³rec´³lit³
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ByteString„„³service´³named³service´³refµ„³ServiceSelector„„„„´³named³protocol´³refµ„³ NoiseProtocol„„´³named³ preSharedKeys´³refµ„³NoisePreSharedKeys„„„„³ SessionItem´³orµµ± Initiator´³refµ„³ Initiator„„µ±Packet´³refµ„³Packet„„„„³ NoiseProtocol´³orµµ±present´³dict·³protocol´³named³protocol´³atom³String„„„„„µ±invalid´³dict·³protocol´³named³protocol³any„„„„µ±absent´³dict·„„„„„³ NoiseStepType´³lit³noise„³SecretKeyField´³orµµ±present´³dict·³ secretKey´³named³ secretKey´³atom³
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ExitStatus„„„„„„„„³FacetStopReason´³orµµ±explicitAction´³lit³explicit-action„„µ±inert´³lit³inert„„µ±parentStopping´³lit³parent-stopping„„µ± actorStopping´³lit³actor-stopping„„„„³TurnDescription´³rec´³lit³turn„´³tupleµ´³named³id´³refµ„³TurnId„„´³named³cause´³refµ„³ TurnCause„„´³named³actions´³seqof´³refµ„³ActionDescription„„„„„„³ActionDescription´³orµµ±dequeue´³rec´³lit³dequeue„´³tupleµ´³named³event´³refµ„³TargetedTurnEvent„„„„„„µ±enqueue´³rec´³lit³enqueue„´³tupleµ´³named³event´³refµ„³TargetedTurnEvent„„„„„„µ±dequeueInternal´³rec´³lit³dequeue-internal„´³tupleµ´³named³event´³refµ„³TargetedTurnEvent„„„„„„µ±enqueueInternal´³rec´³lit³enqueue-internal„´³tupleµ´³named³event´³refµ„³TargetedTurnEvent„„„„„„µ±spawn´³rec´³lit³spawn„´³tupleµ´³named³link´³atom³Boolean„„´³named³id´³refµ„³ActorId„„„„„„µ±link´³rec´³lit³link„´³tupleµ´³named³ parentActor´³refµ„³ActorId„„´³named³ childToParent´³refµ³protocol„³Handle„„´³named³
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controller´³embedded´³refµ„³Source„„„„„„„µ± StreamError´³refµ„³ StreamError„„µ±data´³rec´³lit³data„´³tupleµ´³named³payload³any„´³named³mode´³refµ„³Mode„„„„„„µ±eof´³rec´³lit³eof„´³tupleµ„„„„„„³Source´³orµµ±sink´³rec´³lit³sink„´³tupleµ´³named³
controller´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„„„„„µ± StreamError´³refµ„³ StreamError„„µ±credit´³rec´³lit³credit„´³tupleµ´³named³amount´³refµ„³ CreditAmount„„´³named³mode´³refµ„³Mode„„„„„„„„³LineMode´³orµµ±lf´³lit³lf„„µ±crlf´³lit³crlf„„„„³ StreamError´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³ CreditAmount´³orµµ±count´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ± unbounded´³lit³ unbounded„„„„³StreamConnection´³rec´³lit³stream-connection„´³tupleµ´³named³source´³embedded´³refµ„³Source„„„´³named³sink´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„´³named³spec³any„„„„³StreamListenerError´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-error„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³StreamListenerReady´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-ready„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³sturdy„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value³any„„„„³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Alts´³rec´³lit³or„´³tupleµ´³named³ alternatives´³seqof´³refµ„³Rewrite„„„„„„³PAnd´³rec´³lit³and„´³tupleµ´³named³patterns´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„³PNot´³rec´³lit³not„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³TRef´³rec´³lit³ref„´³tupleµ´³named³binding´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³PAtom´³orµµ±Boolean´³lit³Boolean„„µ±Float´³lit³Float„„µ±Double´³lit³Double„„µ± SignedInteger´³lit³ SignedInteger„„µ±String´³lit³String„„µ±
controller´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„„„„„µ± StreamError´³refµ„³ StreamError„„µ±credit´³rec´³lit³credit„´³tupleµ´³named³amount´³refµ„³ CreditAmount„„´³named³mode´³refµ„³Mode„„„„„„„„³LineMode´³orµµ±lf´³lit³lf„„µ±crlf´³lit³crlf„„„„³ StreamError´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³ CreditAmount´³orµµ±count´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ± unbounded´³lit³ unbounded„„„„³StreamConnection´³rec´³lit³stream-connection„´³tupleµ´³named³source´³embedded´³refµ„³Source„„„´³named³sink´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„´³named³spec³any„„„„³StreamListenerError´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-error„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³StreamListenerReady´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-ready„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³sturdy„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value³any„„„„³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Alts´³rec´³lit³or„´³tupleµ´³named³ alternatives´³seqof´³refµ„³Rewrite„„„„„„³PAnd´³rec´³lit³and„´³tupleµ´³named³patterns´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„³PNot´³rec´³lit³not„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³TRef´³rec´³lit³ref„´³tupleµ´³named³binding´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³PAtom´³orµµ±Boolean´³lit³Boolean„„µ±Double´³lit³Double„„µ± SignedInteger´³lit³ SignedInteger„„µ±String´³lit³String„„µ±
ByteString„„µ±Symbol´³lit³Symbol„„„„³PBind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³Caveat´³orµµ±Rewrite´³refµ„³Rewrite„„µ±Alts´³refµ„³Alts„„µ±Reject´³refµ„³Reject„„µ±unknown³any„„„³Reject´³rec´³lit³reject„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±PDiscard´³refµ„³PDiscard„„µ±PAtom´³refµ„³PAtom„„µ± PEmbedded´³refµ„³ PEmbedded„„µ±PBind´³refµ„³PBind„„µ±PAnd´³refµ„³PAnd„„µ±PNot´³refµ„³PNot„„µ±Lit´³refµ„³Lit„„µ± PCompound´³refµ„³ PCompound„„„„³Rewrite´³rec´³lit³rewrite„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„´³named³template´³refµ„³Template„„„„„³WireRef´³orµµ±mine´³tupleµ´³lit°„´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„„„„µ±yours´³ tuplePrefixµ´³lit°„´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„„´³named³ attenuation´³seqof´³refµ„³Caveat„„„„„„„³PDiscard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„³Template´³orµµ±
@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ Parameters
ByteString„„³oid´³named³oid³any„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³worker„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Instance´³rec´³lit³Instance„´³tupleµ´³named³name´³atom³String„„´³named³argument³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³service„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³State´³orµµ±started´³lit³started„„µ±ready´³lit³ready„„µ±failed´³lit³failed„„µ±complete´³lit³complete„„µ± userDefined³any„„„³
RunService´³rec´³lit³ run-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ ServiceState´³rec´³lit³ service-state„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³state´³refµ„³State„„„„„³ ServiceObject´³rec´³lit³service-object„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„´³named³object³any„„„„³RequireService´³rec´³lit³require-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³RestartService´³rec´³lit³restart-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ServiceDependency´³rec´³lit³
