Refactor to use immutable Bytes wrapper around a Uint8Array

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-11-15 13:53:24 +00:00
parent 9b4b548896
commit a8519f6ae3
5 changed files with 659 additions and 434 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
"use strict";
// Preserves Binary codec.
const Values = require('./values.js');
const { List, Map, Set, Bytes, Record, Single, Double } = Values;
const { PreserveOn } = require('./symbols.js');
class DecodeError extends Error {}
class EncodeError extends Error {
constructor(message, irritant) {
this.irritant = irritant;
class Decoder {
constructor(packet, options) {
options = options || {};
this.packet = packet._view || packet; // strip off Bytes wrapper, if any
this.index = 0;
this.shortForms = options.shortForms || {};
peekbyte() {
if (this.index >= this.packet.length) throw new DecodeError("Short packet");
// ^ NOTE: greater-than-or-equal-to, not greater-than.
return this.packet[this.index];
advance(count) {
const start = this.index;
this.index += (count === void 0 ? 1 : count);
return start;
nextbyte() {
const val = this.peekbyte();
return val;
wirelength(arg) {
if (arg < 15) return arg;
return this.varint();
varint() {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
const v = this.nextbyte();
if (v < 128) return v;
return (this.varint() << 7) + (v - 128);
nextbytes(n) {
const start = this.advance(n);
if (this.index > this.packet.length) throw new DecodeError("Short packet");
// ^ NOTE: greater-than, not greater-than-or-equal-to.
return new DataView(this.packet.buffer, start, n);
nextvalues(n) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) result.push(;
return result;
peekop() {
const b = this.peekbyte();
const major = b >> 6;
const minor = (b >> 4) & 3;
const arg = b & 15;
return [major, minor, arg];
nextop() {
const op = this.peekop();
return op;
peekend(arg) {
const [a,i,r] = this.peekop();
return (a === 0) && (i === 3) && (r === arg);
binarystream(arg, minor) {
const result = [];
while (!this.peekend(arg)) {
const chunk =;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(chunk)) {
result.push(new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength));
} else if (chunk instanceof Bytes) {
} else {
const e = new DecodeError("Unexpected non-binary chunk");
e.irritant = chunk;
throw e;
return this.decodebinary(minor, Bytes.concat(result));
valuestream(arg, minor, decoder) {
const result = [];
while (!this.peekend(arg)) result.push(;
return decoder(minor, result);
decodeint(bs) {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
if (bs.length === 0) return 0;
let acc = bs[0];
if (acc & 0x80) acc -= 256;
for (let i = 1; i < bs.length; i++) acc = (acc << 8) | bs[i];
return acc;
decodebinary(minor, bs) {
switch (minor) {
case 0: return this.decodeint(bs._view);
case 1: return bs.toString();
case 2: return bs;
case 3: return Symbol.for(bs.toString());
decoderecord(minor, vs) {
if (minor === 3) {
if (vs.length === 0) throw new DecodeError("Too few elements in encoded record");
return Record(vs[0], vs.slice(1));
} else {
const label = this.shortForms[minor];
if (label === void 0) throw new DecodeError("Use of unconfigured short form " + minor);
return Record(label, vs);
decodecollection(minor, vs) {
switch (minor) {
case 0: return List(vs);
case 1: return Set(vs);
case 2: return this.mapFromArray(vs);
case 3: throw new DecodeError("Invalid collection type");
mapFromArray(vs) {
return Map().withMutations((m) => {
for (let i = 0; i < vs.length; i += 2) {
m.set(vs[i], vs[i+1]);
next() {
const [major, minor, arg] = this.nextop();
switch (major) {
case 0:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
switch (arg) {
case 0: return false;
case 1: return true;
case 2: return Single(this.nextbytes(4).getFloat32(0, false));
case 3: return Double(this.nextbytes(8).getFloat64(0, false));
case 1:
return (arg > 12) ? arg - 16 : arg;
case 2: {
const t = arg >> 2;
const n = arg & 3;
switch (t) {
case 0: throw new DecodeError("Invalid format C start byte");
case 1: return this.binarystream(arg, n);
case 2: return this.valuestream(arg, n, this.decoderecord.bind(this));
