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No commits in common. "trunk" and "6cd5887b4cbfae08a6e2c52ceacfb5157c7fd5a1" have entirely different histories.

85 changed files with 1568 additions and 5525 deletions

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
source_env ..
use nix

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "preserves"]
path = preserves
url = ./preserves

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@ -1,105 +1,9 @@
# Syndicated Actors for Nim
# Syndicate
> The [Syndicated Actor model]( is a new model of concurrency, closely related to the actor, tuplespace, and publish/subscribe models.
Nim implementation of [Syndicate]( dataspaces and actors.
The Syndicate library provides a code-generator and DSL for writing idiomatic Nim within the excution flow of the Syndicated Actor Model. The library allows for structured conversations with other programs and other languages. It can be used to implement distributed systems but also makes it possible to create dynamically reconfigurable programs using a process controller and a configuration conversation.
## The Preserves Data Language
[Preserves]( is a data model and serialization format that is used to represent data in Syndicate conversations. The Preserves model features the familar boolean, integer, float, string, sequence, dictionaries, and set types. Less familar to Nim are the symbol and record types. The symbol is a string that is elevated for use in type comparisions and the record is a labelled (usually by symbol) collection of fields.
The textual representation isn't necessary to study before using Preserves because the Preserves model is a subset of Nim types and a code-generator is available to convert Preserves schemas to Nim modules.
### Preserves schema
[Here]( is an example schema for a chat protocol:
; Present is a record with symbol "Present" as record label
; and one string field referred to as "username".
Present = <Present @username string>.
; Says is a record with symbol "Says" as record label
; and two fields referred to as "who" and "what".
Says = <Says @who string @what string>.
### Code Generation
The [preserves_schema_nim]() utility would generate the following module for the preceding schema:
``` nim
Says* {.preservesRecord: "Says".} = object
`who`*: string
`what`*: string
Present* {.preservesRecord: "Present".} = object
`username`*: string
There are two types corresponding to the two records defined in the schema. The `preservesRecord` pragma allows for a lossless conversion between the Nim type system and Preserves records.
``` nim
present = Present(username: "Judy")
pr = present.toPreserve()
assert $pr == """<Present "Judy">"""
assert present.fromPreserve(pr) == true
## The Syndicate DSL
The Syndicate DSL can be entered using `runActor` which calls a Nim body with a [dataspace]( [Ref]( and a [turn]( The `Ref` is something that we can observe and publish assertions at, and a `Turn` is special type for temporal scoping and transactional semantics. Assertions can be published using the `Assertion` or equivalent `Preserve[Ref]` type, but using Nim types is preferred because they can be reliably consistent with schema.
### Publish
``` nim
runActor("main") do (turn: Turn):
let dataspace = newDataspace()
let presenceHandle = publish(turn, dataspace, Present(username: "Judy"))
# publish <Present "Judy"> to the dataspace
# the assertion can be later retracted by handle
message(turn, dataspace, Says(who: "Judy", what: "greetings"))
### React
We can react to assertions and messages within dataspaces using [patterns]( Patterns are constructed using a Nim type and the `?` operator. Again a Nim type is used rather than a raw Preserves for schema consistency.
``` nim
runActor("main") do (turn: Turn):
let dataspace = newDataspace()
during(turn, dataspace, ?Present) do (who: string):
# This body is active when the ?Present pattern is matched.
# The Present type contains two atomic values that can be matched
# within Syndicate model, and the Nim `during` macro matches those
# values to the types of the `do` handler.
stderr.writeLine("<", who, " joined>")
# This body is active when the match is retracted
stderr.writeLine("<", who, " left>")
onMessage(turn, dataspace, ?Says) do (who: string, what: string):
# messages are one-shot assertions and can also be matched
stderr.writeLine(who, ": ", what)
onMessage(turn, dataspace, Says ? {0: grab(), 1: drop()}) do (who: string):
# patterns can also be selectively constructed
stderr.writeLine("<", who, " says something>")
## Examples
### [test_chat](./tests/test_chat.nim)
Simple chat demo that is compatible with [](
SYNDICATE_ROUTE='<route [<unix "/run/user/1000/dataspace">] [<ref {oid: "syndicate" sig: #x"69ca300c1dbfa08fba692102dd82311a"}>]>' nim c -r tests/test_chat.nim --user:fnord
### [syndicate_utils](
This work has been supported by the [NLnet Foundation]( and the European Commission's [Next Generation Internet programme]( The [Syndicate Actor Model]( through the [NGI Zero PET]( program and this library as a part of the [ERIS project]( through [NGI Assure](
* Complete Syndicate DSL
* Timer driver
* Remote dataspaces
* Async-dispatch integration

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
: sbom.json |> !sbom-to-nix |> | ./<lock>

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
include depends.tup
NIM_GROUPS += $(TUP_CWD)/<lock>
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../cps
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../solo5_dispatcher/pkg
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../taps/src

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
include ../preserves-nim/depends.tup
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../preserves-nim/src
NIM_GROUPS += $(TUP_CWD)/<protocol>

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
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"name": "nix:fod:ref",
"value": "20230806"
"name": "nix:fod:srcDir",
"value": "src"
"dependencies": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/syndicate",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/nimcrypto",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/preserves",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/sys",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/taps",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/solo5_dispatcher",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/npeg",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/bigints",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/cps",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/stew",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/getdns",
"dependsOn": []

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
pkgs.buildNimPackage {
name = "dummy";
buildInputs = builtins.attrValues { inherit (pkgs) getdns solo5; };
nativeBuildInputs = builtins.attrValues { inherit (pkgs) pkg-config solo5; };

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
: foreach *.nim |> !nim_check |>

View File

@ -1,197 +1,228 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
## This module implements the `Syndicate DSL <>`_.
import std/[asyncdispatch, macros, options]
import preserves, preserves/records
import syndicate/[assertions, dataspaces, events, skeletons]
import std/[macros, tables, typetraits]
export preserves.fromPreserve
export assertions.Observe
export dataspaces.Facet
export dataspaces.FieldId
export dataspaces.Fields
export dataspaces.`==`
export dataspaces.addEndpoint
export dataspaces.addStartScript
export dataspaces.addStopScript
export dataspaces.beginExternalTask
export dataspaces.defineObservableProperty
export dataspaces.endExternalTask
export dataspaces.generateId
export dataspaces.hash
export dataspaces.recordDamage
export dataspaces.recordObservation
export dataspaces.scheduleScript
export dataspaces.stop
export events.EventKind
export skeletons.Analysis
import preserves
export fromPreserves, toPreserves
export asyncdispatch.`callback=`
export options.get
import ./syndicate/[actors, dataspaces, durings, patterns]
import ./syndicate/protocols/dataspace
proc getCurrentFacet*(): Facet = raiseAssert("must be called from within the DSL")
## Return the current `Facet` for this context.
export actors, dataspace, dataspaces, patterns
template stopIf*(cond, body: untyped): untyped =
## Stop the current facet if `cond` is true and
## invoke `body` after the facet has stopped.
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addDataflow do (facet: Facet):
if cond:
facet.stop do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
type Assertion* {.deprecated: "Assertion and Preserve[void] replaced by Value".} = Value
template send*(msg: Preserve): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
send(getCurrentFacet(), msg)
proc `!`*(typ: static typedesc): Pattern {.inline.} =
proc `?`*[T](val: T): Pattern {.inline.} =
proc `?:`*(typ: static typedesc): Pattern {.inline.} =
proc `?:`*(typ: static typedesc; bindings: sink openArray[(int, Pattern)]): Pattern {.inline.} =
patterns.grab(typ, bindings)
proc `?:`*(typ: static typedesc; bindings: sink openArray[(Value, Pattern)]): Pattern {.inline.} =
patterns.grab(typ, bindings)
PublishProc = proc (turn: Turn; v: Value; h: Handle) {.closure.}
RetractProc = proc (turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.closure.}
MessageProc = proc (turn: Turn; v: Value) {.closure.}
ClosureEntity = ref object of Entity
publishImpl*: PublishProc
retractImpl*: RetractProc
messageImpl*: MessageProc
method publish(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
if not e.publishImpl.isNil: e.publishImpl(turn, a.value, h)
method retract(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
if not e.retractImpl.isNil: e.retractImpl(turn, h)
method message(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
if not e.messageImpl.isNil: e.messageImpl(turn, a.value)
proc argumentCount(handler: NimNode): int =
handler.expectKind {nnkDo, nnkStmtList}
if handler.kind == nnkDo: result = pred handler[3].len
type HandlerNodes = tuple
valuesSym, varSection, body: NimNode
proc generateHandlerNodes(handler: NimNode): HandlerNodes =
handler.expectKind {nnkStmtList, nnkDo}
result.valuesSym = genSym(nskVar, "values")
let valuesTuple = newNimNode(nnkTupleTy, handler)
case handler.kind
of nnkStmtList:
result.body = handler
of nnkDo:
innerTuple = newNimNode(nnkVarTuple, handler)
varSectionInner = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).add(innerTuple)
for i, arg in handler[3]:
if i > 0:
arg.expectKind nnkIdentDefs
proc wrapDoHandler(pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
## Generate a procedure that unpacks a `pattern` match to fit the
## parameters of `handler`, and calls the body of `handler`.
handler.expectKind nnkDo
formalArgs = handler[3]
cbFacetSym = genSym(nskParam, "facet")
scriptFacetSym = genSym(nskParam, "facet")
recSym = genSym(nskParam, "bindings")
varSection = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler)
conditional: NimNode
argCount: int
for i, arg in formalArgs:
if i > 0:
arg.expectKind nnkIdentDefs
if arg[0] == ident"_" or arg[0] == ident"*":
if arg[1].kind != nnkEmpty:
error("placeholders may not be typed", arg)
if arg[1].kind == nnkEmpty:
error("type required for capture", arg)
var def = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs, arg)
arg.copyChildrenTo def
innerTuple.add(newEmptyNode(), result.valuesSym)
result.body = newStmtList(varSectionInner, handler[6])
var varDef = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs, arg)
arg.copyChildrenTo varDef
var conversion = newCall("fromPreserve", varDef[0],
newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add(recSym, newLit(pred i)))
if conditional.isNil:
conditional = conversion
conditional = infix(conditional, "and", conversion)
var scriptBody = newStmtList()
if argCount > 0:
conditional, handler[6])))
discard # caught earlier by expectKind
result.varSection = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).
add(newIdentDefs(result.valuesSym, valuesTuple))
proc wrapPublishHandler(turn, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
(valuesSym, varSection, publishBody) =
handleSym = ident"handle"
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "publish")
bindingsSym = ident"bindings"
scriptSym = genSym(nskProc, "script")
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "handler")
litArgCount = newLit argCount
quote do:
proc `handlerSym`(`turn`: Turn; `bindingsSym`: Value; `handleSym`: Handle) =
if fromPreserves(`valuesSym`, bindings):
proc `handlerSym`(`cbFacetSym`: Facet; `recSym`: seq[Preserve]) =
assert(`litArgCount` == captureCount(`pattern`), "pattern does not match handler")
# this should be a compile-time check
`litArgCount` == len(`recSym`),
"cannot unpack " & $`litArgCount` & " bindings from " & $(toPreserve `recSym`))
proc `scriptSym`(`scriptFacetSym`: Facet) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = `scriptFacetSym`
scheduleScript(`cbFacetSym`, `scriptSym`)
proc wrapMessageHandler(turn, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
(valuesSym, varSection, body) =
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "message")
bindingsSym = ident"bindings"
quote do:
proc `handlerSym`(`turn`: Turn; `bindingsSym`: Value) =
if fromPreserves(`valuesSym`, bindings):
proc wrapDuringHandler(turn, entryBody, exitBody: NimNode): NimNode =
(valuesSym, varSection, publishBody) =
bindingsSym = ident"bindings"
handleSym = ident"duringHandle"
duringSym = genSym(nskProc, "during")
if exitBody.isNil:
quote do:
proc `duringSym`(`turn`: Turn; `bindingsSym`: Value; `handleSym`: Handle): TurnAction =
if fromPreserves(`valuesSym`, `bindingsSym`):
proc wrapHandler(pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
case handler.kind
of nnkDo:
result = wrapDoHandler(pattern, handler)
of nnkStmtList:
let sym = genSym(nskProc, "handler")
result = quote do:
proc `sym`(facet: Facet; _: seq[Preserve]) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
quote do:
proc `duringSym`(`turn`: Turn; `bindingsSym`: Value; `handleSym`: Handle): TurnAction =
if fromPreserves(`valuesSym`, `bindingsSym`):
proc action(`turn`: Turn) =
result = action
error("unhandled event handler", handler)
macro onPublish*(turn: untyped; ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
## Call `handler` when an assertion matching `pattern` is published at `ds`.
proc onEvent(event: EventKind, pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
argCount = argumentCount(handler)
handlerProc = wrapPublishHandler(turn, handler)
handlerSym = handlerProc[0]
handler = wrapHandler(pattern, handler)
handlerSym = handler[0]
result = quote do:
if `argCount` != 0 and `pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len != `argCount`:
raiseAssert($`pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len & " values captured but handler has " & $`argCount` & " arguments - " & $`pattern`)
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, ClosureEntity(publishImpl: `handlerSym`))
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
let a = `pattern`
result.assertion = observe(a)
result.analysis = some(analyzeAssertion(a))
result.callback = wrap(facet, EventKind(`event`), `handlerSym`)
macro onMessage*(turn: untyped; ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
## Call `handler` when an message matching `pattern` is broadcasted at `ds`.
argCount = argumentCount(handler)
handlerProc = wrapMessageHandler(turn, handler)
handlerSym = handlerProc[0]
result = quote do:
if `argCount` != 0 and `pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len != `argCount`:
raiseAssert($`pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len & " values captured but handler has " & $`argCount` & " arguments - " & $`pattern`)
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, ClosureEntity(messageImpl: `handlerSym`))
macro onAsserted*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onEvent(addedEvent, pattern, handler)
macro during*(turn: untyped; ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; publishBody, retractBody: untyped) =
## Call `publishBody` when an assertion matching `pattern` is published to `ds` and
## call `retractBody` on retraction. Assertions that match `pattern` but are not
## convertable to the arguments of `publishBody` are silently discarded.
## The following symbols are injected into the scope of both bodies:
## - `bindings` - raw Preserves sequence that matched `pattern`
## - `duringHandle` - dataspace handle of the assertion that triggered `publishBody`
argCount = argumentCount(publishBody)
callbackProc = wrapDuringHandler(turn, publishBody, retractBody)
callbackSym = callbackProc[0]
result = quote do:
if `argCount` != 0 and `pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len != `argCount`:
raiseAssert($`pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len & " values captured but handler has " & $`argCount` & " arguments - " & $`pattern`)
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, during(`callbackSym`))
macro onRetracted*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onEvent(removedEvent, pattern, handler)
macro during*(turn: untyped; ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; publishBody: untyped) =
## Variant of `during` without a retract body.
`argCount` = argumentCount(publishBody)
callbackProc = wrapDuringHandler(turn, publishBody, nil)
callbackSym = callbackProc[0]
result = quote do:
if `argCount` != 0 and `pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len != `argCount`:
raiseAssert($`pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len & " values captured but handler has " & $`argCount` & " arguments - " & $`pattern`)
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, during(`callbackSym`))
macro onMessage*(pattern: Preserve; doHandler: untyped) =
onEvent(messageEvent, pattern, doHandler)
when defined(solo5):
echo """
/ \_\
/ ,__/ \ ____ __
/\__/ \, \ _______ ______ ____/ /_/________ / /____
\/ \__/ / / ___/ / / / __ \/ __ / / ___/ __ \/ __/ _ \
\ ' \__/ _\_ \/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /__/ /_/ / /_/ __/
\____/_/ /____/\__, /_/ /_/\____/_/\___/\__/_/\__/\___/
template onStart*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addStartScript do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template onStop*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addStopScript do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template publish*(a: Preserve): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addEndpoint do (_: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
result.assertion = a
template field*(F: untyped; T: typedesc; initial: T): untyped =
## Declare a field. The identifier `F` shall be a value with
## `get` and `set` procs.
mixin getCurrentFacet
declareField(getCurrentFacet(), F, T, initial)
# use the template defined in dataspaces
template react*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
addChildFacet(getCurrentFacet()) do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template stop*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
stop(getCurrentFacet()) do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template stop*(): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
template during*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onAsserted(pattern, handler)
onRetracted(pattern): stop()
template spawn*(name: string; spawnBody: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
spawn(getCurrentFacet(), name) do (spawnFacet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = spawnFacet
template withFacet*(f: Facet; body: untyped): untyped =
## Execute a Syndicate ``body`` using the ``Facet`` at ``f``.
import preserves, preserves/records
type Foo {.record: "foo".} = ref object
facet: Facet
i: int
proc incAndAssert(foo: Foo) =
withFacet foo.facet:
react: assert: foo
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = f
template syndicate*(ident, dataspaceBody: untyped): untyped =
proc `ident`*(facet: Facet) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
proc `ident`*(name = ""): Future[void] =
bootModule(name, `ident`)
type BootProc* = proc (facet: Facet) {.gcsafe.}
template boot*(module: BootProc) =
mixin getCurrentFacet
macro `?`*(x: untyped): untyped =
## Sugar for generating Syndicate patterns.
## `?_` is a pattern that matches but discards arbitrary
## values and `?` combined with any other identifier is
## a match and capture.
if eqIdent(x, "_"):
quote: toPreserve(Discard())
quote: toPreserve(Capture())

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/..
: foreach *.nim |> !nim_check |>
: patterns.nim |> !nim_bin |>

