# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import std/[asyncdispatch, asyncfile, os, parseopt] import preserves, syndicate, syndicate/protocols/transportAddress type Present {.preservesRecord: "Present".} = object username: string Says {.preservesRecord: "Says".} = object who, what: string proc readStdin(facet: Facet; ds: Ref; username: string) = let file = openAsync("/dev/stdin") onStop(facet) do (turn: var Turn): close(file) close(stdin) proc readLine() {.gcsafe.} = let future = readLine(file) addCallback(future, facet) do (turn: var Turn): var msg = read(future) message(turn, ds, Says(who: username, what: msg)) readLine() readLine() proc chat(turn: var Turn; ds: Ref; username: string) = during(turn, ds, ?Present) do (who: string): echo who, " joined" do: echo who, " left" onMessage(turn, ds, ?Says) do (who: string, what: string): echo who, ": ", what discard publish(turn, ds, Present(username: username)) readStdin(turn.facet, ds, username) proc main = var transport: Preserve[void] cap: Preserve[Ref] username = getEnv("USER") calledWithArguments = false for kind, key, val in getopt(): calledWithArguments = true if kind == cmdLongOption: case key of "address", "transport": transport = parsePreserves(val) of "cap", "sturdy": cap = parsePreserves(val, Ref) of "user", "username": username = val if calledWithArguments: runActor("chat") do (root: Ref; turn: var Turn): var unixAddr: transportAddress.Unix tcpAddr: transportAddress.Tcp if fromPreserve(unixAddr, transport): connect(turn, unixAddr, cap) do (turn: var Turn; ds: Ref): chat(turn, ds, username) elif fromPreserve(tcpAddr, transport): connect(turn, tcpAddr, cap) do (turn: var Turn; ds: Ref): chat(turn, ds, username) main()