case 3: return this.valuestream(arg, n, this.decodecollection.bind(this));
case 3:
throw new DecodeError("Invalid format C end byte");
case 1:
return this.decodebinary(minor, Bytes.from(this.nextbytes(this.wirelength(arg))));
case 2:
return this.decoderecord(minor, this.nextvalues(this.wirelength(arg)));
case 3:
return this.decodecollection(minor, this.nextvalues(this.wirelength(arg)));
class Encoder {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {}
this.chunks = [];
this.view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(256));
this.index = 0;
this.shortForms = options.shortForms || {};
contents() {
return Bytes.concat(this.chunks);
rotatebuffer(size) {
this.chunks.push(new Uint8Array(this.view.buffer, 0, this.index));
this.view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(size));
this.index = 0;
makeroom(amount) {
if (this.index + amount > this.view.byteLength) {
this.rotatebuffer(amount + 4096);
emitbyte(b) {
this.view.setUint8(this.index++, b);
emitbytes(bs) {
(new Uint8Array(this.view.buffer)).set(bs, this.index);
this.index += bs.length;
varint(v) {
while (v >= 128) {
this.emitbyte((v % 128) + 128);
v = Math.floor(v / 128);
leadbyte(major, minor, arg) {
this.emitbyte(((major & 3) << 6) | ((minor & 3) << 4) | (arg & 15));
header(major, minor, wirelength) {
if (wirelength < 15) {
this.leadbyte(major, minor, wirelength);
} else {
this.leadbyte(major, minor, 15);
encodeint(v) {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
const plain_bitcount = Math.floor(Math.log2(v > 0 ? v : ~v)) + 1;
const signed_bitcount = plain_bitcount + 1;
const bytecount = (signed_bitcount + 7) >> 3;
this.header(1, 0, bytecount);
const enc = (n, x) => {
if (n > 0) {
enc(n - 1, x >> 8);
this.emitbyte(x & 255);
enc(bytecount, v);
encodecollection(minor, items) {
this.header(3, minor, items.size);
for (const item of items) { this.push(item); }
encodestream(t, n, items) {
const tn = ((t & 3) << 2) | (n & 3);
this.header(0, 2, tn);
for (const item of items) { this.push(item); }
this.header(0, 3, tn);
push(v) {
if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v[PreserveOn] === 'function') {
else if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
this.leadbyte(0, 0, v ? 1 : 0);
else if (typeof v === 'number') {
if (v >= -3 && v <= 12) {
this.leadbyte(0, 1, v >= 0 ? v : v + 16);
} else {
else if (typeof v === 'string') {
const bs = Bytes(v)._view;
this.header(1, 1, bs.length);
else if (typeof v === 'symbol') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(v);
if (key === void 0) throw new EncodeError("Cannot preserve non-global Symbol", v);
const bs = Bytes(key)._view;
this.header(1, 3, bs.length);
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(v)) {
if (v instanceof Uint8Array) {
this.header(1, 2, v.length);
} else {
const bs = new Uint8Array(v.buffer, v.byteOffset, v.byteLength);
this.header(1, 2, bs.length);
else if (List.isList(v)) {
this.encodecollection(0, v);
else if (Set.isSet(v)) {
this.encodecollection(1, v);
else if (Map.isMap(v)) {
this.encodecollection(2, List().withMutations((l) => {
v.forEach((val, key) => { l.push(key).push(val); });
else if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
this.encodestream(3, 0, v);
else {
throw new EncodeError("Cannot encode", v);
return this; // for chaining
Object.assign(module.exports, {

View File

@ -1,419 +1,5 @@
"use strict"; "use strict";
const Immutable = require('immutable'); Object.assign(module.exports, require('./symbols.js'));
const { List, Map, Set, fromJS } = Immutable; Object.assign(module.exports, require('./codec.js'));
Object.assign(module.exports, require('./values.js'));
const PreserveOn = Symbol('PreserveOn');
class DecodeError extends Error {}
class EncodeError extends Error {
constructor(message, irritant) {
this.irritant = irritant;
class Decoder {
constructor(packet, options) {
options = options || {};
this.packet = packet;
this.index = 0;
this.shortForms = options.shortForms || {};
peekbyte() {
if (this.index >= this.packet.length) throw new DecodeError("Short packet");
// ^ NOTE: greater-than-or-equal-to, not greater-than.