View File

@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, deques, hashes, monotimes, options, sets, tables, times]
import cps
import preserves
import ../syndicate/protocols/[protocol, sturdy]
import ../syndicate/protocols/trace
when defined(solo5):
import solo5_dispatcher
import pkg/sys/ioqueue
const tracing = defined(traceSyndicate)
when tracing:
import std/streams
when not defined(solo5):
from std/os import getEnv
export Handle
Oid = sturdy.Oid
Caveat = sturdy.Caveat
Attenuation = seq[Caveat]
Rewrite = sturdy.Rewrite
AssertionRef* = ref object
value*: Value
# if the Enity methods take a Value object then the generated
# C code has "redefinition of struct" problems when orc is enabled
Entity* = ref object of RootObj
facet*: Facet
oid*: Oid # oid is how Entities are identified over the wire
Cap* {.preservesEmbedded.} = ref object of EmbeddedObj
target*: Entity
relay*: Facet
# Entity has facet but a Cap is also scoped to a relay Facet
attenuation*: Attenuation
Ref* {.deprecated: "Ref was renamed to Cap".} = Cap
OutboundAssertion = ref object
handle: Handle
peer: Cap
established: bool
OutboundTable = Table[Handle, OutboundAssertion]
Actor* = ref object
next: Actor
name: string
handleAllocator: ref Handle
# a fresh actor gets a new ref Handle and
# all actors spawned from it get the same ref.
root: Facet
exitReason: ref Exception
exitHooks: seq[TurnAction]
id: ActorId
facetIdAllocator: uint
exiting, exited: bool
TurnAction* = proc (t: Turn) {.closure.}
Turn* = var TurnRef
TurnRef* = ref object
facet: Facet # active facet that may change during a turn
work: Deque[tuple[facet: Facet, act: TurnAction]]
effects: Table[Actor, TurnRef]
when tracing:
desc: TurnDescription
Facet* = ref FacetObj
FacetObj = object
actor*: Actor
parent: Facet
children: HashSet[Facet]
outbound: OutboundTable
shutdownActions: seq[TurnAction]
inertCheckPreventers: int
id: FacetId
isAlive: bool
var turnQueue {.threadvar.}: Deque[TurnRef]
when tracing:
when defined(solo5):
proc traceActivation(actor: Actor; act: ActorActivation) =
discard #[
echo TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
actor: initRecord("named",,
item: act,
proc openTraceStream: FileStream =
let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE")
case path
of "": stderr.writeLine "$SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE unset"
of "-": result = newFileStream(stderr)
else: result = openFileStream(path, fmWrite)
let traceStream = openTraceStream()
proc traceActivation(actor: Actor; act: ActorActivation) =
if not traceStream.isNil:
var entry = TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
actor: initRecord("named",,
item: act)
var turnIdAllocator: uint
proc nextTurnId(): TurnId =
proc path(facet: Facet): seq[FacetId] =
var f = facet
while not f.isNil:
f = f.parent
proc initEnqueue(turn: Turn; cap: Cap): ActionDescription =
result = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) = = =
proc toDequeue(act: sink ActionDescription): ActionDescription =
result = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.dequeue)
result.dequeue.event = move act.enqueue.event
proc toTraceTarget(cap: Cap): Target =
assert not
assert not =
result.facet =
result.oid =
converter toActor(f: Facet): Actor =
converter toActor(t: Turn): Actor =
converter toFacet(a: Actor): Facet = a.root
converter toFacet(t: Turn): Facet = t.facet
actor: Actor
facet: Facet
turn: Turn
action: TurnAction
proc labels(f: Facet): string =
assert not f.isNil
assert not
proc catLabels(f: Facet; labels: var string) =
if not f.parent.isNil:
catLabels(f.parent, labels)
labels.add ':'
labels.add $
catLabels(f, result)
proc `$`*(f: Facet): string =
"<Facet:" & f.labels & ">"
proc `$`*(actor: Actor): string =
"<Actor:" & & ">" # TODO: ambigous
when tracing:
proc `$`*(r: Cap): string =
"<Ref:" & r.relay.labels & ">"
proc `$`*(t: Turn): string =
"<Turn:" & $ & ">"
proc attenuate*(r: Cap; a: Attenuation): Cap =
if a.len == 0: result = r
else: result = Cap(
relay: r.relay,
attenuation: a & r.attenuation)
proc hash*(actor): Hash =
result = actor[].unsafeAddr.hash
proc hash*(facet): Hash =
proc hash*(r: Cap): Hash = !$(r.relay.hash !&
proc actor*(turn): Actor =
proc nextHandle(facet: Facet): Handle =
result = succ([])[] = result
template recallFacet(turn: Turn; body: untyped): untyped =
let facet = turn.facet
assert ==
turn.facet = facet
proc queueWork*(turn: Turn; facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
assert not facet.isNil, act,))
proc queueTurn*(facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
var turn = TurnRef(facet: facet)
assert not facet.isNil, act,))
when tracing: = nextTurnId()
proc queueTurn*(prev: Turn; facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
var next = TurnRef(facet: facet)
assert not facet.isNil, act,))
when tracing: = nextTurnId()
next.desc.cause = TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.turn) =
proc run*(facet: Facet; action: TurnAction) = queueTurn(facet, action)
## Alias to queueTurn_.
proc facet*(turn: Turn): Facet = turn.facet
proc queueEffect*(turn: Turn; target: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
let fremd =
if fremd ==, act,))
var fremdTurn = turn.effects.getOrDefault(fremd)
if fremdTurn.isNil:
fremdTurn = TurnRef(facet: target)
turn.effects[fremd] = fremdTurn
when tracing: = nextTurnId()
fremdTurn.desc.cause = TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.turn) =, act,))
type Bindings = Table[Value, Value]
proc match(bindings: var Bindings; p: Pattern; v: Value): bool =
case p.orKind
of PatternKind.Pdiscard: result = true
of PatternKind.Patom:
result = case p.patom
of PAtom.Boolean: v.isBoolean
of PAtom.Double: v.isFloat
of PAtom.Signedinteger: v.isInteger
of PAtom.String: v.isString
of PAtom.Bytestring: v.isByteString
of PAtom.Symbol: v.isSymbol
of PatternKind.Pembedded:
result = v.isEmbedded
of PatternKind.Pbind:
if match(bindings, p.pbind.pattern, v):
bindings[p.pbind.pattern.toPreserves] = v
result = true
of PatternKind.Pand:
for pp in p.pand.patterns:
result = match(bindings, pp, v)
if not result: break
of PatternKind.Pnot:
var b: Bindings
result = not match(b, p.pnot.pattern, v)
of PatternKind.Lit:
result = p.lit.value == v
of PatternKind.PCompound:
case p.pcompound.orKind
of PCompoundKind.rec:
if v.isRecord and
p.pcompound.rec.label == v.label and
p.pcompound.rec.fields.len == v.arity:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.rec.fields:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.arr:
if v.isSequence and p.pcompound.arr.items.len == v.sequence.len:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.arr.items:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.dict:
if v.isDictionary:
result = true
for key, pp in p.pcompound.dict.entries:
let vv = step(v, key)
if vv.isNone or not match(bindings, pp, get vv):
result = true
proc match(p: Pattern; v: Value): Option[Bindings] =
var b: Bindings
if match(b, p, v):
result = some b
proc instantiate(t: Template; bindings: Bindings): Value =
case t.orKind
of TemplateKind.Tattenuate:
let v = instantiate(t.tattenuate.template, bindings)
let cap = v.unembed(Cap)
if cap.isNone:
raise newException(ValueError, "Attempt to attenuate non-capability")
result = attenuate(get cap, t.tattenuate.attenuation).embed
of TemplateKind.TRef:
let n = $
try: result = bindings[n.toPreserves]
except KeyError:
raise newException(ValueError, "unbound reference: " & n)
of TemplateKind.Lit:
result = t.lit.value
of TemplateKind.Tcompound:
case t.tcompound.orKind
of TCompoundKind.rec:
result = initRecord(t.tcompound.rec.label, t.tcompound.rec.fields.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.rec.fields:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.arr:
result = initSequence(t.tcompound.arr.items.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.arr.items:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.dict:
result = initDictionary()
for key, tt in t.tcompound.dict.entries:
result[key] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
proc rewrite(r: Rewrite; v: Value): Value =
let bindings = match(r.pattern, v)
if bindings.isSome:
result = instantiate(r.template, get bindings)
proc examineAlternatives(cav: Caveat; v: Value): Value =
case cav.orKind
of CaveatKind.Rewrite:
result = rewrite(cav.rewrite, v)
of CaveatKind.Alts:
for r in cav.alts.alternatives:
result = rewrite(r, v)
if not result.isFalse: break
of CaveatKind.Reject: discard
of CaveatKind.unknown: discard
proc runRewrites*(a: Attenuation; v: Value): Value =
result = v
for stage in a:
result = examineAlternatives(stage, result)
if result.isFalse: break
method publish*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
proc publish(turn: Turn; cap: Cap; v: Value; h: Handle) =
var a = runRewrites(cap.attenuation, v)
if not a.isFalse:
let e = OutboundAssertion(handle: h, peer: cap)
turn.facet.outbound[h] = e
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) = = =
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.assertion.value.value =
mapEmbeds(v) do (cap: Value) -> Value: discard
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.handle = h
turn.desc.actions.add act
queueEffect(turn, cap.relay) do (turn: Turn):
e.established = true
when tracing:
turn.desc.actions.add act.toDequeue
publish(, turn, AssertionRef(value: a), e.handle)
proc publish*(turn: Turn; r: Cap; a: Value): Handle {.discardable.} =
result = turn.facet.nextHandle()
publish(turn, r, a, result)
proc publish*[T](turn: Turn; r: Cap; a: T): Handle {.discardable.} =
publish(turn, r, a.toPreserves)
method retract*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
proc retract(turn: Turn; e: OutboundAssertion) =
when tracing:
var act = initEnqueue(turn, e.peer)
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.retract)
act.enqueue.event.detail.retract.handle = e.handle
turn.desc.actions.add act
queueEffect(turn, e.peer.relay) do (turn: Turn):
when tracing:
turn.desc.actions.add act.toDequeue
if e.established:
e.established = false, e.handle)
proc retract*(turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
var e: OutboundAssertion
if turn.facet.outbound.pop(h, e):
method message*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) {.base.} = discard
proc message*(turn: Turn; r: Cap; v: Value) =
var a = runRewrites(r.attenuation, v)
if not a.isFalse:
when tracing:
var act = initEnqueue(turn, r)
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.message)
act.enqueue.event.detail.message.body.value.value =
mapEmbeds(a) do (cap: Value) -> Value: discard
turn.desc.actions.add act
queueEffect(turn, r.relay) do (turn: Turn):
when tracing:
turn.desc.actions.add act.toDequeue, AssertionRef(value: a))
proc message*[T](turn: Turn; r: Cap; v: T) =
message(turn, r, v.toPreserves)
method sync*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; peer: Cap) {.base.} =
queueTurn(e.facet) do (turn: Turn):
message(turn, peer, true.toPreserves)
# complete sync on a later turn
proc sync*(turn: Turn; r, peer: Cap) =
when tracing:
var act = initEnqueue(turn, peer)
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.sync)
act.enqueue.event.detail.sync.peer = peer.toTraceTarget
turn.desc.actions.add act
queueEffect(turn, r.relay) do (turn: Turn):
when tracing:
turn.desc.actions.add act.toDequeue, peer)
proc replace*[T](turn: Turn; cap: Cap; h: Handle; v: T): Handle =
result = publish(turn, cap, v)
if h != default(Handle):
retract(turn, h)
proc replace*[T](turn: Turn; cap: Cap; h: var Handle; v: T): Handle {.discardable.} =
var old = h
h = publish(turn, cap, v)
if old != default(Handle):
retract(turn, old)
proc stop*(turn: Turn)
proc newFacet(actor; parent: Facet; initialAssertions: OutboundTable): Facet =
inc actor.facetIdAllocator
result = Facet(
id: actor.facetIdAllocator.toPreserves,
actor: actor,
parent: parent,
outbound: initialAssertions,
isAlive: true)
if not parent.isNil: parent.children.incl result
proc newFacet(actor; parent: Facet): Facet =
var initialAssertions: OutboundTable
newFacet(actor, parent, initialAssertions)
proc isInert(facet): bool =
noKids = facet.children.len == 0
noOutboundHandles = facet.outbound.len == 0
isRootFacet = facet.parent.isNil
noInertCheckPreventers = facet.inertCheckPreventers == 0
result = noKids and (noOutboundHandles or isRootFacet) and noInertCheckPreventers
proc preventInertCheck*(turn: Turn) =
inc turn.facet.inertCheckPreventers
proc terminateActor(turn; reason: ref Exception)
proc terminateFacetOrderly(turn: Turn) =
let facet = turn.facet
if facet.isAlive:
facet.isAlive = false
var i = 0
while i < facet.shutdownActions.len:
inc i
setLen facet.shutdownActions, 0
for e in facet.outbound.values:
retract(turn, e)
clear facet.outbound
proc inertCheck(turn: Turn) =
if (not turn.facet.parent.isNil and
(not turn.facet.parent.isAlive)) or
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetStop)
act.facetstop.path = turn.facet.path
act.facetstop.reason = FacetStopReason.inert
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc terminateFacet(turn: Turn) =
let facet = turn.facet
for child in facet.children:
queueWork(turn, child, terminateFacetOrderly)
# terminate all children
# detach all children
queueWork(turn, facet, terminateFacetOrderly)
# self-termination
proc stopIfInertAfter(action: TurnAction): TurnAction =
proc work(turn: Turn) =
queueEffect(turn, turn.facet, inertCheck)
proc newFacet(turn: Turn): Facet = newFacet(, turn.facet)
proc inFacet*(turn: Turn; bootProc: TurnAction): Facet {.discardable.} =
result = newFacet(turn)
recallFacet turn:
turn.facet = result
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetstart)
act.facetstart.path.add result.path
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc newActor(name: string; parent: Facet): Actor =
result = Actor(
name: name,
id: name.toPreserves,
if parent.isNil:
new result.handleAllocator
result.handleAllocator =
result.root = newFacet(result, parent)
when tracing:
var act = ActorActivation(orKind: ActorActivationKind.start)
act.start.actorName = Name(orKind: NameKind.named) = name.toPreserves
traceActivation(result, act)
proc run(actor: Actor; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions: OutboundTable) =
queueTurn(newFacet(actor, actor.root, initialAssertions), stopIfInertAfter(bootProc))
proc bootActor*(name: string; bootProc: TurnAction): Actor {.discardable.} =
## Boot a top-level actor.
result = newActor(name, nil)
new result.handleAllocator
var turn = TurnRef(facet: result.root)
assert not result.root.isNil, bootProc,))
when tracing: = nextTurnId()
turn.desc.cause = TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external)
turn.desc.cause.external.description = "bootActor".toPreserves
turnQueue.addLast turn
proc spawnActor*(turn: Turn; name: string; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions = initHashSet[Handle]()): Actor {.discardable.} =
let actor = newActor(name, turn.facet)
queueEffect(turn, actor.root) do (turn: Turn):
var newOutBound: Table[Handle, OutboundAssertion]
for key in initialAssertions:
discard turn.facet.outbound.pop(key, newOutbound[key])
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.spawn) =
turn.desc.actions.add act
run(actor, bootProc, newOutBound)
proc spawn*(name: string; turn: Turn; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions = initHashSet[Handle]()): Actor {.discardable.} =
spawnActor(turn, name, bootProc, initialAssertions)
type StopOnRetract = ref object of Entity
method retract*(e: StopOnRetract; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
proc halfLink(facet, other: Facet) =
let h = facet.nextHandle()
facet.outbound[h] = OutboundAssertion(
handle: h,
peer: Cap(relay: other, target: StopOnRetract(facet: facet)),
established: true,
proc linkActor*(turn: Turn; name: string; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions = initHashSet[Handle]()): Actor {.discardable.} =
result = spawnActor(turn, name, bootProc, initialAssertions)
halfLink(turn.facet, result.root)
halfLink(result.root, turn.facet)
var inertActor {.threadvar.}: Actor
proc newInertCap*(): Cap =
if inertActor.isNil:
inertActor = bootActor("inert") do (turn: Turn): turn.stop()
Cap(relay: inertActor.root)
proc atExit*(actor; action) = actor.exitHooks.add action
proc terminateActor(turn; reason: ref Exception) =
let actor =
if not actor.exiting:
actor.exiting = true
actor.exitReason = reason
when tracing:
var act = ActorActivation(orKind: ActorActivationKind.stop)
if not reason.isNil:
act.stop.status = ExitStatus(orKind: ExitStatusKind.Error)
act.stop.status.error.message = reason.msg
traceActivation(actor, act)
while actor.exitHooks.len > 0:
var hook = actor.exitHooks.pop()
try: hook(turn)
except CatchableError as err:
if reason.isNil:
terminateActor(turn, err)
proc finish(turn: Turn) =
assert not actor.root.isNil,
actor.root = nil
actor.exited = true
queueTurn(actor.root, finish)
proc terminateFacet*(facet; e: ref Exception) =
run( do (turn: Turn):
terminateActor(turn, e)
proc terminate*(turn: Turn; e: ref Exception) =
terminateActor(turn, e)
proc stop*(turn: Turn, facet: Facet) =
queueEffect(turn, facet) do (turn: Turn):
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetStop)
act.facetstop.path = facet.path
act.facetstop.reason = FacetStopReason.explicitAction
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc stop*(turn: Turn) =
stop(turn, turn.facet)
proc stop*(facet: Facet) =
run(facet, stop)
proc onStop*(facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
## Add a `proc (turn: Turn)` action to `facet` to be called as it stops.
add(facet.shutdownActions, act)
proc onStop*(turn: Turn; act: TurnAction) =
onStop(turn.facet, act)
proc isAlive(actor): bool =
not(actor.exited or actor.exiting)
proc stop*(actor: Actor) =
if actor.isAlive:
queueTurn(actor.root) do (turn: Turn):
assert(not turn.facet.isNil)
when tracing:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetStop)
act.facetstop.path = turn.facet.path
act.facetstop.reason = FacetStopReason.actorStopping
turn.desc.actions.add act
stop(turn, turn.facet)
proc stopActor*(facet: Facet) =
proc stopActor*(turn: Turn) =
proc freshen*(turn: Turn, act: TurnAction) {.deprecated.} =
run(turn.facet, act)
proc newCap*(relay: Facet; entity: Entity): Cap =
## Create a new capability for `entity` via `relay`.
# An Entity has an owning facet and a Cap does as well?
if entity.facet.isNil: entity.facet = relay
Cap(relay: relay, target: entity)
proc newCap*(turn; e: Entity): Cap =
newCap(turn.facet, e)
proc newCap*(e: Entity; turn): Cap =
newCap(turn.facet, e)
type SyncContinuation {.final.} = ref object of Entity
action: TurnAction
method message(entity: SyncContinuation; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) =
proc sync*(turn: Turn; refer: Cap; act: TurnAction) =
sync(turn, refer, newCap(turn, SyncContinuation(action: act)))
proc running*(actor): bool =
result = not actor.exited
if not (result or actor.exitReason.isNil):
raise actor.exitReason
proc facet*(actor): Facet = actor.root
proc run(turn: Turn) =
while > 0:
var (facet, act) =
assert not act.isNil
turn.facet = facet
when tracing:
var act = ActorActivation(orKind: ActorActivationKind.turn)
act.turn = move turn.desc
traceActivation(, act)
# TODO: catch exceptions here
for eff in turn.effects.mvalues:
assert not eff.facet.isNil
turnQueue.addLast(move eff)
turn.facet = nil # invalidate the turn
proc runPendingTurns* =
while turnQueue.len > 0:
var turn = turnQueue.popFirst()
# TODO: check if actor is still valid
try: run(turn)
except CatchableError as err:
terminateActor(turn, err)
raise err
proc runOnce*(timeout = none(Duration)): bool {.discardable.} =
## Run pending turns if there are any, otherwise
## poll for external events and run any resulting turns.
## Return true if any turns have been processed.
if turnQueue.len == 0:
when defined(solo5):
discard solo5_dispatcher.runOnce(timeout)
var ready: seq[Continuation]
ioqueue.poll(ready, timeout)
while ready.len > 0:
discard trampoline:
result = turnQueue.len > 0
proc run* =
## Run actors to completion.
when defined(solo5):
while turnQueue.len > 0 or solo5_dispatcher.runOnce():
var ready: seq[Continuation]
while true:
if ready.len == 0: break
while ready.len > 0:
discard trampoline:
proc runActor*(name: string; bootProc: TurnAction) =
## Boot an actor `Actor` and churn ioqueue.
let actor = bootActor(name, bootProc)
if not actor.exitReason.isNil:
raise actor.exitReason
when defined(solo5):
while (actor.isAlive and solo5_dispatcher.runOnce()) or turnQueue.len > 0:
if not actor.exitReason.isNil:
raise actor.exitReason
type FacetGuard* = object
facet: Facet
proc initGuard*(f: Facet): FacetGuard =
result.facet = f
inc result.facet.inertCheckPreventers
proc disarm*(g: var FacetGuard) =
if not g.facet.isNil:
assert g.facet.inertCheckPreventers > 0
dec g.facet.inertCheckPreventers
g.facet = nil
proc `=destroy`*(g: FacetGuard) =
if not g.facet.isNil:
dec g.facet.inertCheckPreventers
proc `=copy`*(dst: var FacetGuard, src: FacetGuard) =
dst.facet = src.facet
inc dst.facet.inertCheckPreventers

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/options
import preserves
Discard* {.record: "discard", pure.} = object
Capture* {.record: "capture", pure.} = object
_: Discard
Observe* {.record: "observe", pure.} = object
pattern: Preserve
proc observe*[T](x: T): Preserve =
Observe(pattern: x.toPreserve).toPreserve
proc captureCount*(pattern: Preserve): int =
if pattern.preserveTo(Capture).isSome:
result = 1
for e in pattern.items: captureCount(e)
when isMainModule:
let a = observe(`?*`)
assert($toPreserve(a) == "<capture <discard>>")

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## An unordered association of items to counts.
## An item count may be negative, unlike CountTable.
import std/[assertions, tables]
import tables
ChangeDescription* = enum
@ -36,15 +36,3 @@ proc change*[T](bag: var Bag[T]; key: T; delta: int; clamp = false): ChangeDescr
result = change(bag.mGetOrPut(key, 0), delta, clamp)
if result in {cdAbsentToAbsent, cdPresentToAbsent}:
iterator items*[T](bag: Bag[T]): T =
for x in bag.keys: yield x
proc `$`*(bag: Bag): string =
result.add '{'
for x in bag.keys:
if result.len > 1: result.add ' '
result.add $x
result.add '}'
export tables.contains, tables.del, tables.len

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
from std/unittest import check
let sturdy = mint()
check $sturdy == """<ref {oid: "syndicate" sig: #x"69ca300c1dbfa08fba692102dd82311a"}>"""
std/[options, tables],
nimcrypto/[blake2, hmac],
export `$`
proc hmac(key, data: openarray[byte]): seq[byte] =
result = newSeq[byte](32)
var ctx: HMAC[blake2_256]
ctx.init key
ctx.update data
discard ctx.finish result
result.setLen 16
proc mint*(key: openarray[byte]; oid: Value): SturdyRef =
result.parameters.oid = oid
result.parameters.sig = hmac(key, oid.encode)
proc mint*(): SturdyRef =
var key: array[16, byte]
mint(key, "syndicate".toPreserves)
proc attenuate*(r: SturdyRef; caveats: seq[Caveat]): SturdyRef =
if r.parameters.caveats.isSome:
result.parameters.caveats = some(r.parameters.caveats.get & caveats.toPreserves)
result.parameters.oid = r.parameters.oid
result.parameters.sig = hmac(r.parameters.sig, caveats.toPreserves.encode)
proc validate*(key: openarray[byte]; sturdy: SturdyRef): bool =
var sig = hmac(key, sturdy.parameters.oid.encode)
if sturdy.parameters.caveats.isSome:
for cav in sturdy.parameters.caveats.get:
sig = hmac(sig, encode cav)
result = (sig == sturdy.parameters.sig)
# mint utility moved to syndicate_utils/src/mintsturdyref.nim

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ iterator observersOf[Sid, Oid](g: Graph[Sid, Oid]; oid: Oid): Sid =
if g.edgesForward.hasKey(oid):
for sid in g.edgesForward[oid]: yield sid
proc repairDamage*[Sid, Oid](g: var Graph[Sid, Oid]; repairNode: proc (sid: Sid) {.closure.}) =
proc repairDamage*[Sid, Oid](g: var Graph[Sid, Oid]; repairNode: proc (sid: Sid) {.gcsafe.}) =
var repairedThisRound: Set[Oid]
while true:
var workSet = move g.damagedNodes