depends-on„´³tupleµ´³named³depender³any„´³named³dependee´³refµ„³ ServiceState„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³protocol„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³sync„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³assert„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„µ± Extension´³refµ„³ Extension„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³message„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³retract„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ Extension´³rec´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof³any„„„³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³ dataspace„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Observe´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ³dataspacePatterns„³Pattern„„´³named³observer´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³
depends-on„´³tupleµ´³named³depender³any„´³named³dependee´³refµ„³ ServiceState„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³protocol„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Nop´³lit€„³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³S„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³A„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„µ± Extension´³refµ„³ Extension„„µ±Nop´³refµ„³Nop„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³M„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³R„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ Extension´³rec´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof³any„„„³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³ dataspace„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Observe´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ³dataspacePatterns„³Pattern„„´³named³observer´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³
gatekeeper„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³ description´³refµ„³ Description„„´³named³target´³embedded³any„„´³named³observer´³refµ„³ BindObserver„„„„„³Step´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Bound´³orµµ±bound´³rec´³lit³bound„´³tupleµ´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³Route´³rec´³lit³route„´³ tuplePrefixµ´³named³
transports´³seqof³any„„„´³named³ pathSteps´³seqof´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„³Resolve´³rec´³lit³resolve„´³tupleµ´³named³step´³refµ„³Step„„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³PathStep´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Rejected´³rec´³lit³rejected„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Resolved´³orµµ±accepted´³rec´³lit³accepted„´³tupleµ´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³ Description´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³ ResolvePath´³rec´³lit³ resolve-path„´³tupleµ´³named³route´³refµ„³Route„„´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³ BindObserver´³orµµ±present´³embedded´³refµ„³Bound„„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ForceDisconnect´³rec´³lit³force-disconnect„´³tupleµ„„„³ResolvedPathStep´³rec´³lit³ path-step„´³tupleµ´³named³origin´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolve„„„´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„³TransportControl´³refµ„³ForceDisconnect„³TransportConnection´³rec´³lit³connect-transport„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³resolved´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³transportAddress„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Tcp´³rec´³lit³tcp„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³Unix´³rec´³lit³unix„´³tupleµ´³named³path´³atom³String„„„„„³Stdio´³rec´³lit³stdio„´³tupleµ„„„³ WebSocket´³rec´³lit³ws„´³tupleµ´³named³url´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³dataspacePatterns„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³DLit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value´³refµ„³AnyAtom„„„„„³DBind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³AnyAtom´³orµµ±bool´³atom³Boolean„„µ±float´³atom³Float„„µ±double´³atom³Double„„µ±int´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³
ByteString„„µ±symbol´³atom³Symbol„„µ±embedded´³embedded³any„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±DDiscard´³refµ„³DDiscard„„µ±DBind´³refµ„³DBind„„µ±DLit´³refµ„³DLit„„µ± DCompound´³refµ„³ DCompound„„„„³DDiscard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„³ DCompound´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³fields´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±arr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ´³named³items´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ´³named³entries´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„„„
transports´³seqof³any„„„´³named³ pathSteps´³seqof´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„³Resolve´³rec´³lit³resolve„´³tupleµ´³named³step´³refµ„³Step„„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolved„„„„„„³PathStep´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Rejected´³rec´³lit³rejected„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³Resolved´³orµµ±accepted´³rec´³lit³accepted„´³tupleµ´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„„µ±Rejected´³refµ„³Rejected„„„„³ Description´³rec´³named³stepType´³atom³Symbol„„´³tupleµ´³named³detail³any„„„„³ ResolvePath´³rec´³lit³ resolve-path„´³tupleµ´³named³route´³refµ„³Route„„„„„³ BindObserver´³orµµ±present´³embedded´³refµ„³Bound„„„µ±absent´³lit€„„„„³ ResolvedPath´³rec´³lit³ resolved-path„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„³ForceDisconnect´³rec´³lit³force-disconnect„´³tupleµ„„„³ResolvePathStep´³rec´³lit³resolve-path-step„´³tupleµ´³named³origin´³embedded´³refµ„³Resolve„„„´³named³pathStep´³refµ„³PathStep„„„„„³ConnectTransport´³rec´³lit³connect-transport„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„„„„³ResolvedPathStep´³embedded³any„³TransportControl´³refµ„³ForceDisconnect„³ConnectedTransport´³rec´³lit³connected-transport„´³tupleµ´³named³addr³any„´³named³control´³embedded´³refµ„³TransportControl„„„´³named³responderSession´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³transportAddress„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³Tcp´³rec´³lit³tcp„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³Unix´³rec´³lit³unix„´³tupleµ´³named³path´³atom³String„„„„„³Stdio´³rec´³lit³stdio„´³tupleµ„„„³ WebSocket´³rec´³lit³ws„´³tupleµ´³named³url´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³dataspacePatterns„´³schema·³version°³ definitions·³AnyAtom´³orµµ±bool´³atom³Boolean„„µ±double´³atom³Double„„µ±int´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ±string´³atom³String„„µ±bytes´³atom³
ByteString„„µ±symbol´³atom³Symbol„„µ±embedded´³embedded³any„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±discard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„„µ±bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„µ±lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value´³refµ„³AnyAtom„„„„„„µ±group´³rec´³lit³group„´³tupleµ´³named³type´³refµ„³ GroupType„„´³named³entries´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„„„³ GroupType´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„„„„„µ±arr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„„„