return this.packet[this.index];
advance(count) {
const start = this.index;
this.index += (count === void 0 ? 1 : count);
return start;
nextbyte() {
const val = this.peekbyte();
return val;
wirelength(arg) {
if (arg < 15) return arg;
return this.varint();
varint() {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
const v = this.nextbyte();
if (v < 128) return v;
return (this.varint() << 7) + (v - 128);
nextbytes(n) {
const start = this.advance(n);
if (this.index > this.packet.length) throw new DecodeError("Short packet");
// ^ NOTE: greater-than, not greater-than-or-equal-to.
return this.packet.slice(start, this.index); // pretend it is immutable, please
nextvalues(n) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) result.push(;
return result;
peekop() {
const b = this.peekbyte();
const major = b >> 6;
const minor = (b >> 4) & 3;
const arg = b & 15;
return [major, minor, arg];
nextop() {
const op = this.peekop();
return op;
peekend(arg) {
const [a,i,r] = this.peekop();
return (a === 0) && (i === 3) && (r === arg);
binarystream(arg, minor) {
const result = [];
while (!this.peekend(arg)) {
const chunk =;
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) throw new DecodeError("Unexpected non-binary chunk");
return Buffer.concat(result); // pretend it is immutable, please
valuestream(arg, minor, decoder) {
const result = [];
while (!this.peekend(arg)) result.push(;
return decoder(minor, result);
decodeint(bs) {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
if (bs.length === 0) return 0;
let acc = bs[0];
if (acc & 0x80) acc -= 256;
for (let i = 1; i < bs.length; i++) acc = (acc << 8) | bs[i];
return acc;
decodebinary(minor, bs) {
switch (minor) {
case 0: return this.decodeint(bs);
case 1: return bs.toString('utf-8');
case 2: return bs; // again, pretend it is immutable, please
case 3: return Symbol.for(bs.toString('utf-8'));
decoderecord(minor, vs) {
if (minor === 3) {
if (vs.length === 0) throw new DecodeError("Too few elements in encoded record");
return new Record(vs[0], vs.slice(1));
} else {
const label = this.shortForms[minor];
if (label === void 0) throw new DecodeError("Use of unconfigured short form " + minor);
return new Record(label, vs);
decodecollection(minor, vs) {
switch (minor) {
case 0: return List(vs);
case 1: return Set(vs);
case 2: return this.mapFromArray(vs);
case 3: throw new DecodeError("Invalid collection type");
mapFromArray(vs) {
return Map().withMutations((m) => {
for (let i = 0; i < vs.length; i += 2) {
m.set(vs[i], vs[i+1]);
next() {
const [major, minor, arg] = this.nextop();
switch (major) {
case 0:
switch (minor) {
case 0:
switch (arg) {
case 0: return false;
case 1: return true;
case 2: return new Single(this.nextbytes(4).readFloatBE());
case 3: return new Double(this.nextbytes(8).readDoubleBE());
case 1:
return (arg > 12) ? arg - 16 : arg;
case 2: {
const t = arg >> 2;
const n = arg & 3;
switch (t) {
case 0: throw new DecodeError("Invalid format C start byte");
case 1: return this.binarystream(arg, n);
case 2: return this.valuestream(arg, n, this.decoderecord.bind(this));
case 3: return this.valuestream(arg, n, this.decodecollection.bind(this));
case 3:
throw new DecodeError("Invalid format C end byte");
case 1: return this.decodebinary(minor, this.nextbytes(this.wirelength(arg)));
case 2: return this.decoderecord(minor, this.nextvalues(this.wirelength(arg)));
case 3: return this.decodecollection(minor, this.nextvalues(this.wirelength(arg)));
class Encoder {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {}
this.chunks = [];
this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(256);
this.index = 0;
this.shortForms = options.shortForms || {};
contents() {
return Buffer.concat(this.chunks);
rotatebuffer(size) {
this.chunks.push(this.buffer.slice(0, this.index));
this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(size);
this.index = 0;
makeroom(amount) {
if (this.index + amount > this.buffer.length) {
this.rotatebuffer(amount + 4096);
emitbyte(b) {
this.buffer[this.index++] = b;
emitbytes(bs) {
this.buffer.fill(bs, this.index, this.index + bs.length);
this.index += bs.length;
varint(v) {
while (v >= 128) {
this.emitbyte((v % 128) + 128);
v = Math.floor(v / 128);
leadbyte(major, minor, arg) {