View File

@ -1,50 +1,577 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2022 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, options, tables]
import ./bags, ./dataflow, ./events, ./skeletons
import preserves
import ./actors, ./protocols/dataspace, ./skeletons
import std/[asyncdispatch, deques, hashes, macros, options, sets, tables]
from ./protocols/protocol import Handle
export dataflow.defineObservableProperty
export dataflow.recordObservation
export dataflow.recordDamage
template generateIdType(T: untyped) =
type T* = distinct Natural
proc `==`*(x, y: T): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: T): string {.borrow.}
Assertion = Value
Observe = dataspace.Observe
Turn = actors.Turn
Value* = Preserve
Bag = bags.Bag[Value]
Dataspace {.final.} = ref object of Entity
Task[T] = proc (): T
Script[T] = proc (facet: Facet): T
ActivationScript* = Script[void]
ActionKind = enum
patchAction, messageAction, spawnAction, quitAction, deferredTurnAction, activationAction
Action = object
impl: proc (action: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) {.gcsafe.}
case kind: ActionKind
of patchAction:
changes: Bag
Priority = enum
pQueryHigh = 0,
Actor = ref object
id: ActorId
name: string
dataspace*: Dataspace
rootFacet: ParentFacet
pendingTasks: array[Priority.len, Deque[Task[void]]]
pendingActions: seq[Action]
adhocAssertions: Bag
cleanupChanges: Bag
parentId: ActorId
EndpointSpec* = tuple
callback: HandlerCallback
assertion: Value
analysis: Option[Analysis]
Endpoint = ref object
id: EndpointId
facet: Facet
updateProc: Script[EndpointSpec]
spec: EndpointSpec
Field* = object of RootObj
id*: FieldId
Fields* = seq[Value]
# TODO: compile-time tuples
Turn = object
actions: seq[Action]
actor: Option[Actor]
Dataspace* = ref object
ground*: Ground
index: Index
handleMap: Table[Handle, Assertion]
dataflow*: Graph[Endpoint, FieldId]
runnable: seq[Actor]
pendingTurns: seq[Turn]
actors: Table[ActorId, Actor]
activations: seq[ActivationScript]
nextId: Natural
method publish(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
if add(ds.index, turn, a.value):
var obs = a.value.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.add(turn, obs.get.pattern, Cap(
ds.handleMap[h] = a.value
StopHandler = proc (ds: Dataspace) {.gcsafe.}
method retract(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
let v = ds.handleMap[h]
if remove(ds.index, turn, v):
ds.handleMap.del h
var obs = v.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.remove(turn, obs.get.pattern, Cap(
Ground = ref object
dataspace: Dataspace
stopHandlers: seq[StopHandler]
future: Future[void]
externalTaskCount: int
stepScheduled: bool
method message(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
ds.index.deliverMessage(turn, a.value)
ParentFacet = Option[Facet]
proc newDataspace*(turn: Turn): Cap =
newCap(turn, Dataspace(index: initIndex()))
Facet* = ref FacetObj
FacetObj = object
id: FacetId
actor*: Actor
parent: ParentFacet
endpoints: Table[EndpointId, Endpoint]
stopScripts: seq[Script[void]]
children: Table[FacetId, Facet]
fields*: Fields
isLive, inScript: bool
type BootProc = proc (turn: Turn; ds: Cap) {.closure.}
type DeprecatedBootProc = proc (ds: Cap; turn: Turn) {.closure.}
# FacetImpl[Fields] = ref FacetImplObj[Fields]
# FacetImplObj[Fields] {.final.} = object of FacetBaseObj
proc bootDataspace*(name: string; bootProc: BootProc): Actor =
bootActor(name) do (turn: Turn):
bootProc(turn, newDataspace(turn))
dataspace: Dataspace
actor: Actor
facet: Facet
proc bootDataspace*(name: string; bootProc: DeprecatedBootProc): Actor {.deprecated.} =
bootDataspace(name) do (turn: Turn, ds: Cap):
bootProc(ds, turn)
proc hash*(ep: Endpoint): Hash =
!$(hash( !& hash(
proc generateId*(ds: Dataspace): Natural =
# TODO: used by declareField, but should be hidden.
proc newActor(ds: Dataspace; name: string; initialAssertions: Value; parentId: ActorId): Actor =
assert(initialAssertions.kind == pkSet)
result = Actor(
id: ds.generateId.ActorId,
name: name,
dataspace: ds,
parentId: parentId)
for v in initialAssertions.set:
discard result.adhocAssertions.change(v, 1)
ds.actors[] = result
proc applyPatch(ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]; changes: Bag) =
type Pair = tuple[val: Value; count: int]
var removals: seq[Pair]
for a, count in changes.pairs:
if count > 0:
# debugEcho "applyPatch +", a
discard ds.index.adjustAssertion(a, count)
removals.add((a, count)) do (ac: Actor):
discard ac.cleanupChanges.change(a, -count)
for (a, count) in removals:
# debugEcho "applyPatch -", a
discard ds.index.adjustAssertion(a, count)
proc initPatch(): Action =
proc impl(patch: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) {.gcsafe.} =
ds.applyPatch(actor, patch.changes)
Action(impl: impl, kind: patchAction)
proc pendingPatch(actor): var Action =
for a in actor.pendingActions.mitems:
if a.kind == patchAction: return a
proc adjust(patch: var Action; v: Value; delta: int) =
discard patch.changes.change(v, delta)
proc assert(actor; a: Value) = actor.pendingPatch.adjust(a, +1)
proc retract(actor; a: Value) = actor.pendingPatch.adjust(a, -1)
proc install(ep: Endpoint; spec: EndpointSpec) =
ep.spec = spec
if not ep.spec.assertion.isFalse: do (a: Analysis):
assert(not ep.spec.callback.isNil), ep.spec.callback)
proc isRunnable(actor): bool =
for tasks in actor.pendingTasks:
if tasks.len > 0: return true
proc scheduleTask(actor; prio: Priority; task: Task[void]) =
if not actor.isRunnable:
proc scheduleTask(actor; task: Task[void]) =
scheduleTask(actor, pNormal, task)
proc abandonQueuedWork(actor) =
reset actor.pendingActions
for q in actor.pendingTasks.mitems: clear(q)
proc uninstall(ep: Endpoint; emitPatches: bool) =
if emitPatches:
if not ep.spec.assertion.isFalse: do (a: Analysis):
assert(not ep.spec.callback.isNil), ep.spec.callback)
proc destroy(ep: Endpoint; emitPatches: bool) =
ep.uninstall(emitPatches) do ():
# TODO: cannot remove from ep.facet.endpoints during
# its iteration, defering remove is probably unecessary
# because the facet is going down.
proc retractAssertionsAndSubscriptions(facet; emitPatches: bool) = do ():
for ep in facet.endpoints.values:
proc abort(facet; emitPatches: bool) =
facet.isLive = false
for child in facet.children.values:
for s in facet.stopScripts: s(facet)
# call stopScripts immediately
proc enqueueScriptAction(actor; action: Action) =
proc enqueueScriptAction(facet; action: Action) =
enqueueScriptAction(, action)
proc initQuitAction(): Action =
proc impl(action: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) =
ds.applyPatch(actor, actor.get.cleanupChanges)
Action(impl: impl, kind: quitAction)
proc terminate(actor; emitPatches: bool) =
if emitPatches:
actor.scheduleTask do ():
for a in actor.adhocAssertions.keys:
actor.retract(a) do (root: Facet):
actor.scheduleTask do ():
proc invokeScript(facet; script: Script[void]) =
try: script(facet)
let e = getCurrentException()
# TODO: install an error handling callback at the facet?
raise e
func isInert(facet): bool =
facet.endpoints.len == 0 and facet.children.len == 0
proc terminate(facet) =
if facet.isLive:
actor =
parent = facet.parent
if parent.isNone:
reset actor.rootFacet
facet.isLive = false
for child in facet.children.values:
reset facet.children
actor.scheduleTask do ():
facet.invokeScript do (facet: Facet):
for s in facet.stopScripts:
actor.scheduleTask(pGC) do ():
if parent.isSome:
if parent.get.isInert:
template withNonScriptContext(facet; body: untyped) =
let inScriptPrev = facet.inScript
facet.inScript = false
try: body
finally: facet.inScript = inScriptPrev
proc ensureFacetSetup(facet; s: string) =
assert(not facet.inScript, "Cannot " & s & " ouside facet setup")
proc ensureNonFacetSetup(facet; s: string) =
assert(facet.inScript, "Cannot " & s & " during facet setup")
proc wrap(facet; script: Script[void]): Task[void] =
proc task() = facet.invokeScript(script)
proc scheduleScript*(facet; prio: Priority; script: Script[void]) =, facet.wrap(script))
proc scheduleScript*(facet; script: Script[void]) =, facet.wrap(script))
proc addStartScript*(facet; s: Script[void]) =
facet.scheduleScript(pNormal, s)
proc addStopScript*(facet; s: Script[void]) =
proc addFacet(actor; parentFacet: Option[Facet]; bootScript: Script[void]; checkInScript = false) =
if checkInScript and parentFacet.isSome:
assert parentFacet.get.inScript
let f = Facet(
id: actor.dataspace.generateId.FacetId,
actor: actor,
parent: parentFacet,
isLive: true,
inScript: true)
if parentFacet.isSome:
parentFacet.get.children[] = f
f.fields = parentFacet.get.fields
# inherit scope by copying fields of the parent
actor.rootFacet = some f
f.invokeScript do (facet: Facet):
actor.scheduleTask do ():
if ((parentFacet.isSome) and (not parentFacet.get.isLive)) or f.isInert:
proc addChildFacet*(facet; bootProc: Script[void]) = facet, bootProc, true)
proc deliverMessage(ds: Dataspace; msg: Value; ac: Option[Actor]) =
proc adhocRetract(actor; a: Value) =
if actor.adhocAssertions.change(a, -1, true) == cdPresentToAbsent:
proc refresh(ep: Endpoint) =
let newSpec = ep.updateProc(ep.facet)
if newSpec.assertion != ep.spec.assertion:
proc refreshAssertions(ds: Dataspace) =
ds.dataflow.repairDamage do (ep: Endpoint):
let facet = ep.facet
facet.invokeScript do (f: Facet):
proc addActor(ds: Dataspace; name: string; bootProc: Script[void]; initialAssertions: Value; parent: Option[Actor]) =
var parentId: ActorId do (p: Actor): parentId =
let ac = newActor(ds, name, initialAssertions, parentId)
ds.applyPatch(some ac, ac.adhocAssertions)
ac.addFacet(none Facet) do (systemFacet: Facet):
# Root facet is a dummy "system" facet that exists to hold
# one-or-more "user" "root" facets.
ac.addFacet(some systemFacet, bootProc)
# ^ The "true root", user-visible facet.
for a in initialAssertions.set:
proc send*(facet; body: Value) =
## Send a message into the dataspace.
proc impl(_: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) =
ds.deliverMessage(body, actor)
facet.enqueueScriptAction(Action(impl: impl, kind: messageAction))
proc initSpawnAction(name: string; bootProc: Script[void], initialAssertions: Value): Action =
proc impl(action: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) =
ds.addActor(name, bootProc, initialAssertions, actor)
Action(impl: impl, kind: spawnAction)
proc spawn*(facet; name: string; bootProc: Script[void], initialAssertions: Value) =
facet.enqueueScriptAction(initSpawnAction(name, bootProc, initialAssertions))
proc spawn*(facet; name: string; bootProc: Script[void]) =
spawn(facet, name, bootProc, Value(kind: pkSet))
template spawn*(facet; name: string; fields: untyped; bootProc: Script[void]): untyped =
type Fields = typeof(fields)
spawn[Fields](facet, name, bootProc, Value(kind: pkSet))
proc initActivationAction(script: ActivationScript; name: string): Action =
proc impl(action: Action; ds: Dataspace; actor: Option[Actor]) =
for s in ds.activations:
if s == script: return
proc boot(root: Facet) =
ds.addActor(name, boot, Value(kind: pkSet), actor)
Action(impl: impl, kind: activationAction)
proc activate(facet; name: string; script: ActivationScript) =
facet.ensureNonFacetSetup "`activate`"
facet.enqueueScriptAction(initActivationAction(script, name))
proc newDataspace(ground: Ground; name: string; bootProc: ActivationScript): Dataspace =
let turn = Turn(actions: @[initSpawnAction(name, bootProc, Value(kind: pkSet))])
Dataspace(ground: ground, index: initIndex(), pendingTurns: @[turn])
proc addEndpoint*(facet; updateScript: Script[EndpointSpec], isDynamic = true) =
actor =
dataspace = actor.dataspace
ep = Endpoint(
id: dataspace.generateId.EndpointId,
facet: facet,
updateProc: updateScript)
dyn = if isDynamic: some ep else: none Endpoint
initialSpec = dataspace.dataflow.withSubject(dyn) do () -> EndpointSpec:
(initialSpec.analysis.isNone and initialSpec.callback.isNil) or
(initialSpec.analysis.isSome and (not initialSpec.callback.isNil))
facet.endpoints[] = ep
proc addDataflow*(facet; prio: Priority; subjectProc: Script[void]) =
facet.addEndpoint do (fa: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
let subjectId =
facet.scheduleScript(prio) do (fa: Facet):
if facet.isLive:
proc addDataflow*(facet; subjectProc: Script[void]) =
addDataflow(facet, pNormal, subjectProc)
proc commitActions(dataspace; actor; pending: seq[Action]) =
dataspace.pendingTurns.add(Turn(actor: some actor, actions: pending))
proc runPendingTask(actor): bool =
for deque in actor.pendingTasks.mitems:
if deque.len > 0:
let task = deque.popFirst()
return true
proc runPendingTasks(actor) =
while actor.runPendingTask(): discard
if actor.pendingActions.len > 0:
var pending = move actor.pendingActions
actor.dataspace.commitActions(actor, pending)
proc runPendingTasks(ds: Dataspace) =
var runnable = move ds.runnable
for actor in runnable:
proc performPendingActions(ds: Dataspace) =
var turns = move ds.pendingTurns
for turn in turns:
for action in turn.actions:
action.impl(action, ds,
proc runTasks(ds: Dataspace): bool =
result = ds.runnable.len > 0 or ds.pendingTurns.len > 0
proc stop*(facet; continuation: Script[void] = nil) = do (parent: Facet):
parent.invokeScript do (_: Facet): do ():
if not continuation.isNil:
parent.scheduleScript do (parent: Facet):
# ^ TODO: is this the correct scope to use??
proc addStopHandler*(g: Ground; h: StopHandler) =
proc step(g: Ground) {.gcsafe.}
proc scheduleStep(g: Ground) =
if not g.stepScheduled:
g.stepScheduled = true
asyncdispatch.callSoon: step(g)
proc beginExternalTask*(facet) =
## Inform the ``Ground`` dataspace of a pending external task.
## The dataspace will continue to operate until all internal
## and external tasks have completed. See ``endExternalTask``.
proc endExternalTask*(facet) =
## Inform the ``Ground`` dataspace that an external task has completed.
# TODO: automatically do this when the facet stops?
let g =
dec g.externalTaskCount
scheduleStep g
proc step(g: Ground) =
# TODO: backgroundtasks
g.stepScheduled = false
if g.dataspace.runTasks():
scheduleStep g
if g.externalTaskCount < 1:
for actor in g.dataspace.actors.values:
terminate(actor, false)
for sh in g.stopHandlers:
reset g.stopHandlers
proc bootModule*(name: string; bootProc: ActivationScript): Future[void] =
# TODO: better integration with the async dispatcher
let g = Ground(future: newFuture[void]"bootModule")
g.dataspace = newDataspace(g, name) do (rootFacet: Facet):
rootFacet.addStartScript do (rootFacet: Facet):
rootFacet.activate(name, bootProc)
addTimer(1, true) do (fd: AsyncFD) -> bool:
return g.future
template declareField*(facet: Facet; F: untyped; T: typedesc; initial: T): untyped =
## Declare getter and setter procs for field `F` of type `T` initalized with `initial`.
type DistinctField {.final, unpreservable.} = object of Field
let `F` {.inject.} = DistinctField(id:`F`.id)
let fieldOff = facet.fields.high
proc set(f: DistinctField; x: T) {.used.} =
facet.fields[fieldOff] = toPreserve(x)
proc set(f: DistinctField; x: Value) {.used.} =
facet.fields[fieldOff] = x
proc get(f: DistinctField): T {.used.} =
if not fromPreserve(result, facet.fields[fieldOff]):
raise newException(ValueError, "cannot convert field " & $F & " to " & $T)
proc getPreserve(f: DistinctField): Value {.used.} =
template stopIf*(facet: Facet; cond: untyped; continuation: Script[void]): untyped =
## Stop the current facet if `cond` is true and
## invoke `body` after the facet has stopped.
discard facet.addDataflow do (facet: Facet):
if cond: facet.stop(continuation)
type EventHandler* = proc (facet: Facet; bindings: seq[Value]) {.gcsafe.}
proc wrap*(facet: Facet; onEvent: EventKind; cb: EventHandler): HandlerCallback =
proc wrapper(event: EventKind; bindings: seq[Value]) =
facet.invokeScript do (facet: Facet):
if event == onEvent:
facet.scheduleScript do (facet: Facet):
cb(facet, bindings)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../..
: foreach *.nim |> !nim_check |>

View File

@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[httpcore, options, parseutils, sets, streams, strutils, tables, times, uri]
import preserves, ../../syndicate, ../bags, ./timers
import ../protocols/http
import taps
CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"
SP = { ' ', '\x09', '\x0b', '\x0c', '\x0d' }
SupportedVersion = "HTTP/1.1"
IMF = initTimeFormat"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"
when defined(posix):
proc echo(args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.used.} =
proc badRequest(conn: Connection; msg: string) =
conn.send(SupportedVersion & " 400 " & msg, endOfMessage = true)
proc extractQuery(s: var string): Table[Symbol, seq[QueryValue]] =
let start = succ skipUntil(s, '?')
if start < s.len:
var query = s[start..s.high]
s.setLen(pred start)
for key, val in uri.decodeQuery(query):
var list = result.getOrDefault(Symbol key)
list.add QueryValue(orKind: QueryValueKind.string, string: val)
result[Symbol key] = list
proc parseRequest(conn: Connection; text: string): (int, HttpRequest) =
## Parse an `HttpRequest` request out of a `text` from a `Connection`.
result[1].host = RequestHost(orKind: RequestHostKind.absent)
result[1].body = RequestBody(orKind: RequestBodyKind.absent)
token: string
off: int
template advanceSp =
let n = skipWhile(text, SP, off)
if n < 1:
badRequest(conn, "invalid request")
inc(off, n)
# method parseUntil(text, token, SP, off)
result[1].method = token.toLowerAscii.Symbol
# target
if text[off] == '/': inc(off) #TODO: always a leading slash? parseUntil(text, token, SP, off)
var version: string parseUntil(text, version, SP, off)
if version != SupportedVersion:
badRequest(conn, "version not supported")
result[1].query = extractQuery(token)
if token != "":
result[1].path = split(token, '/')
for p in result[1].path.mitems:
# normalize the path
for i, c in p:
if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
p[i] = char c.ord + 0x20
template advanceLine =
inc off, skipWhile(text, {'\x0d'}, off)
if text.high < off or text[off] != '\x0a':
badRequest(conn, "invalid request")
inc off, 1
while off < text.len: parseUntil(text, token, {'\x0d', '\x0a'}, off)
if token == "": break
(key, vals) = httpcore.parseHeader(token)
k = key.toLowerAscii.Symbol
v = result[1].headers.getOrDefault(k)
for e in vals.mitems:
e = e.toLowerAscii
if k == Symbol"host":
result[1].host = RequestHost(orKind: RequestHostKind.`present`, present: e)
if v == "": v = move e
v.add ", "
v.add e
if k == Symbol"host":
result[1].host = RequestHost(orKind: RequestHostKind.`present`, present: v)
result[1].headers[k] = v
result[0] = off
proc len(chunk: Chunk): int =
case chunk.orKind
of ChunkKind.string: chunk.string.len
of ChunkKind.bytes: chunk.bytes.len
proc lenLine(chunk: Chunk): string =
result = chunk.len.toHex.strip(true, false, {'0'})
result.add CRLF
Driver = ref object
facet: Facet
ds, timers: Cap
bindings: Bag[Value]
# cannot make a bag of HttpBinding, no `==` operator
sequenceNumber: BiggestInt
Session = ref object
facet: Facet
driver: Driver
conn: Connection
port: Port
Exchange = ref object of Entity
ses: Session
req: HttpRequest
stream: StringStream
mode: HttpResponseKind
active: bool
proc send[T: byte|char](ses: Session; data: openarray[T]) =
ses.conn.send(addr data[0], data.len, endOfMessage = false)
proc send(ses: Session; chunk: Chunk) =
case chunk.orKind
of ChunkKind.string:
of ChunkKind.bytes:
func `==`(s: string; rh: RequestHost): bool =
rh.orKind == RequestHostKind.present and rh.present == s
proc match(b: HttpBinding, r: HttpRequest): bool =
## Check if `HttpBinding` `b` matches `HttpRequest` `r`.
result =
( == HostPatternKind.any or == and
(b.port == r.port) and
(b.method.orKind == MethodPatternKind.any or
b.method.specific == r.method)
if result:
for i, p in b.path:
if i > r.path.high: return false
case p.orKind
of PathPatternElementKind.wildcard: discard
of PathPatternElementKind.label:
if p.label != r.path[i]: return false
return i == b.path.high
# return false if ... isn't the last element
proc strongerThan(a, b: HttpBinding): bool =
## Check if `a` is a stronger `HttpBinding` than `b`.
result =
( != and == or
(a.method.orKind != b.method.orKind and
a.method.orKind == MethodPatternKind.specific)
if not result:
if a.path.len > b.path.len: return true
for i in b.path.low..a.path.high:
if a.path[i].orKind != b.path[i].orKind and
a.path[i].orKind == PathPatternElementKind.label:
return true
proc match(driver: Driver; req: HttpRequest): Option[HttpBinding] =
var b: HttpBinding
for p in driver.bindings:
if b.fromPreserves(p) and b.match req:
if result.isNone or b.strongerThan(result.get):
result = some b
method message(e: Exchange; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
# Send responses back into a connection.
var res: HttpResponse
if e.mode != HttpResponseKind.done and res.fromPreserves a.value:
case res.orKind
of HttpResponseKind.status:
if e.mode == res.orKind: = true
SupportedVersion, " ", res.status.code, " ", res.status.message, CRLF,
"date: ", now().format(IMF), CRLF)
# add Date header automatically - RFC 9110 Section 6.6.1.
e.mode = HttpResponseKind.header
of HttpResponseKind.header:
if e.mode == res.orKind:, ": ", res.header.value, CRLF)
of HttpResponseKind.chunk:
if res.chunk.chunk.len > 0:
if e.mode == HttpResponseKind.header:"transfer-encoding: chunked" & CRLF & CRLF)
e.mode = res.orKind
if e.mode == res.orKind:
of HttpResponseKind.done:
if e.mode in {HttpResponseKind.header, HttpResponseKind.chunk}:
if e.mode == HttpResponseKind.header:"content-length: ", $res.done.chunk.len & CRLF & CRLF)
if res.done.chunk.len > 0:
elif e.mode == HttpResponseKind.chunk:
if res.done.chunk.len > 0: & "0" & CRLF & CRLF)
e.mode = res.orKind
if e.req.headers.getOrDefault(Symbol"connection") == "close":
# stop the facet scoped to the exchange
# so that the response capability is withdrawn
proc service(turn: Turn; exch: Exchange) =
## Service an HTTP message exchange.
var binding = exch.req
if binding.isNone:
var handler = binding.get.handler.unembed Cap
if handler.isNone:
let cap = newCap(turn, exch)
publish(turn, handler.get, HttpContext(
req: exch.req,
res: embed cap,
const timeout = initDuration(seconds = 4)
after(turn,, timeout) do (turn: Turn):
if not
var res = HttpResponse(orKind: HttpResponseKind.status)
res.status.code = 504
res.status.message = "Binding timeout"
message(turn, cap, res)
res = HttpResponse(orKind: HttpResponseKind.done)
message(turn, cap, res)
proc service(ses: Session) =
## Service a connection to an HTTP client.
ses.facet.onStop do (turn: Turn):
close ses.conn
ses.conn.onClosed do ():
stop ses.facet
ses.conn.onReceivedPartial do (data: seq[byte]; ctx: MessageContext; eom: bool): do (turn: Turn):
var (n, req) = parseRequest(ses.conn, cast[string](data))
if n > 0:
req.sequenceNumber = ses.driver.sequenceNumber
req.port = BiggestInt ses.port
inFacet(turn) do (turn: Turn):
# start a new facet for this message exchange
turn.service Exchange(
facet: turn.facet,
ses: ses,
req: req,
stream: newStringStream(),
mode: HttpResponseKind.status
proc newListener(port: Port): Listener =
var lp = newLocalEndpoint()
lp.with port
listen newPreconnection(local=[lp])
proc httpListen(turn: Turn; driver: Driver; port: Port): Listener =
let facet = turn.facet
var listener = newListener(port)
listener.onListenError do (err: ref Exception):
terminateFacet(facet, err)
facet.onStop do (turn: Turn):
stop listener
listener.onConnectionReceived do (conn: Connection): do (turn: Turn):
# start a new turn
linkActor(turn, "http-conn") do (turn: Turn):
let facet = turn.facet
conn.onConnectionError do (err: ref Exception):
terminateFacet(facet, err)
# terminate this actor on exception
# facet is scoped to the lifetime of the connection
service Session(
facet: turn.facet,
driver: driver,
conn: conn,
port: port,
proc httpDriver(turn: Turn; ds: Cap) =
let driver = Driver(facet: turn.facet, ds: ds, timers: turn.newDataspace)
spawnTimerDriver(turn, driver.timers)
during(turn, ds, HttpBinding?:{
1: grab(),
}) do (port: BiggestInt):
publish(turn, ds, HttpListener(port: port))
during(turn, ds, ?:HttpBinding) do (
ho: HostPattern, po: int, me: MethodPattern, pa: PathPattern, e: Value):
let b = HttpBinding(host: ho, port: po, `method`: me, path: pa, handler: e)
discard driver.bindings.change(b.toPreserves, +1)
discard driver.bindings.change(b.toPreserves, -1)
during(turn, ds, ?:HttpListener) do (port: uint16):
let l = httpListen(turn, driver, Port port)
proc spawnHttpDriver*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap): Actor {.discardable.} =
spawnActor(turn, "http-driver") do (turn: Turn):
httpDriver(turn, ds)

View File

@ -1,148 +1,36 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[tables, times]
import preserves
import ../../syndicate, ../protocols/[timer, dataspace]
import std/[asyncdispatch, monotimes, times]
import preserves, preserves/records
import syndicate, syndicate/assertions
when defined(solo5):
import solo5_dispatcher
import pkg/sys/[handles, ioqueue]
type TimeLaterThan* {.record: "TimeLaterThan".} = object
`deadline`*: Monotime
export timer
proc prsTimeLaterThan*(deadline: Preserve | Monotime): Preserve =
initRecord(symbol("TimeLaterThan"), deadline)
Observe = dataspace.Observe
proc toPreserveHook*(time: Monotime): Preserve =
when defined(solo5):
import solo5, solo5_dispatcher
proc fromPreserveHook*(mt: var Monotime; p: Preserve): bool =
if p.kind == pkSignedInteger:
mt = cast[MonoTime]((,))
result = true
proc wallFloat: float =
solo5_clock_wall().float / 1_000_000_000.0
syndicate timerDriver:
TimerDriver = ref object
facet: Facet
## Owning facet of driver.
target: Cap
## Destination for LaterThan assertions.
deadlines: Table[float, Facet]
## Deadlines that other actors are observing.
proc spawnTimerDriver(facet: Facet; cap: Cap): TimerDriver =
TimerDriver(facet: facet, target: cap)
proc await(driver: TimerDriver; deadline: float) {.solo5dispatch.} =
let facet = driver.deadlines.getOrDefault(deadline)
if not facet.isNil:
# check if the deadline is still observed
proc turnWork(turn: Turn) =
discard publish(turn,, LaterThan(seconds: deadline))
run(facet, turnWork)
import std/[oserrors, posix, sets]
type Time = posix.Time
{.pragma: timerfd, importc, header: "<sys/timerfd.h>".}
proc timerfd_create(clock_id: ClockId, flags: cint): cint {.timerfd.}
proc timerfd_settime(ufd: cint, flags: cint,
utmr: var Itimerspec, otmr: var Itimerspec): cint {.timerfd.}
proc timerfd_gettime(ufd: cint, curr: var Itimerspec): cint {.timerfd.}
TFD_NONBLOCK {.timerfd.}: cint
TFD_CLOEXEC {.timerfd.}: cint
TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME {.timerfd.}: cint
proc `<`(a, b: Timespec): bool =
a.tv_sec.clong < b.tv_sec.clong or
(a.tv_sec.clong == b.tv_sec.clong and a.tv_nsec < b.tv_nsec)
proc `+`(a, b: Timespec): Timespec =
result.tv_sec = Time a.tv_sec.clong + b.tv_sec.clong
result.tv_nsec = a.tv_nsec + b.tv_nsec
func toFloat(ts: Timespec): float =
ts.tv_sec.float + ts.tv_nsec.float / 1_000_000_000
func toTimespec(f: float): Timespec =
result.tv_sec = Time(f)
result.tv_nsec = clong(uint64(f * 1_000_000_000) mod 1_000_000_000)
proc wallFloat: float =
var ts: Timespec
if clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ts) < 0:
raiseOSError(osLastError(), "clock_gettime")
TimerDriver = ref object
facet: Facet
## Owning facet of driver.
target: Cap
## Destination for LaterThan assertions.
deadlines: Table[float, Facet]
## Deadlines that other actors are observing.
timers: HashSet[cint]
# TODO: use a single timer descriptor
proc spawnTimerDriver(facet: Facet; cap: Cap): TimerDriver =
let driver = TimerDriver(facet: facet, target: cap)
facet.onStop do (turn: Turn):
for fd in driver.timers:
unregister(FD fd)
discard close(fd)
proc earliestFloat(driver: TimerDriver): float =
assert driver.deadlines.len > 0
result = high float
for deadline in driver.deadlines.keys:
if deadline < result:
result = deadline
proc await(driver: TimerDriver; deadline: float) {.asyncio.} =
## Run timer driver concurrently with actor.
let fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, TFD_NONBLOCK or TFD_CLOEXEC)
if fd < 0:
raiseOSError(osLastError(), "failed to acquire timer descriptor")
old: Itimerspec
its = Itimerspec(it_value: deadline.toTimespec)
if timerfd_settime(fd, TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, its, old) < 0:
raiseOSError(osLastError(), "failed to set timeout")
while wallFloat() < deadline:
# Check if the timer is expired which
# could happen before waiting.
wait(FD fd, Read)
let facet = driver.deadlines.getOrDefault(deadline)
if not facet.isNil:
# Check if the deadline is still observed.
proc turnWork(turn: Turn) =
discard publish(turn,, LaterThan(seconds: deadline))
run(facet, turnWork)
discard close(fd)
proc spawnTimerDriver*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap): Actor {.discardable.} =
## Spawn a timer actor that responds to
## dataspace observations of timeouts on `ds`.
linkActor(turn, "timers") do (turn: Turn):
let driver = spawnTimerDriver(turn.facet, ds)
let pat = observePattern(!LaterThan, {@[0.toPreserves]: grabLit()})
during(turn, ds, pat) do (deadline: float):
driver.deadlines[deadline] = turn.facet
discard trampoline(whelp await(driver, deadline))
driver.deadlines.del deadline
proc after*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; dur: Duration; act: TurnAction) =
## Execute `act` after some duration of time.
var later = wallFloat() + dur.inMilliseconds.float / 1_000.0
onPublish(turn, ds, ?LaterThan(seconds: later)):
spawn "timer":
during(observe(prsTimeLaterThan(?deadline))) do (deadline: MonoTime):
now = getMonoTime()
period = inMilliseconds(deadline - now)
if period > 0:
addTimer(, oneshot = true) do (fd: AsyncFD) -> bool:
react: publish: prsTimeLaterThan(deadline)
react: publish: prsTimeLaterThan(deadline)