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
Observe = <Observe @pattern dataspacePatterns.Pattern @observer #!any>.
Observe = <Observe @pattern dataspacePatterns.Pattern @observer #:any>.

View File

@ -1,23 +1,30 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Dataspace patterns: a sublanguage of attenuation patterns.
Pattern = DDiscard / DBind / DLit / DCompound .
# Dataspace patterns: *almost* a sublanguage of attenuation patterns.
# One key difference is that Dataspace patterns are extensible, in that
# they ignore fields not mentioned in group patterns.
DDiscard = <_>.
DBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>.
DLit = <lit @value AnyAtom>.
DCompound = <rec @label any @fields [Pattern ...]>
/ <arr @items [Pattern ...]>
/ <dict @entries { any: Pattern ...:... }> .
Pattern =
/ @discard <_>
/ <bind @pattern Pattern>
/ <lit @value AnyAtom>
/ <group @type GroupType @entries { any: Pattern ...:... }>
GroupType =
/ <rec @label any>
/ <arr>
/ <dict>
AnyAtom =
/ @bool bool
/ @float float
/ @double double
/ @int int
/ @string string
/ @bytes bytes
/ @symbol symbol
/ @embedded #!any
/ @embedded #:any

View File

@ -1,58 +1,96 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Protocol at *gatekeeper* entities
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protocol at *gatekeeper* entities
; Assertion. Gatekeeper will attempt to resolve `step`, responding with a `Resolved` to
; `observer`.
Resolve = <resolve @step Step @observer #!Resolved> .
Resolved = <accepted @responderSession #!any> / Rejected .
# Assertion. Gatekeeper will attempt to resolve `step`, responding with a `Resolved` to
# `observer`.
Resolve = <resolve @step Step @observer #:Resolved> .
Resolved = <accepted @responderSession #:any> / Rejected .
Step = <<rec> @stepType symbol [@detail any]> .
; Protocol at dataspaces *associated* with gatekeeper entities
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protocol at dataspaces *associated* with gatekeeper entities
; Assertion. Gatekeeper will compute an appropriate PathStep from `description` pointing at
; `target`, and will respond with a `Bound` to `observer` (if supplied).
Bind = <bind @description Description @target #!any @observer BindObserver> .
# ## Handling `Resolve` requests
# When the gatekeeper entity receives a `Resolve` assertion (call it R1), it
# 1. asserts a `Resolve` (call it R2) into its associated dataspace that
# is the same as R1 except it has a different `observer`; and
# 2. observes a `Bind` with `description` matching the `step` of R1/R2
# according to `stepType` (e.g. treatment of SturdyStepType is not the
# same as treatment of NoiseStepType).
# Normally, an appropriate `Bind` is expected to exist. If the gatekeeper
# sees the `Bind` first, it takes the `target` from it and does whatever
# `stepType` mandates before replying to R1's observer.
# However, if a `Resolved` is asserted to R2's observer before a `Bind`
# appears, that resolution is relayed on to R1's observer directly, be it
# positive or negative, and the gatekeeper stops waiting for a `Bind`.
# This way, entities can keep an eye out for `Resolve` requests that will
# never complete, and answer `Rejected` to them even when no matching
# `Bind` exists. Entities could also use `Resolve` requests to synthesize a
# `Bind` in a "just-in-time" fashion.
# ## General treatment of `Bind` assertions
# When the gatekeeper sees a `Bind`, independently of any potential
# `Resolve` requests, it computes an appropriate PathStep from
# `description` pointing at `target`, and responds with a `Bound` to
# `observer` (if supplied).
Bind = <bind @description Description @target #:any @observer BindObserver> .
Description = <<rec> @stepType symbol [@detail any]> .
BindObserver = @present #!Bound / @absent #f .
BindObserver = @present #:Bound / @absent #f .
Bound = <bound @pathStep PathStep> / Rejected .
; Protocol at client-side dataspaces, for resolution utilities
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protocol at client-side dataspaces, for resolution utilities
