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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Emery Hemingway 71af7b0d72 CPS refactor 2024-02-19 22:40:48 +00:00
Emery Hemingway b2506d81bb Hash brownie 2024-02-18 00:56:59 +00:00
43 changed files with 2946 additions and 551 deletions

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@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
"packages": [
"path": "/nix/store/7b491gv9zlayilsh8k2gnyzw6znrh7xq-source",
"rev": "70151aa132f3a771996117c23c1fcaa8446a6f35",
"sha256": "1ldjz02p70wagqvk6vgcg16kjh7pkm1394qd1pcdmg8z39bm5ag3",
"path": "/nix/store/jwz8pqbv6rsm8w4fjzdb37r0wzjn5hv0-source",
"rev": "d58da671799c69c0b3208b96c154e13c8b1a9e90",
"sha256": "12dm0gsy10ppga7zf7hpf4adaqjrd9b740n2w926xyazq1njf6k9",
"srcDir": "",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"method": "fetchzip",

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
: foreach *.nim |> !nim_check |>

src/sam/actors.bak Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[deques, hashes, monotimes, options, sets, sequtils, tables, times]
import pkg/cps
import preserves
import ../syndicate/protocols/[protocol, sturdy]
export cps
const traceSyndicate {.booldefine.}: bool = true
when traceSyndicate:
import std/streams
from std/os import getEnv
import ./protocols/trace
type TraceSink = ref object
stream: FileStream
proc newTraceSink: TraceSink =
new result
let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE", "")
case path
of "": quit"$SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE unset"
of "-": = newFileStream(stderr)
else: = openFileStream(path, fmWrite)
proc write(s: TraceSink; e: TraceEntry) = s.write(e.toPreserves)
export Handle
template generateIdType(typ: untyped) =
type typ* = distinct Natural
proc `==`*(x, y: typ): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(id: typ): string {.borrow.}
Oid = sturdy.Oid
Caveat = sturdy.Caveat
Attenuation = seq[Caveat]
Rewrite = sturdy.Rewrite
AssertionRef* = ref object
value*: Value
# if the Enity methods take a Value object then the generated
# C code has "redefinition of struct" problems when orc is enabled
Entity* = ref object of RootObj
oid*: Oid # oid is how Entities are identified over the wire
Cap* {.preservesEmbedded.} = ref object of EmbeddedObj
relay*: Facet
target*: Entity
attenuation*: Attenuation
Ref* {.deprecated: "Ref was renamed to Cap".} = Cap
OutboundAssertion = ref object
handle: Handle
peer: Cap
established: bool
OutboundTable = Table[Handle, OutboundAssertion]
Actor* = ref object
name: string
handleAllocator: ref Handle
# a fresh actor gets a new ref Handle and
# all actors spawned from it get the same ref.
root: Facet
exitReason: ref Exception
exitHooks: seq[TurnAction]
id: ActorId
exiting, exited: bool
when traceSyndicate:
turnIdAllocator: ref TurnId
traceStream: FileStream
TurnAction* = proc (t: Turn)
Queues = TableRef[Facet, Deque[Cont]]
Turn* = ref object
facet: Facet
queues: Queues
when traceSyndicate:
desc: TurnDescription
Cont* = ref object of Continuation
turn*: Turn
Facet* = ref FacetObj
FacetObj = object
actor*: Actor
parent: Facet
children: HashSet[Facet]
outbound: OutboundTable
shutdownActions: seq[TurnAction]
inertCheckPreventers: int
id: FacetId
isAlive: bool
proc pass*(a, b: Cont): Cont =
assert not a.turn.isNil
b.turn = move a.turn
return b
template turnAction*(prc: typed): untyped =
cps(Cont, prc)
proc activeTurn*(c: Cont): Turn {.cpsVoodoo.} =
assert not c.turn.isNil
when traceSyndicate:
proc nextTurnId(facet: Facet): TurnId =
result = succ([])[] = result
proc trace(actor: Actor; act: ActorActivation) =
assert not actor.traceStream.isNil
var entry = TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
actor: initRecord("named",,
item: act)
proc path(facet: Facet): seq[trace.FacetId] =
var f = facet
while not f.isNil:
f = f.parent
method publish*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
method retract*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
method message*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) {.base.} = discard
method sync*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; peer: Cap) {.base.} = discard
actor: Actor
facet: Facet
turn: Turn
action: TurnAction
proc labels(f: Facet): string =
proc catLabels(f: Facet; labels: var string) =
labels.add ':'
if not f.parent.isNil:
catLabels(f.parent, labels)
labels.add ':'
when traceSyndicate:
labels.add $
catLabels(f, result)
proc `$`*(f: Facet): string =
"<Facet:" & f.labels & ">"
proc `$`*(r: Cap): string =
"<Ref:" & r.relay.labels & ">"
proc `$`*(actor: Actor): string =
"<Actor:" & & ">" # TODO: ambigous
proc attenuate(r: Cap; a: Attenuation): Cap =
if a.len == 0: result = r
else: result = Cap(
relay: r.relay,
attenuation: a & r.attenuation)
proc hash*(facet): Hash =
proc hash*(r: Cap): Hash = !$(r.relay.hash !&
proc nextHandle(facet: Facet): Handle =
result = succ([])[] = result
proc facet*(turn: Turn): Facet = turn.facet
proc enqueue(turn: Turn; target: Facet; cont: Cont) =
cont.turn = turn
if target in turn.queues:
turn.queues[target].addLast cont
turn.queues[target] = toDeque([cont])
type Bindings = Table[Value, Value]
proc match(bindings: var Bindings; p: Pattern; v: Value): bool =
case p.orKind
of PatternKind.Pdiscard: result = true
of PatternKind.Patom:
result = case p.patom
of PAtom.Boolean: v.isBoolean
of PAtom.Double: v.isDouble
of PAtom.Signedinteger: v.isInteger
of PAtom.String: v.isString
of PAtom.Bytestring: v.isByteString
of PAtom.Symbol: v.isSymbol
of PatternKind.Pembedded:
result = v.isEmbedded
of PatternKind.Pbind:
if match(bindings, p.pbind.pattern, v):
bindings[p.pbind.pattern.toPreserves] = v
result = true
of PatternKind.Pand:
for pp in p.pand.patterns:
result = match(bindings, pp, v)
if not result: break
of PatternKind.Pnot:
var b: Bindings
result = not match(b, p.pnot.pattern, v)
of PatternKind.Lit:
result = p.lit.value == v
of PatternKind.PCompound:
case p.pcompound.orKind
of PCompoundKind.rec:
if v.isRecord and
p.pcompound.rec.label == v.label and
p.pcompound.rec.fields.len == v.arity:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.rec.fields:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.arr:
if v.isSequence and p.pcompound.arr.items.len == v.sequence.len:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.arr.items:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.dict:
if v.isDictionary:
result = true
for key, pp in p.pcompound.dict.entries:
let vv = step(v, key)
if vv.isNone or not match(bindings, pp, get vv):
result = true
proc match(p: Pattern; v: Value): Option[Bindings] =
var b: Bindings
if match(b, p, v):
result = some b
proc instantiate(t: Template; bindings: Bindings): Value =
case t.orKind
of TemplateKind.Tattenuate:
let v = instantiate(t.tattenuate.template, bindings)
let cap = v.unembed(Cap)
if cap.isNone:
raise newException(ValueError, "Attempt to attenuate non-capability")
result = attenuate(get cap, t.tattenuate.attenuation).embed
of TemplateKind.TRef:
let n = $
try: result = bindings[n.toPreserves]
except KeyError:
raise newException(ValueError, "unbound reference: " & n)
of TemplateKind.Lit:
result = t.lit.value
of TemplateKind.Tcompound:
case t.tcompound.orKind
of TCompoundKind.rec:
result = initRecord(t.tcompound.rec.label, t.tcompound.rec.fields.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.rec.fields:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.arr:
result = initSequence(t.tcompound.arr.items.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.arr.items:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.dict:
result = initDictionary()
for key, tt in t.tcompound.dict.entries:
result[key] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
proc rewrite(r: Rewrite; v: Value): Value =
let bindings = match(r.pattern, v)
if bindings.isSome:
result = instantiate(r.template, get bindings)
proc examineAlternatives(cav: Caveat; v: Value): Value =
case cav.orKind
of CaveatKind.Rewrite:
result = rewrite(cav.rewrite, v)
of CaveatKind.Alts:
for r in cav.alts.alternatives:
result = rewrite(r, v)
if not result.isFalse: break
of CaveatKind.Reject: discard
of CaveatKind.unknown: discard
proc runRewrites*(a: Attenuation; v: Value): Value =
result = v
for stage in a:
result = examineAlternatives(stage, result)
if result.isFalse: break
proc publish(target: Entity; e: OutboundAssertion; a: AssertionRef) {.turnAction.} =
e.established = true
publish(target, activeTurn(), a, e.handle)
proc publish(turn: Turn; r: Cap; v: Value; h: Handle) =
var a = runRewrites(r.attenuation, v)
if not a.isFalse:
let e = OutboundAssertion(
handle: h, peer: r, established: false)
turn.facet.outbound[h] = e
enqueue(turn, r.relay, whelp publish(, e, AssertionRef(value: a)))
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue) = = =
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.assertion.value.value =
mapEmbeds(v) do (cap: Value) -> Value: discard
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.handle = h
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc publish*(turn: Turn; r: Cap; a: Value): Handle =
result = turn.facet.nextHandle()
publish(turn, r, a, result)
proc publish*(r: Cap; a: Value): Handle {.turnAction.} =
publish(activeTurn(), r, a, result)
proc retract(e: OutboundAssertion) {.turnAction.} =
if e.established:
e.established = false, e.handle)
proc retract(turn: Turn; e: OutboundAssertion) =
enqueue(turn, e.peer.relay, whelp retract(e))
proc retract*(turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
var e: OutboundAssertion
if turn.facet.outbound.pop(h, e):
proc message(target: Entity; a: AssertionRef) {.turnAction.} =
target.message(activeTurn(), a)
proc message*(turn: Turn; r: Cap; v: Value) =
var a = runRewrites(r.attenuation, v)
if not a.isFalse:
enqueue(turn, r.relay, whelp message(, AssertionRef(value: a)))
proc message*(target: Cap; value: Value) {.turnAction.} =
message(activeTurn(), target, value)