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, tables]
import preserves
import ./actors, ./patterns, ./protocols/dataspace
DuringProc* = proc (turn: Turn; a: Value; h: Handle): TurnAction
DuringActionKind = enum null, dead, act
DuringAction = object
case kind: DuringActionKind
of null, dead: discard
of act:
action: TurnAction
DuringEntity {.final.}= ref object of Entity
cb: DuringProc
assertionMap: Table[Handle, DuringAction]
method publish(de: DuringEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
discard inFacet(turn) do (turn: Turn):
let action = de.cb(turn, a.value, h)
# assert(not action.isNil "should have put in a no-op action")
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: act, action: action)
of dead:
de.assertionMap.del h
of act:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in publish: " & $h)
method retract(de: DuringEntity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: dead)
of dead:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in retract: " & $h)
of act:
de.assertionMap.del h
if not g.action.isNil:
proc during*(cb: DuringProc): DuringEntity = DuringEntity(cb: cb)
proc observe*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; pat: Pattern; e: Entity): Handle =
publish(turn, ds, Observe(pattern: pat, observer: newCap(turn, e)))

src/syndicate/events.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
type EventKind* = enum addedEvent, removedEvent, messageEvent

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2022 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, tables]
import ./actors
from ./protocols/sturdy import Oid
proc hash(r: Cap): Hash = !$(r.relay.hash !&
Membrane* = object
## Bidirectional mapping between `Oid` and `Cap` values.
byOid: Table[Oid, WireSymbol]
byCap: Table[Cap, WireSymbol]
WireSymbol* = ref object
oid: Oid
cap: Cap
count: int
proc oid*(sym: WireSymbol): Oid = sym.oid
proc cap*(sym: WireSymbol): Cap = sym.cap
proc grab*(mem: Membrane; key: Oid): WireSymbol =
## Grab a `WireSymbol` from a `Membrane`.
proc grab*(mem: Membrane; key: Cap): WireSymbol =
## Grab a `WireSymbol` from a `Membrane`.
proc drop*(mem: var Membrane; sym: WireSymbol) =
## Drop a `WireSymbol` from a `Membrane`.
dec sym.count
if sym.count < 1:
mem.byOid.del sym.oid
mem.byCap.del sym.cap
proc newWireSymbol*(mem: var Membrane; o: Oid; r: Cap): WireSymbol =
## Allocate a `WireSymbol` at a `Membrane`.
result = WireSymbol(oid: o, cap: r, count: 1)
mem.byOid[result.oid] = result
mem.byCap[result.cap] = result

View File

@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, options, tables, typetraits]
import preserves
import ./protocols/[dataspacePatterns, dataspace]
from ./actors import Cap
export dataspacePatterns.`$`, AnyAtomKind, GroupTypeKind, PatternKind
Pattern* = dataspacePatterns.Pattern
proc toPattern(b: sink PatternBind): Pattern =
Pattern(orKind: PatternKind.`bind`, `bind`: b)
proc toPattern(l: sink PatternLit): Pattern =
Pattern(orKind: PatternKind.`lit`, lit: l)
proc toPattern(g: sink PatternGroup): Pattern =
Pattern(orKind: PatternKind.`group`, group: g)
proc toPattern(a: sink AnyAtom): Pattern =
PatternLit(value: a).toPattern
proc grab*(p: sink Pattern): Pattern =
PatternBind(pattern: p).toPattern
proc drop*(): Pattern = Pattern(orKind: PatternKind.`discard`)
## Create a pattern to match any value without capture.
proc grab*(): Pattern = drop().grab()
## Create a pattern to capture any value.
proc drop*(pr: Value): Pattern =
## Convert a `Preserve` value to a `Pattern`.
from std/unittest import check
import preserves
$("""<foo "bar" #"00" [0 1 2.0] {maybe: #t} <_>>""".parsePreserves.drop) ==
"""<group <rec foo> {0: <lit "bar"> 1: <lit #"00"> 2: <group <arr> {0: <lit 0> 1: <lit 1> 2: <lit 2.0>}> 3: <group <dict> {maybe: <lit #t>}> 4: <_>}>"""
case pr.kind
of pkBoolean:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`bool`, bool: pr.bool).toPattern
of pkFloat:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`double`, double: pr.float).toPattern
of pkRegister:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`int`, int: pr.register).toPattern
of pkBigInt:
raiseAssert "cannot make a pattern over a big integer"
of pkString:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`string`, string: pr.string).toPattern
of pkByteString:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`bytes`, bytes: pr.bytes).toPattern
of pkSymbol:
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`symbol`, symbol: pr.symbol).toPattern
of pkRecord:
if pr.isRecord("_", 0):
elif pr.isRecord("bind", 1):
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.rec))
group.`type`.rec.label = pr.label
var i: int
for v in pr.fields:
group.entries[toPreserves i] = drop v
inc i
of pkSequence:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.arr))
for i, v in pr.sequence:
group.entries[toPreserves i] = drop v
of pkSet:
raiseAssert "cannot construct a pattern over a set literal"
of pkDictionary:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.dict))
for key, val in pr.pairs:
group.entries[key] = drop val
of pkEmbedded:
if pr.embeddedRef.isNil: drop()
AnyAtom(orKind: AnyAtomKind.`embedded`, embedded: pr.embeddedRef).toPattern
# raise newException(ValueError, "cannot generate a pattern for unhandled Value type")
proc drop*[T](x: T): Pattern =
## Construct a `Pattern` from value of type `T`.
## This proc is called `drop` because the value `x` is matched but discarded.
from std/unittest import check
$drop(true) == "<lit #t>"
$drop(3.14) == "<lit 3.14>"
$drop([0, 1, 2, 3]) == "<group <arr> {0: <lit 0> 1: <lit 1> 2: <lit 2> 3: <lit 3>}>"
proc grab*[T](x: T): Pattern {.
deprecated: "use drop unless you wish to capture the provided value".} =
PatternBind(pattern: drop x).toPattern
proc grabTypeFlat*(typ: static typedesc): Pattern =
## Derive a `Pattern` from type `typ`.
## This works for `tuple` and `object` types but in the
## general case will return a wildcard binding.
import preserves
from std/unittest import check
$grabTypeFlat(array[3, int]) ==
"""<group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>> 2: <bind <_>> 3: <bind <_>>}>"""
Point = tuple[x: int; y: int]
Rect {.preservesRecord: "rect".} = tuple[a: Point; B: Point]
ColoredRect {.preservesDictionary.} = tuple[color: string; rect: Rect]
$(grabTypeFlat Point) ==
"<group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}>"
$(grabTypeFlat Rect) ==
"<group <rec rect> {0: <group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}> 1: <group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}>}>"
$(grabTypeFlat ColoredRect) ==
"<group <dict> {color: <bind <_>> rect: <group <rec rect> {0: <group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}> 1: <group <arr> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}>}>}>"
when typ is ref:
elif typ.hasPreservesRecordPragma:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`rec`))
group.`type`.rec.label = typ.recordLabel.toSymbol
for _, f in fieldPairs(default typ):
group.entries[group.entries.len.toPreserves] = grabTypeFlat(typeof f)
elif typ.hasPreservesDictionaryPragma:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`dict`))
for key, val in fieldPairs(default typ):
group.entries[key.toSymbol] = grabTypeFlat(typeof val)
elif typ is tuple:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`arr`))
for _, f in fieldPairs(default typ):
group.entries[group.entries.len.toPreserves] = grabTypeFlat(typeof f)
elif typ is array:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`arr`))
for i in 0..len(typ):
group.entries[toPreserves i] = grab()
proc fieldCount(T: typedesc): int =
for _, _ in fieldPairs(default T):
inc result
proc dropType*(typ: static typedesc): Pattern =
## Derive a `Pattern` from type `typ` without any bindings.
when typ is ref:
elif typ.hasPreservesRecordPragma:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`rec`))
group.`type`.rec.label = typ.recordLabel.toSymbol
let high = typ.fieldCount.pred
if high >= 0: group.entries[high.toPreserves] = drop()
elif typ.hasPreservesDictionaryPragma:
PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`dict`)).toPattern
elif typ is tuple or typ is array:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`arr`))
let high = typ.fieldCount.pred
if high >= 0: group.entries[high.toPreserves] = drop()
proc grabType*(typ: static typedesc): Pattern =
PatternBind(pattern: typ.dropType).toPattern
proc bindEntries(group: var PatternGroup; bindings: openArray[(int, Pattern)]) =
## Set `bindings` for a `group`.
for (i, pat) in bindings: group.entries[toPreserves i] = pat
proc grab*(typ: static typedesc; bindings: sink openArray[(int, Pattern)]): Pattern =
## Construct a `Pattern` from type `typ` with pattern `bindings` by integer offset.
when typ is ptr | ref:
grab(pointerBase(typ), bindings)
elif typ.hasPreservesRecordPragma:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`rec`))
group.`type`.rec.label = typ.recordLabel.toSymbol
bindEntries(group, bindings)
elif typ is tuple:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`arr`))
bindEntries(group, bindings)
{.error: "grab with indexed bindings not implemented for " & $typ.}
proc grab*(typ: static typedesc; bindings: sink openArray[(Value, Pattern)]): Pattern =
## Construct a `Pattern` from type `typ` with dictionary field `bindings`.
when typ.hasPreservesDictionaryPragma:
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`dict`))
for key, val in bindinds: group.entries[key] = val
{.error: "grab with dictionary bindings not implemented for " & $typ.}
proc grabLit*(): Pattern =
from std/unittest import check
$grabLit() == """<group <rec lit> {0: <bind <_>>}>"""
proc grabDict*(): Pattern =
proc unpackLiterals*(pr: Value): Value =
result = pr
apply(result) do (pr: var Value):
if pr.isRecord("lit", 1) or pr.isRecord("dict", 1) or pr.isRecord("arr", 1) or pr.isRecord("set", 1):
pr = pr.record[0]
proc inject*(pattern: sink Pattern; p: Pattern; path: varargs[Value, toPreserves]): Pattern =
## Inject `p` inside `pattern` at `path`.
## Injects are made at offsets indexed by the discard (`<_>`) patterns in `pat`.
proc inject(pat: var Pattern; path: openarray[Value]) =
if len(path) == 0:
pat = p
elif pat.orKind != PatternKind.`group`:
raise newException(ValueError, "cannot inject along specified path")
inject([path[0]], path[1..path.high])
result = pattern
inject(result, path)
proc grabRecord*(label: Value, fields: varargs[Pattern]): Pattern =
from std/unittest import check
import preserves
$grabRecord("Says".toSymbol, grab(), grab()) ==
"""<group <rec Says> {0: <bind <_>> 1: <bind <_>>}>"""
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`rec`))
group.`type`.rec.label = label
for i, f in fields: group.entries[toPreserves i] = f
proc grabRecord*(label: Value, fields: sink openArray[(int, Pattern)]): Pattern =
from std/unittest import check
import preserves
$grabRecord("Says".toSymbol, {3: grab(), 4: grab()}) ==
"""<group <rec Says> {3: <bind <_>> 4: <bind <_>>}>"""
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`rec`))
group.`type`.rec.label = label
for (i, p) in fields: group.entries[toPreserves i] = p
proc grabRecord*(label: string, fields: varargs[Pattern]): Pattern =
## Sugar for creating record patterns.
## `label` is converted to a symbol value.
grabRecord(label.toSymbol, fields)
proc grabDictionary*(bindings: sink openArray[(Value, Pattern)]): Pattern =
## Construct a pattern that grabs some dictionary pairs.
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`dict`))
for (key, val) in bindings: group.entries[key] = val
proc grabDictionary*(bindings: sink openArray[(string, Pattern)]): Pattern =
## Construct a pattern that grabs some dictionary pairs.
## Keys are converted from strings to symbols.
var group = PatternGroup(`type`: GroupType(orKind: GroupTypeKind.`dict`))
for (key, val) in bindings: group.entries[toSymbol key] = val
proc depattern(group: PatternGroup; values: var seq[Value]; index: var int): Value
proc depattern(pat: Pattern; values: var seq[Value]; index: var int): Value =
case pat.orKind
of PatternKind.`discard`:
of PatternKind.`bind`:
if index < values.len:
result = move values[index]
inc index
of PatternKind.`lit`:
result = pat.`lit`.value.toPreserves
of PatternKind.`group`:
result = depattern(, values, index)
proc depattern(group: PatternGroup; values: var seq[Value]; index: var int): Value =
case group.`type`.orKind
of GroupTypeKind.rec:
result = initRecord(group.`type`.rec.label, group.entries.len)
var i: int
for key, val in group.entries:
if i.fromPreserves key:
result[i] = depattern(val, values, index)
of GroupTypeKind.arr:
result = initSequence(group.entries.len)
var i: int
for key, val in group.entries:
if i.fromPreserves key:
result[i] = depattern(val, values, index)
of GroupTypeKind.dict:
result = initDictionary(Cap)
for key, val in group.entries:
result[key] = depattern(val, values, index)
proc depattern*(pat: Pattern; values: sink seq[Value]): Value =
## Convert a `Pattern` to a `Value` while replacing binds with `values`.
from std/unittest import check
import preserves
type Foo {.preservesRecord: "foo".} = object
a, b: int
let pat = grabTypeFlat Foo
let val = depattern(pat, @[1.toPreserves, 5.toPreserves])
check $val == "<foo 1 5>"
var index: int
depattern(pat, values, index)
type Literal*[T] = object
## A wrapper type to deserialize patterns to native values.
value*: T
proc fromPreservesHook*[T](lit: var Literal[T]; pr: Value): bool =
var pat: Pattern
pat.fromPreserves(pr) and lit.value.fromPreserves(depattern(pat, @[]))
proc toPreservesHook*[T](lit: Literal[T]): Value =
func isGroup(pat: Pattern): bool =
pat.orKind == PatternKind.`group`
func isMetaDict(pat: Pattern): bool =
pat.orKind == PatternKind.`group` and == GroupTypeKind.dict
proc metaApply(result: var Pattern; pat: Pattern; path: openarray[Value], offset: int) =
if offset == path.len:
result = pat
elif result.isGroup and[1.toPreserves].isMetaDict:
if offset == path.high:[1.toPreserves].group.entries[path[offset]] = pat
metaApply([1.toPreserves].group.entries[path[offset]], pat, path, succ offset)
assert result.isGroup, "non-group: " & $result
assert[1.toPreserves].isMetaDict, "non-meta-dict: " & $[1.toPreserves]
raise newException(ValueError, "cannot inject into non-group pattern " & $result)
proc observePattern*(pat: Pattern; injects: openarray[(seq[Value], Pattern)]): Pattern =
result = dropType Observe
var meta = pat.toPreserves.drop
for (path, pat) in injects:
metaApply(meta, pat, path, 0)[0.toPreserves] = meta
Path* = seq[Value]
Paths* = seq[Path]
Captures* = seq[Value]
Analysis* = tuple
presentPaths: Paths
constPaths: Paths
constValues: seq[Value]
capturePaths: Paths
func walk(result: var Analysis; path: var Path; p: Pattern)
func walk(result: var Analysis; path: var Path; key: Value; pat: Pattern) =
walk(result, path, pat)
discard path.pop
func walk(result: var Analysis; path: var Path; p: Pattern) =
case p.orKind
for k, v in walk(result, path, k, v)
of PatternKind.`bind`:
walk(result, path, p.`bind`.pattern)
of PatternKind.`discard`:
of PatternKind.`lit`:
func analyse*(p: Pattern): Analysis =
var path: Path
walk(result, path, p)
func checkPresence*(v: Value; present: Paths): bool =
result = true
for path in present:
if not result: break
result = step(v, path).isSome
func projectPaths*(v: Value; paths: Paths): Option[Captures] =
var res = newSeq[Value](paths.len)
for i, path in paths:
var vv = step(v, path)
if vv.isSome: res[i] = get(vv)
else: return
some res
proc matches*(pat: Pattern; pr: Value): bool =
let analysis = analyse(pat)
assert analysis.constPaths.len == analysis.constValues.len
result = checkPresence(pr, analysis.presentPaths)
if result:
for i, path in analysis.constPaths:
let v = step(pr, path)
if v.isNone: return false
if analysis.constValues[i] != v.get: return false
for path in analysis.capturePaths:
if step(pr, path).isNone: return false
proc capture*(pat: Pattern; pr: Value): seq[Value] =
let analysis = analyse(pat)
assert analysis.constPaths.len == analysis.constValues.len
if checkPresence(pr, analysis.presentPaths):
for i, path in analysis.constPaths:
let v = step(pr, path)
if v.isNone : return @[]
if analysis.constValues[i] != v.get: return @[]
for path in analysis.capturePaths:
let v = step(pr, path)
if v.isNone: return @[]
result.add(get v)
when isMainModule:
stdout.writeLine stdin.readAll.parsePreserves.grab

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import nimSHA2
proc fillPad(pad: var openarray[byte]; key: openarray[byte]; fillByte: byte) =
for i in 0..key.high: pad[i] = fillByte xor key[i].uint8
for i in key.len..pad.high: pad[i] = fillByte
proc hmacSha256*[T:char|byte](key: openarray[byte]; msg: openarray[T]; outLength = 32): seq[byte] =
const blockSize = 64
assert(outLength <= 32)
hash: SHA256
pad: array[blockSize, byte]
const xorByte = 0x36'u8
if key.len < blockSize:
fillPad(pad, key, xorByte)
update(hash, key)
var keyDigest = final(hash)
fillPad(pad, keyDigest, xorByte)
update(hash, pad)
update(hash, msg)
var digest = final(hash)
const xorByte = 0x5c'u8
if key.len < blockSize:
fillPad(pad, key, xorByte)
update(hash, key)
var keyDigest = final(hash)
fillPad(pad, keyDigest, xorByte)
update(hash, pad)
update(hash, digest)
digest = final(hash)
copyMem(result[0].addr, digest[0].addr, result.len)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
all: schema-bundle.bin
rm -f schema-bundle.bin
schema-bundle.bin: schemas/*.prs
preserves-schemac schemas/*.prs > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
modules += dataspace.nim
modules += dataspacePatterns.nim
modules += gatekeeper.nim
modules += http.nim
modules += noise.nim
modules += protocol.nim
modules += service.nim
modules += stdenv.nim
modules += stream.nim
modules += sturdy.nim
modules += tcp.nim
modules += timer.nim
modules += trace.nim
modules += transportAddress.nim
modules += worker.nim
: ../../../../syndicate-protocols/schema-bundle.bin \
|> !preserves_schema_nim \
|> $(modules) | $(SYNDICATE_PROTOCOL)
: foreach $(modules) | $(modules) |> !nim_check |>

