
170 lines
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preserves, std/tables
HostPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`host`, `any`
`HostPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: HostPatternKind
of HostPatternKind.`host`:
`host`*: string
of HostPatternKind.`any`:
`any`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
HttpListener* {.preservesRecord: "http-listener".} = object
`port`*: BiggestInt
MethodPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`any`, `specific`
`MethodPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: MethodPatternKind
of MethodPatternKind.`any`:
`any`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
of MethodPatternKind.`specific`:
`specific`*: Symbol
MimeType* = Symbol
QueryValueKind* {.pure.} = enum
`string`, `file`
QueryValueFile* {.preservesRecord: "file".} = object
`filename`*: string
`headers`*: Headers
`body`*: seq[byte]
`QueryValue`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: QueryValueKind
of QueryValueKind.`string`:
`string`*: string
of QueryValueKind.`file`:
`file`*: QueryValueFile
HttpRequest* {.preservesRecord: "http-request".} = object
`sequenceNumber`*: BiggestInt
`host`*: string
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: Symbol
`path`*: seq[string]
`headers`*: Headers
`query`*: Table[Symbol, seq[QueryValue]]
`body`*: RequestBody
RequestBodyKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `absent`
`RequestBody`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: RequestBodyKind
of RequestBodyKind.`present`:
`present`*: seq[byte]
of RequestBodyKind.`absent`:
`absent`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
Headers* = Table[Symbol, string]
HttpResponseKind* {.pure.} = enum
`status`, `header`, `chunk`, `done`
HttpResponseStatus* {.preservesRecord: "status".} = object
`code`*: BiggestInt
`message`*: string
HttpResponseHeader* {.preservesRecord: "header".} = object
`name`*: Symbol
`value`*: string
HttpResponseChunk* {.preservesRecord: "chunk".} = object
`chunk`*: Chunk
HttpResponseDone* {.preservesRecord: "done".} = object
`chunk`*: Chunk
`HttpResponse`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: HttpResponseKind
of HttpResponseKind.`status`:
`status`*: HttpResponseStatus
of HttpResponseKind.`header`:
`header`*: HttpResponseHeader
of HttpResponseKind.`chunk`:
`chunk`*: HttpResponseChunk
of HttpResponseKind.`done`:
`done`*: HttpResponseDone
HttpService* {.preservesRecord: "http-service".} = object
`host`*: HostPattern
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: MethodPattern
`path`*: PathPattern
HttpBinding* {.preservesRecord: "http-bind".} = object
`host`*: HostPattern
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: MethodPattern
`path`*: PathPattern
`handler`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Value
HttpContext* {.preservesRecord: "request".} = object
`req`*: HttpRequest
`res`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Value
PathPatternElementKind* {.pure.} = enum
`label`, `wildcard`, `rest`
`PathPatternElement`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: PathPatternElementKind
of PathPatternElementKind.`label`:
`label`*: string
of PathPatternElementKind.`wildcard`:
`wildcard`* {.preservesLiteral: "_".}: bool
of PathPatternElementKind.`rest`:
`rest`* {.preservesLiteral: "|...|".}: bool
ChunkKind* {.pure.} = enum
`string`, `bytes`
`Chunk`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ChunkKind
of ChunkKind.`string`:
`string`*: string
of ChunkKind.`bytes`:
`bytes`*: seq[byte]
PathPattern* = seq[PathPatternElement]
proc `$`*(x: HostPattern | HttpListener | MethodPattern | MimeType | QueryValue |
HttpRequest |
RequestBody |
Headers |
HttpResponse |
HttpService |
HttpBinding |
HttpContext |
PathPatternElement |
Chunk |
PathPattern): string =
proc encode*(x: HostPattern | HttpListener | MethodPattern | MimeType |
QueryValue |
HttpRequest |
RequestBody |
Headers |
HttpResponse |
HttpService |
HttpBinding |
HttpContext |
PathPatternElement |
Chunk |
PathPattern): seq[byte] =