Re-implement onPublish and onMessage

This commit is contained in:
Emery Hemingway 2021-10-29 16:55:49 +02:00
parent 272b6dfcb7
commit 166152cd84
2 changed files with 83 additions and 241 deletions

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@ -1,239 +1,91 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[asyncdispatch, macros, options]
import std/macros
import preserves
import syndicate/[actors, patterns]
export patterns
import syndicate/[actors]
import syndicate/[assertions, dataspaces, events, skeletons]
export preserves.fromPreserve
export assertions.Observe
export dataspaces.Facet
export dataspaces.FieldId
export dataspaces.Fields
export dataspaces.`==`
export dataspaces.addEndpoint
export dataspaces.addStartScript
export dataspaces.addStopScript
export dataspaces.beginExternalTask
export dataspaces.defineObservableProperty
export dataspaces.endExternalTask
export dataspaces.generateId
export dataspaces.hash
export dataspaces.recordDamage
export dataspaces.recordObservation
export dataspaces.scheduleScript
export dataspaces.stop
export events.EventKind
export skeletons.Analysis
export asyncdispatch.`callback=`
export options.get
proc getCurrentFacet*(): Facet = raiseAssert("must be called from within the DSL")
## Return the current `Facet` for this context.
template stopIf*(cond, body: untyped): untyped =
## Stop the current facet if `cond` is true and
## invoke `body` after the facet has stopped.
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addDataflow do (facet: Facet):
if cond:
facet.stop do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template send*(msg: Preserve): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
send(getCurrentFacet(), msg)
proc wrapDoHandler(pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
## Generate a procedure that unpacks a `pattern` match to fit the
## parameters of `handler`, and calls the body of `handler`.
proc wrapPublishHandler(handler: NimNode): NimNode =
handler.expectKind nnkDo
var innerProc = newNimNode(nnkProcDef)
handler.copyChildrenTo innerProc
innerProc[0] = genSym(nskProc, "message")
formalArgs = handler[3]
cbFacetSym = genSym(nskParam, "facet")
scriptFacetSym = genSym(nskParam, "facet")
recSym = genSym(nskParam, "bindings")
varSection = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler)
conditional: NimNode
argCount: int
valuesSym = genSym(nskVar, "values")
valuesTuple = newNimNode(nnkTupleTy, handler)
innerTuple = newNimNode(nnkVarTuple, handler)
varSectionInner = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).add(innerTuple)
for i, arg in formalArgs:
if i > 0:
arg.expectKind nnkIdentDefs
if arg[0] == ident"_" or arg[0] == ident"*":
if arg[1].kind != nnkEmpty:
error("placeholders may not be typed", arg)
if arg[1].kind == nnkEmpty:
error("type required for capture", arg)
var varDef = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs, arg)
arg.copyChildrenTo varDef
var conversion = newCall("fromPreserve", varDef[0],
newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add(recSym, newLit(pred i)))
if conditional.isNil:
conditional = conversion
conditional = infix(conditional, "and", conversion)
var scriptBody = newStmtList()
if argCount > 0:
conditional, handler[6])))
if arg[1].kind == nnkEmpty:
error("type required for capture", arg)
var def = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs, arg)
arg.copyChildrenTo def
innerTuple.add(newEmptyNode(), valuesSym)
scriptSym = genSym(nskProc, "script")
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "handler")
litArgCount = newLit argCount
varSectionOuter = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).add(
newIdentDefs(valuesSym, valuesTuple))
body = newStmtList(varSectionInner, handler[6])
turnSym = ident"turn"
handleSym = ident"handle"
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "publish")
quote do:
proc `handlerSym`(`cbFacetSym`: Facet; `recSym`: seq[Preserve]) =
assert(`litArgCount` == captureCount(`pattern`), "pattern does not match handler")
# this should be a compile-time check
`litArgCount` == len(`recSym`),
"cannot unpack " & $`litArgCount` & " bindings from " & $(toPreserve `recSym`))
proc `scriptSym`(`scriptFacetSym`: Facet) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = `scriptFacetSym`
scheduleScript(`cbFacetSym`, `scriptSym`)
proc `handlerSym`(_: Entity; `turnSym`: var Turn; bindings: Assertion; `handleSym`: Handle) =
if fromPreserve(`valuesSym`, bindings):
proc wrapHandler(pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
case handler.kind
of nnkDo:
result = wrapDoHandler(pattern, handler)
of nnkStmtList:
let sym = genSym(nskProc, "handler")
result = quote do:
proc `sym`(facet: Facet; _: seq[Preserve]) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
error("unhandled event handler", handler)
proc wrapMessageHandler(handler: NimNode): NimNode =
handler.expectKind nnkDo
var innerProc = newNimNode(nnkProcDef)
handler.copyChildrenTo innerProc
innerProc[0] = genSym(nskProc, "message")
formalArgs = handler[3]
valuesSym = genSym(nskVar, "values")
valuesTuple = newNimNode(nnkTupleTy, handler)
innerTuple = newNimNode(nnkVarTuple, handler)
varSectionInner = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).add(innerTuple)
for i, arg in formalArgs:
if i > 0:
arg.expectKind nnkIdentDefs
if arg[1].kind == nnkEmpty:
error("type required for capture", arg)
var def = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs, arg)
arg.copyChildrenTo def
innerTuple.add(newEmptyNode(), valuesSym)
varSectionOuter = newNimNode(nnkVarSection, handler).add(
newIdentDefs(valuesSym, valuesTuple))
body = newStmtList(varSectionInner, handler[6])
turnSym = ident"turn"
handlerSym = genSym(nskProc, "message")
quote do:
proc `handlerSym`(_: Entity; `turnSym`: var Turn; bindings: Assertion) =
if fromPreserve(`valuesSym`, bindings):
proc onEvent(event: EventKind, pattern, handler: NimNode): NimNode =
macro onPublish*(turn: Turn; ds: Ref; pattern: Pattern; doHandler: untyped) =
handler = wrapHandler(pattern, handler)
handlerSym = handler[0]
handlerProc = wrapPublishHandler(doHandler)
handlerSym = handlerProc[0]
result = quote do:
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addEndpoint do (facet: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
let a = `pattern`
result.assertion = observe(a)
result.analysis = some(analyzeAssertion(a))
result.callback = wrap(facet, EventKind(`event`), `handlerSym`)
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, newEntity(publish = `handlerSym`))
macro onAsserted*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onEvent(addedEvent, pattern, handler)
macro onMessage*(turn: Turn; ds: Ref; pattern: Pattern; doHandler: untyped) =
handlerProc = wrapMessageHandler(doHandler)
handlerSym = handlerProc[0]
result = quote do:
discard observe(`turn`, `ds`, `pattern`, newEntity(message = `handlerSym`))
macro onRetracted*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onEvent(removedEvent, pattern, handler)
macro onMessage*(pattern: Preserve; doHandler: untyped) =
onEvent(messageEvent, pattern, doHandler)
template onStart*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addStartScript do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template onStop*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addStopScript do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template publish*(a: Preserve): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
getCurrentFacet().addEndpoint do (_: Facet) -> EndpointSpec:
result.assertion = a
template field*(F: untyped; T: typedesc; initial: T): untyped =
## Declare a field. The identifier `F` shall be a value with
## `get` and `set` procs.
mixin getCurrentFacet
declareField(getCurrentFacet(), F, T, initial)
# use the template defined in dataspaces
template react*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
addChildFacet(getCurrentFacet()) do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template stop*(body: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
stop(getCurrentFacet()) do (facet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
template stop*(): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
template during*(pattern: Preserve; handler: untyped) =
onAsserted(pattern, handler)
onRetracted(pattern): stop()
template spawn*(name: string; spawnBody: untyped): untyped =
mixin getCurrentFacet
spawn(getCurrentFacet(), name) do (spawnFacet: Facet):
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = spawnFacet
template withFacet*(f: Facet; body: untyped): untyped =
## Execute a Syndicate ``body`` using the ``Facet`` at ``f``.
import preserves, preserves/records
type Foo {.record: "foo".} = ref object
facet: Facet
i: int
proc incAndAssert(foo: Foo) =
withFacet foo.facet:
react: assert: foo
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = f
template syndicate*(ident, dataspaceBody: untyped): untyped =
proc `ident`*(facet: Facet) =
proc getCurrentFacet(): Facet {.inject, used.} = facet
proc `ident`*(name = ""): Future[void] =
bootModule(name, `ident`)
type BootProc* = proc (facet: Facet) {.gcsafe.}
template boot*(module: BootProc) =
mixin getCurrentFacet
macro `?`*(x: untyped): untyped =
## Sugar for generating Syndicate patterns.
## `?_` is a pattern that matches but discards arbitrary
## values and `?` combined with any other identifier is
## a match and capture.
if eqIdent(x, "_"):
quote: toPreserve(Discard())
quote: toPreserve(Capture())
proc startActorSystem*(name: string; bootProc: TurnAction): Future[void] =
# from python
let actor = newActor(name, bootProc)
result = actor.future