proc sync(e: Entity; peer: Cap) {.turnAction.} =
e.sync(activeTurn(), peer)
proc sync(turn: Turn; e: Entity; peer: Cap) =
e.sync(turn, peer)
proc sync*(turn: Turn; r, peer: Cap) =
enqueue(turn, r.relay, whelp sync(, peer))
proc replace*[T](turn: Turn; cap: Cap; h: Handle; v: T): Handle =
result = publish(turn, cap, v)
if h != default(Handle):
retract(turn, h)
proc replace*[T](turn: Turn; cap: Cap; h: var Handle; v: T): Handle {.discardable.} =
var old = h
h = publish(turn, cap, v)
if old != default(Handle):
retract(turn, old)
proc stop*(turn: Turn)
proc run*(facet; action: TurnAction; zombieTurn = false)
proc newFacet(actor; parent: Facet; initialAssertions: OutboundTable): Facet =
result = Facet(
id: getMonoTime().ticks.FacetId,
actor: actor,
parent: parent,
outbound: initialAssertions,
isAlive: true)
if not parent.isNil: parent.children.incl result
proc newFacet(actor; parent: Facet): Facet =
var initialAssertions: OutboundTable
newFacet(actor, parent, initialAssertions)
proc isInert(facet): bool =
result = facet.children.len == 0 and
(facet.outbound.len == 0 or facet.parent.isNil) and
facet.inertCheckPreventers == 0
proc preventInertCheck*(facet): (proc() {.gcsafe.}) {.discardable.} =
var armed = true
inc facet.inertCheckPreventers
proc disarm() =
if armed:
armed = false
dec facet.inertCheckPreventers
result = disarm
proc inFacet(turn: Turn; facet; act: TurnAction) =
## Call an action with a facet using a temporary `Turn`
## that shares the `Queues` of the calling `Turn`.
var t = Turn(facet: facet, queues: turn.queues)
proc terminate(actor; turn; reason: ref Exception)
proc terminate(facet; turn: Turn; orderly: bool) =
if facet.isAlive:
facet.isAlive = false
let parent = facet.parent
if not parent.isNil:
parent.children.excl facet
var turn = Turn(facet: facet, queues: turn.queues)
while facet.children.len > 0:
facet.children.pop.terminate(turn, orderly)
if orderly:
for act in facet.shutdownActions:
for a in facet.outbound.values: turn.retract(a)
if orderly:
if not parent.isNil:
if parent.isInert:
parent.terminate(turn, true)
terminate(, turn, nil)
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetStop)
act.facetstop.path = facet.path
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc stopIfInert() {.turnAction.} =
let turn = activeTurn()
if (not turn.facet.parent.isNil and (not turn.facet.parent.isAlive)) or turn.facet.isInert:
proc stopIfInertAfter(action: TurnAction): TurnAction =
proc wrapper(turn: Turn) =
enqueue(turn, turn.facet, whelp stopIfInert())
proc newFacet*(turn: Turn): Facet = newFacet(, turn.facet)
proc inFacet*(turn: Turn; bootProc: TurnAction): Facet =
result = newFacet(turn)
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetstart)
act.facetstart.path.add result.path
turn.desc.actions.add act
inFacet(turn, result, stopIfInertAfter(bootProc))
proc facet*(turn: Turn; bootProc: TurnAction): Facet {.deprecated.} = inFacet(turn, bootProc)
proc run(actor; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions: OutboundTable) =
run(newFacet(actor, actor.root, initialAssertions), stopIfInertAfter(bootProc))
proc run(actor; bootProc: TurnAction) =
var initialAssertions: OutboundTable
run(newFacet(actor, actor.root, initialAssertions), stopIfInertAfter(bootProc))
proc newActor(name: string; handleAlloc: ref Handle): Actor =
now = getTime()
seed = now.toUnix * 1_000_000_000 + now.nanosecond
result = Actor(
name: name,
id: ActorId(seed),
handleAllocator: handleAlloc,
result.root = newFacet(result, nil)
when traceSyndicate:
new result.turnIdAllocator
proc newActor*(name: string): Actor =
newActor(name, new(ref Handle))
proc bootActor*(name: string; bootProc: TurnAction) =
initialAssertions: OutboundTable
actor = newActor(name)
when traceSyndicate:
let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE", "/tmp/" & name & "")
case path
of "": stderr.writeLine "$SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE unset, not tracing actor ", name
of "-": actor.traceStream = newFileStream(stderr)
else: actor.traceStream = openFileStream(path, fmWrite)
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActorActivation(orKind: ActorActivationKind.start)
act.start.actorName = Name(orKind: NameKind.named) = name.toPreserves
var entry = TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
item: act)
let turn = newTurn(actor, TurnCauseExternal(description: "top-level actor"))
run(actor, bootProc, initialAssertions)
proc bootActor*(name: string; cont: Cont) =
bootActor(name) do (turn: Turn):
enqueue(turn, turn.facet, cont)
proc spawnActor(actor: Actor; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions: HashSet[Handle]) {.turnAction.} =
let turn = activeTurn()
var newOutBound: Table[Handle, OutboundAssertion]
for key in initialAssertions:
discard turn.facet.outbound.pop(key, newOutbound[key])
when traceSyndicate:
actor.turnIdAllocator =
actor.traceStream =
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.spawn) =
turn.desc.actions.add act
run(actor, bootProc, newOutBound)
proc spawn*(name: string; turn: Turn; bootProc: TurnAction; initialAssertions = initHashSet[Handle]()): Actor {.discardable.} =
let actor = newActor(name,
enqueue(turn, turn.facet, whelp spawnActor(actor, bootProc, initialAssertions))
proc newInertCap*(): Cap =
let a = newActor("inert")
run(a) do (turn: Turn): turn.stop()
Cap(relay: a.root)
proc atExit*(actor; action) = actor.exitHooks.add action
proc terminate(actor: Actor; orderly: bool) {.turnAction.} =
actor.root.terminate(activeTurn(), orderly)
actor.exited = true
proc terminate(actor; turn; reason: ref Exception) =
if not actor.exiting:
actor.exiting = true
actor.exitReason = reason
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActorActivation(orKind: ActorActivationKind.stop)
if not reason.isNil:
act.stop.status = ExitStatus(orKind: ExitStatusKind.Error)
act.stop.status.error.message = reason.msg
trace(actor, act)
for hook in actor.exitHooks: hook(turn)
enqueue(turn, actor.root, whelp terminate(actor, reason.isNil))
proc terminate*(facet; e: ref Exception) =
run( do (turn: Turn):, e)
proc asyncCheck*(facet: Facet; fut: FutureBase) =
## Sets a callback on `fut` which propagates exceptions to `facet`.
addCallback(fut) do ():
if fut.failed: terminate(facet, fut.error)
proc asyncCheck*(turn; fut: FutureBase) =
## Sets a callback on `fut` which propagates exceptions to the facet of `turn`.
asyncCheck(turn.facet, fut)
template tryFacet(facet; body: untyped) =
try: body
except CatchableError as err: terminate(facet, err)
proc run(facet: Facet; turn: Turn; deq: var Deque[Cont]): int =
## Return the number of continuations processed.
while deq.len > 0:
var c = deq.popFirst()
while not c.isNil and not c.fn.isNil:
c.turn = turn
var y = c.fn
var x = y(c)
c = Cont(x)
except CatchableError as err:
if not c.dismissed:
writeStackFrames c
terminate(facet, err)
stderr.writeLine("ran ", result, " continuations for ", facet)
proc run*(facet; action: TurnAction; zombieTurn = false) =
if zombieTurn or ( and facet.isAlive):
var queues = newTable[Facet, Deque[Cont]]()
var turn = Turn(facet: facet, queues: queues)
when traceSyndicate: = facet.nextTurnId.toPreserves ActorActivation(
orKind: ActorActivationKind.turn, turn: turn.desc)
assert not turn.isNil
var n = 1
while n > 0:
n = 0
var facets = queues.keys.toSeq
for facet in facets: run(facet, turn, queues[facet])
proc run*(cap: Cap; action: TurnAction) =
## Convenience proc to run a `TurnAction` in the scope of a `Cap`.
run(cap.relay, action)
proc addCallback*(fut: FutureBase; facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
## Add a callback to a `Future` that will be called at a later `Turn`
## within the context of `facet`.
addCallback(fut) do ():
if fut.failed: terminate(facet, fut.error)
when traceSyndicate:
run(facet) do (turn: Turn):
turn.desc.cause = TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external)
turn.desc.cause.external.description = "Future".toPreserves
run(facet, act)
proc addCallback*(fut: FutureBase; turn: Turn; act: TurnAction) =
## Add a callback to a `Future` that will be called at a later `Turn`
## with the same context as the current.
if fut.failed:
terminate(turn.facet, fut.error)
elif fut.finished:
enqueue(turn, turn.facet, act)
addCallback(fut, turn.facet, act)
proc addCallback*[T](fut: Future[T]; turn: Turn; act: proc (t: Turn, x: T) {.gcsafe.}) =
addCallback(fut, turn) do (turn: Turn):
if fut.failed: terminate(turn.facet, fut.error)
when traceSyndicate:
turn.desc.cause = TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external)
turn.desc.cause.external.description = "Future".toPreserves
act(turn, read fut)
proc stop*(turn: Turn, facet: Facet) =
if facet.parent.isNil:
facet.terminate(turn, true)
enqueue(turn, facet.parent, whelp terminate(, true))
# TODO: terminate the actor?
proc stop*(turn: Turn) =
stop(turn, turn.facet)
proc onStop*(facet: Facet; act: TurnAction) =
## Add a `proc (turn: Turn)` action to `facet` to be called as it stops.
add(facet.shutdownActions, act)
proc stopActor*(turn: Turn) =
let actor =
enqueue(turn, actor.root, whelp terminate(actor, true))
proc freshen*(turn: Turn, act: TurnAction) =
assert(turn.queues.len == 0, "Attempt to freshen a non-stale Turn")
run(turn.facet, act)
proc newCap*(relay: Facet; e: Entity): Cap =
Cap(relay: relay, target: e)
proc newCap*(turn; e: Entity): Cap =
Cap(relay: turn.facet, target: e)
proc newCap*(e: Entity; turn): Cap =
Cap(relay: turn.facet, target: e)
type SyncContinuation {.final.} = ref object of Entity
action: TurnAction
method message(entity: SyncContinuation; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) =
proc sync*(turn: Turn; refer: Cap; act: TurnAction) =
sync(turn, refer, newCap(turn, SyncContinuation(action: act)))
proc running*(actor): bool =
result = not actor.exited
if not (result or actor.exitReason.isNil):
raise actor.exitReason
proc newCap*(e: Entity): Cap {.turnAction.} =
Cap(relay: activeTurn().facet, target: e)