this.emitbyte(((major & 3) << 6) | ((minor & 3) << 4) | (arg & 15));
header(major, minor, wirelength) {
if (wirelength < 15) {
this.leadbyte(major, minor, wirelength);
} else {
this.leadbyte(major, minor, 15);
encodeint(v) {
// TODO: Bignums :-/
const plain_bitcount = Math.floor(Math.log2(v > 0 ? v : ~v)) + 1;
const signed_bitcount = plain_bitcount + 1;
const bytecount = (signed_bitcount + 7) >> 3;
this.header(1, 0, bytecount);
const enc = (n, x) => {
if (n > 0) {
enc(n - 1, x >> 8);
this.emitbyte(x & 255);
enc(bytecount, v);
encodecollection(minor, items) {
this.header(3, minor, items.size);
for (const item of items) { this.push(item); }
encodestream(t, n, items) {
const tn = ((t & 3) << 2) | (n & 3);
this.header(0, 2, tn);
for (const item of items) { this.push(item); }
this.header(0, 3, tn);
push(v) {
if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v[PreserveOn] === 'function') {
else if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
this.leadbyte(0, 0, v ? 1 : 0);
else if (typeof v === 'number') {
if (v >= -3 && v <= 12) {
this.leadbyte(0, 1, v >= 0 ? v : v + 16);
} else {
else if (typeof v === 'string') {
const bs = Buffer.from(v);
this.header(1, 1, bs.length);
else if (typeof v === 'symbol') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(v);
if (key === void 0) throw new EncodeError("Cannot preserve non-global Symbol", v);
const bs = Buffer.from(key);
this.header(1, 3, bs.length);
else if (Buffer.isBuffer(v)) {
this.header(1, 2, v.length);
else if (List.isList(v)) {
this.encodecollection(0, v);
else if (Set.isSet(v)) {
this.encodecollection(1, v);
else if (Map.isMap(v)) {
this.encodecollection(2, List().withMutations((l) => {
v.forEach((val, key) => { l.push(key).push(val); });
else if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
this.encodestream(3, 0, v);
else {
throw new EncodeError("Cannot encode", v);
return this; // for chaining
class Record {
constructor(label, fields) {
this.label = fromJS(label);
this.fields = fromJS(fields);
equals(other) {
return (other instanceof Record) &&, other.label) &&, other.fields);
hashCode() {
return Immutable.List([this.label, this.fields]).hashCode();
get(index, defaultValue) {
return this.fields.get(index, defaultValue);
set(index, newValue) {
return new Record(this.label, this.fields.set(index, newValue));
[PreserveOn](encoder) {
if ([0], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 0, this.fields.size);
} else if ([1], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 1, this.fields.size);
} else if ([2], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 2, this.fields.size);
} else {
encoder.header(2, 3, this.fields.size + 1);
for (const field of this.fields) { encoder.push(field); }
Record.makeConstructor = function (labelSymbolText, fieldNames) {
return Record.makeBasicConstructor(Symbol.for(labelSymbolText), fieldNames);
Record.makeBasicConstructor = function (label, fieldNames) {
const arity = fieldNames.length;
const ctor = (...fields) => {
if (fields.length !== arity) {
throw new Error("Record: cannot instantiate " + (label && label.toString()) +
" expecting " + arity + " fields with " + fields.length + " fields");
return new Record(label, fields);
ctor.meta = label;
ctor.isClassOf = (v) => ((v instanceof Record) &&, v.label));
return ctor;
class Float {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
hashCode() {
return this.value | 0; // TODO: something better?
class Single extends Float {
equals(other) {
return (other instanceof Single) && (other.value === this.value);
[PreserveOn](encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 2);
encoder.buffer.writeFloatBE(this.value, encoder.index);
encoder.index += 4;
class Double extends Float {
equals(other) {
return (other instanceof Double) && (other.value === this.value);
[PreserveOn](encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 3);
encoder.buffer.writeDoubleBE(this.value, encoder.index);
encoder.index += 8;
Object.assign(module.exports, {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"use strict";
// Symbols for various Preserves protocols.
const PreserveOn = Symbol('PreserveOn');
const AsPreserve = Symbol('AsPreserve');
Object.assign(module.exports, {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
"use strict";
// Preserves Values.