; Assertion. In response to observation of this with appropriate captures/wildcards in `addr`
; and `resolved`, respondent will follow `route.pathSteps` starting from one of the
; `route.transports`, asserting `ResolvePath` with the final `Resolved` as well as the selected
; transport `addr` and a `control` for it.
ResolvePath = <resolve-path @route Route @addr any @control #!TransportControl @resolved Resolved> .
# The client-side operates using `rpc.Question`s and `rpc.Answer`s.
TransportConnection = <connect-transport @addr any @control #!TransportControl @resolved Resolved> .
ResolvedPathStep = <path-step @origin #!Resolve @pathStep PathStep @resolved Resolved> .
# Assert `rpc.Question` with `ResolvePath` to request resolution of `Route`. The resolution
# utility will continuously try to satisfy the request, following `route.pathSteps` starting
# from one of the `route.transports`, ultimately asserting `rpc.Answer` with an `rpc.Result` in
# response. If the process completes successfully, the `rpc.Result.ok` will carry a
# `ResolvedPath`.
ResolvePath = <resolve-path @route Route> .
ResolvedPath = <resolved-path @addr any @control #:TransportControl @responderSession #:any> .
# Assertions. As `ResolvePath`/`ResolvedPath`, but just for an initial transport link setup.
ConnectTransport = <connect-transport @addr any> .
ConnectedTransport = <connected-transport @addr any @control #:TransportControl @responderSession #:any> .
# Assertions. Like `ResolvePath`/`ResolvedPath`, but for incremental resolution along a route.
ResolvePathStep = <resolve-path-step @origin #:Resolve @pathStep PathStep> .
ResolvedPathStep = #:any .
PathStep = <<rec> @stepType symbol [@detail any]> .
; A `Route` describes a network path that can be followed to reach some target entity.
; It starts with a set of zero or more possible non-Syndicate `transports`. These could be
; `transportAddress.Tcp` values or similar. They are just suggestions; it's quite possible the
; endpoint is reachable by some means not listed. The network outside Syndicate is, after all,
; pretty diverse! In particular, *zero* `transports` may be provided, in which case some
; out-of-band means has to be used to make that first connection.
; The `transports` give instructions for contacting the first entity in the `Route` path. Often
; this will be a `gatekeeper`, or a `noise` protocol endpoint, or both. Occasionally, it may
; even be the desired target entity. Subsequent `pathSteps` describe how to proceed from the
; initial entity to the target.
; (`transports` should by rights be a set, not a sequence, but that opens up a Can Of Worms
; regarding dataspace patterns including literal sets that I can't deal with right now.)
# A `Route` describes a network path that can be followed to reach some target entity.
# It starts with a set of zero or more possible non-Syndicate `transports`. These could be
# `transportAddress.Tcp` values or similar. They are just suggestions; it's quite possible the
# endpoint is reachable by some means not listed. The network outside Syndicate is, after all,
# pretty diverse! In particular, *zero* `transports` may be provided, in which case some
# out-of-band means has to be used to make that first connection.
# The `transports` give instructions for contacting the first entity in the `Route` path. Often
# this will be a `gatekeeper`, or a `noise` protocol endpoint, or both. Occasionally, it may
# even be the desired target entity. Subsequent `pathSteps` describe how to proceed from the
# initial entity to the target.
# (`transports` should by rights be a set, not a sequence, but that opens up a Can Of Worms
# regarding dataspace patterns including literal sets that I can't deal with right now.)
Route = <route @transports [any ...] @pathSteps PathStep ...> .
TransportControl = ForceDisconnect .
ForceDisconnect = <force-disconnect> .
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rejected = <rejected @detail any> .