src/sam/actors.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[deques, hashes, options, tables, times]
import pkg/cps
import preserves
import ./protocols/[protocol, sturdy]
# const traceSyndicate {.booldefine.}: bool = true
const traceSyndicate* = true
when traceSyndicate:
import std/streams
from std/os import getEnv
import ./protocols/trace
export protocol.Handle
Cont* = ref object of Continuation
facet: Facet
PublishProc* = proc (e: Entity; v: Value; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.}
RetractProc* = proc (e: Entity; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.}
MessageProc* = proc (e: Entity; v: Value) {.cps: Cont.}
SyncProc* = proc (e: Entity; peer: Cap) {.cps: Cont.}
Handler* = proc() {.closure.}
Work = Deque[Cont]
HandlerDeque = seq[ContinuationProc[Continuation]]
FacetState = enum fFresh, fRunning, fEnded
Callback* = proc () {.closure.}
OutboundTable = Table[Handle, OutboundAssertion]
OutboundAssertion = ref object
handle: Handle
peer: Cap
established: bool
Facet* = ref object
actor: Actor
parent: Facet
children: seq[Facet]
outbound: OutboundTable
stopHandlers: HandlerDeque
stopCallbacks: seq[Callback]
state: FacetState
id: FacetId
FacetProc* = proc (f: Facet) {.closure.}
## Type for callbacks to be called within a turn.
## The `Facet` parameter is the owning facet.
Turn {.byref.} = object
facet: Facet
entity: Entity
work: Work
actions: seq[Cont]
event: Option[protocol.Event]
when traceSyndicate:
desc: TurnDescription
Entity* = ref object of RootObj
oid*: sturdy.Oid # oid is how Entities are identified over the wire
publishImpl*: PublishProc
retractImpl*: RetractProc
messageImpl*: MessageProc
syncImpl*: SyncProc
Cap* {.final, preservesEmbedded.} = ref object of EmbeddedObj
relay*: Facet
target*: Entity
attenuation*: seq[sturdy.Caveat]
Actor* = ref object
# TODO: run on a seperate thread.
# crashHandlers: HandlerDeque
root: Facet
handleAllocator: Handle
facetIdAllocator: int
id: ActorId
turn: Turn
when traceSyndicate:
traceStream: FileStream
stopped: bool
template turnWork*(prc: typed): untyped =
cps(Cont, prc)
proc activeFacet*(c: Cont): Facet {.cpsVoodoo.} =
## Return the active `Facet` within a `{.syndicate.}` context.
assert not c.facet.isNil
actor: Actor
facet: Facet
entity: Entity
cap: Cap
turn: Turn
proc `$`*(facet): string = $
proc `$`*(cap): string = "#:…"
proc hash*(facet): Hash = facet.unsafeAddr.hash
proc hash*(cap): Hash = cap.unsafeAddr.hash
proc newFacet(actor: Actor; parent: Facet): Facet =
result = Facet(
actor: actor,
parent: parent,
id: actor.facetIdAllocator.toPreserves,
proc stopped*(facet): bool = facet.state != fRunning
proc newActor(name: string): Actor =
result = Actor(id: name.toPreserves)
result.root = newFacet(result, nil)
when traceSyndicate:
let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE", "")
case path
of "": discard
of "-": result.traceStream = newFileStream(stderr)
else: result.traceStream = openFileStream(path, fmWrite)
when traceSyndicate:
proc trace(actor; act: ActorActivation) =
if not actor.traceStream.isNil:
var entry = TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
item: act,
proc traceTurn(actor) =
if not actor.traceStream.isNil:
orKind: ActorActivationKind.turn,
turn: actor.turn.desc,
proc traceTarget(facet): trace.Target =
proc traceTarget(cap): trace.Target =
let facet = cap.relay
proc traceEnqueue(actor; e: TargetedTurnEvent) =
actor.turn.desc.actions.add ActionDescription(
orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue,
enqueue: ActionDescriptionEnqueue(event: e),
proc traceDequeue(actor; e: TargetedTurnEvent) =
actor.turn.desc.actions.add ActionDescription(
orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.dequeue,
dequeue: ActionDescriptionDequeue(event: e),
proc pass*(a, b: Cont): Cont =
assert not a.facet.isNil
b.facet = a.facet
proc queueWork(facet; c: Cont) =
c.facet = facet
proc yieldWork(c: Cont): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
## Suspend and enqueue the caller until later in the turn.
assert not c.facet.isNil
proc yieldToActions(c: Cont): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
assert not c.facet.isNil
proc startExternalTurn(facet) =
let actor =
assert == 0
assert actor.turn.actions.len == 0
actor.turn.facet = facet
when traceSyndicate:
actor.turn.desc = TurnDescription(cause: TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external))
proc terminate(actor; err: ref Exception) =
raise err
proc terminate(facet; err: ref Exception) =
terminate(, err)
proc complete(c: Cont) =
var c = c
while not c.isNil and not c.fn.isNil:
var y = c.fn
var x = y(c)
c = Cont(x)
except CatchableError as err:
if not c.dismissed:
writeStackFrames c
terminate(c.facet, err)
proc run(actor) =
assert not actor.stopped
var n = 0
while > 0:
inc n
echo n, " items completed from work queue"
when traceSyndicate:
var i: int
while i < actor.turn.actions.len:
complete(move actor.turn.actions[i])
inc i
echo i, " items completed from action queue"
when traceSyndicate:
if actor.stopped:
trace(actor, ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.stop))
proc start(actor; cont: Cont) =
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.start)
trace(actor, act)
actor.root.state = fRunning
proc stop(actor)
proc collectPath(result: var seq[FacetId]; facet) =
if not facet.parent.isNil:
collectPath(result, facet.parent)
proc runNextStop(c: Cont; facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
c.fn = facet.stopHandlers.pop()
result = c
proc runNextFacetStop() {.cps: Cont.} =
proc stop(facet; reason: FacetStopReason) =
let actor =
while facet.stopHandlers.len > 0:
var c = whelp runNextFacetStop()
c.facet = facet
while facet.stopCallbacks.len > 0:
var cb = facet.stopCallbacks.pop()
while facet.children.len > 0:
stop(facet.children.pop(), FacetStopReason.parentStopping)
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetstop)
collectPath(act.facetstop.path, facet)
act.facetStop.reason = reason
actor.turn.desc.actions.add act
if facet.parent.isNil:
actor.root = nil
proc stop(actor) =
if not actor.root.isNil:
stop(actor.root, FacetStopReason.actorStopping)
actor.stopped = true
proc bootActor(name: string, c: Cont) =
start(newActor(name), c)
# proc stopFacetAction(reason: FacetStopReason) {.syndicate.} =
# stop(c.facet, reason)
proc stopActorAction() {.cps: Cont.} =
proc stopActor*(facet) =
let c = whelp stopActorAction()
c.facet = facet
AssertionRef* = ref object
value*: Value
# if the Enity methods take a Value object then the generated
# C code has "redefinition of struct" problems when orc is enabled
proc newCap*(f: Facet; e: Entity): Cap =
Cap(relay: f, target: e)
proc nextHandle(facet: Facet): Handle =
proc actor(cap): Actor =
type Bindings = Table[Value, Value]
proc attenuate(r: Cap; a: seq[Caveat]): Cap =
if a.len == 0: result = r
else: result = Cap(
relay: r.relay,
attenuation: a & r.attenuation)
proc match(bindings: var Bindings; p: Pattern; v: Value): bool =
case p.orKind
of PatternKind.Pdiscard: result = true
of PatternKind.Patom:
result = case p.patom
of PAtom.Boolean: v.isBoolean
of PAtom.Double: v.isDouble
of PAtom.Signedinteger: v.isInteger
of PAtom.String: v.isString
of PAtom.Bytestring: v.isByteString
of PAtom.Symbol: v.isSymbol
of PatternKind.Pembedded:
result = v.isEmbedded
of PatternKind.Pbind:
if match(bindings, p.pbind.pattern, v):
bindings[p.pbind.pattern.toPreserves] = v
result = true
of PatternKind.Pand:
for pp in p.pand.patterns:
result = match(bindings, pp, v)
if not result: break
of PatternKind.Pnot:
var b: Bindings
result = not match(b, p.pnot.pattern, v)
of PatternKind.Lit:
result = p.lit.value == v
of PatternKind.PCompound:
case p.pcompound.orKind
of PCompoundKind.rec:
if v.isRecord and
p.pcompound.rec.label == v.label and
p.pcompound.rec.fields.len == v.arity:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.rec.fields:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.arr:
if v.isSequence and p.pcompound.arr.items.len == v.sequence.len:
result = true
for i, pp in p.pcompound.arr.items:
if not match(bindings, pp, v[i]):
result = false
of PCompoundKind.dict:
if v.isDictionary:
result = true
for key, pp in p.pcompound.dict.entries:
let vv = step(v, key)
if vv.isNone or not match(bindings, pp, get vv):
result = true
proc match(p: Pattern; v: Value): Option[Bindings] =
var b: Bindings
if match(b, p, v):
result = some b
proc instantiate(t: Template; bindings: Bindings): Value =
case t.orKind
of TemplateKind.Tattenuate:
let v = instantiate(t.tattenuate.template, bindings)
let cap = v.unembed(Cap)
if cap.isNone:
raise newException(ValueError, "Attempt to attenuate non-capability")
result = attenuate(get cap, t.tattenuate.attenuation).embed
of TemplateKind.TRef:
let n = $
try: result = bindings[n.toPreserves]
except KeyError:
raise newException(ValueError, "unbound reference: " & n)
of TemplateKind.Lit:
result = t.lit.value
of TemplateKind.Tcompound:
case t.tcompound.orKind
of TCompoundKind.rec:
result = initRecord(t.tcompound.rec.label, t.tcompound.rec.fields.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.rec.fields:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.arr:
result = initSequence(t.tcompound.arr.items.len)
for i, tt in t.tcompound.arr.items:
result[i] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
of TCompoundKind.dict:
result = initDictionary()
for key, tt in t.tcompound.dict.entries:
result[key] = instantiate(tt, bindings)
proc rewrite(r: Rewrite; v: Value): Value =
let bindings = match(r.pattern, v)
if bindings.isSome:
result = instantiate(r.template, get bindings)
proc examineAlternatives(cav: Caveat; v: Value): Value =
case cav.orKind
of CaveatKind.Rewrite:
result = rewrite(cav.rewrite, v)
of CaveatKind.Alts:
for r in cav.alts.alternatives:
result = rewrite(r, v)
if not result.isFalse: break
of CaveatKind.Reject: discard
of CaveatKind.unknown: discard
proc runRewrites(v: Value; a: openarray[Caveat]): Value =
result = v
for stage in a:
result = examineAlternatives(stage, result)
if result.isFalse: break
proc publish(c: Cont; e: Entity; v: Value; h: Handle): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
pass c,, v, h)
proc retract(c: Cont; e: Entity; h: Handle): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
pass c,, h)
proc message(c: Cont; e: Entity; v: Value): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
pass c,, v)
proc sync(c: Cont; e: Entity; p: Cap): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
pass c,, p)
proc turnPublish(cap: Cap; val: Value; h: Handle) {.turnWork.} =
when traceSyndicate:
var traceEvent = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.assert)
traceEvent.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.assert)
traceEvent.detail.assert = TurnEventAssert(
assertion: AssertionDescription(orKind: AssertionDescriptionKind.value),
handle: h,
traceEvent.detail.assert.assertion.value.value = val
cap.relay.outbound[h] = OutboundAssertion(handle: h, peer: cap)
when traceSyndicate:, h)
cap.relay.outbound[h].established = true
proc turnRetract(cap: Cap; h: Handle) {.turnWork.} =
when traceSyndicate:
var traceEvent = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.retract)
traceEvent.detail.retract.handle = h
when traceSyndicate:
proc turnMessage(cap: Cap; val: Value) {.turnWork.} =
var val = runRewrites(val, cap.attenuation)
when traceSyndicate:
var traceEvent = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.message)
traceEvent.detail.message.body.value.value = val
when traceSyndicate:
proc turnSync(cap: Cap; peer: Cap) {.turnWork.} =
when traceSyndicate:
var traceEvent = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.sync)
traceEvent.detail.sync.peer = peer.traceTarget
when traceSyndicate:
proc publish*(cap; val: Value): Handle =
var val = runRewrites(val, cap.attenuation)
# TODO: attenuation to nothing?
result = cap.relay.nextHandle()
cap.relay.queueWork(whelp turnPublish(cap, val, result))
proc publish*[T](cap; x: T): Handle =
publish(cap, x.toPreserves)
proc retract*(cap; h: Handle) =
cap.relay.queueWork(whelp turnRetract(cap, h))
proc message*(cap; val: Value) =
var val = runRewrites(val, cap.attenuation)
cap.relay.queueWork(whelp turnMessage(cap, val))
proc message*[T](cap; x: T) =
message(cap, x.toPreserves)
proc sync*(cap, peer: Cap) =
cap.relay.queueWork(whelp turnSync(cap, peer))
proc installStopHook(c: Cont, facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
return c
proc addOnStopHandler(c: Cont; cb: Callback): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
result = c
proc onStop*(facet; cb: proc () {.closure.}) =
proc bootActor*(name: string; bootProc: FacetProc): Actor =
result = newActor(name)
proc runActor*(name: string; bootProc: FacetProc) =
let actor = bootActor(name, bootProc)
while not actor.stopped:

View File

@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
import std/[asyncdispatch, monotimes, times, posix, times, epoll]
import preserves
import syndicate
import ../protocols/timer
from syndicate/protocols/dataspace import Observe
import ../syndicate, ../protocols/timer
from ../protocols/dataspace import Observe
export timer
@ -24,12 +22,16 @@ proc eventfd(count: cuint, flags: cint): cint
proc now: float64 = getTime().toUnixFloat()
proc processTimers(ds: Cap) {.turnAction.} =
let pat = inject(grab Observe(pattern: dropType LaterThan), {0: grabLit()})
during(ds, pat) do (seconds: float):
let period = seconds - now()
if period < 0.001 or true:
let h = publish(ds, LaterThan(seconds: seconds).toPreserves)
proc spawnTimers*(ds: Cap): Actor {.discardable.} =
## Spawn a timer actor.
bootActor("timers") do (root: Facet):
let pat = inject(grab Observe(pattern: dropType LaterThan), {0: grabLit()})
during(ds, pat) do (seconds: float):
let period = seconds - now()
if period < 0.001 or true:
let h = publish(ds, LaterThan(seconds: seconds).toPreserves)
@ -39,14 +41,12 @@ proc processTimers(ds: Cap) {.turnAction.} =
discard publish(turn, ds, LaterThan(seconds: seconds))
proc spawnTimers*(ds: Cap) =
## Spawn a timer actor.
boot(newActor("timers"), whelp processTimers(ds))
proc after*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; dur: Duration; act: TurnAction) =
proc after*(ds: Cap; dur: Duration; cb: proc () {.closure.}) =
## Execute `act` after some duration of time.
let later = now() + dur.inMilliseconds.float64 * 1_000.0
onPublish(ds, grab LaterThan(seconds: later)):
# TODO: periodic timer

src/sam/dataspaces.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, options, tables]
import pkg/cps
import preserves
import ./[actors, patterns, skeletons]
from ./protocols/protocol import Handle
from ./protocols/dataspace import Observe
Dataspace {.final.} = ref object of Entity
index: Index
handleMap: Table[Handle, Value]
proc dsPublish(e: Entity; v: Value; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ds = Dataspace(e)
if ds.index.add(v):
var obs = v.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.add(obs.get.pattern, Cap(
ds.handleMap[h] = v
proc dsRetract(e: Entity; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ds = Dataspace(e)
var v = ds.handleMap[h]
if ds.index.remove(v):
ds.handleMap.del h
var obs = v.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.remove(obs.get.pattern, Cap(
proc dsMessage(e: Entity; v: Value) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ds = Dataspace(e)
proc newDataspace*(f: Facet): Cap =
var ds = Dataspace(
publishImpl: whelp dsPublish,
retractImpl: whelp dsRetract,
messageImpl: whelp dsMessage,
index: initIndex(),
newCap(f, ds)
proc observe*(cap: Cap; pat: Pattern; e: Entity): Handle =
publish(cap, Observe(pattern: pat, observer: newCap(cap.relay, e)))

src/sam/durings.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, tables]
import preserves
import ./[actors, patterns]
DuringProc* = proc (a: Value; h: Handle): FacetProc {.gcsafe.}
DuringActionKind = enum null, dead, act
DuringAction = object
case kind: DuringActionKind
of null, dead: discard
of act:
retractProc: FacetProc
DuringEntity {.final.}= ref object of Entity
publishProc: DuringProc
assertionMap: Table[Handle, DuringAction]
proc duringPublish(e: Entity; v: Value; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var de = DuringEntity(e)
let handler = de.handler(de.facet, a.value, h)
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null, dead:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: act, action: handler)
of act:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in publish: " & $h)
proc duringRetract(e: Entity; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var de = DuringEntity(e)
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: dead)
of dead:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in retract: " & $h)
of act:
de.assertionMap.del h
if not g.action.isNil:
proc during*(cb: DuringProc): DuringEntity = DuringEntity(cb: cb)

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

src/sam/observers.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import preserves
import ./actors, ./patterns, ./protocols/dataspace
proc observe*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; pat: Pattern; e: Entity): Cap {.discardable.} =
result = newCap(turn, e)
publish(turn, ds, Observe(pattern: pat, observer: result))