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
preserves, dataspacePatterns
Observe* {.preservesRecord: "Observe".} = object
`pattern`*: dataspacePatterns.Pattern
`observer`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
proc `$`*(x: Observe): string =
proc encode*(x: Observe): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
preserves, std/tables
AnyAtomKind* {.pure.} = enum
`bool`, `double`, `int`, `string`, `bytes`, `symbol`, `embedded`
`AnyAtom`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: AnyAtomKind
of AnyAtomKind.`bool`:
`bool`*: bool
of AnyAtomKind.`double`:
`double`*: float
of AnyAtomKind.`int`:
`int`*: BiggestInt
of AnyAtomKind.`string`:
`string`*: string
of AnyAtomKind.`bytes`:
`bytes`*: seq[byte]
of AnyAtomKind.`symbol`:
`symbol`*: Symbol
of AnyAtomKind.`embedded`:
`embedded`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
GroupTypeKind* {.pure.} = enum
`rec`, `arr`, `dict`
GroupTypeRec* {.preservesRecord: "rec".} = object
`label`*: Value
GroupTypeArr* {.preservesRecord: "arr".} = object
GroupTypeDict* {.preservesRecord: "dict".} = object
`GroupType`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: GroupTypeKind
of GroupTypeKind.`rec`:
`rec`*: GroupTypeRec
of GroupTypeKind.`arr`:
`arr`*: GroupTypeArr
of GroupTypeKind.`dict`:
`dict`*: GroupTypeDict
PatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`discard`, `bind`, `lit`, `group`
PatternDiscard* {.preservesRecord: "_".} = object
PatternBind* {.preservesRecord: "bind".} = object
`pattern`*: Pattern
PatternLit* {.preservesRecord: "lit".} = object
`value`*: AnyAtom
PatternGroup* {.preservesRecord: "group".} = object
`type`*: GroupType
`entries`*: Table[Value, Pattern]
`Pattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: PatternKind
of PatternKind.`discard`:
`discard`*: PatternDiscard
of PatternKind.`bind`:
`bind`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: PatternBind
of PatternKind.`lit`:
`lit`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: PatternLit
of PatternKind.`group`:
`group`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: PatternGroup
proc `$`*(x: AnyAtom | GroupType | Pattern): string =
proc encode*(x: AnyAtom | GroupType | Pattern): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
Bind* {.preservesRecord: "bind".} = object
`description`*: Description
`target`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`observer`*: BindObserver
Route* {.preservesRecord: "route".} = object
`transports`*: seq[Value]
`pathSteps`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[PathStep]
BindObserverKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `absent`
`BindObserver`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: BindObserverKind
of BindObserverKind.`present`:
`present`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
of BindObserverKind.`absent`:
`absent`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
TransportConnection* {.preservesRecord: "connect-transport".} = object
`addr`*: Value
`control`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`resolved`*: Resolved
Step* = Value
ResolvedPathStep* {.preservesRecord: "path-step".} = object
`origin`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`pathStep`*: PathStep
`resolved`*: Resolved
BoundKind* {.pure.} = enum
`bound`, `Rejected`
BoundBound* {.preservesRecord: "bound".} = object
`pathStep`*: PathStep
`Bound`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: BoundKind
of BoundKind.`bound`:
`bound`*: BoundBound
of BoundKind.`Rejected`:
`rejected`*: Rejected
ForceDisconnect* {.preservesRecord: "force-disconnect".} = object
Description* = Value
Rejected* {.preservesRecord: "rejected".} = object
`detail`*: Value
Resolve* {.preservesRecord: "resolve".} = object
`step`*: Step
`observer`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
ResolvedKind* {.pure.} = enum
`accepted`, `Rejected`
ResolvedAccepted* {.preservesRecord: "accepted".} = object
`responderSession`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`Resolved`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ResolvedKind
of ResolvedKind.`accepted`:
`accepted`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: ResolvedAccepted
of ResolvedKind.`Rejected`:
`rejected`*: Rejected
TransportControl* = ForceDisconnect
ResolvePath* {.preservesRecord: "resolve-path".} = object
`route`*: Route
`addr`*: Value
`control`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`resolved`*: Resolved
PathStep* = Value
proc `$`*(x: Bind | Route | BindObserver | TransportConnection |
ResolvedPathStep |
Bound |
ForceDisconnect |
Rejected |
Resolve |
Resolved |
TransportControl |
ResolvePath): string =
proc encode*(x: Bind | Route | BindObserver | TransportConnection |
ResolvedPathStep |
Bound |
ForceDisconnect |
Rejected |
Resolve |
Resolved |
TransportControl |
ResolvePath): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
preserves, std/tables
HostPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`host`, `any`
`HostPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: HostPatternKind
of HostPatternKind.`host`:
`host`*: string
of HostPatternKind.`any`:
`any`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
HttpListener* {.preservesRecord: "http-listener".} = object
`port`*: BiggestInt
MethodPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`any`, `specific`
`MethodPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: MethodPatternKind
of MethodPatternKind.`any`:
`any`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
of MethodPatternKind.`specific`:
`specific`*: Symbol
MimeType* = Symbol
QueryValueKind* {.pure.} = enum
`string`, `file`
QueryValueFile* {.preservesRecord: "file".} = object
`filename`*: string
`headers`*: Headers
`body`*: seq[byte]
`QueryValue`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: QueryValueKind
of QueryValueKind.`string`:
`string`*: string
of QueryValueKind.`file`:
`file`*: QueryValueFile
HttpRequest* {.preservesRecord: "http-request".} = object
`sequenceNumber`*: BiggestInt
`host`*: RequestHost
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: Symbol
`path`*: seq[string]
`headers`*: Headers
`query`*: Table[Symbol, seq[QueryValue]]
`body`*: RequestBody
RequestBodyKind* {.pure.} = enum
`absent`, `present`
`RequestBody`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: RequestBodyKind
of RequestBodyKind.`absent`:
`absent`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
of RequestBodyKind.`present`:
`present`*: seq[byte]
Headers* = Table[Symbol, string]
HttpResponseKind* {.pure.} = enum
`status`, `header`, `chunk`, `done`
HttpResponseStatus* {.preservesRecord: "status".} = object
`code`*: BiggestInt
`message`*: string
HttpResponseHeader* {.preservesRecord: "header".} = object
`name`*: Symbol
`value`*: string
HttpResponseChunk* {.preservesRecord: "chunk".} = object
`chunk`*: Chunk
HttpResponseDone* {.preservesRecord: "done".} = object
`chunk`*: Chunk
`HttpResponse`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: HttpResponseKind
of HttpResponseKind.`status`:
`status`*: HttpResponseStatus
of HttpResponseKind.`header`:
`header`*: HttpResponseHeader
of HttpResponseKind.`chunk`:
`chunk`*: HttpResponseChunk
of HttpResponseKind.`done`:
`done`*: HttpResponseDone
HttpService* {.preservesRecord: "http-service".} = object
`host`*: HostPattern
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: MethodPattern
`path`*: PathPattern
HttpBinding* {.preservesRecord: "http-bind".} = object
`host`*: HostPattern
`port`*: BiggestInt
`method`*: MethodPattern
`path`*: PathPattern
`handler`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Value
HttpContext* {.preservesRecord: "request".} = object
`req`*: HttpRequest
`res`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Value
RequestHostKind* {.pure.} = enum
`absent`, `present`
`RequestHost`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: RequestHostKind
of RequestHostKind.`absent`:
`absent`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
of RequestHostKind.`present`:
`present`*: string
PathPatternElementKind* {.pure.} = enum
`label`, `wildcard`, `rest`
`PathPatternElement`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: PathPatternElementKind
of PathPatternElementKind.`label`:
`label`*: string
of PathPatternElementKind.`wildcard`:
`wildcard`* {.preservesLiteral: "_".}: bool
of PathPatternElementKind.`rest`:
`rest`* {.preservesLiteral: "|...|".}: bool
ChunkKind* {.pure.} = enum
`string`, `bytes`
`Chunk`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ChunkKind
of ChunkKind.`string`:
`string`*: string
of ChunkKind.`bytes`:
`bytes`*: seq[byte]
PathPattern* = seq[PathPatternElement]
proc `$`*(x: HostPattern | HttpListener | MethodPattern | MimeType | QueryValue |
HttpRequest |
RequestBody |
Headers |
HttpResponse |
HttpService |
HttpBinding |
HttpContext |
RequestHost |
PathPatternElement |
Chunk |
PathPattern): string =
proc encode*(x: HostPattern | HttpListener | MethodPattern | MimeType |
QueryValue |
HttpRequest |
RequestBody |
Headers |
HttpResponse |
HttpService |
HttpBinding |
HttpContext |
RequestHost |
PathPatternElement |
Chunk |
PathPattern): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
preserves, std/options
NoiseDescriptionDetail* = NoiseServiceSpec
NoisePreSharedKeysKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `invalid`, `absent`
NoisePreSharedKeysPresent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`preSharedKeys`*: seq[seq[byte]]
NoisePreSharedKeysInvalid* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`preSharedKeys`*: Value
NoisePreSharedKeysAbsent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`NoisePreSharedKeys`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: NoisePreSharedKeysKind
of NoisePreSharedKeysKind.`present`:
`present`*: NoisePreSharedKeysPresent
of NoisePreSharedKeysKind.`invalid`:
`invalid`*: NoisePreSharedKeysInvalid
of NoisePreSharedKeysKind.`absent`:
`absent`*: NoisePreSharedKeysAbsent
SecretKeyFieldKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `invalid`, `absent`
SecretKeyFieldPresent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`secretKey`*: seq[byte]
SecretKeyFieldInvalid* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`secretKey`*: Value
SecretKeyFieldAbsent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`SecretKeyField`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: SecretKeyFieldKind
of SecretKeyFieldKind.`present`:
`present`*: SecretKeyFieldPresent
of SecretKeyFieldKind.`invalid`:
`invalid`*: SecretKeyFieldInvalid
of SecretKeyFieldKind.`absent`:
`absent`*: SecretKeyFieldAbsent
SessionItemKind* {.pure.} = enum
`Initiator`, `Packet`
`SessionItem`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: SessionItemKind
of SessionItemKind.`Initiator`:
`initiator`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Initiator
of SessionItemKind.`Packet`:
`packet`*: Packet
NoiseProtocolKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `invalid`, `absent`
NoiseProtocolPresent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`protocol`*: string
NoiseProtocolInvalid* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`protocol`*: Value
NoiseProtocolAbsent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`NoiseProtocol`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: NoiseProtocolKind
of NoiseProtocolKind.`present`:
`present`*: NoiseProtocolPresent
of NoiseProtocolKind.`invalid`:
`invalid`*: NoiseProtocolInvalid
of NoiseProtocolKind.`absent`:
`absent`*: NoiseProtocolAbsent
NoisePathStepDetail* = NoiseSpec
NoiseServiceSpecKey* = seq[byte]
NoiseServiceSpecPreSharedKeys* = Option[Value]
NoiseServiceSpecProtocol* = Option[Value]
NoiseServiceSpecSecretKey* = Option[Value]
`NoiseServiceSpec`* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`key`*: seq[byte]
`preSharedKeys`*: Option[Value]
`protocol`*: Option[Value]
`secretKey`*: Option[Value]
`service`*: ServiceSelector
ServiceSelector* = Value
Initiator* {.preservesRecord: "initiator".} = object
`initiatorSession`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
NoiseStepDetail* = ServiceSelector
NoiseSpecKey* = seq[byte]
NoiseSpecPreSharedKeys* = Option[Value]
NoiseSpecProtocol* = Option[Value]
`NoiseSpec`* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`key`*: seq[byte]
`preSharedKeys`*: Option[Value]
`protocol`*: Option[Value]
`service`*: ServiceSelector
PacketKind* {.pure.} = enum
`complete`, `fragmented`
`Packet`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: PacketKind
of PacketKind.`complete`:
`complete`*: seq[byte]
of PacketKind.`fragmented`:
`fragmented`*: seq[seq[byte]]
proc `$`*(x: NoiseDescriptionDetail | NoisePreSharedKeys | SecretKeyField |
SessionItem |
NoiseProtocol |
NoisePathStepDetail |
NoiseServiceSpec |
Initiator |
NoiseSpec |
Packet): string =
proc encode*(x: NoiseDescriptionDetail | NoisePreSharedKeys | SecretKeyField |
SessionItem |
NoiseProtocol |
NoisePathStepDetail |
NoiseServiceSpec |
Initiator |
NoiseSpec |
Packet): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
Error* {.preservesRecord: "error".} = object
`message`*: string
`detail`*: Value
Turn* = seq[TurnEvent]
Message* {.preservesRecord: "M".} = object
`body`*: Assertion
Retract* {.preservesRecord: "R".} = object
`handle`*: Handle
Assert* {.preservesRecord: "A".} = object
`assertion`*: Assertion
`handle`*: Handle
Extension* = Value
Sync* {.preservesRecord: "S".} = object
`peer`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Value
TurnEvent* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`oid`*: Oid
`event`*: Event
Oid* = BiggestInt
Assertion* = Value
Handle* = BiggestInt
PacketKind* {.pure.} = enum
`Turn`, `Error`, `Extension`, `Nop`
`Packet`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: PacketKind
of PacketKind.`Turn`:
`turn`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Turn
of PacketKind.`Error`:
`error`*: Error
of PacketKind.`Extension`:
`extension`*: Extension
of PacketKind.`Nop`:
`nop`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
EventKind* {.pure.} = enum
`Assert`, `Retract`, `Message`, `Sync`
`Event`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: EventKind
of EventKind.`Assert`:
`assert`*: Assert
of EventKind.`Retract`:
`retract`*: Retract
of EventKind.`Message`:
`message`*: Message
of EventKind.`Sync`:
`sync`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: Sync
proc `$`*(x: Error | Turn | Message | Retract | Assert | Sync | TurnEvent | Oid |
Handle |
Packet |
Event): string =
proc encode*(x: Error | Turn | Message | Retract | Assert | Sync | TurnEvent |
Oid |
Handle |
Packet |
Event): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
´³bundle·µ³tcp„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³TcpLocal´³rec´³lit³ tcp-local„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ TcpRemote´³rec´³lit³
tcp-remote„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³ TcpPeerInfo´³rec´³lit³tcp-peer„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³embedded³any„„´³named³local´³refµ„³TcpLocal„„´³named³remote´³refµ„³ TcpRemote„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³timer„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³SetTimer´³rec´³lit³ set-timer„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³msecs´³atom³Double„„´³named³kind´³refµ„³ TimerKind„„„„„³ LaterThan´³rec´³lit³
later-than„´³tupleµ´³named³msecs´³atom³Double„„„„„³ TimerKind´³orµµ±relative´³lit³relative„„µ±absolute´³lit³absolute„„µ±clear´³lit³clear„„„„³ TimerExpired´³rec´³lit³ timer-expired„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³msecs´³atom³Double„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³stream„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Mode´³orµµ±bytes´³lit³bytes„„µ±lines´³refµ„³LineMode„„µ±packet´³rec´³lit³packet„´³tupleµ´³named³size´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„„µ±object´³rec´³lit³object„´³tupleµ´³named³ description³any„„„„„„„³Sink´³orµµ±source´³rec´³lit³source„´³tupleµ´³named³
controller´³embedded´³refµ„³Source„„„„„„„µ± StreamError´³refµ„³ StreamError„„µ±data´³rec´³lit³data„´³tupleµ´³named³payload³any„´³named³mode´³refµ„³Mode„„„„„„µ±eof´³rec´³lit³eof„´³tupleµ„„„„„„³Source´³orµµ±sink´³rec´³lit³sink„´³tupleµ´³named³
controller´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„„„„„µ± StreamError´³refµ„³ StreamError„„µ±credit´³rec´³lit³credit„´³tupleµ´³named³amount´³refµ„³ CreditAmount„„´³named³mode´³refµ„³Mode„„„„„„„„³LineMode´³orµµ±lf´³lit³lf„„µ±crlf´³lit³crlf„„„„³ StreamError´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³ CreditAmount´³orµµ±count´³atom³ SignedInteger„„µ± unbounded´³lit³ unbounded„„„„³StreamConnection´³rec´³lit³stream-connection„´³tupleµ´³named³source´³embedded´³refµ„³Source„„„´³named³sink´³embedded´³refµ„³Sink„„„´³named³spec³any„„„„³StreamListenerError´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-error„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„´³named³message´³atom³String„„„„„³StreamListenerReady´³rec´³lit³stream-listener-ready„´³tupleµ´³named³spec³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³sturdy„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value³any„„„„³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Alts´³rec´³lit³or„´³tupleµ´³named³ alternatives´³seqof´³refµ„³Rewrite„„„„„„³CArr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ´³named³arity´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³CRec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³arity´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³PAnd´³rec´³lit³and„´³tupleµ´³named³patterns´³seqof´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„³PNot´³rec´³lit³not„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³TRef´³rec´³lit³ref„´³tupleµ´³named³binding´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³CDict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ„„„³PAtom´³orµµ±Boolean´³lit³Boolean„„µ±Float´³lit³Float„„µ±Double´³lit³Double„„µ± SignedInteger´³lit³ SignedInteger„„µ±String´³lit³String„„µ±
ByteString„„µ±Symbol´³lit³Symbol„„„„³PBind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³Caveat´³orµµ±Rewrite´³refµ„³Rewrite„„µ±Alts´³refµ„³Alts„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±PDiscard´³refµ„³PDiscard„„µ±PAtom´³refµ„³PAtom„„µ± PEmbedded´³refµ„³ PEmbedded„„µ±PBind´³refµ„³PBind„„µ±PAnd´³refµ„³PAnd„„µ±PNot´³refµ„³PNot„„µ±Lit´³refµ„³Lit„„µ± PCompound´³refµ„³ PCompound„„„„³Rewrite´³rec´³lit³rewrite„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„´³named³template´³refµ„³Template„„„„„³WireRef´³orµµ±mine´³tupleµ´³lit<69>´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„„„„µ±yours´³ tuplePrefixµ´³lit´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„„´³named³ attenuation´³seqof´³refµ„³Caveat„„„„„„„³PDiscard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„³Template´³orµµ±
TAttenuate„„µ±TRef´³refµ„³TRef„„µ±Lit´³refµ„³Lit„„µ± TCompound´³refµ„³ TCompound„„„„³ PCompound´³rec´³lit³compound„´³tupleµ´³named³ctor´³refµ„³ConstructorSpec„„´³named³members´³refµ„³PCompoundMembers„„„„„³ PEmbedded´³lit³Embedded„³ SturdyRef´³rec´³lit³ref„´³tupleµ´³named³oid³any„´³named³ caveatChain´³seqof´³refµ„³ Attenuation„„„´³named³sig´³atom³
ByteString„„„„„³ TCompound´³rec´³lit³compound„´³tupleµ´³named³ctor´³refµ„³ConstructorSpec„„´³named³members´³refµ„³TCompoundMembers„„„„„³
TAttenuate´³rec´³lit³ attenuate„´³tupleµ´³named³template´³refµ„³Template„„´³named³ attenuation´³refµ„³ Attenuation„„„„„³ Attenuation´³seqof´³refµ„³Caveat„„³ConstructorSpec´³orµµ±CRec´³refµ„³CRec„„µ±CArr´³refµ„³CArr„„µ±CDict´³refµ„³CDict„„„„³PCompoundMembers´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„³TCompoundMembers´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Template„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³worker„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Instance´³rec´³lit³Instance„´³tupleµ´³named³name´³atom³String„„´³named³argument³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³service„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³RequireService´³rec´³lit³require-service„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„³ServiceRunning´³rec´³lit³service-running„´³tupleµ´³named³ serviceName³any„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³ dataspace„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Observe´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ³dataspacePatterns„³Pattern„„´³named³observer´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³
gatekeeper„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Bind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³oid³any„´³named³key´³atom³
ByteString„„´³named³target´³embedded³any„„„„„³Resolve´³rec´³lit³resolve„´³tupleµ´³named³ sturdyref´³refµ³sturdy„³ SturdyRef„„´³named³observer´³embedded´³embedded³any„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³ racketEvent„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³ RacketEvent´³rec´³lit³ racket-event„´³tupleµ´³named³source´³embedded³any„„´³named³event´³embedded³any„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³genericProtocol„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³sync„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³assert„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³message„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³retract„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³externalProtocol„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³sync„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³assert„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³message„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³retract„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³sturdy„³WireRef„„„µ³internalProtocol„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Oid´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Sync´³rec´³lit³sync„´³tupleµ´³named³peer´³embedded´³lit<69>„„„„„„³Turn´³seqof´³refµ„³ TurnEvent„„³Error´³rec´³lit³error„´³tupleµ´³named³message´³atom³String„„´³named³detail³any„„„„³Event´³orµµ±Assert´³refµ„³Assert„„µ±Retract´³refµ„³Retract„„µ±Message´³refµ„³Message„„µ±Sync´³refµ„³Sync„„„„³Assert´³rec´³lit³assert„´³tupleµ´³named³ assertion´³refµ„³ Assertion„„´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³Handle´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Packet´³orµµ±Turn´³refµ„³Turn„„µ±Error´³refµ„³Error„„„„³Message´³rec´³lit³message„´³tupleµ´³named³body´³refµ„³ Assertion„„„„„³Retract´³rec´³lit³retract„´³tupleµ´³named³handle´³refµ„³Handle„„„„„³ Assertion³any³ TurnEvent´³tupleµ´³named³oid´³refµ„³Oid„„´³named³event´³refµ„³Event„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³transportAddress„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Tcp´³rec´³lit³tcp„´³tupleµ´³named³host´³atom³String„„´³named³port´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³Unix´³rec´³lit³unix„´³tupleµ´³named³path´³atom³String„„„„„³Stdio´³rec´³lit³stdio„´³tupleµ„„„³ WebSocket´³rec´³lit³ws„´³tupleµ´³named³url´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„µ³dataspacePatterns„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³CArr´³rec´³lit³arr„´³tupleµ´³named³arity´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³CRec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label³any„´³named³arity´³atom³ SignedInteger„„„„„³DLit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value³any„„„„³CDict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ„„„³DBind´³rec´³lit³bind„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„³Pattern´³orµµ±DDiscard´³refµ„³DDiscard„„µ±DBind´³refµ„³DBind„„µ±DLit´³refµ„³DLit„„µ± DCompound´³refµ„³ DCompound„„„„³DDiscard´³rec´³lit³_„´³tupleµ„„„³ DCompound´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³compound„´³tupleµ´³named³ctor´³refµ„³CRec„„´³named³members´³dictof´³atom³ SignedInteger„´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±arr´³rec´³lit³compound„´³tupleµ´³named³ctor´³refµ„³CArr„„´³named³members´³dictof´³atom³ SignedInteger„´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³compound„´³tupleµ´³named³ctor´³refµ„³CDict„„´³named³members´³dictof³any´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³secureChatProtocol„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Join´³rec´³lit³
joinedUser„´³tupleµ´³named³uid´³refµ„³UserId„„´³named³handle´³embedded´³refµ„³Session„„„„„„³Says´³rec´³lit³says„´³tupleµ´³named³who´³refµ„³UserId„„´³named³what´³atom³String„„„„„³UserId´³atom³ SignedInteger„³Session´³orµµ± observeUsers´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³lit³user„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³UserInfo„„„„„„„µ± observeSpeech´³rec´³lit³Observe„´³tupleµ´³lit³says„´³named³observer´³embedded´³refµ„³Says„„„„„„„µ± NickClaim´³refµ„³ NickClaim„„µ±Says´³refµ„³Says„„„„³UserInfo´³rec´³lit³user„´³tupleµ´³named³uid´³refµ„³UserId„„´³named³name´³atom³String„„„„„³ NickClaim´³rec´³lit³ claimNick„´³tupleµ´³named³uid´³refµ„³UserId„„´³named³name´³atom³String„„´³named³k´³embedded´³refµ„³NickClaimResponse„„„„„„³ NickConflict´³rec´³lit³ nickConflict„´³tupleµ„„„³NickClaimResponse´³orµµ±true´³lit<69>„„µ± NickConflict´³refµ„³ NickConflict„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„µ³simpleChatProtocol„´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Says´³rec´³lit³Says„´³tupleµ´³named³who´³atom³String„„´³named³what´³atom³String„„„„„³Present´³rec´³lit³Present„´³tupleµ´³named³username´³atom³String„„„„„„³ embeddedType´³refµ³ EntityRef„³Cap„„„„„

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
type Cap* = object

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
PRESERVES_SRC_DIR = ../../../../preserves/src
: $(PRESERVES_SRC_DIR)/preserves/private/preserves_schema_nim.nim |> nim c -o:%o %f |> preserves_schema_nim
: foreach *.prs | preserves_schema_nim |> ./preserves_schema_nim %f; nim check --path:$(PRESERVES_SRC_DIR) %o |> %B.nim {gen}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
Observe = <Observe @pattern dataspacePatterns.Pattern @observer #!any>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Dataspace patterns: a sublanguage of attenuation patterns.
Pattern = DDiscard / DBind / DLit / DCompound .
DDiscard = <_>.
DBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>.
DLit = <lit @value any>.
DCompound = @rec <compound @ctor CRec @members { int: Pattern ...:... }>
/ @arr <compound @ctor CArr @members { int: Pattern ...:... }>
/ @dict <compound @ctor CDict @members { any: Pattern ...:... }> .
CRec = <rec @label any @arity int>.
CArr = <arr @arity int>.
CDict = <dict>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType sturdy.WireRef .
include "genericProtocol.prs".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
Resolve = <resolve @sturdyref sturdy.SturdyRef @observer #!#!any>.
Bind = <bind @oid any @key bytes @target #!any>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
version 1 .
Packet = Turn / Error .
Error = <error @message string @detail any>.
Assertion = any .
Handle = int .
Event = Assert / Retract / Message / Sync .
Oid = int .
Turn = [TurnEvent ...].
TurnEvent = [@oid Oid @event Event].
Assert = <assert @assertion Assertion @handle Handle>.
Retract = <retract @handle Handle>.
Message = <message @body Assertion>.
Sync = <sync @peer #!#t>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
include "genericProtocol.prs".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version 1 .
RacketEvent = <racket-event @source #!any @event #!any>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
UserId = int .
Join = <joinedUser @uid UserId @handle #!Session>.
Session = @observeUsers <Observe =user @observer #!UserInfo>
/ @observeSpeech <Observe =says @observer #!Says>
/ NickClaim
/ Says
NickClaim = <claimNick @uid UserId @name string @k #!NickClaimResponse>.
NickClaimResponse = #t / NickConflict .
UserInfo = <user @uid UserId @name string>.
Says = <says @who UserId @what string>.
NickConflict = <nickConflict>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
RequireService = <require-service @serviceName any>.
ServiceRunning = <service-running @serviceName any>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
Present = <Present @username string>.
Says = <Says @who string @what string>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Assertion:
StreamConnection = <stream-connection @source #!Source @sink #!Sink @spec any>.
; Assertions:
StreamListenerReady = <stream-listener-ready @spec any>.
StreamListenerError = <stream-listener-error @spec any @message string>.
; Assertion:
StreamError = <error @message string>.
Source =
; Assertions:
/ <sink @controller #!Sink>
/ StreamError
; Messages:
/ <credit @amount CreditAmount @mode Mode>
Sink =
; Assertions:
/ <source @controller #!Source>
/ StreamError
; Messages:
/ <data @payload any @mode Mode>
/ <eof>
; Value:
CreditAmount = @count int / @unbounded =unbounded .
; Value:
Mode = =bytes / @lines LineMode / <packet @size int> / <object @description any>.
LineMode = =lf / =crlf .

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
; Each Attenuation is a stage. The sequence of Attenuations is run RIGHT-TO-LEFT.
; That is, the newest Attenuations are at the right.
SturdyRef = <ref @oid any @caveatChain [Attenuation ...] @sig bytes>.
; An individual Attenuation is run RIGHT-TO-LEFT.
; That is, the newest Caveats are at the right.
Attenuation = [Caveat ...].
; embodies 1st-party caveats over assertion structure, but nothing else
; can add 3rd-party caveats and richer predicates later
Caveat = Rewrite / Alts .
Rewrite = <rewrite @pattern Pattern @template Template>.
Alts = <or @alternatives [Rewrite ...]>.
Oid = int .
WireRef = @mine [0 @oid Oid] / @yours [1 @oid Oid @attenuation Caveat ...].
ConstructorSpec = CRec / CArr / CDict .
CRec = <rec @label any @arity int>.
CArr = <arr @arity int>.
CDict = <dict>.
Lit = <lit @value any>.
Pattern = PDiscard / PAtom / PEmbedded / PBind / PAnd / PNot / Lit / PCompound .
PDiscard = <_>.
PAtom = =Boolean / =Float / =Double / =SignedInteger / =String / =ByteString / =Symbol .
PEmbedded = =Embedded .
PBind = <bind @pattern Pattern>.
PAnd = <and @patterns [Pattern ...]>.
PNot = <not @pattern Pattern>.
PCompound = <compound @ctor ConstructorSpec @members PCompoundMembers>.
PCompoundMembers = { any: Pattern ...:... }.
Template = TAttenuate / TRef / Lit / TCompound .
TAttenuate = <attenuate @template Template @attenuation Attenuation>.
TRef = <ref @binding int>.
TCompound = <compound @ctor ConstructorSpec @members TCompoundMembers>.
TCompoundMembers = { any: Template ...:... }.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
TcpRemote = <tcp-remote @host string @port int>.
TcpLocal = <tcp-local @host string @port int>.
TcpPeerInfo = <tcp-peer @handle #!any @local TcpLocal @remote TcpRemote>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
version 1 .
SetTimer = <set-timer @label any @msecs double @kind TimerKind>.
TimerExpired = <timer-expired @label any @msecs double>.
TimerKind = =relative / =absolute / =clear .
LaterThan = <later-than @msecs double>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
version 1 .
Tcp = <tcp @host string @port int>.
Unix = <unix @path string>.
WebSocket = <ws @url string>.
Stdio = <stdio>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Cap .
Instance = <Instance @name string @argument any>.