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
version 1 .
; Assertion in driver DS
; Causes creation of server and route
HttpBinding = <http-bind @host HostPattern @port int @method MethodPattern @path PathPattern @handler #!HttpRequest> .
# Assertion in driver DS
# Causes creation of server and route
HttpBinding = <http-bind @host HostPattern @port int @method MethodPattern @path PathPattern @handler #:HttpRequest> .
; Assertion in driver DS
; Describes active server and route
# Assertion in driver DS
# Describes active server and route
HttpService = <http-service @host HostPattern @port int @method MethodPattern @path PathPattern> .
; Assertion in driver DS
; Describes active listener
# Assertion in driver DS
# Describes active listener
HttpListener = <http-listener @port int> .
HostPattern = @host string / @any #f .
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ PathPatternElement = @label string / @wildcard =_ / @rest =... .
MethodPattern = @any #f / @specific @"Lowercase" symbol .
; Assertion in driver DS
# Assertion in driver DS
HttpRequest = <http-request
@sequenceNumber int
@host string
@host RequestHost
@port int
@method @"Lowercase" symbol
@path [string ...]
@ -31,14 +31,25 @@ HttpRequest = <http-request
Headers = {@"Lowercase" symbol: string ...:...} .
QueryValue = @string string / <file @filename string @headers Headers @body bytes> .
RequestBody = @present bytes / @absent #f .
RequestBody = @absent #f / @present bytes .
RequestHost = @absent #f / @present string .
; Assertion to handler entity
HttpContext = <request @req HttpRequest @res #!HttpResponse> .
# Assertion to handler entity
HttpContext = <request @req HttpRequest @res #:HttpResponse> .
# HttpResponse protocol. Delivered to the `res` ref in `HttpContext`.
# (status | header)* . chunk* . done
# Done triggers completion of the response and retraction of the frame by the peer. If the
# HttpBinding responsible for the request is withdrawn mid-way through a response (i.e. when
# chunked transfer is used and at least one chunk has been sent) the request is abruptly
# closed; if it is withdrawn at any other moment in the lifetime of the request, a 500 Internal
# Server Error is send to the client.
@<TODO "trailers?">
; Messages
HttpResponse =
# Messages.
/ <status @code int @message string>
/ <header @name symbol @value string>
/ <chunk @chunk Chunk>
@ -47,5 +58,5 @@ HttpResponse =
Chunk = @string string / @bytes bytes .
; e.g. text/plain, text/html, application/json
# e.g. text/plain, text/html, application/json
MimeType = symbol .