// Uses Immutable.js for many things; adds immutable values of its own for the rest.
const Immutable = require('immutable');
const { List, isList, Map, Set } = Immutable;
const { PreserveOn, AsPreserve } = require('./symbols.js');
function _decode(bs) {
return Buffer.from(bs.buffer, bs.byteOffset, bs.byteLength).toString();
const encoder = (typeof TextEncoder === 'undefined') ? { encode: Buffer.from } : new TextEncoder();
const decoder = (typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined') ? { decode: _decode } : new TextDecoder();
function fromJS(x) {
switch (typeof x) {
case 'number':
if (!Number.isInteger(x)) {
// We require that clients be explicit about integer vs. non-integer types.
throw new TypeError("Refusing to autoconvert non-integer number to Single or Double");
case 'string':
case 'symbol':
case 'boolean':
return x;
case 'undefined':
throw new TypeError("Cannot represent JavaScript undefined value as Preserves");
case 'function':
// We are relaxed about these, for now, even though Preserves can't serialize them.
return x;
case 'object':
if (x === null) {
// We are relaxed about these, for now, even though null is
// strictly speaking not a Preserves Value.
return x;
if (typeof x[AsPreserve] === 'function') {
return x[AsPreserve]();
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return List().withMutations((l) => {
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(x) || x instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return Bytes(x);
return x;
function _Float(value) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', {
value: value,
writable: false,
enumerable: true
function Float(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Float)) return new Float(value);, value);
Float.prototype.hashCode = function () {
return this.value | 0; // TODO: something better?
function Single(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Single)) return new Single(value);, value);
Single.prototype = Float(NaN);
Single.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Single) && (other.value === this.value);
Single.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 2);
encoder.view.setFloat32(encoder.index, this.value, false);
encoder.index += 4;
function Double(value) {
if (!(this instanceof Double)) return new Double(value);, value);
Double.prototype = Float(NaN);
Double.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Double) && (other.value === this.value);
Double.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.leadbyte(0, 0, 3);
encoder.view.setFloat64(encoder.index, this.value, false);
encoder.index += 8;
function Bytes(maybeByteIterable) {
if (!(this instanceof Bytes)) return new Bytes(maybeByteIterable);
if (maybeByteIterable === void 0) {, new Uint8Array());
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(maybeByteIterable)) {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable.buffer,
} else if (maybeByteIterable instanceof ArrayBuffer) {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable.slice()));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable === 'string') {, encoder.encode(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable === 'number') {, new Uint8Array(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable.length === 'number') {, Uint8Array.from(maybeByteIterable));
} else if (typeof maybeByteIterable.size === 'number') {, new ArrayBuffer(maybeByteIterable.size));
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { this._view[i] = maybeByteIterable.get(i); }
} else {
const e = new TypeError("Attempt to initialize Bytes from unsupported value");
e.irritant = maybeByteIterable;
throw e;
Bytes.from = Bytes;
function unhexDigit(asciiCode) {
if (asciiCode >= 48 && asciiCode <= 57) return asciiCode - 48;
if (asciiCode >= 97 && asciiCode <= 102) return asciiCode - 97 + 10;
if (asciiCode >= 65 && asciiCode <= 70) return asciiCode - 65 + 10;
throw new Error("Invalid hex digit: " + String.fromCharCode(asciiCode));
Bytes.fromHex = function (s) {
if (s.length & 1) throw new Error("Cannot decode odd-length hexadecimal string");
const len = s.length >> 1;
const result = Bytes(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result._view[i] =
(unhexDigit(s.charCodeAt(i << 1)) << 4) | unhexDigit(s.charCodeAt((i << 1) + 1));
return result;
function underlying(b) {
return b._view || b;
Bytes.concat = function (bss) {
let len = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bss.length; i++) { len += underlying(bss[i]).length; }
const result = Bytes(len);
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bss.length; i++) {
const bs = underlying(bss[i]);
result._view.set(bs, index);
index += bs.length;
return result;
Bytes.prototype.equals = function (other) {
if (!(other instanceof Bytes)) return false;
if (other.size !== this.size) return false;
const va = this._view;
const vb = other._view;
for (let i = 0; i < va.length; i++) {
if (va[i] !== vb[i]) return false;
return true;
Bytes.prototype.hashCode = function () {
// Immutable.js uses this function for strings.