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from std/os import getEnv, `/`
import pkg/sys/[ioqueue, sockets]
import preserves
import ../syndicate, /capabilities, ./durings, ./membranes, ./protocols/[gatekeeper, protocol, sturdy, transportAddress]
import ./syndicate, /capabilities, ./durings, ./membranes, ./protocols/[gatekeeper, protocol, sturdy, transportAddress]
when defined(traceSyndicate):
when defined(posix):

src/sam/relays.nim.old Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[asyncdispatch, options, tables]
from std/os import getEnv, `/`
import preserves
import ../syndicate, /capabilities, ./durings, ./membranes, ./protocols/[gatekeeper, protocol, sturdy, transportAddress]
when defined(traceSyndicate):
when defined(posix):
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = stderr.writeLine(args)
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = echo(args)
template trace(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = discard
export `$`
Oid = sturdy.Oid
export Stdio, Tcp, WebSocket, Unix
Assertion = Value
WireRef = sturdy.WireRef
Turn = syndicate.Turn
Handle = actors.Handle
PacketWriter = proc (pkt: sink Packet): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
RelaySetup = proc (turn: var Turn; relay: Relay) {.gcsafe.}
Relay* = ref object of RootObj
facet: Facet
inboundAssertions: Table[Handle,
tuple[localHandle: Handle, imported: seq[WireSymbol]]]
outboundAssertions: Table[Handle, seq[WireSymbol]]
exported: Membrane
imported: Membrane
nextLocalOid: Oid
pendingTurn: protocol.Turn
packetWriter: PacketWriter
untrusted: bool
SyncPeerEntity = ref object of Entity
relay: Relay
peer: Cap
handleMap: Table[Handle, Handle]
e: WireSymbol
RelayEntity = ref object of Entity
label: string
relay: Relay
proc releaseCapOut(r: Relay; e: WireSymbol) =
r.exported.drop e
method publish(spe: SyncPeerEntity; t: var Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
spe.handleMap[h] = publish(t, spe.peer, a.value)
method retract(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: var Turn; h: Handle) =
var other: Handle
if se.handleMap.pop(h, other):
retract(t, other)
method message(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: var Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
if not se.e.isNil:
message(t, se.peer, a.value)
method sync(se: SyncPeerEntity; t: var Turn; peer: Cap) =
sync(t, se.peer, peer)
proc newSyncPeerEntity(r: Relay; p: Cap): SyncPeerEntity =
SyncPeerEntity(relay: r, peer: p)
proc rewriteCapOut(relay: Relay; cap: Cap; exported: var seq[WireSymbol]): WireRef =
if of RelayEntity and == relay and cap.attenuation.len == 0:
result = WireRef(orKind: WireRefKind.yours, yours: WireRefYours(oid:
var ws = grab(relay.exported, cap)
if ws.isNil:
ws = newWireSymbol(relay.exported, relay.nextLocalOid, cap)
inc relay.nextLocalOid
exported.add ws
result = WireRef(
orKind: WireRefKind.mine,
mine: WireRefMine(oid: ws.oid))
proc rewriteOut(relay: Relay; v: Assertion):
tuple[rewritten: Value, exported: seq[WireSymbol]] {.gcsafe.} =
var exported: seq[WireSymbol]
result.rewritten = mapEmbeds(v) do (pr: Value) -> Value:
let o = pr.unembed(Cap); if o.isSome:
rewriteCapOut(relay, o.get, exported).toPreserves
else: pr
result.exported = exported
proc register(relay: Relay; v: Assertion; h: Handle): tuple[rewritten: Value, exported: seq[WireSymbol]] =
result = rewriteOut(relay, v)
relay.outboundAssertions[h] = result.exported
proc deregister(relay: Relay; h: Handle) =
var outbound: seq[WireSymbol]
if relay.outboundAssertions.pop(h, outbound):
for e in outbound: releaseCapOut(relay, e)
proc send(r: Relay; turn: var Turn; rOid: protocol.Oid; m: Event) =
if r.pendingTurn.len == 0:
# If the pending queue is empty then schedule a packet
# to be sent after pending I/O is processed.
callSoon do (): do (turn: var Turn):
var pkt = Packet(
orKind: PacketKind.Turn,
turn: move r.pendingTurn)
trace "C: ", pkt
assert(not r.packetWriter.isNil, "missing packetWriter proc")
r.packetWriter(turn, encode pkt)
r.pendingTurn.add TurnEvent(oid: rOid, event: m)
proc send(re: RelayEntity; turn: var Turn; ev: Event) =
send(re.relay, turn, protocol.Oid re.oid, ev)
method publish(re: RelayEntity; t: var Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.gcsafe.} =
re.send(t, Event(
orKind: EventKind.Assert,
`assert`: protocol.Assert(
assertion: re.relay.register(a.value, h).rewritten,
handle: h)))
method retract(re: RelayEntity; t: var Turn; h: Handle) {.gcsafe.} =
re.relay.deregister h
re.send(t, Event(
orKind: EventKind.Retract,
retract: Retract(handle: h)))
method message(re: RelayEntity; turn: var Turn; msg: AssertionRef) {.gcsafe.} =
var (value, exported) = rewriteOut(re.relay, msg.value)
assert(len(exported) == 0, "cannot send a reference in a message")
if len(exported) == 0:
re.send(turn, Event(orKind: EventKind.Message, message: Message(body: value)))
method sync(re: RelayEntity; turn: var Turn; peer: Cap) {.gcsafe.} =
peerEntity = newSyncPeerEntity(re.relay, peer)
exported: seq[WireSymbol]
wr = rewriteCapOut(re.relay, turn.newCap(peerEntity), exported)
peerEntity.e = exported[0]
var ev = Event(orKind: EventKind.Sync)
ev.sync.peer = wr.toPreserves.embed
re.send(turn, ev)
proc newRelayEntity(label: string; r: Relay; o: Oid): RelayEntity =
RelayEntity(label: label, relay: r, oid: o)
relay: Relay
facet: Facet
proc lookupLocal(relay; oid: Oid): Cap =
let sym = relay.exported.grab oid
if sym.isNil: newInertCap()
else: sym.cap
proc isInert(r: Cap): bool =
proc rewriteCapIn(relay; facet; n: WireRef, imported: var seq[WireSymbol]): Cap =
case n.orKind
of WireRefKind.mine:
var e = relay.imported.grab(n.mine.oid)
if e.isNil:
e = newWireSymbol(
newCap(facet, newRelayEntity("rewriteCapIn", relay, n.mine.oid)),
imported.add e
result = e.cap
of WireRefKind.yours:
let r = relay.lookupLocal(n.yours.oid)
if n.yours.attenuation.len == 0 or r.isInert: result = r
else: raiseAssert "attenuation not implemented"
proc rewriteIn(relay; facet; v: Value):
tuple[rewritten: Assertion; imported: seq[WireSymbol]] {.gcsafe.} =
var imported: seq[WireSymbol]
result.rewritten = mapEmbeds(v) do (pr: Value) -> Value:
let wr = pr.preservesTo WireRef; if wr.isSome:
result = rewriteCapIn(relay, facet, wr.get, imported).embed
result = pr
result.imported = imported
proc close(r: Relay) = discard
proc dispatch*(relay: Relay; turn: var Turn; cap: Cap; event: Event) {.gcsafe.} =
case event.orKind
of EventKind.Assert:
let (a, imported) = rewriteIn(relay, turn.facet, event.assert.assertion)
relay.inboundAssertions[event.assert.handle] = (publish(turn, cap, a), imported,)
of EventKind.Retract:
let remoteHandle = event.retract.handle
var outbound: tuple[localHandle: Handle, imported: seq[WireSymbol]]
if relay.inboundAssertions.pop(remoteHandle, outbound):
for e in outbound.imported: relay.imported.drop e
of EventKind.Message:
let (a, imported) = rewriteIn(relay, turn.facet, event.message.body)
assert imported.len == 0, "Cannot receive transient reference"
turn.message(cap, a)
of EventKind.Sync:
discard # TODO
var imported: seq[WireSymbol]
let k = relay.rewriteCapIn(turn, evenr.sync.peer, imported)
turn.sync(cap) do (turn: var Turn):
turn.message(k, true)
for e in imported: relay.imported.del e
proc dispatch*(relay: Relay; v: Value) {.gcsafe.} =
trace "S: ", v
run(relay.facet) do (t: var Turn):
var pkt: Packet
if pkt.fromPreserves(v):
case pkt.orKind
of PacketKind.Turn:
for te in pkt.turn:
let r = lookupLocal(relay, te.oid.Oid)
if not r.isInert:
dispatch(relay, t, r, te.event)
stderr.writeLine("discarding event for unknown Cap; ", te.event)
of PacketKind.Error:
when defined(posix):
stderr.writeLine("Error from server: ", pkt.error.message, " (detail: ", pkt.error.detail, ")")
close relay
of PacketKind.Extension:
when defined(posix):
stderr.writeLine("discarding undecoded packet ", v)
RelayOptions* = object of RootObj
packetWriter*: PacketWriter
untrusted*: bool
RelayActorOptions* = object of RelayOptions
initialOid*: Option[Oid]
initialCap*: Cap
nextLocalOid*: Option[Oid]
proc newRelay(turn: var Turn; opts: RelayOptions; setup: RelaySetup): Relay =
result = Relay(
facet: turn.facet,
packetWriter: opts.packetWriter,
untrusted: opts.untrusted)
discard result.facet.preventInertCheck()
setup(turn, result)
proc transportConnectionResolve(addrAss: Assertion; ds: Cap): gatekeeper.TransportConnection =
result.`addr` = addrAss
result.resolved = Resolved(orKind: ResolvedKind.accepted)
result.resolved.accepted.responderSession = ds
proc spawnRelay*(name: string; turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; addrAss: Assertion; opts: RelayActorOptions; setup: RelaySetup) =
discard spawn(name, turn) do (turn: var Turn):
let relay = newRelay(turn, opts, setup)
if not opts.initialCap.isNil:
var exported: seq[WireSymbol]
discard rewriteCapOut(relay, opts.initialCap, exported) do (oid: Oid):
relay.nextLocalOid =
if oid == 0.Oid: 1.Oid
else: oid
if opts.initialOid.isSome:
imported: seq[WireSymbol]
wr = WireRef(
orKind: WireRefKind.mine,
mine: WireRefMine(oid: opts.initialOid.get))
res = rewriteCapIn(relay, turn.facet, wr, imported)
discard publish(turn, ds, transportConnectionResolve(addrAss, res))
discard publish(turn, ds, transportConnectionResolve(addrAss, ds))
when defined(posix):
import std/asyncnet
from std/nativesockets import AF_INET, AF_UNIX, IPPROTO_TCP, SOCK_STREAM, Protocol
type ShutdownEntity* = ref object of Entity
method retract(e: ShutdownEntity; turn: var Turn; h: Handle) =
type ConnectProc* = proc (turn: var Turn; ds: Cap) {.gcsafe.}
export Tcp
when defined(posix):
export Unix
proc connect*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; addrAss: Assertion; socket: AsyncSocket; step: Value) =
## Relay a dataspace over an open `AsyncSocket`.
proc socketWriter(packet: sink Packet): Future[void] =
const recvSize = 0x2000
var shutdownCap: Cap
reenable = turn.facet.preventInertCheck()
connectionClosedCap = newCap(turn, ShutdownEntity())
discard bootActor("socket") do (turn: var Turn):
var ops = RelayActorOptions(
packetWriter: socketWriter,
initialOid: 0.Oid.some)
spawnRelay("socket", turn, ds, addrAss, ops) do (turn: var Turn; relay: Relay):
let facet = turn.facet
var wireBuf = newBufferedDecoder(0) do (turn: var Turn): close(socket)
discard publish(turn, connectionClosedCap, true)
shutdownCap = newCap(turn, ShutdownEntity())
onPublish(turn, ds, TransportConnection ?: {0: ?addrAss, 2: ?:Rejected}) do (detail: Value):
raise newException(IOError, $detail)
onPublish(turn, ds, TransportConnection ?: {0: ?addrAss, 2: ?:ResolvedAccepted}) do (gatekeeper: Cap):
run(gatekeeper.relay) do (turn: var Turn):
discard publish(turn, shutdownCap, true)
proc duringCallback(turn: var Turn; ass: Assertion; h: Handle): TurnAction =
let facet = inFacet(turn) do (turn: var Turn):
let o = ass.preservesTo Resolved; if o.isSome:
discard publish(turn, ds, ResolvePath(
route: route, `addr`: addrAss, resolved: o.get))
proc action(turn: var Turn) =
stop(turn, facet)
result = action
var resolve = Resolve(
step: step,
observer: newCap(turn, during(duringCallback)),
discard publish(turn, gatekeeper, resolve)
proc connect*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; transport: Tcp; step: Value) =
## Relay a dataspace over TCP.
let socket = newAsyncSocket(
domain = AF_INET,
sockType = SOCK_STREAM,
protocol = IPPROTO_TCP,
buffered = false)
let fut = connect(socket,, Port transport.port)
addCallback(fut, turn) do (turn: var Turn):
connect(turn, ds, route, transport.toPreserves, socket, step)
proc connect*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; transport: Unix; step: Value) =
## Relay a dataspace over a UNIX socket.
let socket = newAsyncSocket(
domain = AF_UNIX,
sockType = SOCK_STREAM,
protocol = cast[Protocol](0),
buffered = false)
let fut = connectUnix(socket, transport.path)
addCallback(fut, turn) do (turn: var Turn):
connect(turn, ds, route, transport.toPreserves, socket, step)
import std/asyncfile
const stdinReadSize = 128
proc connectStdio*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap) =
## Connect to an external dataspace over stdin and stdout.
proc stdoutWriter(packet: sink Packet): Future[void] =
result = newFuture[void]()
var buf = encode(packet)
doAssert writeBytes(stdout, buf, 0, buf.len) == buf.len
complete result
var opts = RelayActorOptions(
packetWriter: stdoutWriter,
initialCap: ds,
initialOid: 0.Oid.some)
spawnRelay("stdio", turn, ds, Stdio().toPreserves, opts) do (turn: var Turn; relay: Relay):
facet = turn.facet
asyncStdin = openAsync("/dev/stdin") # this is universal now?
close(stdin) do (turn: var Turn):
var wireBuf = newBufferedDecoder(0)
proc readCb(pktFut: Future[string]) {.gcsafe.} =
if not pktFut.failed:
var buf =
if buf.len == 0:
run(facet) do (turn: var Turn): stopActor(turn)
feed(wireBuf, buf)
var (success, pr) = decode(wireBuf)
if success:
dispatch(relay, pr)
type BootProc* = proc (turn: var Turn; ds: Cap) {.gcsafe.}
proc envRoute*: Route =
var text = getEnv("SYNDICATE_ROUTE")
if text == "":
var tx = (getEnv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/run/user/1000") / "dataspace").toPreserves
result.transports = @[initRecord("unix", tx)]
result.pathSteps = @[]
var pr = parsePreserves(text)
if not result.fromPreserves(pr):
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse $SYNDICATE_ROUTE " & $pr)
proc resolve*(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; route: Route; bootProc: BootProc) =
unix: Unix
tcp: Tcp
stdio: Stdio
doAssert(route.transports.len == 1, "only a single transport supported for routes")
doAssert(route.pathSteps.len < 2, "multiple path steps not supported for routes")
if unix.fromPreserves route.transports[0]:
connect(turn, ds, route, unix, route.pathSteps[0])
elif tcp.fromPreserves route.transports[0]:
connect(turn, ds, route, tcp, route.pathSteps[0])
elif stdio.fromPreserves route.transports[0]:
connectStdio(turn, ds)
bootProc(turn, ds)
raise newException(ValueError, "unsupported route")
during(turn, ds, ResolvePath ?: { 0: ?route, 3: ?:ResolvedAccepted}) do (dest: Cap):
bootProc(turn, dest)