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
StateKind* {.pure.} = enum
`started`, `ready`, `failed`, `complete`, `userDefined`
`State`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: StateKind
of StateKind.`started`:
`started`* {.preservesLiteral: "started".}: bool
of StateKind.`ready`:
`ready`* {.preservesLiteral: "ready".}: bool
of StateKind.`failed`:
`failed`* {.preservesLiteral: "failed".}: bool
of StateKind.`complete`:
`complete`* {.preservesLiteral: "complete".}: bool
of StateKind.`userDefined`:
`userdefined`*: Value
ServiceObject* {.preservesRecord: "service-object".} = object
`serviceName`*: Value
`object`*: Value
RequireService* {.preservesRecord: "require-service".} = object
`serviceName`*: Value
RestartService* {.preservesRecord: "restart-service".} = object
`serviceName`*: Value
RunService* {.preservesRecord: "run-service".} = object
`serviceName`*: Value
ServiceState* {.preservesRecord: "service-state".} = object
`serviceName`*: Value
`state`*: State
ServiceDependency* {.preservesRecord: "depends-on".} = object
`depender`*: Value
`dependee`*: ServiceState
proc `$`*(x: State | ServiceObject | RequireService | RestartService |
RunService |
ServiceState |
ServiceDependency): string =
proc encode*(x: State | ServiceObject | RequireService | RestartService |
RunService |
ServiceState |
ServiceDependency): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
preserves, sturdy, gatekeeper
StandardTransportKind* {.pure.} = enum
`wsUrl`, `other`
`StandardTransport`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: StandardTransportKind
of StandardTransportKind.`wsUrl`:
`wsurl`*: string
of StandardTransportKind.`other`:
`other`*: Value
StandardRouteKind* {.pure.} = enum
`standard`, `general`
StandardRouteStandard* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`transports`*: seq[StandardTransport]
`key`*: seq[byte]
`service`*: Value
`sig`*: seq[byte]
`oid`*: Value
`caveats`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[sturdy.Caveat]
`StandardRoute`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: StandardRouteKind
of StandardRouteKind.`standard`:
`standard`*: StandardRouteStandard
of StandardRouteKind.`general`:
`general`*: gatekeeper.Route
proc `$`*(x: StandardTransport | StandardRoute): string =
proc encode*(x: StandardTransport | StandardRoute): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
CreditAmountKind* {.pure.} = enum
`count`, `unbounded`
`CreditAmount`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: CreditAmountKind
of CreditAmountKind.`count`:
`count`*: BiggestInt
of CreditAmountKind.`unbounded`:
`unbounded`* {.preservesLiteral: "unbounded".}: bool
StreamError* {.preservesRecord: "error".} = object
`message`*: string
StreamListenerError* {.preservesRecord: "stream-listener-error".} = object
`spec`*: Value
`message`*: string
StreamConnection* {.preservesRecord: "stream-connection".} = object
`source`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`sink`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`spec`*: Value
`LineMode`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`lf`, `crlf`
SourceKind* {.pure.} = enum
`sink`, `StreamError`, `credit`
SourceSink* {.preservesRecord: "sink".} = object
`controller`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
SourceCredit* {.preservesRecord: "credit".} = object
`amount`*: CreditAmount
`mode`*: Mode
`Source`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: SourceKind
of SourceKind.`sink`:
`sink`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: SourceSink
of SourceKind.`StreamError`:
`streamerror`*: StreamError
of SourceKind.`credit`:
`credit`*: SourceCredit
SinkKind* {.pure.} = enum
`source`, `StreamError`, `data`, `eof`
SinkSource* {.preservesRecord: "source".} = object
`controller`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
SinkData* {.preservesRecord: "data".} = object
`payload`*: Value
`mode`*: Mode
SinkEof* {.preservesRecord: "eof".} = object
`Sink`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: SinkKind
of SinkKind.`source`:
`source`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: SinkSource
of SinkKind.`StreamError`:
`streamerror`*: StreamError
of SinkKind.`data`:
`data`*: SinkData
of SinkKind.`eof`:
`eof`*: SinkEof
StreamListenerReady* {.preservesRecord: "stream-listener-ready".} = object
`spec`*: Value
ModeKind* {.pure.} = enum
`bytes`, `lines`, `packet`, `object`
ModePacket* {.preservesRecord: "packet".} = object
`size`*: BiggestInt
ModeObject* {.preservesRecord: "object".} = object
`description`*: Value
`Mode`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ModeKind
of ModeKind.`bytes`:
`bytes`* {.preservesLiteral: "bytes".}: bool
of ModeKind.`lines`:
`lines`*: LineMode
of ModeKind.`packet`:
`packet`*: ModePacket
of ModeKind.`object`:
`object`*: ModeObject
proc `$`*(x: CreditAmount | StreamError | StreamListenerError | StreamConnection |
Source |
Sink |
StreamListenerReady |
Mode): string =
proc encode*(x: CreditAmount | StreamError | StreamListenerError |
StreamConnection |
Source |
Sink |
StreamListenerReady |
Mode): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
preserves, std/tables, std/options
PCompoundKind* {.pure.} = enum
`rec`, `arr`, `dict`
PCompoundRec* {.preservesRecord: "rec".} = object
`label`*: Value
`fields`*: seq[Pattern]
PCompoundArr* {.preservesRecord: "arr".} = object
`items`*: seq[Pattern]
PCompoundDict* {.preservesRecord: "dict".} = object
`entries`*: Table[Value, Pattern]
`PCompound`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: PCompoundKind
of PCompoundKind.`rec`:
`rec`*: PCompoundRec
of PCompoundKind.`arr`:
`arr`*: PCompoundArr
of PCompoundKind.`dict`:
`dict`*: PCompoundDict
Reject* {.preservesRecord: "reject".} = object
`pattern`*: Pattern
CaveatsFieldKind* {.pure.} = enum
`present`, `invalid`, `absent`
CaveatsFieldPresent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`caveats`*: seq[Caveat]
CaveatsFieldInvalid* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`caveats`*: Value
CaveatsFieldAbsent* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`CaveatsField`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: CaveatsFieldKind
of CaveatsFieldKind.`present`:
`present`*: CaveatsFieldPresent
of CaveatsFieldKind.`invalid`:
`invalid`*: CaveatsFieldInvalid
of CaveatsFieldKind.`absent`:
`absent`*: CaveatsFieldAbsent
SturdyDescriptionDetail* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`key`*: seq[byte]
`oid`*: Value
PAnd* {.preservesRecord: "and".} = object
`patterns`*: seq[Pattern]
SturdyStepDetail* = Parameters
Rewrite* {.preservesRecord: "rewrite".} = object
`pattern`*: Pattern
`template`*: Template
ParametersCaveats* = Option[Value]
ParametersOid* = Value
ParametersSig* = seq[byte]
`Parameters`* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`caveats`*: Option[Value]
`oid`*: Value
`sig`*: seq[byte]
TRef* {.preservesRecord: "ref".} = object
`binding`*: BiggestInt
PBind* {.preservesRecord: "bind".} = object
`pattern`*: Pattern
Lit* {.preservesRecord: "lit".} = object
`value`*: Value
TCompoundKind* {.pure.} = enum
`rec`, `arr`, `dict`
TCompoundRec* {.preservesRecord: "rec".} = object
`label`*: Value
`fields`*: seq[Template]
TCompoundArr* {.preservesRecord: "arr".} = object
`items`*: seq[Template]
TCompoundDict* {.preservesRecord: "dict".} = object
`entries`*: Table[Value, Template]
`TCompound`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: TCompoundKind
of TCompoundKind.`rec`:
`rec`*: TCompoundRec
of TCompoundKind.`arr`:
`arr`*: TCompoundArr
of TCompoundKind.`dict`:
`dict`*: TCompoundDict
SturdyPathStepDetail* = Parameters
`PAtom`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`Boolean`, `Double`, `SignedInteger`, `String`, `ByteString`, `Symbol`
PDiscard* {.preservesRecord: "_".} = object
TemplateKind* {.pure.} = enum
`TAttenuate`, `TRef`, `Lit`, `TCompound`
`Template`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: TemplateKind
of TemplateKind.`TAttenuate`:
`tattenuate`*: TAttenuate
of TemplateKind.`TRef`:
`tref`*: TRef
of TemplateKind.`Lit`:
`lit`*: Lit
of TemplateKind.`TCompound`:
`tcompound`*: TCompound
CaveatKind* {.pure.} = enum
`Rewrite`, `Alts`, `Reject`, `unknown`
`Caveat`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: CaveatKind
of CaveatKind.`Rewrite`:
`rewrite`*: Rewrite
of CaveatKind.`Alts`:
`alts`*: Alts
of CaveatKind.`Reject`:
`reject`*: Reject
of CaveatKind.`unknown`:
`unknown`*: Value
PNot* {.preservesRecord: "not".} = object
`pattern`*: Pattern
SturdyRef* {.preservesRecord: "ref".} = object
`parameters`*: Parameters
WireRefKind* {.pure.} = enum
`mine`, `yours`
WireRefMine* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`field0`* {.preservesLiteral: "0".}: tuple[]
`oid`*: Oid
WireRefYours* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`field0`* {.preservesLiteral: "1".}: tuple[]
`oid`*: Oid
`attenuation`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[Caveat]
`WireRef`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: WireRefKind
of WireRefKind.`mine`:
`mine`*: WireRefMine
of WireRefKind.`yours`:
`yours`*: WireRefYours
TAttenuate* {.preservesRecord: "attenuate".} = object
`template`*: Template
`attenuation`*: seq[Caveat]
Oid* = BiggestInt
Alts* {.preservesRecord: "or".} = object
`alternatives`*: seq[Rewrite]
PatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`PDiscard`, `PAtom`, `PEmbedded`, `PBind`, `PAnd`, `PNot`, `Lit`,
`Pattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: PatternKind
of PatternKind.`PDiscard`:
`pdiscard`*: PDiscard
of PatternKind.`PAtom`:
`patom`*: PAtom
of PatternKind.`PEmbedded`:
`pembedded`* {.preservesLiteral: "Embedded".}: bool
of PatternKind.`PBind`:
`pbind`*: PBind
of PatternKind.`PAnd`:
`pand`*: PAnd
of PatternKind.`PNot`:
`pnot`*: PNot
of PatternKind.`Lit`:
`lit`*: Lit
of PatternKind.`PCompound`:
`pcompound`*: PCompound
proc `$`*(x: PCompound | Reject | CaveatsField | SturdyDescriptionDetail | PAnd |
SturdyStepDetail |
Rewrite |
Parameters |
TRef |
PBind |
Lit |
TCompound |
SturdyPathStepDetail |
PDiscard |
Template |
Caveat |
PNot |
SturdyRef |
WireRef |
TAttenuate |
Oid |
Alts |
Pattern): string =
proc encode*(x: PCompound | Reject | CaveatsField | SturdyDescriptionDetail |
PAnd |
SturdyStepDetail |
Rewrite |
Parameters |
TRef |
PBind |
Lit |
TCompound |
SturdyPathStepDetail |
PDiscard |
Template |
Caveat |
PNot |
SturdyRef |
WireRef |
TAttenuate |
Oid |
Alts |
Pattern): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
TcpLocal* {.preservesRecord: "tcp-local".} = object
`host`*: string
`port`*: BiggestInt
TcpPeerInfo* {.preservesRecord: "tcp-peer".} = object
`handle`* {.preservesEmbedded.}: EmbeddedRef
`local`*: TcpLocal
`remote`*: TcpRemote
TcpRemote* {.preservesRecord: "tcp-remote".} = object
`host`*: string
`port`*: BiggestInt
proc `$`*(x: TcpLocal | TcpPeerInfo | TcpRemote): string =
proc encode*(x: TcpLocal | TcpPeerInfo | TcpRemote): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
TimerExpired* {.preservesRecord: "timer-expired".} = object
`label`*: Value
`seconds`*: float
SetTimer* {.preservesRecord: "set-timer".} = object
`label`*: Value
`seconds`*: float
`kind`*: TimerKind
`TimerKind`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`relative`, `absolute`, `clear`
LaterThan* {.preservesRecord: "later-than".} = object
`seconds`*: float
proc `$`*(x: TimerExpired | SetTimer | LaterThan): string =
proc encode*(x: TimerExpired | SetTimer | LaterThan): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
preserves, protocol
TargetedTurnEvent* {.preservesRecord: "event".} = object
`target`*: Target
`detail`*: TurnEvent
`LinkedTaskReleaseReason`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`cancelled`, `normal`
TurnId* = Value
AssertionDescriptionKind* {.pure.} = enum
`value`, `opaque`
AssertionDescriptionValue* {.preservesRecord: "value".} = object
`value`*: Value
AssertionDescriptionOpaque* {.preservesRecord: "opaque".} = object
`description`*: Value
`AssertionDescription`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: AssertionDescriptionKind
of AssertionDescriptionKind.`value`:
`value`*: AssertionDescriptionValue
of AssertionDescriptionKind.`opaque`:
`opaque`*: AssertionDescriptionOpaque
NameKind* {.pure.} = enum
`anonymous`, `named`
NameAnonymous* {.preservesRecord: "anonymous".} = object
NameNamed* {.preservesRecord: "named".} = object
`name`*: Value
`Name`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: NameKind
of NameKind.`anonymous`:
`anonymous`*: NameAnonymous
of NameKind.`named`:
`named`*: NameNamed
ActorId* = Value
FacetId* = Value
`FacetStopReason`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`explicitAction`, `inert`, `parentStopping`, `actorStopping`
TaskId* = Value
ActorActivationKind* {.pure.} = enum
`start`, `turn`, `stop`
ActorActivationStart* {.preservesRecord: "start".} = object
`actorName`*: Name
ActorActivationStop* {.preservesRecord: "stop".} = object
`status`*: ExitStatus
`ActorActivation`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ActorActivationKind
of ActorActivationKind.`start`:
`start`*: ActorActivationStart
of ActorActivationKind.`turn`:
`turn`*: TurnDescription
of ActorActivationKind.`stop`:
`stop`*: ActorActivationStop
Target* {.preservesRecord: "entity".} = object
`actor`*: ActorId
`facet`*: FacetId
`oid`*: Oid
TurnCauseKind* {.pure.} = enum
`turn`, `cleanup`, `linkedTaskRelease`, `periodicActivation`, `delay`,
TurnCauseTurn* {.preservesRecord: "caused-by".} = object
`id`*: TurnId
TurnCauseCleanup* {.preservesRecord: "cleanup".} = object
TurnCauseLinkedTaskRelease* {.preservesRecord: "linked-task-release".} = object
`id`*: TaskId
`reason`*: LinkedTaskReleaseReason
TurnCausePeriodicActivation* {.preservesRecord: "periodic-activation".} = object
`period`*: float
TurnCauseDelay* {.preservesRecord: "delay".} = object
`causingTurn`*: TurnId
`amount`*: float
TurnCauseExternal* {.preservesRecord: "external".} = object
`description`*: Value
`TurnCause`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: TurnCauseKind
of TurnCauseKind.`turn`:
`turn`*: TurnCauseTurn
of TurnCauseKind.`cleanup`:
`cleanup`*: TurnCauseCleanup
of TurnCauseKind.`linkedTaskRelease`:
`linkedtaskrelease`*: TurnCauseLinkedTaskRelease
of TurnCauseKind.`periodicActivation`:
`periodicactivation`*: TurnCausePeriodicActivation
of TurnCauseKind.`delay`:
`delay`*: TurnCauseDelay
of TurnCauseKind.`external`:
`external`*: TurnCauseExternal
TurnEventKind* {.pure.} = enum
`assert`, `retract`, `message`, `sync`, `breakLink`
TurnEventAssert* {.preservesRecord: "assert".} = object
`assertion`*: AssertionDescription
`handle`*: protocol.Handle
TurnEventRetract* {.preservesRecord: "retract".} = object
`handle`*: protocol.Handle
TurnEventMessage* {.preservesRecord: "message".} = object
`body`*: AssertionDescription
TurnEventSync* {.preservesRecord: "sync".} = object
`peer`*: Target
TurnEventBreakLink* {.preservesRecord: "break-link".} = object
`source`*: ActorId
`handle`*: protocol.Handle
`TurnEvent`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: TurnEventKind
of TurnEventKind.`assert`:
`assert`*: TurnEventAssert
of TurnEventKind.`retract`:
`retract`*: TurnEventRetract
of TurnEventKind.`message`:
`message`*: TurnEventMessage
of TurnEventKind.`sync`:
`sync`*: TurnEventSync
of TurnEventKind.`breakLink`:
`breaklink`*: TurnEventBreakLink
TurnDescription* {.preservesRecord: "turn".} = object
`id`*: TurnId
`cause`*: TurnCause
`actions`*: seq[ActionDescription]
ExitStatusKind* {.pure.} = enum
`ok`, `Error`
`ExitStatus`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ExitStatusKind
of ExitStatusKind.`ok`:
`ok`* {.preservesLiteral: "ok".}: bool
of ExitStatusKind.`Error`:
`error`*: protocol.Error
TraceEntry* {.preservesRecord: "trace".} = object
`timestamp`*: float
`actor`*: ActorId
`item`*: ActorActivation
Oid* = Value
ActionDescriptionKind* {.pure.} = enum
`dequeue`, `enqueue`, `dequeueInternal`, `enqueueInternal`, `spawn`, `link`,
`facetStart`, `facetStop`, `linkedTaskStart`
ActionDescriptionDequeue* {.preservesRecord: "dequeue".} = object
`event`*: TargetedTurnEvent
ActionDescriptionEnqueue* {.preservesRecord: "enqueue".} = object
`event`*: TargetedTurnEvent
ActionDescriptionDequeueInternal* {.preservesRecord: "dequeue-internal".} = object
`event`*: TargetedTurnEvent
ActionDescriptionEnqueueInternal* {.preservesRecord: "enqueue-internal".} = object
`event`*: TargetedTurnEvent
ActionDescriptionSpawn* {.preservesRecord: "spawn".} = object
`link`*: bool
`id`*: ActorId
ActionDescriptionLink* {.preservesRecord: "link".} = object
`parentActor`*: ActorId
`childToParent`*: protocol.Handle
`childActor`*: ActorId
`parentToChild`*: protocol.Handle
ActionDescriptionFacetStart* {.preservesRecord: "facet-start".} = object
`path`*: seq[FacetId]
ActionDescriptionFacetStop* {.preservesRecord: "facet-stop".} = object
`path`*: seq[FacetId]
`reason`*: FacetStopReason
ActionDescriptionLinkedTaskStart* {.preservesRecord: "linked-task-start".} = object
`taskName`*: Name
`id`*: TaskId
`ActionDescription`* {.preservesOr.} = object
case orKind*: ActionDescriptionKind
of ActionDescriptionKind.`dequeue`:
`dequeue`*: ActionDescriptionDequeue
of ActionDescriptionKind.`enqueue`:
`enqueue`*: ActionDescriptionEnqueue
of ActionDescriptionKind.`dequeueInternal`:
`dequeueinternal`*: ActionDescriptionDequeueInternal
of ActionDescriptionKind.`enqueueInternal`:
`enqueueinternal`*: ActionDescriptionEnqueueInternal
of ActionDescriptionKind.`spawn`:
`spawn`*: ActionDescriptionSpawn
of ActionDescriptionKind.`link`:
`link`*: ActionDescriptionLink
of ActionDescriptionKind.`facetStart`:
`facetstart`*: ActionDescriptionFacetStart
of ActionDescriptionKind.`facetStop`:
`facetstop`*: ActionDescriptionFacetStop
of ActionDescriptionKind.`linkedTaskStart`:
`linkedtaskstart`*: ActionDescriptionLinkedTaskStart
proc `$`*(x: TargetedTurnEvent | AssertionDescription | Name | ActorActivation |
Target |
TurnCause |
TurnEvent |
TurnDescription |
ExitStatus |
TraceEntry |
ActionDescription): string =
proc encode*(x: TargetedTurnEvent | AssertionDescription | Name |
ActorActivation |
Target |
TurnCause |
TurnEvent |
TurnDescription |
ExitStatus |
TraceEntry |
ActionDescription): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
WebSocket* {.preservesRecord: "ws".} = object
`url`*: string
Stdio* {.preservesRecord: "stdio".} = object
Unix* {.preservesRecord: "unix".} = object
`path`*: string
Tcp* {.preservesRecord: "tcp".} = object
`host`*: string
`port`*: BiggestInt
proc `$`*(x: WebSocket | Stdio | Unix | Tcp): string =
proc encode*(x: WebSocket | Stdio | Unix | Tcp): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Instance* {.preservesRecord: "Instance".} = object