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@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Binding and connection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Binding and connection
NoiseStepType = =noise .
; In a gatekeeper.Step, use ServiceSelector as detail.
# In a gatekeeper.Step, use ServiceSelector as detail.
NoiseStepDetail = ServiceSelector .
; In a gatekeeper.PathStep, use a NoiseSpec as detail.
# In a gatekeeper.PathStep, use a NoiseSpec as detail.
NoisePathStepDetail = NoiseSpec .
; In a gatekeeper.Description, use a NoiseServiceSpec as detail.
# In a gatekeeper.Description, use a NoiseServiceSpec as detail.
NoiseDescriptionDetail = NoiseServiceSpec .
; Specification of target and bind addresses
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specification of target and bind addresses
ServiceSelector = any .
NoiseSpec = {
; The `serviceSelector` to use in a `NoiseStep` for `gatekeeper.Resolve`.
# The `serviceSelector` to use in a `NoiseStep` for `gatekeeper.Resolve`.
service: ServiceSelector,
; The responder's static public key. If not required (uncommon!), supply the empty ByteString.
# The responder's static public key. If not required (uncommon!), supply the empty ByteString.
key: bytes,
& @protocol NoiseProtocol
@ -34,32 +35,49 @@ NoiseSpec = {
NoiseServiceSpec = @base NoiseSpec & @secretKey SecretKeyField .
SecretKeyField = @present { secretKey: bytes } / @invalid { secretKey: any } / @absent {} .
; If absent, a default of DefaultProtocol is used. Most services will speak the default.
# If absent, a default of DefaultProtocol is used. Most services will speak the default.
NoiseProtocol = @present { protocol: string } / @invalid { protocol: any } / @absent {} .
DefaultProtocol = "Noise_NK_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" .
; If present, Noise pre-shared-keys (PSKs) are drawn from the sequence as required; if the
; sequence is exhausted or not supplied, an all-zeros key is used each time a PSK is needed.
# If present, Noise pre-shared-keys (PSKs) are drawn from the sequence as required; if the
# sequence is exhausted or not supplied, an all-zeros key is used each time a PSK is needed.
NoisePreSharedKeys = @present { preSharedKeys: [bytes ...] } / @invalid { preSharedKeys: any } / @absent {} .
; Sessions proceed by sending Packets to the initiatorSession and responderSession according to
; the Noise protocol definition. Each Packet represents a complete logical unit of
; communication; for example, a complete Turn when layering the Syndicate protocol over Noise.
; Note well the restriction on Noise messages: no individual complete packet or packet fragment
; may exceed 65535 bytes (N.B. not 65536!). When `fragmented`, each portion of a Packet is a
; complete Noise "transport message"; when `complete`, the whole thing is likewise a complete
; "transport message".
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handshaking and running a session
# 1. initiator asserts <resolve <noise ServiceSelector> #:A> at Gatekeeper
# 2. gatekeeper asserts <accepted #:B> at #:A
# 3. initiator asserts <initiator #:C> at #:B and then sends `Packet`s to #:B
# 4. responder sends `Packet`s to #:C
# Sessions begin with introduction of initiator (#:C) and responder (#:B) to each other, and
# then proceed by sending `Packet`s (from #:C) to #:B and (from #:B) to #:C according to
# the Noise protocol definition. Each `Packet` represents a complete logical unit of
# communication; for example, a complete Turn when layering the Syndicate protocol over Noise.
# Note well the restriction on Noise messages: no individual complete packet or packet fragment
# may exceed 65535 bytes (N.B. not 65536!). When `fragmented`, each portion of a `Packet` is a
# complete Noise "transport message"; when `complete`, the whole thing is likewise a complete
# "transport message".
# Retraction of the `Initiator` ends the session from the initiator-side; retraction of the
# `<accepted ...>` assertion ends the session from the responder-side.
SessionItem = Initiator / Packet .
# Assertion
Initiator = <initiator @initiatorSession #:Packet> .
# Message
Packet = @complete bytes / @fragmented [bytes ...] .
; When layering Syndicate protocol over noise,
; - the canonical encoding of the serviceSelector is the prologue
; - protocol.Packets MUST be encoded using the machine-oriented Preserves syntax
; - zero or more Turns are permitted per noise.Packet
; - each Turn must fit inside a single noise.Packet (fragment if needed)
; - payloads inside a noise.Packet may be padded at the end with byte 0x80 (128), which
; encodes `#f` in the machine-oriented Preserves syntax.
; In summary, each noise.Packet, once (reassembled and) decrypted, will be a sequence of zero
; or more machine-encoded protocol.Packets, followed by zero or more 0x80 bytes.
# When layering Syndicate protocol over noise,
# - the canonical encoding of the serviceSelector is the prologue
# - protocol.Packets MUST be encoded using the machine-oriented Preserves syntax
# - zero or more Turns are permitted per noise.Packet
# - each Turn must fit inside a single noise.Packet (fragment if needed)
# - payloads inside a noise.Packet may be padded at the end with byte 0x80 (128), which
# encodes `#f` in the machine-oriented Preserves syntax.
# In summary, each noise.Packet, once (reassembled and) decrypted, will be a sequence of zero
# or more machine-encoded protocol.Packets, followed by zero or more 0x80 bytes.

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
version 1 .
Packet = Turn / Error / Extension .
Packet = Turn / Error / Extension / Nop .
Extension = <<rec> @label any @fields [any ...]> .
Nop = #f .
Error = <error @message string @detail any>.
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ Oid = int .
Turn = [TurnEvent ...].
TurnEvent = [@oid Oid @event Event].
Assert = <assert @assertion Assertion @handle Handle>.
Retract = <retract @handle Handle>.
Message = <message @body Assertion>.
Sync = <sync @peer #!#t>.
Assert = <A @assertion Assertion @handle Handle>.
Retract = <R @handle Handle>.
Message = <M @body Assertion>.
Sync = <S @peer #:#t>.

schemas/rpc.prs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
# Assertion. Establishes a frame for a request.
Question = <q @request any> .
# Assertion or message. Responds to a question.
Answer = <a @request any @response any> .
# Value. Captures a common "ok-or-error" pattern as seen in e.g. Rust.
Result = <ok @value any> / <error @error any> .