View File

@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ func isEmpty(cont: Continuation): bool =
cont.cache.len == 0 and cont.leafMap.len == 0
ContinuationProc = proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) {.gcsafe.}
LeafProc = proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) {.gcsafe.}
ObserverProc = proc (turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) {.gcsafe.}
ContinuationProc = proc (c: Continuation; v: Value) {.closure.}
LeafProc = proc (l: Leaf; v: Value) {.closure.}
ObserverProc = proc (group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) {.closure.}
proc getLeaves(cont: Continuation; constPaths: Paths): LeafMap =
result = cont.leafMap.getOrDefault(constPaths)
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ proc top(stack: TermStack): Value =
assert stack.len > 0
proc modify(node: Node; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
proc modify(node: Node; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
modCont: ContinuationProc; modLeaf: LeafProc; modObs: ObserverProc) =
proc walk(cont: Continuation; turn: Turn) =
proc walk(cont: Continuation) =
modCont(cont, outerValue)
for constPaths, constValMap in cont.leafMap.pairs:
let constVals = projectPaths(outerValue, constPaths)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ proc modify(node: Node; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
for capturePaths, observerGroup in leaf.observerGroups.pairs:
let captures = projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths)
if captures.isSome:
modObs(turn, observerGroup, get captures)
modObs(observerGroup, get captures)
of removedEvent:
let leaf = constValMap.getOrDefault(get constVals)
if not leaf.isNil:
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ proc modify(node: Node; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
for capturePaths, observerGroup in leaf.observerGroups.pairs:
let captures = projectPaths(outerValue, capturePaths)
if captures.isSome:
modObs(turn, observerGroup, get captures)
modObs(observerGroup, get captures)
if leaf.isEmpty:
constValMap.del(get constVals)
proc walk(node: Node; turn: Turn; termStack: TermStack) =
walk(node.continuation, turn)
proc walk(node: Node; termStack: TermStack) =
for selector, table in node.edges:
nextStack = pop(termStack, selector.popCount)
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ proc modify(node: Node; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; event: EventKind;
if nextClass.kind != classNone:
let nextNode = table.getOrDefault(nextClass)
if not nextNode.isNil:
walk(nextNode, turn, push(nextStack, get nextValue))
walk(nextNode, push(nextStack, get nextValue))
if event == removedEvent and nextNode.isEmpty:
walk(node, turn, @[@[outerValue].toPreserves])
walk(node, @[@[outerValue].toPreserves])
proc getOrNew[A, B, C](t: var Table[A, TableRef[B, C]], k: A): TableRef[B, C] =
result = t.getOrDefault(k)
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ proc getEndpoints(leaf: Leaf; capturePaths: Paths): ObserverGroup =
if captures.isSome:
discard result.cachedCaptures.change(get captures, +1)
proc add*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
proc add*(index: var Index; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
cont = index.root.extend(pattern)
analysis = analyse pattern
@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ proc add*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
# TODO if endpoints.cachedCaptures.len > 0:
var captureMap = newTable[seq[Value], Handle]()
for capture in endpoints.cachedCaptures.items:
captureMap[capture] = publish(turn, observer, capture.toPreserves)
captureMap[capture] = publish(observer, capture.toPreserves)
endpoints.observers[observer] = captureMap
proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
proc remove*(index: var Index; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
cont = index.root.extend(pattern)
analysis = analyse pattern
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
if not endpoints.isNil:
var captureMap: TableRef[seq[Value], Handle]
if endpoints.observers.pop(observer, captureMap):
for handle in captureMap.values: retract(turn, handle)
for handle in captureMap.values: retract(observer, handle)
if endpoints.observers.len == 0:
if leaf.observerGroups.len == 0:
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; pattern: Pattern; observer: Cap) =
if constValMap.len == 0:
proc adjustAssertion(index: var Index; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; delta: int): bool =
proc adjustAssertion(index: var Index; outerValue: Value; delta: int): bool =
case index.allAssertions.change(outerValue, delta)
of cdAbsentToPresent:
result = true
@ -268,37 +268,37 @@ proc adjustAssertion(index: var Index; turn: Turn; outerValue: Value; delta: int
proc modLeaf(l: Leaf; v: Value) =
proc modObserver(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
proc modObserver(group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
let change = group.cachedCaptures.change(vs, +1)
if change == cdAbsentToPresent:
for (observer, captureMap) in group.observers.pairs:
captureMap[vs] = publish(turn, observer, vs.toPreserves)
captureMap[vs] = publish(observer, vs.toPreserves)
# TODO: this handle is coming from the facet?
modify(index.root, turn, outerValue, addedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
modify(index.root, outerValue, addedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
of cdPresentToAbsent:
result = true
proc modContinuation(c: Continuation; v: Value) =
proc modLeaf(l: Leaf; v: Value) =
proc modObserver(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
proc modObserver(group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
if group.cachedCaptures.change(vs, -1) == cdPresentToAbsent:
for (observer, captureMap) in group.observers.pairs:
var h: Handle
if captureMap.take(vs, h):
retract(, turn, h)
modify(index.root, turn, outerValue, removedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
retract(observer, h)
modify(index.root, outerValue, removedEvent, modContinuation, modLeaf, modObserver)
else: discard
proc continuationNoop(c: Continuation; v: Value) = discard
proc leafNoop(l: Leaf; v: Value) = discard
proc add*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, turn, v, +1)
proc remove*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, turn, v, -1)
proc add*(index: var Index; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, v, +1)
proc remove*(index: var Index; v: Value): bool =
adjustAssertion(index, v, -1)
proc deliverMessage*(index: var Index; turn: Turn; v: Value) =
proc observersCb(turn: Turn; group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
for observer in group.observers.keys: message(turn, observer, vs.toPreserves)
index.root.modify(turn, v, messageEvent, continuationNoop, leafNoop, observersCb)
proc deliverMessage*(index: var Index; v: Value) =
proc observersCb(group: ObserverGroup; vs: seq[Value]) =
for observer in group.observers.keys: message(observer, vs.toPreserves)
index.root.modify(v, messageEvent, continuationNoop, leafNoop, observersCb)