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ 2021 Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[asyncdispatch, asyncfile, strutils]
import std/[asyncdispatch, strutils]
import preserves, preserves/parse
import syndicate/protocols/[simpleChatProtocol]
import syndicate, syndicate/protocols/[simpleChatProtocol]
import syndicate/[actors, capabilities, dataspaces, patterns, relay]
from syndicate/protocols/protocol import Handle
@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ when defined(linux):
importc, header: "sys/random.h".}
proc mint(): SturdyRef =
#var key: array[16, byte]
#var key: array[32, byte]
#doAssert getEntropy(addr key[0], csize_t key.len) == 0
#mint(key, "syndicate")
let pr = parsePreserves("""<ref "syndicate" [] #x"a6480df5306611ddd0d3882b546e1977">""", Ref)
assert fromPreserve(result, pr)
proc noOp(turn: var Turn) = discard
doAssert fromPreserve(result, pr)
waitFor runActor("chat") do (turn: var Turn):
@ -41,22 +40,13 @@ waitFor runActor("chat") do (turn: var Turn):
updateUsername(turn, "user" & $getCurrentProcessId())
proc duringPresent(turn: var Turn; v: Assertion): TurnAction =
var a: tuple[username: string]
assert fromPreserve(a, v), $v
echo a.username, " arrived"
proc onRetract(turn: var Turn) =
echo a.username, " left"
onPublish(turn, ds, Present ? {0: `?`()}) do (username: string):
echo username, " arrived"
# echo username, " left"
discard observe(turn, ds, Present ? {0: `?`()}, during(duringPresent))
discard observe(turn, ds, Says ? {0: `?`(), 1: `?`()}, newEntity(
message = proc (e: Entity; turn: var Turn; v: Assertion) =
var msg: tuple[who: string, what: string]
assert fromPreserve(msg, v), $v
echo msg.who, ": ", msg.what
onMessage(turn, ds, Says ? {0: `?`(), 1: `?`()}) do (who: string; what: string):
echo who, ": ", what
message(turn, ds, Says(who: username, what: "hello"))