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@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Asserts that a service should begin (and stay) running after waiting
; for its dependencies and considering reverse-dependencies, blocks,
; and so on.
# Asserts that a service should begin (and stay) running after waiting
# for its dependencies and considering reverse-dependencies, blocks,
# and so on.
RequireService = <require-service @serviceName any>.
; Asserts that a service should begin (and stay) running RIGHT NOW,
; without considering its dependencies.
# Asserts that a service should begin (and stay) running RIGHT NOW,
# without considering its dependencies.
RunService = <run-service @serviceName any>.
; Asserts one or more current states of service `serviceName`. The
; overall state of the service is the union of asserted `state`s.
; Only a few combinations make sense:
; - `started`
; - `started` + `ready`
; - `failed`
; - `complete`
# Asserts one or more current states of service `serviceName`. The
# overall state of the service is the union of asserted `state`s.
# Only a few combinations make sense:
# - `started`
# - `started` + `ready`
# - `failed`
# - `complete`
ServiceState = <service-state @serviceName any @state State>.
; A running service publishes zero or more of these. The details of
; the object vary by service.
# A running service publishes zero or more of these. The details of
# the object vary by service.
ServiceObject = <service-object @serviceName any @object any>.
; Possible service states.
# Possible service states.
State =
/ ; The service has begun its startup routine, and may or may not be
; ready to take requests from other parties.
/ # The service has begun its startup routine, and may or may not be
# ready to take requests from other parties.
/ ; The service is ready to take requests from other parties.
; (This state is special in that it is asserted *in addition* to `started`.)
/ # The service is ready to take requests from other parties.
# (This state is special in that it is asserted *in addition* to `started`.)
/ ; The service has failed.
/ # The service has failed.
/ ; The service has completed execution.
/ # The service has completed execution.
/ ; Extension or user-defined state
/ # Extension or user-defined state
@userDefined any
; Asserts that, when `depender` is `require-service`d, it should not be started until
; `dependee` has been asserted, and also that `dependee`'s `serviceName` should be
; `require-service`d.
# Asserts that, when `depender` is `require-service`d, it should not be started until
# `dependee` has been asserted, and also that `dependee`'s `serviceName` should be
# `require-service`d.
ServiceDependency = <depends-on @depender any @dependee ServiceState>.
; Message. Triggers a service restart.
# Message. Triggers a service restart.
RestartService = <restart-service @serviceName any>.

schemas/stdenv.prs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
version 1 .
# A "standard" route is
# - a collection of websocket urls, for transport.
# - a noise tunnel, for server authentication, confidentiality and integrity.
# - a macaroon, for authorization.
# Making these choices allows a compact representation. Encoding a binary-syntax representation
# of a standard route using base64 produces a somewhat-convenient blob of text representing
# access to a network object that users can cut and paste.
# A `stdenv.StandardRoute.standard` can be rewritten to a `gatekeeper.Route` like this (with
# `$caveats`, if any, added as appropriate):
# <route $transports <noise { service: $service key: $key }> <ref { sig: $sig oid: $oid }>>
StandardRoute =
/ @standard [@transports [StandardTransport ...]
@key bytes
@service any
@sig bytes
@oid any
@caveats sturdy.Caveat ...]
/ @general gatekeeper.Route
StandardTransport =
/ @wsUrl string
/ @other any

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@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Assertion:
StreamConnection = <stream-connection @source #!Source @sink #!Sink @spec any>.
# Assertion:
StreamConnection = <stream-connection @source #:Source @sink #:Sink @spec any>.
; Assertions:
# Assertions:
StreamListenerReady = <stream-listener-ready @spec any>.
StreamListenerError = <stream-listener-error @spec any @message string>.
; Assertion:
# Assertion:
StreamError = <error @message string>.
Source =
; Assertions:
/ <sink @controller #!Sink>
# Assertions:
/ <sink @controller #:Sink>
/ StreamError
; Messages:
# Messages:
/ <credit @amount CreditAmount @mode Mode>
Sink =
; Assertions:
/ <source @controller #!Source>
# Assertions:
/ <source @controller #:Source>
/ StreamError
; Messages:
# Messages:
/ <data @payload any @mode Mode>
/ <eof>
; Value:
# Value:
CreditAmount = @count int / @unbounded =unbounded .
; Value:
# Value:
Mode = =bytes / @lines LineMode / <packet @size int> / <object @description any>.
LineMode = =lf / =crlf .