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import pkg/cps
import preserves
export preserves
import ./syndicate/[actors, dataspaces, patterns]
import ./[actors, dataspaces, patterns]
# durings
import ./syndicate/protocols/dataspace
import ./protocols/dataspace
export actors, dataspace, dataspaces, patterns
@ -37,22 +37,26 @@ proc `??`*(pat: Pattern; bindings: openArray[(int, Pattern)]): Pattern {.inline.
patterns.inject(pat, bindings)
PublishProc = proc (turn: Turn; v: Value; h: Handle) {.closure.}
RetractProc = proc (turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.closure.}
MessageProc = proc (turn: Turn; v: Value) {.closure.}
PublishProc = proc (v: Value; h: Handle) {.closure.}
RetractProc = proc (h: Handle) {.closure.}
MessageProc = proc (v: Value) {.closure.}
ClosureEntity = ref object of Entity
publishImpl*: PublishProc
retractImpl*: RetractProc
messageImpl*: MessageProc
publishCb*: PublishProc
retractCb*: RetractProc
messageCb*: MessageProc
method publish(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
if not e.publishImpl.isNil: e.publishImpl(turn, a.value, h)
proc publishCont(e: Entity; v: Value; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ce = ClosureEntity(e)
if not ce.publishCb.isNil: ce.publishCb(v, h)
method retract(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
if not e.retractImpl.isNil: e.retractImpl(turn, h)
proc retractCont(e: Entity; h: Handle) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ce = ClosureEntity(e)
if not ce.retractCb.isNil: ce.retractCb(h)
method message(e: ClosureEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef) =
if not e.messageImpl.isNil: e.messageImpl(turn, a.value)
proc messageCont(e: Entity; v: Value) {.cps: Cont.} =
var ce = ClosureEntity(e)
if not ce.messageCb.isNil: ce.messageCb(v)
proc argumentCount(handler: NimNode): int =
handler.expectKind {nnkDo, nnkStmtList}
@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ proc wrapMessageHandler(handler: NimNode): NimNode =
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "message")
bindingsSym = ident"bindings"
quote do:
proc `handlerSym`(turn: Turn; `bindingsSym`: Value) =
proc `handlerSym`(`bindingsSym`: Value) =
if fromPreserves(`valuesSym`, bindings):
@ -150,9 +154,8 @@ macro onPublish*(ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
discard observe(activeTurn(), `ds`, `pattern`, ClosureEntity(publishImpl: `handlerSym`))
macro onMessage*(ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
## Call `handler` when an message matching `pattern` is broadcasted at `ds`.
macro onMessage*(cap: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
## Call `handler` when an message matching `pattern` is broadcasted at `cap`.
argCount = argumentCount(handler)
handlerProc = wrapMessageHandler(handler)
@ -161,8 +164,10 @@ macro onMessage*(ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; handler: untyped) =
if `argCount` != 0 and `pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len != `argCount`:
raiseAssert($`pattern`.analyse.capturePaths.len & " values captured but handler has " & $`argCount` & " arguments - " & $`pattern`)
discard observe(activeTurn(), `ds`, `pattern`, ClosureEntity(messageImpl: `handlerSym`))
discard observe(`cap`, `pattern`, ClosureEntity(
messageImpl: whelp messageCont,
messageCb: `handlerSym`,
macro during*(ds: Cap; pattern: Pattern; publishBody, retractBody: untyped) =
@ -202,15 +207,15 @@ proc wrapHandler(body: NimNode; ident: string): NimNode =
proc `sym`() =
macro onStop*(body: untyped) =
macro onStop*(facet: Facet; body: untyped) =
handlerDef = wrapHandler(body, "onStop")
handlerSym = handlerDef[0]
result = quote do:
addOnStopHandler(facet, `handlerSym`)
macro onStop*(body: untyped) =
quote do:

src/sam/tracing.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import ./protocols/[protocol, trace]
export trace
proc traceAction*(e: protocol.Event): trace.TurnEvent =
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue)
act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert = TurnEventAssert(
assertion: AssertionDescription(orKind: AssertionDescriptionKind.value),
handle: result,
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.assertion.value.value = val
turn.desc.actions.add act