`name`*: string
`argument`*: Value
proc `$`*(x: Instance): string =
proc encode*(x: Instance): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[options, tables]
import preserves
import ../syndicate, ./durings, ./membranes, ./protocols/[gatekeeper, protocol, sturdy, transportAddress]
when defined(posix):
import ./capabilities
from std/os import getEnv, `/`
when defined(traceSyndicate):
when defined(posix):
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = stderr.writeLine(args)
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = echo(args)
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = discard
export `$`
export Route, Stdio, Tcp, WebSocket, Unix
Assertion = Value
Event = protocol.Event
Handle = actors.Handle
Oid = sturdy.Oid
Turn = syndicate.Turn
WireRef = sturdy.WireRef
PacketWriter = proc (turn: Turn; buf: seq[byte]) {.closure.}
RelaySetup = proc (turn: Turn; relay: Relay) {.closure.}
Relay* = ref object
facet: Facet
inboundAssertions: Table[Handle,
tuple[localHandle: Handle, imported: seq[WireSymbol]]]
outboundAssertions: Table[Handle, seq[WireSymbol]]
pendingTurn: protocol.Turn
exported: Membrane
imported: Membrane
nextLocalOid: Oid
wireBuf: BufferedDecoder
packetWriter: PacketWriter
peer: Cap
SyncPeerEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
peer: Cap
handleMap: Table[Handle, Handle]
e: WireSymbol
RelayEntity = ref object of Entity
label: string
relay: Relay
proc releaseCapOut(r: Relay; e: WireSymbol) =
r.exported.drop e
method publish(spe: SyncPeerEntity; t: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
spe.handleMap[h] = publish(t, spe.peer, a.value)
method retract(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: Turn; h: Handle) =
var other: Handle
if se.handleMap.pop(h, other):
retract(t, other)
method message(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
if not se.e.isNil:
message(t, se.peer, a.value)
method sync(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: Turn; peer: Cap) =
sync(t, se.peer, peer)
proc newSyncPeerEntity(r: Relay; p: Cap): SyncPeerEntity =
SyncPeerEntity(relay: r, peer: p)
proc rewriteCapOut(relay: Relay; cap: Cap; exported: var seq[WireSymbol]): WireRef =
if of RelayEntity and == relay and cap.attenuation.len == 0:
result = WireRef(orKind: WireRefKind.yours, yours: WireRefYours(oid:
var ws = grab(relay.exported, cap)
if ws.isNil:
ws = newWireSymbol(relay.exported, relay.nextLocalOid, cap)
inc relay.nextLocalOid
exported.add ws
result = WireRef(
orKind: WireRefKind.mine,
mine: WireRefMine(oid: ws.oid))
proc rewriteOut(relay: Relay; v: Assertion):
tuple[rewritten: Value, exported: seq[WireSymbol]] =
var exported: seq[WireSymbol]
result.rewritten = mapEmbeds(v) do (pr: Value) -> Value:
let o = pr.unembed(Cap); if o.isSome:
rewriteCapOut(relay, o.get, exported).toPreserves
else: pr
result.exported = exported
proc register(relay: Relay; v: Assertion; h: Handle): tuple[rewritten: Value, exported: seq[WireSymbol]] =
result = rewriteOut(relay, v)
relay.outboundAssertions[h] = result.exported
proc deregister(relay: Relay; h: Handle) =
var outbound: seq[WireSymbol]
if relay.outboundAssertions.pop(h, outbound):
for e in outbound: releaseCapOut(relay, e)
proc send(relay: Relay; turn: Turn; rOid: protocol.Oid; m: Event) =
# TODO: don't send right away.
relay.pendingTurn.add TurnEvent(oid: rOid, event: m)
queueEffect(turn, relay.facet) do (turn: Turn):
if relay.pendingTurn.len > 0:
var pkt = Packet(
orKind: PacketKind.Turn,
turn: move relay.pendingTurn)
trace "C: ", pkt
relay.packetWriter(turn, encode pkt)
proc send(re: RelayEntity; turn: Turn; ev: Event) =
send(re.relay, turn, protocol.Oid re.oid, ev)
method publish(re: RelayEntity; t: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
re.send(t, Event(
orKind: EventKind.Assert,
`assert`: protocol.Assert(
assertion: re.relay.register(a.value, h).rewritten,
handle: h)))
method retract(re: RelayEntity; t: Turn; h: Handle) =
re.relay.deregister h
re.send(t, Event(
orKind: EventKind.Retract,
retract: Retract(handle: h)))
method message(re: RelayEntity; turn: Turn; msg: AssertionRef) =
var (value, exported) = rewriteOut(re.relay, msg.value)
assert(len(exported) == 0, "cannot send a reference in a message")
if len(exported) == 0:
re.send(turn, Event(orKind: EventKind.Message, message: Message(body: value)))
method sync(re: RelayEntity; turn: Turn; peer: Cap) =
peerEntity = newSyncPeerEntity(re.relay, peer)
exported: seq[WireSymbol]
wr = rewriteCapOut(re.relay, turn.newCap(peerEntity), exported)
peerEntity.e = exported[0]
var ev = Event(orKind: EventKind.Sync)
ev.sync.peer = wr.toPreserves.embed
re.send(turn, ev)
proc newRelayEntity(label: string; r: Relay; o: Oid): RelayEntity =
RelayEntity(label: label, relay: r, oid: o)
relay: Relay
facet: Facet
proc lookupLocal(relay; oid: Oid): Cap =
let sym = relay.exported.grab oid
if not sym.isNil:
result = sym.cap
proc rewriteCapIn(relay; facet; n: WireRef, imported: var seq[WireSymbol]): Cap =
case n.orKind
of WireRefKind.mine:
var e = relay.imported.grab(n.mine.oid)
if e.isNil:
e = newWireSymbol(
newCap(facet, newRelayEntity("rewriteCapIn", relay, n.mine.oid)),
imported.add e
result = e.cap
of WireRefKind.yours:
result = relay.lookupLocal(n.yours.oid)
if result.isNil:
result = newInertCap()
elif n.yours.attenuation.len > 0:
result = attenuate(result, n.yours.attenuation)
proc rewriteIn(relay; facet; v: Value):
tuple[rewritten: Assertion; imported: seq[WireSymbol]] =
var imported: seq[WireSymbol]
result.rewritten = mapEmbeds(v) do (pr: Value) -> Value:
let wr = pr.preservesTo WireRef; if wr.isSome:
result = rewriteCapIn(relay, facet, wr.get, imported).embed
result = pr
result.imported = imported
proc close(r: Relay) = discard
proc dispatch(relay: Relay; turn: Turn; cap: Cap; event: Event) =
case event.orKind
of EventKind.Assert:
let (a, imported) = rewriteIn(relay, turn.facet, event.assert.assertion)
relay.inboundAssertions[event.assert.handle] = (publish(turn, cap, a), imported,)
of EventKind.Retract:
let remoteHandle = event.retract.handle
var outbound: tuple[localHandle: Handle, imported: seq[WireSymbol]]
if relay.inboundAssertions.pop(remoteHandle, outbound):
for e in outbound.imported: relay.imported.drop e
of EventKind.Message:
let (a, imported) = rewriteIn(relay, turn.facet, event.message.body)
assert imported.len == 0, "Cannot receive transient reference"
turn.message(cap, a)
of EventKind.Sync:
turn.sync(cap) do (turn: Turn):
(v, imported) = rewriteIn(relay, turn.facet, event.sync.peer)
peer = unembed(v, Cap)
if peer.isSome:
turn.message(get peer, true)
for e in imported: relay.imported.drop e
proc dispatch(relay: Relay; v: Value) =
trace "S: ", v
run(relay.facet) do (t: Turn):
var pkt: Packet
if pkt.fromPreserves(v):
case pkt.orKind
of PacketKind.Turn:
for te in pkt.turn:
let r = lookupLocal(relay, te.oid.Oid)
if not r.isNil:
dispatch(relay, t, r, te.event)
of PacketKind.Error:
when defined(posix):
stderr.writeLine("Error from server: ", pkt.error.message, " (detail: ", pkt.error.detail, ")")
close relay
of PacketKind.Extension:
of PacketKind.Nop:
when defined(posix):
stderr.writeLine("discarding undecoded packet ", v)
proc recv(relay: Relay; buf: openarray[byte]; slice: Slice[int]) =
feed(relay.wireBuf, buf, slice)
var pr = decode(relay.wireBuf)
if pr.isSome: dispatch(relay, pr.get)
proc recv(relay: Relay; buf: openarray[byte]) {.used.} =
feed(relay.wireBuf, buf)
var pr = decode(relay.wireBuf)
if pr.isSome: dispatch(relay, pr.get)
RelayOptions* = object of RootObj
packetWriter*: PacketWriter
RelayActorOptions* = object of RelayOptions
initialOid*: Option[Oid]
initialCap*: Cap
nextLocalOid*: Option[Oid]
proc spawnRelay(name: string; turn: Turn; opts: RelayActorOptions; setup: RelaySetup) =
linkActor(turn, name) do (turn: Turn):
let relay = Relay(
facet: turn.facet,
packetWriter: opts.packetWriter,
wireBuf: newBufferedDecoder(0),
if not opts.initialCap.isNil:
var exported: seq[WireSymbol]
discard rewriteCapOut(relay, opts.initialCap, exported) do (oid: Oid):
relay.nextLocalOid =
if oid == 0.Oid: 1.Oid
else: oid
assert opts.initialOid.isSome
if opts.initialOid.isSome:
imported: seq[WireSymbol]
wr = WireRef(
orKind: WireRefKind.mine,
mine: WireRefMine(oid: opts.initialOid.get))
relay.peer = rewriteCapIn(relay, turn.facet, wr, imported)
assert not relay.peer.isNil
setup(turn, relay)
proc rejected(detail: Value): Resolved =
result = Resolved(orKind: ResolvedKind.Rejected)
result.rejected.detail = detail
proc accepted(cap: Cap): Resolved =
result = Resolved(orKind: ResolvedKind.accepted)
result.accepted.responderSession = cap
type ShutdownEntity = ref object of Entity
method retract(e: ShutdownEntity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
when defined(posix):
import std/[oserrors, posix]
import pkg/sys/[files, handles, ioqueue, sockets]
export transportAddress.Unix
type StdioEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
stdin: AsyncFile
alive: bool
method message(entity: StdioEntity; turn: Turn; ass: AssertionRef) =
if ass.value.preservesTo(ForceDisconnect).isSome:
entity.alive = false
proc loop(entity: StdioEntity) {.asyncio.} =
let buf = new seq[byte]
entity.alive = true
while entity.alive:
let n = read(entity.stdin, buf)
if n > 0:
entity.relay.recv(buf[], 0..<n)
entity.alive = false
if n < 0: raiseOSError(osLastError())
proc connectTransport(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; ta: transportAddress.Stdio) =
## Connect to an external dataspace over stdio.
let localDataspace = newDataspace(turn)
proc stdoutWriter(turn: Turn; buf: seq[byte]) =
## Blocking write to stdout.
let n = writeBytes(stdout, buf, 0, buf.len)
if n != buf.len:
var opts = RelayActorOptions(
packetWriter: stdoutWriter,
initialCap: localDataspace,
initialOid: 0.Oid.some,
spawnRelay("stdio", turn, opts) do (turn: Turn; relay: Relay):
facet = turn.facet
fd = stdin.getOsFileHandle()
flags = fcntl(fd.cint, F_GETFL, 0)
if flags < 0: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if fcntl(fd.cint, F_SETFL, flags or O_NONBLOCK) < 0:
let entity = StdioEntity(
facet: turn.facet, relay: relay, stdin: newAsyncFile(FD fd))
onStop(entity.facet) do (turn: Turn):
entity.alive = false
# Close stdin to remove it from the ioqueue
discard trampoline:
whelp loop(entity)
publish(turn, ds, TransportConnection(
`addr`: ta.toPreserves,
control: newCap(entity, turn),
resolved: localDataspace.accepted,
proc connectStdio*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap) =
## Connect to an external dataspace over stdin and stdout.
connectTransport(turn, ds, transportAddress.Stdio())
TcpEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
sock: AsyncConn[sockets.Protocol.TCP]
alive: bool
UnixEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
sock: AsyncConn[sockets.Protocol.Unix]
alive: bool
SocketEntity = TcpEntity | UnixEntity
method message(entity: SocketEntity; turn: Turn; ass: AssertionRef) =
if ass.value.preservesTo(ForceDisconnect).isSome:
entity.alive = false
template bootSocketEntity() {.dirty.} =
proc setup(turn: Turn) {.closure.} =
proc kill(turn: Turn) =
if entity.alive:
entity.alive = false
onStop(turn, kill)
var ass = TransportConnection(
`addr`: ta.toPreserves,
control: newCap(entity, turn),
resolved: entity.relay.peer.accepted,
publish(turn, ds, ass)
run(entity.relay.facet, setup)
let buf = new seq[byte]
entity.alive = true
while entity.alive:
let n = read(entity.sock, buf)
if n > 0:
entity.relay.recv(buf[], 0..<n)
entity.alive = false
if n < 0: raiseOSError(osLastError())
# the socket closes when the actor is stopped
proc boot(entity: TcpEntity; ta: transportAddress.Tcp; ds: Cap) {.asyncio.} =
entity.sock = connectTcpAsync(, Port ta.port)
proc boot(entity: UnixEntity; ta: transportAddress.Unix; ds: Cap) {.asyncio.} =
entity.sock = connectUnixAsync(ta.path)
template spawnSocketRelay() {.dirty.} =
proc writeConn(turn: Turn; buf: seq[byte]) =
if entity.alive:
discard trampoline:
whelp write(entity.sock, buf)
var ops = RelayActorOptions(
packetWriter: writeConn,
initialOid: 0.Oid.some,
spawnRelay("socket", turn, ops) do (turn: Turn; relay: Relay):
entity.facet = turn.facet
entity.relay = relay
discard trampoline:
whelp boot(entity, ta, ds)
proc connectTransport(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; ta: transportAddress.Tcp) =
let entity = TcpEntity()
proc connectTransport(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; ta: transportAddress.Unix) =
let entity = UnixEntity()
elif defined(solo5):
import solo5_dispatcher
import taps
TcpEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
conn: Connection
decoder: BufferedDecoder
method message(entity: TcpEntity; turn: Turn; ass: AssertionRef) =
if ass.value.preservesTo(ForceDisconnect).isSome:
proc connectTransport(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; ta: transportAddress.Tcp) =
let entity = TcpEntity(facet: turn.facet)
proc writeConn(turn: Turn; buf: seq[byte]) =
assert not entity.conn.isNil
var ops = RelayActorOptions(
packetWriter: writeConn,
initialOid: 0.Oid.some,
spawnRelay("socket", turn, ops) do (turn: Turn; relay: Relay):
entity.facet = turn.facet
entity.relay = relay
var ep = newRemoteEndpoint()
ep.with ta.port.Port
var tp = newTransportProperties()
tp.require "reliability"
tp.ignore "congestion-control"
tp.ignore "preserve-order"
var preconn = newPreconnection(
remote=[ep], transport=tp.some)
entity.conn = preconn.initiate()
entity.facet.onStop do (turn: Turn):
entity.conn.onConnectionError do (err: ref Exception):
run(entity.facet) do (turn: Turn):
terminate(turn, err)
entity.conn.onReceivedPartial do (data: seq[byte]; ctx: MessageContext; eom: bool):
if eom:
entity.conn.onReady do (): do (turn: Turn):
publish(turn, ds, TransportConnection(
`addr`: ta.toPreserves,
control: newCap(entity, turn),
resolved: entity.relay.peer.accepted,
proc walk(turn: Turn; ds, origin: Cap; route: Route; transOff, stepOff: int) =
if stepOff < route.pathSteps.len:
step = route.pathSteps[stepOff]
rejectPat = ResolvedPathStep?:{
0: ?(origin.embed), 1: ?step, 2: ?:Rejected}
acceptPat = ResolvedPathStep?:{
0: ?(origin.embed), 1: ?step, 2: ?:ResolvedAccepted}
onPublish(turn, ds, rejectPat) do (detail: Value):
publish(turn, ds, ResolvePath(
route: route,
`addr`: route.transports[transOff],
resolved: detail.rejected,
during(turn, ds, acceptPat) do (next: Cap):
walk(turn, ds, next, route, transOff, stepOff.succ)
publish(turn, ds, ResolvePath(
route: route,
`addr`: route.transports[transOff],
resolved: origin.accepted,
proc connectRoute(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; transOff: int) =
let rejectPat = TransportConnection ?: {
0: ?route.transports[transOff],
2: ?:Rejected,
during(turn, ds, rejectPat) do (detail: Value):
publish(turn, ds, ResolvePath(
route: route,
`addr`: route.transports[transOff],
resolved: detail.rejected,
let acceptPat = TransportConnection?:{
0: ?route.transports[transOff],
2: ?:ResolvedAccepted,
onPublish(turn, ds, acceptPat) do (origin: Cap): do (turn: Turn):
# walk using the facet that manages the transport connection
walk(turn, ds, origin, route, transOff, 0)
type StepCallback = proc (turn: Turn; step: Value; origin: Cap; res: Resolved) {.closure.}
proc spawnStepResolver(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; stepType: Value; cb: StepCallback) =
let pat = observePattern(
ResolvedPathStep?:{1: grabRecord(stepType)},
{ @[0.toPreserve]: grabLit(), @[1.toPreserve]: grab() },
during(turn, ds, pat) do (origin: Cap; stepDetail: Literal[Value]):
proc duringCallback(turn: Turn; ass: Value; h: Handle): TurnAction =
var res: Resolved
if res.fromPreserves ass:
cb(turn, stepDetail.value, origin, res)
proc action(turn: Turn) =
result = action
publish(turn, origin, Resolve(
step: stepDetail.value, observer: newCap(turn, during(duringCallback))))
proc spawnRelays*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap) =
## Spawn actors that manage routes and appease gatekeepers.
let transPat = observePattern(!TransportConnection, { @[0.toPreserves]: grab() })
# Use a generic pattern and type matching
# in the during handler because it is easy.
when defined(posix):
let stdioPat = ?Observe(pattern: TransportConnection?:{0: ?:Stdio})
during(turn, ds, stdioPat) do:
connectTransport(turn, ds, Stdio())
# TODO: unix pattern
during(turn, ds, transPat) do (ta: Literal[transportAddress.Unix]):
try: connectTransport(turn, ds, ta.value)
except exceptions.IOError as e:
publish(turn, ds, TransportConnection(
`addr`: ta.toPreserve,
resolved: rejected(embed e),
# TODO: tcp pattern
during(turn, ds, transPat) do (ta: Literal[transportAddress.Tcp]):
try: connectTransport(turn, ds, ta.value)
except exceptions.IOError as e:
publish(turn, ds, TransportConnection(
`addr`: ta.toPreserve,
resolved: rejected(embed e),
let resolvePat = observePattern(!ResolvePath, {@[0.toPreserves]: grab()})
during(turn, ds, resolvePat) do (route: Literal[Route]):
for i, transAddr in route.value.transports:
connectRoute(turn, ds, route.value, i)
spawnStepResolver(turn, ds, "ref".toSymbol) do (
turn: Turn, step: Value, origin: Cap, res: Resolved):
publish(turn, ds, ResolvedPathStep(
origin: origin, pathStep: step, resolved: res))
type BootProc* = proc (turn: Turn; ds: Cap) {.closure.}
proc resolve*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; bootProc: BootProc) =
## Resolve `route` within `ds` and call `bootProc` with resolved capabilities.
let pat = ResolvePath ?: {0: ?route, 3: ?:ResolvedAccepted}
during(turn, ds, ResolvePath ?: {0: ?route, 3: ?:ResolvedAccepted}) do (dst: Cap):
bootProc(turn, dst)
when defined(posix):
const defaultRoute* = "<route [<stdio>]>"
proc envRoute*: Route =
## Get an route to a Syndicate capability from the calling environment.
## On UNIX this is the SYNDICATE_ROUTE environmental variable with a
## fallack to a defaultRoute_.
## See
var text = getEnv("SYNDICATE_ROUTE", defaultRoute)
if text == "":
var tx = (getEnv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/run/user/1000") / "dataspace").toPreserves
result.transports = @[initRecord("unix", tx)]
result.pathSteps = @[]
var pr = parsePreserves(text)
if not result.fromPreserves(pr):
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse $SYNDICATE_ROUTE " & $pr)
proc resolveEnvironment*(turn: Turn; bootProc: BootProc) =
## Resolve a capability from the calling environment
## and call `bootProc`. See envRoute_.
var resolved = false
ds = newDataspace(turn)
pat = ResolvePath ?: {0: ?envRoute(), 3: ?:ResolvedAccepted}
during(turn, ds, pat) do (dst: Cap):
if not resolved:
resolved = true
bootProc(turn, dst)
resolved = false
spawnRelays(turn, ds)
# TODO: define a runActor that comes preloaded with relaying

