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std/typetraits, preserves
UserId* = distinct BiggestInt ## ``int``
Join* {.record: "joinedUser".} = ref object ## ``<joinedUser @uid UserId @handle #!Session>``
`uid`*: UserId
`handle`*: Session
SessionKind* {.pure.} = enum
`observeusers`, `observespeech`, `Nickclaim`, `Says`
Sessionobserveusers* {.record: "Observe".} = ref object
`user`*: string
`observer`*: UserInfo
Sessionobservespeech* {.record: "Observe".} = ref object
`says`*: string
`observer`*: Says
Session* = ref object ## ``/ <Observe <<lit>user> @observer #!UserInfo> / <Observe <<lit>says> @observer #!Says> / NickClaim / Says``
case kind*: SessionKind
of SessionKind.`observeusers`:
`observeusers`*: Sessionobserveusers
of SessionKind.`observespeech`:
`observespeech`*: Sessionobservespeech
of SessionKind.`Nickclaim`:
`nickclaim`*: NickClaim
of SessionKind.`Says`:
`says`*: Says
NickClaim* {.record: "claimNick".} = ref object ## ``<claimNick @uid UserId @name string @k #!NickClaimResponse>``
`uid`*: UserId
`name`*: string
`k`*: NickClaimResponse
NickclaimresponseKind* {.pure.} = enum
`true`, `Nickconflict`
NickClaimResponsetrue* = bool
NickClaimResponse* = ref object ## ``/ =#t / NickConflict``
case kind*: NickclaimresponseKind
of NickclaimresponseKind.`true`:
of NickclaimresponseKind.`Nickconflict`:
`nickconflict`*: NickConflict
UserInfo* {.record: "user".} = ref object ## ``<user @uid UserId @name string>``
`uid`*: UserId
`name`*: string
Says* {.record: "says".} = ref object ## ``<says @who UserId @what string>``
`who`*: UserId
`what`*: string
NickConflict* {.record: "nickConflict".} = object ## ``<nickConflict>``
proc `join`*[E = void](`uid`: UserId | Preserve[E]; `handle`: Preserve[E]): Preserve[
E] =
## Preserves constructor for ``Join``.
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("joinedUser"), toPreserve(`uid`, E),
toPreserve(`handle`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(`join`: Join; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("joinedUser"), toPreserve(`join`.`uid`, E),
toPreserve(`join`.`handle`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(v: Session; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
case v.kind
of SessionKind.`observeusers`:
toPreserve(v.`observeusers`, E)
of SessionKind.`observespeech`:
toPreserve(v.`observespeech`, E)
of SessionKind.`Nickclaim`:
toPreserve(v.`nickclaim`, E)
of SessionKind.`Says`:
toPreserve(v.`says`, E)
proc fromPreserveHook*[E](v: var Session; pr: Preserve[E]): bool =
if isRecord(pr) and pr.label.isSymbol("observeUsers"):
v = Session(kind: SessionKind.`observeusers`)
result = fromPreserve(v.`observeusers`, pr)
elif isRecord(pr) and pr.label.isSymbol("observeSpeech"):
v = Session(kind: SessionKind.`observespeech`)
result = fromPreserve(v.`observespeech`, pr)
elif isRecord(pr) and pr.label.isSymbol("NickClaim"):
v = Session(kind: SessionKind.`Nickclaim`)
result = fromPreserve(v.`nickclaim`, pr)
elif isRecord(pr) and pr.label.isSymbol("Says"):
v = Session(kind: SessionKind.`Says`)
result = fromPreserve(v.`says`, pr)
proc `nickClaim`*[E = void](`uid`: UserId | Preserve[E];
`name`: string | Preserve[E]; `k`: Preserve[E]): Preserve[
E] =
## Preserves constructor for ``NickClaim``.
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("claimNick"), toPreserve(`uid`, E),
toPreserve(`name`, E), toPreserve(`k`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(`nickclaim`: NickClaim; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("claimNick"), toPreserve(`nickclaim`.`uid`, E),
toPreserve(`nickclaim`.`name`, E),
toPreserve(`nickclaim`.`k`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(v: NickClaimResponse; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
case v.kind
of NickClaimResponseKind.`true`:
Preserve[E](kind: pkBoolean, bool: true)
of NickClaimResponseKind.`Nickconflict`:
toPreserve(v.`nickconflict`, E)
proc fromPreserveHook*[E](v: var NickClaimResponse; pr: Preserve[E]): bool =
if pr.kind == pkBoolean and pr.bool == true:
v = NickClaimResponse(kind: NickClaimResponseKind.`true`)
result = true
elif isRecord(pr) and pr.label.isSymbol("NickConflict"):
v = NickClaimResponse(kind: NickClaimResponseKind.`Nickconflict`)
result = fromPreserve(v.`nickconflict`, pr)
proc `userInfo`*[E = void](`uid`: UserId | Preserve[E];
`name`: string | Preserve[E]): Preserve[E] =
## Preserves constructor for ``UserInfo``.
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("user"), toPreserve(`uid`, E), toPreserve(`name`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(`userinfo`: UserInfo; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("user"), toPreserve(`userinfo`.`uid`, E),
toPreserve(`userinfo`.`name`, E))
proc `says`*[E = void](`who`: UserId | Preserve[E]; `what`: string | Preserve[E]): Preserve[
E] =
## Preserves constructor for ``Says``.
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("says"), toPreserve(`who`, E), toPreserve(`what`, E))
proc toPreserveHook*(`says`: Says; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
initRecord[E](symbol[E]("says"), toPreserve(`says`.`who`, E),
toPreserve(`says`.`what`, E))
proc `nickConflict`*[E = void](): Preserve[E] =
## Preserves constructor for ``NickConflict``.
proc toPreserveHook*(`nickconflict`: NickConflict; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
proc `$`*[E](x: UserId | Join | Session | NickClaim | NickClaimResponse |
UserInfo |
Says |
NickConflict): string =
`$`(toPreserve(x, E))
proc `encode`*[E](x: UserId | Join | Session | NickClaim | NickClaimResponse |
UserInfo |
Says |
NickConflict): seq[byte] =
encode(toPreserve(x, E))