View File

@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[deques, hashes, options, times]
import pkg/cps
import preserves
import ../syndicate/protocols/[protocol, sturdy]
# const traceSyndicate {.booldefine.}: bool = true
const traceSyndicate* = true
when traceSyndicate:
import std/streams
from std/os import getEnv
import ./protocols/trace
export protocol.Handle
Cont* = ref object of Continuation
turn: Turn
facet: Facet
Handler* = proc() {.closure.}
Work = Deque[Cont]
HandlerDeque = seq[ContinuationProc[Continuation]]
FacetState = enum fFresh, fRunning, fEnded
Callback* = proc () {.nimcall.}
Facet* = ref object
actor: Actor
parent: Facet
children: seq[Facet]
stopHandlers: HandlerDeque
stopCallbacks: seq[Callback]
state: FacetState
when traceSyndicate:
id: FacetId
Turn* = ref object
facet: Facet
entity: Entity
event: Option[protocol.Event]
work: Work
when traceSyndicate:
desc: TurnDescription
Entity* = ref object of RootObj
facet*: Facet
oid*: sturdy.Oid # oid is how Entities are identified over the wire
when traceSyndicate:
id: FacetId
Cap* {.final, preservesEmbedded.} = ref object of EmbeddedObj
relay*: Facet
target*: Entity
attenuation*: seq[sturdy.Caveat]
Actor* = ref object
# crashHandlers: HandlerDeque
root: Facet
handleAllocator: Handle
facetIdAllocator: int
id: ActorId
when traceSyndicate:
traceStream: FileStream
stopped: bool
template syndicate*(prc: typed): untyped =
cps(Cont, prc)
proc activeTurn*(c: Cont): Turn {.cpsVoodoo.} =
## Return the active `Turn` within a `{.syndicate.}` context.
assert not c.turn.isNil
proc activeFacet*(c: Cont): Facet {.cpsVoodoo.} =
## Return the active `Facet` within a `{.syndicate.}` context.
assert not c.facet.isNil
proc activeActor*(c: Cont): Actor {.cpsVoodoo.} =
## Return the active `Actor` within a `{.syndicate.}` context.
assert not c.turn.isNil
actor: Actor
facet: Facet
entity: Entity
cap: Cap
turn: Turn
proc hash*(facet): Hash = facet.unsafeAddr.hash
proc hash*(cap): Hash = cap.unsafeAddr.hash
proc newFacet(actor: Actor; parent: Facet): Facet =
result = Facet(
actor: actor,
parent: parent,
id: actor.facetIdAllocator.toPreserves,
proc stopped*(facet): bool = facet.state != fRunning
proc newActor(name: string): Actor =
result = Actor(id: name.toPreserves)
result.root = newFacet(result, nil)
when traceSyndicate:
let path = getEnv("SYNDICATE_TRACE_FILE", "")
case path
of "": discard
of "-": result.traceStream = newFileStream(stderr)
else: result.traceStream = openFileStream(path, fmWrite)
when traceSyndicate:
proc trace(actor; act: ActorActivation) =
if not actor.traceStream.isNil:
var entry = TraceEntry(
timestamp: getTime().toUnixFloat(),
item: act,
proc trace(actor; turn) =
if not actor.traceStream.isNil:
orKind: ActorActivationKind.turn,
turn: turn.desc,
proc traceTarget(cap): trace.Target =
let facet = cap.relay
proc traceTarget(turn): trace.Target =
let facet = turn.facet
proc newExternalTurn(facet): Turn =
result = Turn(facet: facet)
when traceSyndicate:
result.desc = TurnDescription(cause: TurnCause(orKind: TurnCauseKind.external))
proc pass*(a, b: Cont): Cont =
b.turn = a.turn
if b.facet.isNil:
b.facet = a.facet
# TODO: whelp a new continuation at facet boundaries?
proc queue(t: Turn; c: Cont) =
c.facet = t.facet
proc queue(c: Cont): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
queue(c.turn, c)
proc complete(turn; c: Cont) =
var c = c
while not c.isNil and not c.fn.isNil:
c.turn = turn
var y = c.fn
var x = y(c)
c = Cont(x)
except CatchableError as err:
if not c.dismissed:
writeStackFrames c
# terminate(c.facet, err)
proc run(turn) =
let actor =
assert not actor.stopped
while > 0:
when traceSyndicate:
if actor.stopped:
trace(actor, ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.stop))
proc start(actor; cont: Cont) =
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActorActivation(orkind: ActorActivationKind.start)
trace(actor, act)
actor.root.state = fRunning
let turn = actor.root.newExternalTurn()
proc stop(turn; actor)
proc collectPath(result: var seq[FacetId]; facet) =
if not facet.parent.isNil:
collectPath(result, facet.parent)
proc runNextStop(c: Cont; facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
c.fn = facet.stopHandlers.pop()
result = c
proc runNextFacetStop() {.syndicate.} =
proc stop(turn; facet; reason: FacetStopReason) =
while facet.stopHandlers.len > 0:
var c = whelp runNextFacetStop()
c.facet = facet
complete(turn, c)
while facet.stopCallbacks.len > 0:
var cb = facet.stopCallbacks.pop()
while facet.children.len > 0:
stop(turn, facet.children.pop(), FacetStopReason.parentStopping)
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.facetstop)
collectPath(act.facetstop.path, facet)
act.facetStop.reason = reason
turn.desc.actions.add act
if facet.parent.isNil: = nil
proc stop(turn; actor) =
if not actor.root.isNil:
stop(turn, actor.root, FacetStopReason.actorStopping)
actor.stopped = true
proc bootActor*(name: string, c: Cont) =
start(newActor(name), c)
proc stopActor(c: Cont; a: Actor): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
stop(c.turn, a)
proc stopFacet(c: Cont; f: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
stop(c.turn, f, FacetStopReason.explicitAction)
proc stopFacet*() {.syndicate.} =
stop(activeTurn(), activeFacet(), FacetStopReason.explicitAction)
proc stopActor*() {.syndicate.} =
stop(activeTurn(), activeActor())
AssertionRef* = ref object
value*: Value
# if the Enity methods take a Value object then the generated
# C code has "redefinition of struct" problems when orc is enabled
method publish*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
method retract*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.base.} = discard
method message*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; v: AssertionRef) {.base.} = discard
method sync*(e: Entity; turn: Turn; peer: Cap) {.base.} = discard
proc newCap*(f: Facet; e: Entity): Cap =
Cap(relay: f, target: e)
proc nextHandle(facet: Facet): Handle =
proc publish*(turn: Turn; cap: Cap; val: Value): Handle =
result = turn.facet.nextHandle()
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue)
act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: cap.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail = trace.TurnEvent(orKind: TurnEventKind.assert)
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert = TurnEventAssert(
assertion: AssertionDescription(orKind: AssertionDescriptionKind.value),
handle: result,
act.enqueue.event.detail.assert.assertion.value.value = val
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc retract*(turn; h: Handle) =
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue)
act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: turn.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.retract)
act.enqueue.event.detail.retract = TurnEventRetract(handle: h)
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc message*(turn; cap; val: Value) =
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue)
act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: turn.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.message)
act.enqueue.event.detail.message.body.value.value = val
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc sync*(turn; peer: Cap) =
when traceSyndicate:
var act = ActionDescription(orKind: ActionDescriptionKind.enqueue)
act.enqueue.event = TargetedTurnEvent(
target: turn.traceTarget,
detail: trace.TurnEvent(orKind: trace.TurnEventKind.sync)
act.enqueue.event.detail.sync.peer = peer.traceTarget
turn.desc.actions.add act
proc publish*(cap: Cap; val: Value): Handle {.syndicate.} =
publish(activeTurn(), cap, val)
proc retract*(h: Handle) {.syndicate.} =
proc message*(cap: Cap; val: Value) {.syndicate.} =
activeTurn().message(cap, val)
proc sync*(cap: Cap) {.syndicate.} =
proc installStopHook*(c: Cont, facet: Facet): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
return c
proc addOnStopHandler*(c: Cont; cb: Callback): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
result = c

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, options, tables]
import pkg/cps
import preserves
import ./actors, ./protocols/dataspace, ./skeletons
from ./protocols/protocol import Handle
from ./protocols/dataspace import Observe
Dataspace {.final.} = ref object of Entity
index: Index
handleMap: Table[Handle, Value]
method publish(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) {.gcsafe.} =
if add(ds.index, turn, a.value):
var obs = a.value.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.add(turn, obs.get.pattern, Cap(
ds.handleMap[h] = a.value
method retract(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; h: Handle) {.gcsafe.} =
let v = ds.handleMap[h]
if remove(ds.index, turn, v):
ds.handleMap.del h
var obs = v.preservesTo(Observe)
if obs.isSome and of Cap:
ds.index.remove(turn, obs.get.pattern, Cap(
method message(ds: Dataspace; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef) {.gcsafe.} =
ds.index.deliverMessage(turn, a.value)
proc newDataspace*(f: Facet): Cap =
newCap(f, Dataspace(index: initIndex()))
type BootProc = proc (ds: Cap)
proc newDataspace*(): Cap {.syndicate.} =

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, tables]
import preserves
import ./actors, ./patterns, ./protocols/dataspace
DuringProc* = proc (a: Value; h: Handle)
DuringActionKind = enum null, dead, act
DuringAction = object
case kind: DuringActionKind
of null, dead: discard
of act:
action: Cont
DuringEntity {.final.}= ref object of Entity
cb: DuringProc
assertionMap: Table[Handle, DuringAction]
method publish(de: DuringEntity; turn: Turn; a: AssertionRef; h: Handle) =
let action = de.cb(turn, a.value, h)
# assert(not action.isNil "should have put in a no-op action")
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: act, action: action)
of dead:
de.assertionMap.del h
freshen(turn, action)
of act:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in publish: " & $h)
method retract(de: DuringEntity; turn: Turn; h: Handle) =
let g = de.assertionMap.getOrDefault h
case g.kind
of null:
de.assertionMap[h] = DuringAction(kind: dead)
of dead:
raiseAssert("during: duplicate handle in retract: " & $h)
of act:
de.assertionMap.del h
if not g.action.isNil:
proc during*(cb: DuringProc): DuringEntity = DuringEntity(cb: cb)
proc observe*(turn: Turn; ds: Cap; pat: Pattern; e: Entity): Handle =
publish(turn, ds, Observe(pattern: pat, observer: newCap(turn, e)).toPreserves)
proc assertHandle(turn: Turn): Handle =
turn.event.isSome and turn.event.get.orKind == EventKind.Assert,
"operation not valid during this turn")
proc awaitRetraction(cont: Cont): Cont {.cpsMagic.} =
{.error: "this cannot work".}
let h = cont.turn.assertHandle
while true:
let turn = cont.turn
if turn.retracts(h):
return c

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Package
version = "20240216"
version = "20240219"
author = "Emery Hemingway"
description = "Syndicated actors for conversational concurrency"
license = "Unlicense"

View File

@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ proc readStdin(facet: Facet; ds: Cap; username: string) =
proc chat(turn: var Turn; ds: Cap; username: string) =
during(turn, ds, ?:Present) do (who: string):
proc chat(facet: Facet; ds: Cap; username: string) =
during(facet, ds, ?:Present) do (who: string):
echo who, " joined"
echo who, " left"
onMessage(turn, ds, ?:Says) do (who: string, what: string):
onMessage(facet, ds, ?:Says) do (who: string, what: string):
echo who, ": ", what
discard publish(turn, ds, Present(username: username))
readStdin(turn.facet, ds, username)
discard publish(facet, ds, Present(username: username))
readStdin(facet, ds, username)
proc main =
let route = envRoute()
@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ proc main =
if username == "":
stderr.writeLine "--user: unspecified"
runActor("chat") do (turn: var Turn; root: Cap):
spawnRelays(turn, root)
resolve(turn, root, route) do (turn: var Turn; ds: Cap):
chat(turn, ds, username)
runActor("chat") do (root: Facet):
let ds = facet.newDataspace()
resolve(facet, ds, route) do (remote: Cap):
chat(facet, remote, username)

View File

@ -3,28 +3,34 @@
import std/times
import pkg/cps
import syndicate
import sam/syndicate
# import syndicate/actors/timers
import sam/actors/timers
proc now: float64 = getTime().toUnixFloat()
proc main() {.syndicate.} =
let ds = newDataspace()
let h = publish(ds, "hello world!".toPreserves)
runActor("timer-test") do (root: Facet):
echo "actor calls boot proc with root facte ", root
#onMessage(ds, grab()) do (v: Value):
# stderr.writeLine "observed message ", v
let ds = root.newDataspace()
echo "new dataspace ", ds
let h = publish(ds, "hello world!".toPreserves)
echo "published to handle ", h
onMessage(ds, grab()) do (v: Value):
stderr.writeLine "observed message ", v
message(ds, "hello world!".toPreserves)
echo "sent a message"
retract(ds, h)
echo "retracted handle ", h
# facet.sync(ds)
echo "anonymous stop handler was invoked"
echo "stopping actor"
echo "actor stopped but still executing?"
@ -38,5 +44,3 @@ proc main() {.syndicate.} =
stderr.writeLine "slept one second thrice"
bootActor("main", whelp main())