# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import std/[deques, hashes, options, times] import pkg/cps import preserves import ../syndicate/protocols/[protocol, sturdy] # const traceSyndicate {.booldefine.}: bool = true const traceSyndicate* = true when traceSyndicate: import std/streams from std/os import getEnv import ./protocols/trace export protocol.Handle type Cont* = ref object of Continuation turn: Turn facet: Facet Handler* = proc() {.closure.} Work = Deque[Cont] HandlerDeque = seq[ContinuationProc[Continuation]] FacetState = enum fFresh, fRunning, fEnded Facet* = ref object ## https://synit.org/book/glossary.html#facet actor: Actor parent: Facet children: seq[Facet] stopHandlers: HandlerDeque state: FacetState when traceSyndicate: id: FacetId Turn* = ref object ## https://synit.org/book/glossary.html#turn facet: Facet entity: Entity event: Option[protocol.Event] work: Work when traceSyndicate: desc: TurnDescription Entity* = ref object of RootObj ## https://synit.org/book/glossary.html#entity facet*: Facet oid*: sturdy.Oid # oid is how Entities are identified over the wire when traceSyndicate: id: FacetId Cap* {.final, preservesEmbedded.} = ref object of EmbeddedObj relay*: Facet target*: Entity attenuation*: seq[sturdy.Caveat] Actor* = ref object ## https://synit.org/book/glossary.html#actor # crashHandlers: HandlerDeque root: Facet handleAllocator: Handle facetIdAllocator: int id: ActorId when traceSyndicate: traceStream: FileStream stopped: bool template syndicate*(prc: typed): untyped = cps(Cont, prc) proc activeTurn*(c: Cont): Turn {.cpsVoodoo.} = ## Return the active `Turn` within a `{.syndicate.}` context. assert not c.turn.isNil c.turn proc activeFacet*(c: Cont): Facet {.cpsVoodoo.} = ## Return the active `Facet` within a `{.syndicate.}` context. assert not c.facet.isNil c.facet proc activeActor*(c: Cont): Actor {.cpsVoodoo.} = ## Return the active `Actor` within a `{.syndicate.}` context. assert not c.turn.isNil c.facet.actor using actor: Actor facet: Facet entity: Entity cap: Cap turn: Turn proc hash*(facet): Hash = facet.unsafeAddr.hash proc hash*(cap): Hash = cap.unsafeAddr.hash proc newFacet(actor: Actor; parent: Facet): Facet = inc(actor.facetIdAllocator) result = Facet( actor: actor, parent: parent, id: actor.facetIdAllocator.toPreserves, ) proc stopped*(facet): bool = facet.state != fRunning proc newActor(name: string): Actor = result = Actor(id: name.toPreserves) result.root = newFacet(result, nil) when traceSyndicate: let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE", "") case path of "": discard of "-": result.traceStream = newFileStream(stderr) else: result.traceStream = openFileStream(path, fmWrite) when traceSyndicate: proc trace(actor; act: ActorActivation) = if not actor.traceStream.isNil: var entry = TraceEntry( timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(), actor: actor.id, item: act, ) actor.traceStream.writeLine($entry.toPreserves) proc trace(actor; turn) = if not actor.traceStream.isNil: actor.trace(ActorActivation( orKind: ActorActivationKind.turn, turn: turn.desc, )) proc traceTarget(cap): trace.Target = let facet = cap.relay Target( actor: facet.actor.id, facet: facet.id, oid: cap.target.oid.toPreserves, ) proc traceTarget(turn): trace.Target = let facet = turn.facet Target( actor: facet.actor.id, facet: facet.id, ) proc newExternalTurn(facet): Turn = result = Turn(facet: facet) when traceSyndicate: result.desc = TurnDescription(cause: TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external)) proc pass*(a, b: Cont): Cont = b.turn = a.turn if b.facet.isNil: b.facet = a.facet # TODO: whelp a new continuation at facet boundaries? b proc queue(t: Turn; c: Cont) = c.facet = t.facet t.work.addLast(c) proc queue(c: Cont): Cont {.cpsMagic.