const v = this._view;
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
hash = ((31 * hash) + v[i]) | 0;
return hash;
Bytes.decodeUtf8 = function (bs) {
return decoder.decode(underlying(bs));
Bytes.prototype.toString = function () {
return decoder.decode(this._view);
function hexDigit(n) { return '0123456789abcdef'[n]; }
Bytes.prototype.toHex = function () {
var nibbles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
nibbles.push(hexDigit(this._view[i] >> 4));
nibbles.push(hexDigit(this._view[i] & 15));
return nibbles.join('');
Bytes.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
encoder.header(1, 2, this.size);
function _installView(view) {
Object.defineProperty(this, '_view', { value: view, writable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'size', { value: view.length, writable: false, enumerable: true });
function Record(label, fields) {
if (!(this instanceof Record)) return new Record(label, fields);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'label', { value: fromJS(label), writable: false, enumerable: true });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'fields', { value: fromJS(fields), writable: false, enumerable: true });
Record.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return (other instanceof Record) &&, other.label) &&, other.fields);
Record.prototype.hashCode = function () {
return Immutable.List([this.label, this.fields]).hashCode();
Record.prototype.get = function (index, defaultValue) {
return this.fields.get(index, defaultValue);
Record.prototype.set = function (index, newValue) {
return new Record(this.label, this.fields.set(index, newValue));
Record.prototype[PreserveOn] = function (encoder) {
if ([0], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 0, this.fields.size);
} else if ([1], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 1, this.fields.size);
} else if ([2], this.label)) {
encoder.header(2, 2, this.fields.size);
} else {
encoder.header(2, 3, this.fields.size + 1);
for (const field of this.fields) { encoder.push(field); }
Record.makeConstructor = function (labelSymbolText, fieldNames) {
return Record.makeBasicConstructor(Symbol.for(labelSymbolText), fieldNames);
Record.makeBasicConstructor = function (label, fieldNames) {
const arity = fieldNames.length;
const ctor = (...fields) => {
if (fields.length !== arity) {
throw new Error("Record: cannot instantiate " + (label && label.toString()) +
" expecting " + arity + " fields with " + fields.length + " fields");
return new Record(label, fields);
ctor.meta = label;
ctor.isClassOf = (v) => ((v instanceof Record) &&, v.label));
return ctor;
Object.assign(module.exports, {
List, Map, Set,
Float, Single, Double,

View File

@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ const expect = chai.expect;
chai.use(require('chai-immutable')); chai.use(require('chai-immutable'));
const Immutable = require('immutable'); const Immutable = require('immutable');
const { List, Set, Map, fromJS } = Immutable;
const Preserves = require('../src/index.js'); const Preserves = require('../src/index.js');
const { Decoder, Encoder, Record, Single, Double } = Preserves; const { List, Set, Map, Decoder, Encoder, Bytes, Record, Single, Double } = Preserves;
const fs = require('fs'); const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util'); const util = require('util');
@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ const Observe = Record.makeConstructor('observe', ['pattern']);
describe('hex samples', () => { describe('hex samples', () => {
const samples = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/samples.txt').toString().split(/\n/) const samples = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/samples.txt').toString().split(/\n/)
.filter((h) => h) .filter((h) => h) // filters out empty lines
.map((h) => Buffer.from(h, 'hex')); .map(Bytes.fromHex);
function manyFalses(n) { function manyFalses(n) {
return List().withMutations((l) => { return List().withMutations((l) => {
@ -45,12 +44,13 @@ describe('hex samples', () => {