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@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Binding and connection
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Binding and connection
SturdyStepType = =ref .
; In a gatekeeper.Step or gatekeeper.PathStep, use Parameters as detail.
# In a gatekeeper.Step or gatekeeper.PathStep, use Parameters as detail.
SturdyStepDetail = Parameters .
SturdyPathStepDetail = Parameters .
; In a gatekeeper.Description, use the following detail.
# In a gatekeeper.Description, use the following detail.
SturdyDescriptionDetail = {
oid: any,
key: bytes,
} .
; Macaroons
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macaroons
; The sequence of Caveats is run RIGHT-TO-LEFT.
; That is, the newest Caveats are at the right.
; Let f(k,d) = HMAC-BLAKE2s-256(k,d)[0..16),
; e = canonical machine-oriented serialization of some preserves value, and
; k = the original secret key for the ref.
; The `sig` is then f(f(f(f(k, e(oid)), ...), e(Caveat)), ...).
# The sequence of Caveats is run RIGHT-TO-LEFT.
# That is, the newest Caveats are at the right.
# Let f(k,d) = HMAC-BLAKE2s-256(k,d)[0..16),
# e = canonical machine-oriented serialization of some preserves value, and
# k = the original secret key for the ref.
# The `sig` is then f(f(f(f(k, e(oid)), ...), e(Caveat)), ...).
SturdyRef = <ref @parameters Parameters> .
Parameters = {
oid: any,
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Parameters = {
} & @caveats CaveatsField .
CaveatsField = @present { caveats: [Caveat ...] } / @invalid { caveats: any } / @absent {} .
; embodies 1st-party caveats over assertion structure, but nothing else
; can add 3rd-party caveats and richer predicates later
# embodies 1st-party caveats over assertion structure, but nothing else
# can add 3rd-party caveats and richer predicates later
Caveat = Rewrite / Alts / Reject / @unknown any .
Rewrite = <rewrite @pattern Pattern @template Template> .
Reject = <reject @pattern Pattern> .
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ Alts = <or @alternatives [Rewrite ...]>.
Oid = int .
WireRef = @mine [0 @oid Oid] / @yours [1 @oid Oid @attenuation Caveat ...].
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lit = <lit @value any>.
Pattern = PDiscard / PAtom / PEmbedded / PBind / PAnd / PNot / Lit / PCompound .
PDiscard = <_>.
PAtom = =Boolean / =Float / =Double / =SignedInteger / =String / =ByteString / =Symbol .
PAtom = =Boolean / =Double / =SignedInteger / =String / =ByteString / =Symbol .
PEmbedded = =Embedded .
PBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>.
PAnd = <and @patterns [Pattern ...]>.

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@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
TcpRemote = <tcp-remote @host string @port int>.
TcpLocal = <tcp-local @host string @port int>.
TcpPeerInfo = <tcp-peer @handle #!any @local TcpLocal @remote TcpRemote>.
TcpPeerInfo = <tcp-peer @handle #:any @local TcpLocal @remote TcpRemote>.

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@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ TurnId = any .
ExitStatus = =ok / protocol.Error .
; Trace information associated with a turn.
# Trace information associated with a turn.
TurnDescription = <turn @id TurnId @cause TurnCause @actions [ActionDescription ...]> .
; The cause of a turn.
# The cause of a turn.
TurnCause =
/ @turn <caused-by @id TurnId>
/ <cleanup>
@ -40,27 +40,27 @@ TurnCause =
LinkedTaskReleaseReason = =cancelled / =normal .
; An actual event carried within a turn.
# An actual event carried within a turn.
TurnEvent =
/ <assert @assertion AssertionDescription @handle protocol.Handle>
/ <retract @handle protocol.Handle>
/ <message @body AssertionDescription>
/ <sync @peer Target>
/ ; A souped-up, disguised, special-purpose `retract` event.
/ # A souped-up, disguised, special-purpose `retract` event.
@breakLink <break-link @source ActorId @handle protocol.Handle>
TargetedTurnEvent = <event @target Target @detail TurnEvent> .
; An action taken during a turn.
# An action taken during a turn.
ActionDescription =
/ ; The active party is processing a new `event` for `target` from the received Turn.
/ # The active party is processing a new `event` for `target` from the received Turn.
<dequeue @event TargetedTurnEvent>
/ ; The active party has queued a new `event` to be processed later by `target`.
/ # The active party has queued a new `event` to be processed later by `target`.
<enqueue @event TargetedTurnEvent>
/ ; The active party is processing an internally-queued event for one of its own entities.
/ # The active party is processing an internally-queued event for one of its own entities.
@dequeueInternal <dequeue-internal @event TargetedTurnEvent>
/ ; The active party has scheduled an internally-queued event for one of its own entities.
/ # The active party has scheduled an internally-queued event for one of its own entities.
@enqueueInternal <enqueue-internal @event TargetedTurnEvent>
/ <spawn @link bool @id ActorId>
/ <link
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ ActionDescription =
/ @linkedTaskStart <linked-task-start @taskName Name @id TaskId>
; An assertion or the body of a message: either a Preserves value, or
; some opaque system-internal value, represented according to the
; system concerned.
# An assertion or the body of a message: either a Preserves value, or
# some opaque system-internal value, represented according to the
# system concerned.
AssertionDescription =
/ <value @value any>
/ <opaque @description any>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ FacetStopReason =
Target = <entity @actor ActorId @facet FacetId @oid Oid> .
; For the future: consider including information about `protocol`-level `Turn`s etc sent to
; peers over e.g. Websockets or TCP/IP, allowing cross-correlation of traces from different
; processes and implementations with each other to form a large overall picture.
# For the future: consider including information about `protocol`-level `Turn`s etc sent to
# peers over e.g. Websockets or TCP/IP, allowing cross-correlation of traces from different
# processes and implementations with each other to form a large overall picture.

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
version 1 .
Authority = [ @username any @password any @host any @port any ] .
; Uniform Resource Identifier
; <uri "https" [#f, #f, "", #f] "/doc/html/rfc3986" #f #f>
Uri = <uri @scheme string @auth Authority @path any @query any @fragment any> .