} = queue(c.turn, c) nil proc complete(turn; c: Cont) = var c = c try: while not c.isNil and not c.fn.isNil: c.turn = turn var y = c.fn var x = y(c) c = Cont(x) except CatchableError as err: if not c.dismissed: writeStackFrames c # terminate(c.facet, err) proc run(turn) = let actor = turn.facet.actor assert not actor.stopped while turn.work.len > 0: complete(turn, turn.work.popFirst()) when traceSyndicate: actor.trace(turn) if actor.stopped: trace(actor, ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.stop)) proc start(actor; cont: Cont) = when traceSyndicate: var act = ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.start) trace(actor, act) actor.root.state = fRunning let turn = actor.root.newExternalTurn() turn.queue(cont) run(turn) proc stop(turn; actor) proc collectPath(result: var seq[FacetId]; facet) = if not facet.parent.isNil: collectPath(result, facet.parent) result.add(facet.id) proc runNextStop(c: Cont; facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} = c.fn = facet.stopHandlers.pop() result = c proc runNextFacetStop() {.syndicate.} = activeFacet().runNextStop() proc stop(turn; facet; reason: FacetStopReason) = while facet.stopHandlers.len > 0: var c = whelp runNextFacetStop() c.facet = facet complete(turn, c) while facet.children.len > 0: stop(turn, facet.children.pop(), FacetStopReason.parentStopping) when traceSyndicate: var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetstop) collectPath(act.facetstop.path, facet) act.facetStop.reason = reason turn.desc.actions.add act if facet.parent.isNil: facet.actor.root = nil stop(turn, facet.actor) proc stop(turn; actor) = if not actor.root.isNil: stop(turn, actor.root, FacetStopReason.actorStopping) actor.stopped = true proc bootActor*(name: string, c: Cont) = start(newActor(name), c) proc stopActor(c: Cont; a: Actor): Cont {.cpsMagic.} = stop(c.turn, a) nil proc stopFacet(c: Cont; f: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} = stop(c.turn, f, FacetStopReason.explicitAction) nil proc stopFacet*() {.syndicate.} = queue() stop(activeTurn(), activeFacet(), FacetStopReason.explicitAction) proc stopActor*() {.syndicate.} = queue() stop(activeTurn(), activeActor()) type AssertionRef* = ref object value*: Value # if the Enity methods take a Value object then the generated # C code has "redefinition of struct" problems when orc is enabled method publish*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard method retract*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard method message*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) {.base.} = discard method sync*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; peer: Cap) {.base.} = discard proc newCap*(f: Facet; e: Entity): Cap = Cap(relay: f, target: e) proc nextHandle(facet: Facet): Handle = inc(facet.actor.handleAllocator) facet.actor.handleAllocator proc publish*(turn: Turn; cap: Cap; val: Value): Handle = result = turn.facet.nextHandle() when traceSyndicate: var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent( target: cap.traceTarget, detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.assert) ) act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.assert) act.enqueue.event.detail.assert = TurnEventAssert( assertion: AssertionDescription(orKind: AssertionDescriptionKind.value), handle: result, ) act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.assertion.value.value = val turn.desc.actions.add act proc retract*(turn; h: Handle) = when traceSyndicate: var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent( target: turn.traceTarget, detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.retract) ) act.enqueue.event.detail.retract = TurnEventRetract(handle: h) turn.desc.actions.add act proc message*(turn; cap; val: Value) = when traceSyndicate: var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent( target: turn.traceTarget, detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.message) ) act.enqueue.event.detail.message.body.value.value = val turn.desc.actions.add act proc sync*(turn; peer: Cap) = when traceSyndicate: var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent( target: turn.traceTarget, detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.sync) ) act.enqueue.event.detail.sync.peer = peer.traceTarget turn.desc.actions.add act proc publish*(cap: Cap; val: Value): Handle {.syndicate.} = publish(activeTurn(), cap, val) proc retract*(h: Handle) {.syndicate.} = activeTurn().retract(h) proc message*(cap: Cap; val: Value) {.syndicate.} = activeTurn().message(cap, val) proc sync*(cap: Cap) {.syndicate.} = activeTurn().sync(cap) proc installStopHook*(c: Cont, facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} = facet.stopHandlers.add(c.fn) return c