{ expected: -3, }, { expected: -3, },
{ expected: -2, }, { expected: -2, },
{ expected: -1, }, { expected: -1, },
{ expected: Buffer.from("hello"), encodesTo: '6568656c6c6f', }, { expected: "hello", encodesTo: '5568656c6c6f', },
{ expected: Buffer.from("hello"), encodesTo: '6568656c6c6f', }, { expected: "hello", encodesTo: '5568656c6c6f', },
{ expected: Buffer.from("hello"), encodesTo: '6568656c6c6f', }, { expected: Bytes.from("hello"), encodesTo: '6568656c6c6f', },
{ expected: Buffer.from("hello"), encodesTo: '6568656c6c6f', }, { expected: Symbol.for("hello"), encodesTo: '7568656c6c6f', },
{ expected: Immutable.Seq([1, 2, 3, 4]), }, { expected: Immutable.Seq([1, 2, 3, 4]), },
{ expected: fromJS([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]), encodesTo: 'c3c2516111c2516212c2516313', }, { expected: Preserves.fromJS([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]),
encodesTo: 'c3c2516111c2516212c2516313', },
{ expected: 13, }, { expected: 13, },
{ expected: 127, }, { expected: 127, },
{ expected: -128, }, { expected: -128, },
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ describe('hex samples', () => {
{ expected: 65536, }, { expected: 65536, },
{ expected: 131072, }, { expected: 131072, },
{ expected: "hello", }, { expected: "hello", },
{ expected: Buffer.from("hello"), }, { expected: Bytes.from("hello"), },
{ expected: Symbol.for("hello"), }, { expected: Symbol.for("hello"), },
{ expected: Capture(Discard()), }, { expected: Capture(Discard()), },
{ expected: Observe(new Record(Symbol.for('speak'), [Discard(), Capture(Discard())])), }, { expected: Observe(new Record(Symbol.for('speak'), [Discard(), Capture(Discard())])), },
@ -79,8 +79,13 @@ describe('hex samples', () => {
[101, "Blackwell", new Record(Symbol.for('date'), [1821, 2, 3]), "Dr"]), }, [101, "Blackwell", new Record(Symbol.for('date'), [1821, 2, 3]), "Dr"]), },
{ expected: List([1, 2, 3, 4]), }, { expected: List([1, 2, 3, 4]), },
{ expected: List([-2, -1, 0, 1]), }, { expected: List([-2, -1, 0, 1]), },
{ expected: { expected: Preserves.fromJS(["hello",
fromJS(["hello", Symbol.for('there'), Buffer.from('world'), [], Set(), true, false]), }, Symbol.for('there'),
false]), },
{ expected: manyFalses(14), }, { expected: manyFalses(14), },
{ expected: manyFalses(15), }, { expected: manyFalses(15), },
{ expected: manyFalses(100), }, { expected: manyFalses(100), },
@ -89,13 +94,13 @@ describe('hex samples', () => {
Map() Map()
.set(Symbol.for('a'), 1) .set(Symbol.for('a'), 1)
.set('b', true) .set('b', true)
.set(fromJS([1, 2, 3]), Buffer.from('c')) .set(Preserves.fromJS([1, 2, 3]), Bytes.from('c'))
.set(Map().set(Symbol.for('first-name'), 'Elizabeth'), .set(Map().set(Symbol.for('first-name'), 'Elizabeth'),
Map().set(Symbol.for('surname'), 'Blackwell')), }, Map().set(Symbol.for('surname'), 'Blackwell')), },
]; ];
samples.forEach((s, sampleIndex) => { samples.forEach((s, sampleIndex) => {
it('[' + sampleIndex + '] ' + s.toString('hex') + ' should decode OK', () => { it('[' + sampleIndex + '] ' + s.toHex() + ' should decode OK', () => {
const actual = new Decoder(s, { shortForms }).next(); const actual = new Decoder(s, { shortForms }).next();
const expected = samplesExpected[sampleIndex].expected; const expected = samplesExpected[sampleIndex].expected;
expect(, expected), expect(, expected),
@ -106,11 +111,11 @@ describe('hex samples', () => {
}); });
samples.forEach((s, sampleIndex) => { samples.forEach((s, sampleIndex) => {
it('[' + sampleIndex + '] ' + s.toString('hex') + ' should encode OK', () => { it('[' + sampleIndex + '] ' + s.toHex() + ' should encode OK', () => {
const entry = samplesExpected[sampleIndex]; const entry = samplesExpected[sampleIndex];
const actual = entry.encodesTo || s; const actualHex = entry.encodesTo || s.toHex();
const expected = new Encoder({ shortForms }).push(entry.expected).contents(); const expected = new Encoder({ shortForms }).push(entry.expected).contents();
expect(actual.toString('hex')).to.equal(expected.toString('hex')); expect(actualHex).to.equal(expected.toHex());
}); });
}); });
}); });