View File

@ -1,197 +1,171 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, hashes, options, sets, tables]
import preserves
import ./actors, ./bags, ./patterns
import ./protocols/dataspacePatterns
import ./assertions, ./bags, ./events
import preserves, preserves/records
import lists, options, sets, tables
Pattern = dataspacePatterns.Pattern
Path = seq[Value]
ClassKind = enum classNone, classRecord, classSequence, classDictionary
Class = object
kind: ClassKind
label: Value
NonEmptySkeleton*[Shape] = object
shape: Shape
members: seq[Skeleton[Shape]]
Skeleton*[Shape] = Option[NonEmptySkeleton[Shape]]
func classOf(v: Value): Class =
case v.kind
of pkRecord: Class(kind: classRecord, label: v.label)
of pkSequence: Class(kind: classSequence)
of pkDictionary: Class(kind: classDictionary)
else: Class(kind: classNone)
Shape = string
proc classOf(p: Pattern): Class =
if p.orKind ==
of GroupTypeKind.rec:
Class(kind: classRecord, label:`type`.rec.label)
of GroupTypeKind.arr:
Class(kind: classSequence)
of GroupTypeKind.dict:
Class(kind: classDictionary)
Class(kind: classNone)
Value = Preserve
HandlerCallback* = proc (event: EventKind; bindings: seq[Value]) {.gcsafe.}
Path = seq[Natural]
Analysis* = object
skeleton: Skeleton[Shape]
constPaths: seq[Path]
constVals: seq[Value]
capturePaths: seq[Path]
proc projectPath(v: Value; path: Path): Value =
result = v
for index in path:
result = result[index]
proc projectPaths(v: Value; paths: seq[Path]): seq[Value] =
for i, path in paths: result[i] = projectPath(v, path)
proc analyzeAssertion*(a: Value): Analysis =
var path: Path
proc walk(analysis: var Analysis; a: Value): Skeleton[Shape] =
if a.preserveTo(Discard).isSome:
elif a.preserveTo(Capture).isSome:
result = walk(analysis, a.fields[0])
if a.kind == pkRecord:
let class = classOf(a)
result = some NonEmptySkeleton[Shape](shape: $class)
var i: int
for field in a.fields:
path[path.high] = i
result.get.members.add(walk(analysis, field))
discard path.pop
result.skeleton = walk(result, a)
EventKind = enum addedEvent, removedEvent, messageEvent
Handler = ref object
cachedCaptures: Bag[seq[Value]]
callbacks: HashSet[HandlerCallback]
AssertionCache = HashSet[Value]
ObserverGroup = ref object # Endpoints
cachedCaptures: Bag[Captures]
observers: Table[Cap, TableRef[Captures, Handle]]
Leaf = ref object
cache: AssertionCache
observerGroups: Table[Paths, ObserverGroup]
LeafMap = TableRef[seq[Value], Leaf]
cachedAssertions: AssertionCache
handlerMap: Table[seq[Path], Handler]
Continuation = ref object
cache: AssertionCache
leafMap: Table[Paths, LeafMap]
cachedAssertions: AssertionCache
leafMap: Table[seq[Path], TableRef[seq[Value], Leaf]] # TODO: not TableRef?
func isEmpty(leaf: Leaf): bool =
leaf.cache.len == 0 and leaf.observerGroups.len == 0
func isEmpty(cont: Continuation): bool =
cont.cache.len == 0 and cont.leafMap.len == 0
ContinuationProc = proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) {.closure.}
LeafProc = proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) {.closure.}
ObserverProc = proc (turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) {.closure.}
proc getLeaves(cont: Continuation; presentPaths, constPaths: Paths): LeafMap =
result = cont.leafMap.getOrDefault(constPaths)
if result.isNil:
new result
cont.leafMap[constPaths] = result
assert not cont.isEmpty
for ass in cont.cache:
# TODO: check presence
let key = projectPaths(ass, constPaths)
if key.isSome:
var leaf = result.getOrDefault(get key)
if leaf.isNil:
new leaf
result[get key] = leaf
proc getLeaf(leafMap: LeafMap; constVals: seq[Value]): Leaf =
result = leafMap.getOrDefault(constVals)
if result.isNil:
new result
leafMap[constVals] = result
Selector = tuple[popCount: int; index: Value]
Selector = tuple[popCount: int; index: int]
Node = ref object
edges: Table[Selector, TableRef[string, Node]]
continuation: Continuation
edges: Table[Selector, TableRef[Class, Node]]
func isEmpty(node: Node): bool =
node.continuation.isEmpty and node.edges.len == 0
continuation: Continuation
leaf: Leaf
node: Node
type TermStack = seq[Value]
proc isEmpty(leaf): bool =
leaf.cachedAssertions.len == 0 and leaf.handlerMap.len == 0
proc push(stack: TermStack; val: Value): Termstack =
result = stack
add(result, val)
ContinuationProc = proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) {.gcsafe.}
LeafProc = proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) {.gcsafe.}
HandlerProc = proc (h: Handler; vs: seq[Value]) {.gcsafe.}
proc pop(stack: TermStack; n: int): TermStack =
assert n <= stack.len
proc modify(node; operation: EventKind; outerValue: Value;
mCont: ContinuationProc; mLeaf: LeafProc; mHandler: HandlerProc) =
proc top(stack: TermStack): Value =
assert stack.len > 0
proc walkContinuation(continuation) {.gcsafe.}
proc modify(node: Node; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
modCont: ContinuationProc; modLeaf: LeafProc; modObs: ObserverProc) =
proc walkNode(node; termStack: SinglyLinkedList[seq[Value]]) =
# TODO: use a seq for the stack?
for (selector, table) in node.edges.pairs:
var nextStack = termStack
for _ in 1..selector.popCount:
nextStack.head =
let nextValue = nextStack.head.value[selector.index]
if nextValue.isRecord:
let nextClass = classOf(nextValue)
let nextNode = table.getOrDefault($nextClass)
if not nextNode.isNil:
walkNode(nextNode, nextStack)
proc walk(cont: Continuation; turn: Turn) =
modCont(cont, outerValue)
for constPaths, constValMap in cont.leafMap.pairs:
proc walkContinuation(continuation: Continuation) =
mCont(continuation, outerValue)
for (constPaths, constValMap) in continuation.leafMap.pairs:
let constVals = projectPaths(outerValue, constPaths)
if constVals.isSome:
case event
of addedEvent, messageEvent:
let leaf = constValMap.getLeaf(get constVals)
modLeaf(leaf, outerValue)
for capturePaths, observerGroup in leaf.observerGroups.pairs:
let captures = projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths)
if captures.isSome:
modObs(turn, observerGroup, get captures)
of removedEvent:
let leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(get constVals)
if not leaf.isNil:
modLeaf(leaf, outerValue)
for capturePaths, observerGroup in leaf.observerGroups.pairs:
let captures = projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths)
if captures.isSome:
modObs(turn, observerGroup, get captures)
if leaf.isEmpty:
constValMap.del(get constVals)
let leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(constVals)
if leaf.isNil:
if operation == addedEvent:
constValMap[constVals] = Leaf()
mLeaf(leaf, outerValue)
for (capturePaths, handler) in leaf.handlerMap.pairs:
mHandler(handler, projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths))
if operation == removedEvent and leaf.isEmpty:
if constValMap.len == 0:
var stack: SinglyLinkedList[seq[Value]]
walkNode(node, stack)
proc walk(node: Node; turn: Turn; termStack: TermStack) =
walk(node.continuation, turn)
for selector, table in node.edges:
nextStack = pop(termStack, selector.popCount)
nextValue = step(, selector.index)
if nextValue.isSome:
let nextClass = classOf(get nextValue)
if nextClass.kind != classNone:
let nextNode = table.getOrDefault(nextClass)
if not nextNode.isNil:
walk(nextNode, turn, push(nextStack, get nextValue))
if event == removedEvent and nextNode.isEmpty:
walk(node, turn, @[@[outerValue].toPreserves])
proc getOrNew[A, B, C](t: var Table[A, TableRef[B, C]], k: A): TableRef[B, C] =
result = t.getOrDefault(k)
if result.isNil:
result = newTable[B, C]()
t[k] = result
proc extendWalk(node: Node; popCount: Natural; stepIndex: Value; pat: Pattern; path: var Path): tuple[popCount: Natural, nextNode: Node] =
case pat.orKind
of PatternKind.`discard`, PatternKind.lit:
result = (popCount, node)
of PatternKind.`bind`:
result = extendWalk(node, popCount, stepIndex, pat.`bind`.pattern, path)
of PatternKind.`group`:
selector: Selector = (popCount, stepIndex,)
table = node.edges.getOrNew(selector)
class = classOf pat
result.nextNode = table.getOrDefault(class)
if result.nextNode.isNil:
new result.nextNode
table[class] = result.nextNode
new result.nextNode.continuation
for a in node.continuation.cache:
var v = step(a, path)
if v.isSome and class == classOf(get v):
result.nextNode.continuation.cache.incl a
result.popCount = 0
for step, p in
add(path, step)
result = extendWalk(result.nextNode, result.popCount, step, p, path)
discard pop(path)
proc extend(node: var Node; pat: Pattern): Continuation =
proc extend[Shape](node; skeleton: Skeleton[Shape]): Continuation =
var path: Path
extendWalk(node, 0, 0.toPreserves, pat, path).nextNode.continuation
proc walkNode(node; popCount, index: int; skeleton: Skeleton[Shape]): tuple[popCount: int, node: Node] =
assert(not node.isNil)
if skeleton.isNone:
return (popCount, node)
let selector: Selector = (popCount, index)
cls = skeleton.get.shape
table = node.edges.getOrDefault(selector)
if table.isNil:
table = newTable[string, Node]()
node.edges[selector] = table
var nextNode = table.getOrDefault(cls)
if nextNode.isNil:
nextNode = Node(continuation: Continuation())
table[cls] = nextNode
for a in node.continuation.cachedAssertions:
if $classOf(projectPath(a, path)) == cls:
var popCount, index: int
for member in skeleton.get.members:
(popCount, nextNode) = walkNode(nextNode, result.popCount, index, member)
discard path.pop()
discard path.pop()
result = (popCount.succ, nextNode)
walkNode(node, 0, 0, skeleton).node.continuation
Index* = object
@ -201,89 +175,93 @@ type
proc initIndex*(): Index =
Index(root: Node(continuation: Continuation()))
proc getEndpoints(leaf: Leaf; capturePaths: Paths): ObserverGroup =
result = leaf.observerGroups.getOrDefault(capturePaths)
if result.isNil:
new result
leaf.observerGroups[capturePaths] = result
for term in leaf.cache:
# leaf.cache would be empty if observers come before assertions
let captures = projectPaths(term, capturePaths)
if captures.isSome:
discard result.cachedCaptures.change(get captures, +1)
using index: Index
proc add*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
proc addHandler*(index; res: Analysis; callback: HandlerCallback) =
assert(not index.root.isNil)
cont = index.root.extend(pattern)
analysis = analyse pattern
constValMap = cont.getLeaves(analysis.presentPaths, analysis.constPaths)
leaf = constValMap.getLeaf(analysis.constValues)
endpoints = leaf.getEndpoints(analysis.capturePaths)
# TODO if endpoints.cachedCaptures.len > 0:
var captureMap = newTable[seq[Value], Handle]()
for capture in endpoints.cachedCaptures.items:
captureMap[capture] = publish(turn, observer, capture)
endpoints.observers[observer] = captureMap
constPaths = res.constPaths
constVals = res.constVals
capturePaths = res.capturePaths
continuation = index.root.extend(res.skeleton)
var constValMap = continuation.leafMap.getOrDefault(constPaths)
if constValMap.isNil:
constValMap = newTable[seq[Value], Leaf]()
continuation.leafMap[constPaths] = constValMap
for a in continuation.cachedAssertions:
let key = projectPaths(a, constPaths)
var leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(key)
if leaf.isNil:
new leaf
constValMap[key] = leaf
var leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(constVals)
if leaf.isNil:
new leaf
constValMap[constVals] = leaf
var handler = leaf.handlerMap.getOrDefault(capturePaths)
if handler.isNil:
new handler
leaf.handlerMap[capturePaths] = handler
for a in leaf.cachedAssertions:
let a = projectPaths(a, capturePaths)
if handler.cachedCaptures.contains(a):
discard handler.cachedCaptures.change(a, +1)
for captures, count in handler.cachedCaptures.pairs:
callback(addedEvent, captures)
proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
cont = index.root.extend(pattern)
analysis = analyse pattern
constValMap = cont.leafMap.getOrDefault(analysis.constPaths)
if not constValMap.isNil:
let leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(analysis.constValues)
if not leaf.isNil:
let endpoints = leaf.observerGroups.getOrDefault(analysis.capturePaths)
if not endpoints.isNil:
var captureMap: TableRef[seq[Value], Handle]
if endpoints.observers.pop(observer, captureMap):
for handle in captureMap.values: retract(turn, handle)
if endpoints.observers.len == 0:
if leaf.observerGroups.len == 0:
proc removeHandler*(index; res: Analysis; callback: HandlerCallback) =
let continuation = index.root.extend(res.skeleton)
constValMap = continuation.leafMap[res.constPaths]
leaf = constValMap[res.constVals]
handler = leaf.handlerMap[res.capturePaths]
if handler.callbacks.len == 0:
if leaf.isEmpty:
if constValMap.len == 0:
except KeyError: discard
proc adjustAssertion(index: var Index; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; delta: int): bool =
case index.allAssertions.change(outerValue, delta)
proc adjustAssertion*(index: var Index; outerValue: Value; delta: int): ChangeDescription =
result = index.allAssertions.change(outerValue, delta)
case result
of cdAbsentToPresent:
result = true
proc modContinuation(c: Continuation; v: Value) =
proc modLeaf(l: Leaf; v: Value) =
proc modObserver(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
let change = group.cachedCaptures.change(vs, +1)
if change == cdAbsentToPresent:
for (observer, captureMap) in group.observers.pairs:
captureMap[vs] = publish(turn, observer, vs.toPreserves)
# TODO: this handle is coming from the facet?
modify(index.root, turn, outerValue, addedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
(proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) = c.cachedAssertions.incl(v)),
(proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) = l.cachedAssertions.incl(v)),
(proc (h: Handler; vs: seq[Value]) =
if h.cachedCaptures.change(vs, +1) == cdAbsentToPresent:
#debugEcho " assertion of ", outerValue
for cb in h.callbacks: cb(addedEvent, vs)))
of cdPresentToAbsent:
result = true
proc modContinuation(c: Continuation; v: Value) =
proc modLeaf(l: Leaf; v: Value) =
proc modObserver(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
if group.cachedCaptures.change(vs, -1) == cdPresentToAbsent:
for (observer, captureMap) in group.observers.pairs:
var h: Handle
if captureMap.take(vs, h):
retract(, turn, h)
modify(index.root, turn, outerValue, removedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
else: discard
(proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) = c.cachedAssertions.excl(v)),
(proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) = l.cachedAssertions.excl(v)),
(proc (h: Handler; vs: seq[Value]) =
if h.cachedCaptures.change(vs, -1) == cdPresentToAbsent:
#debugEcho "retraction of ", outerValue
for cb in h.callbacks: cb(removedEvent, vs)))
proc continuationNoop(c: Continuation; v: Value) = discard
proc leafNoop(l: Leaf; v: Value) = discard
proc add*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, turn, v, +1)
proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, turn, v, -1)
proc deliverMessage*(index; v: Value; leafCb: proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) {.gcsafe.}) =
proc handlerCb(h: Handler; vs: seq[Value]) =
for cb in h.callbacks: cb(messageEvent, vs)
index.root.modify(messageEvent, v, continuationNoop, leafCb, handlerCb)
proc deliverMessage*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value) =
proc observersCb(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
for observer in group.observers.keys: message(turn, observer, vs)
index.root.modify(turn, v, messageEvent, continuationNoop, leafNoop, observersCb)
proc deliverMessage*(index; v: Value) =
proc handlerCb(h: Handler; vs: seq[Value]) =
for cb in h.callbacks: cb(messageEvent, vs)
index.root.modify(messageEvent, v, continuationNoop, leafNoop, handlerCb)

src/syndicate/sturdy.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import preserves
import ../syndicate/protocols/schemas/sturdy, ./private/hmacs
proc mint*(key: openarray[byte]; oid: Preserve): SturdyRef =
SturdyRef(oid: oid, sig: hmacSha256(key, encode(oid), key.len))
proc attenuate*(r: SturdyRef; caveats: Attenuation): SturdyRef =
result = SturdyRef(
oid: r.oid,
caveatChain: r.caveatChain,
sig: hmacSha256(r.sig, caveats.encode))
result.caveatChain.add caveats
proc validate*(key: openarray[byte]; r: SturdyRef): bool =
var sig = hmacSha256(key, r.oid.encode, key.len)
for a in r.caveatChain:
sig = hmacSha256(sig, a.encode)
r.sig == sig
when isMainModule:
import unittest
import preserves/parse
test "sturdy":
key: array[16, byte]
oid = "syndicate".toPreserve
sRef = mint(key, oid)
control = parsePreserves"""<ref "syndicate" [] #[pkgN9TBmEd3Q04grVG4Zdw]>"""
check(sRef.toPreserve == control)
let aRef = attenuate(sRef, newSeq[Caveat]())
check validate(key, aRef)

View File

@ -1,61 +1,12 @@
# Emulate Nimble from CycloneDX data at sbom.json.
# Package
import std/json
version = "0.0.0"
author = "Emery Hemingway"
description = "Syndicated actors for conversational concurrency"
license = "Unlicense"
srcDir = "src"
proc lookupComponent(sbom: JsonNode; bomRef: string): JsonNode =
for c in sbom{"components"}.getElems.items:
if c{"bom-ref"}.getStr == bomRef:
return c
result = newJNull()
sbom = (getPkgDir() & "/sbom.json").readFile.parseJson
comp = sbom{"metadata", "component"}
bomRef = comp{"bom-ref"}.getStr
# Dependencies
version = comp{"version"}.getStr
author = comp{"authors"}[0]{"name"}.getStr
description = comp{"description"}.getStr
license = comp{"licenses"}[0]{"license", "id"}.getStr
for prop in comp{"properties"}.getElems.items:
let (key, val) = (prop{"name"}.getStr, prop{"value"}.getStr)
case key
of "nim:skipDirs:":
add(skipDirs, val)
of "nim:skipFiles:":
add(skipFiles, val)
of "nim:skipExt":
add(skipExt, val)
of "nim:installDirs":
add(installDirs, val)
of "nim:installFiles":
add(installFiles, val)
of "nim:installExt":
add(installExt, val)
of "nim:binDir":
add(binDir, val)
of "nim:srcDir":
add(srcDir, val)
of "nim:backend":
add(backend, val)
if key.startsWith "nim:bin:":
namedBin[key[8..key.high]] = val
for depend in sbom{"dependencies"}.items:
if depend{"ref"}.getStr == bomRef:
for depRef in depend{"dependsOn"}.items:
let dep = sbom.lookupComponent(depRef.getStr)
var spec = dep{"name"}.getStr
for extRef in dep{"externalReferences"}.elems:
if extRef{"type"}.getStr == "vcs":
spec = extRef{"url"}.getStr
let ver = dep{"version"}.getStr
if ver != "":
if ver.allCharsInSet {'0'..'9', '.'}: spec.add " == "
else: spec.add '#'
spec.add ver
requires spec
requires "nim >= 1.4.8", "nimSHA2 >= 0.1.1", "preserves >= 1.0.0"

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
: foreach *.prs |> !preserves_schema_nim |> | {schema}
: foreach t*.nim | ../../preserves-nim/<tests> {schema} $(SYNDICATE_PROTOCOL) |> !nim_run |> | ../<test>
: foreach solo5*.nim | ../../taps/<sources> ../../preserves-nim/<tests> {schema} $(SYNDICATE_PROTOCOL) |> !nim_solo5_spt |> | ../<test>

tests/box_and_client.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
## Date of generation: 2021-09-01 13:32
std/typetraits, preserves
EmbeddedType = void
BoxState* {.record: "box-state".} = object ## ``<box-state @value int>``
`value`*: BiggestInt
SetBox* {.record: "set-box".} = object ## ``<set-box @value int>``
`value`*: BiggestInt
proc prsBoxState*(value: Preserve | BiggestInt): Preserve =
initRecord[EmbeddedType](symbol("box-state", EmbeddedType),
toPreserve(value, EmbeddedType))
proc prsSetBox*(value: Preserve | BiggestInt): Preserve =
initRecord[EmbeddedType](symbol("set-box", EmbeddedType),
toPreserve(value, EmbeddedType))

tests/box_and_client.prs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
version 1.
BoxState = <box-state @value int> .
SetBox = <set-box @value int> .

tests/chat.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[asyncdispatch, asyncfile, posix, random, strutils]
import preserves
import syndicate, syndicate/protocols/schemas/simpleChatProtocol, syndicate/sturdy
syndicate chat:
let me = "user_" & $rand(range[10..1000])
spawn "debug":
onAsserted(?s) do (s: Preserve):
echo " asserted ", s
onRetracted(?s) do (s: Preserve):
echo " retracted ", s
onMessage(?s) do (s: Preserve):
echo " message ", s
spawn "log":
during(present(?who)) do (who: string):
echo who, " joined"
echo who, " left"
onMessage(says(?who, ?what)) do (who: string; what: string):
echo who, " says ", what
spawn "chat":
publish present(me)
during (present(me)):
inputFacet = getCurrentFacet()
af = newAsyncFile(AsyncFD STDIN_FILENO)
proc readStdin() =
readline(af).addCallback do (f: Future[string]):
if f.failed:
let line = read f
if line.len > 0:
let a = says(me, strip line)
send a
waitFor chat()

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import taps
import solo5
import syndicate, syndicate/relays
import preserves
acquireDevices([("relay", netBasic)], netAcquireHook)
type Netif {.preservesRecord: "netif"} = object
device, ipAddr: string
proc spawnNetifActor(turn: Turn; ds: Cap) =
spawnActor(turn, "netif") do (turn: Turn):
let facet = turn.facet
onInterfaceUp do (device: string; ip: IpAddress):
run(facet) do (turn: Turn):
if not ip.isLinkLocal:
discard publish(turn, ds, Netif(device: device, ipAddr: $ip))
runActor("relay-test") do (turn: Turn):
let root = turn.facet
onStop(turn) do (turn: Turn):
let ds = newDataspace(turn)
spawnNetifActor(turn, ds)
spawnRelays(turn, ds)
route: Route
pr = parsePreserves $solo5_start_info.cmdline
if route.fromPreserves pr:
echo "parsed route ", route.toPreserves
during(turn, ds, Netif?:{1: grab()}) do (ip: string):
echo "Acquired address ", ip
resolve(turn, ds, route) do (turn: Turn; ds: Cap):
echo "route resolved!"
echo "stopping root facet"
stop(turn, root)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/times
import solo5
import syndicate, syndicate/drivers/timers
runActor("timer-test") do (turn: Turn):
let timers = newDataspace(turn)
spawnTimerDriver(turn, timers)
onPublish(turn, timers, ?LaterThan(seconds: 1356100000)):
echo "now in 13th bʼakʼtun"
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 3)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "third timer expired"
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 1)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "first timer expired"
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 2)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "second timer expired"

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import syndicate/assertions, syndicate/dataspaces, syndicate/events, syndicate/skeletons
import preserves, preserves/records
import asyncdispatch, tables, options
import ./box_and_client
const N = 100000
`?_` = Discard().toPreserve
`?$` = Capture().toPreserve
proc boot(facet: Facet) =
facet.spawn("box") do (facet: Facet):
facet.declareField(value, int, 0)
facet.addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
# echo "recomputing published BoxState ", facet.fields.value
result.assertion = prsBoxState(value.getPreserve)
facet.addDataflow do (facet: Facet):
# echo "box dataflow saw new value ", facet.fields.value
if value.get == N:
facet.stop do (facet: Facet):
echo "terminated box root facet"
facet.addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
let a = prsSetBox(`?$`)
result.analysis = some analyzeAssertion(a)
proc cb(facet: Facet; vs: seq[Value]) =
facet.scheduleScript do (facet: Facet):
# echo "box updated value ", vs[0]
result.callback = facet.wrap(messageEvent, cb)
result.assertion = observe(prsSetBox(`?$`))
facet.spawn("client") do (facet: Facet):
facet.addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
let a = prsBoxState(`?$`)
result.analysis = some analyzeAssertion(a)
proc cb(facet: Facet; vs: seq[Value]) =
facet.scheduleScript do (facet: Facet):
let v = prsSetBox(vs[0].int.succ.toPreserve)
# echo "client sending ", v
result.callback = facet.wrap(addedEvent, cb)
result.assertion = observe(prsBoxState(`?$`))
facet.addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
let a = prsBoxState(`?_`)
result.analysis = some analyzeAssertion(a)
proc cb(facet: Facet; vs: seq[Value]) =
facet.scheduleScript do (facet: Facet):
echo "box gone"
result.callback = facet.wrap(removedEvent, cb)
result.assertion = observe(prsBoxState(`?_`)) do (_: Dataspace):
echo "stopping box-and-client"
waitFor bootModule("box-and-client", boot)

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[oserrors, parseopt, posix, strutils]
import pkg/sys/[files, handles, ioqueue]
import preserves, syndicate, syndicate/relays
Present {.preservesRecord: "Present".} = object
username: string
Says {.preservesRecord: "Says".} = object
who, what: string
proc syncAndStop(facet: Facet; cap: Cap) =
## Stop the actor responsible for `facet` after
## synchronizing with `cap`.
run(facet) do (turn: Turn):
sync(turn, cap, stopActor)
proc readStdin(facet: Facet; ds: Cap; username: string) {.asyncio.} =
fd = stdin.getOsFileHandle()
flags = fcntl(fd.cint, F_GETFL, 0)
if flags < 0:
if fcntl(fd.cint, F_SETFL, flags or O_NONBLOCK) < 0:
file = newAsyncFile(FD fd)
buf = new string
while true:
let n = read(file, buf)
if n < 1:
stderr.writeLine "test_chat calls stopsActor ",
syncAndStop(facet, ds)
var msg = buf[][0..<n].strip
proc send(turn: Turn) =
message(turn, ds, Says(who: username, what: msg))
run(facet, send)
proc chat(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; username: string) =
during(turn, ds, ?:Present) do (who: string):
echo who, " joined"
echo who, " left"
onMessage(turn, ds, ?:Says) do (who: string, what: string):
echo who, ": ", what
discard publish(turn, ds, Present(username: username))
discard trampoline:
whelp readStdin(turn.facet, ds, username)
proc main =
var username = ""
for kind, key, val in getopt():
if kind == cmdLongOption:
case key
of "user", "username":
username = val
if username == "":
stderr.writeLine "--user: unspecified"
runActor("chat") do (turn: Turn):
resolveEnvironment(turn) do (turn: Turn; ds: Cap):
chat(turn, ds, username)

tests/test_dsl.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/asyncdispatch
import preserves
import syndicate
import ./box_and_client
syndicate testDsl:
spawn "box":
field(currentValue, BiggestInt, 0)
publish prsBoxState(currentValue.get)
stopIf currentValue.get == 10:
echo "box: terminating"
onMessage(prsSetBox(?newValue)) do (newValue: int):
# The SetBox message is unpacked to `newValue: int`
echo "box: taking on new value ", newValue
spawn "client":
#stopIf retracted(observe(SetBox, _)):
# echo "client: box has gone"
onAsserted(prsBoxState(?v)) do (v: BiggestInt):
echo "client: learned that box's value is now ", v
onRetracted(prsBoxState(?_)) do (_):
echo "client: box state disappeared"
quit(0) # Quit explicitly rather than let the dispatcher run empty.
# The dataspace is driven by the async dispatcher.
# Without `runForever` this module would exit immediately.

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[options, sequtils, tables, unittest]
import preserves, syndicate, syndicate/protocols/[gatekeeper, timer]
import ./test_schema
suite "example":
var pat: Pattern
check pat.fromPreserves parsePreserves"""
<group <arr> {
0: <lit 1>
1: <bind <group <arr> {
0: <bind <_>>
1: <_>
2: <_>
const A = "[1 2 3]"
test A:
let v = parsePreserves A
not pat.matches(v)
const B = "[1 [2 3] 4]"
test B:
v = parsePreserves B
c = parsePreserves "[[2 3] 2]"
check pat.matches(v)
check pat.capture(v).toPreserves == c
const C = "[1 [2] 5]"
test C:
let v = parsePreserves C
not pat.matches(v)
const D = "[1 [2 3 4] 5]"
test D:
v = parsePreserves D
c = parsePreserves "[[2 3 4] 2]"
check pat.matches(v)
check pat.capture(v).toPreserves == c
const E = "[1 [<x> <y>] []]"
test E:
v = parsePreserves E
c = parsePreserves "[[<x> <y>] <x>]"
check pat.matches(v)
check pat.capture(v).toPreserves == c
suite "meta":
test "pattern-of-pattern":
pat = grabRecord("foo".toSymbol, {666: drop()})
meta = pat.toPreserves.drop()
check $meta == "<group <rec group> {0: <group <rec rec> {0: <lit foo>}> 1: <group <dict> {666: <_>}>}>"
test "observe":
val = Observe(pattern: LaterThan ?: {0: drop 12.24}).toPreserves
pat = grab(val)
check pat.matches(val)
check pat.capture(val) == @[val]
meta = observePattern(!LaterThan, {@[0.toPreserves]: grabLit()})
res = parsePreserves "[12.24]"
check meta.matches(val)
check meta.capture(val).toPreserves == res
test "connect-transport":
let pat = parsePreserves"""
<group <rec connect-transport> {0: <group <rec unix> {0: <lit "/run/user/1000/dataspace">}> 2: <group <rec accepted> {0: <bind <_>>}>}>
let val = parsePreserves"""
<connect-transport <unix "/run/user/1000/dataspace"> #:#f <accepted #:#f>>
check pat.matches(val)
check pat.capture(val).toPreserves == parsePreserves "[#:#f]"

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
import std/[streams, strutils, unittest]
import preserves
import syndicate/relays
import syndicate/protocols/sturdy
type WireRef = sturdy.WireRef
suite "protocols":
test "PDiscard":
var pd: PDiscard
check $pd == "<_>"
test "stuff":
data = parseHexStr "b5b590b4b306617373657274b4b3074f627365727665b4b303726563b3067274742d6d73b5b4b3036c697483406805604189374c84b4b3036c6974b3062e3134342e3184b4b30462696e64b4b3015f8484b4b30462696e64b4b3015f8484b4b30462696e64b4b3015f8484b4b30462696e64b4b3015f8484848486b590908484a2132403848484b5b590b4b30772657472616374a2132403848484"
str = newStringStream(data)
while not str.atEnd:
var pos = str.getPosition
echo "decode position: ", pos
var a = decodePreserves(str)
echo a
except CatchableError:
str.setPosition pos
echo str.readAll.toHex

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Foo* {.preservesRecord: "foo".} = object
`x`*: seq[string]
`y`*: BiggestInt
`z`*: BiggestInt
proc `$`*(x: Foo): string =
proc encode*(x: Foo): seq[byte] =

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
version 1 .
Foo = <foo @x [string ...] @y int @z int> .

tests/test_timer.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[asyncdispatch, monotimes, times]
import preserves, preserves/records
import syndicate
import syndicate/drivers/timers
syndicate plainTimerDemo:
boot timerDriver
spawn "laterThanDemo":
field(deadline, MonoTime, getMonoTime())
field(count, int, 0)
onAsserted(prsTimeLaterThan(deadline.get)) do ():
echo "TimeLaterThan ticked for deadline ", deadline.get
if count.get < 5:
deadline.set(getMonoTime() + initDuration(milliseconds = 500))
echo "dataspace stopped"

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/times
import syndicate, syndicate/drivers/timers, preserves
var passCount = 0
runActor("timer-test") do (turn: Turn):
let timers = newDataspace(turn)
spawnTimerDriver(turn, timers)
onPublish(turn, timers, ?LaterThan(seconds: 1356100000)):
echo "now in 13th bʼakʼtun"
inc passCount
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 3)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "third timer expired"
assert passCount == 3
inc passCount
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 1)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "first timer expired"
assert passCount == 1
inc passCount
after(turn, timers, initDuration(seconds = 2)) do (turn: Turn):
echo "second timer expired"
assert passCount == 2
inc passCount
doAssert passCount == 4, $passCount