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@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
<title>Preserves: an Expressive Data Language</title>
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# Preserves: Semantic Serialization of Node-labelled Data
# Preserves: an Expressive Data Language
<_________> Tony Garnock-Jones <>
| FRμIT | September 2018
|Preserves| Version 0.0.2
Tony Garnock-Jones <>
September 2018. Version 0.0.2.
Most data serialization formats used on the web represent
*edge-labelled* semi-structured data.
This document proposes a data model and serialization format called
This document proposes a data model and serialization format that
takes a *node-labelled* approach.
Preserves supports *records* with user-defined *labels*. This makes it
more expressive[^macro-expressiveness] than most data languages in use
on the web and allows it to easily represent the *labelled sums of
products* as seen in many functional programming languages.
This makes it both extensible and much more like S-expressions, making
it easily able to represent the *labelled sums of products* as seen in
Rust, Haskell, OCaml, and other functional programming languages.
Preserves also supports the usual suite of atomic and compound data
types, in particular including *binary* data as a distinct type from
text strings.
Finally, Preserves defines precisely how to compare two values with
each other in terms of the data model, not in terms of syntax or of
the data structures of any particular implementation language.
[^macro-expressiveness]: By "expressive" I mean *macro-expressive*
in the sense of Felleisen's 1991 paper, "On the Expressive Power
of Programming Languages".
Roughly speaking, there's no way in a JSON document to introduce a
new kind of information (such as binary data, or a date-stamp, or
a "person" object) in an *unambiguous way* without *global
agreement* from every potential consumer of the document. With an
extensible labelled record type, there is.
Felleisen, Matthias. “On the Expressive Power of Programming
Languages.” Science of Computer Programming 17, no. 1--3 (1991):
## Starting with Semantics
@ -65,20 +83,12 @@ later in this document.
| Dictionary
Our `Value`s fall into two broad categories: *atomic* and *compound*
[^zephyr-asdl]: This design was loosely inspired by S-expressions,
[^inspiration]: This design was loosely inspired by S-expressions,
as seen in Lisp, Scheme, [SPKI/SDSI][sexp.txt], and many others,
and by the ML type system, as seen in languages such as SML,
OCaml, Haskell, Rust, and many others. It is also related to
Zephyr ASDL (h/t
[Darius Bacon](,
which doesn't offer much in the way of atoms, but offers
general-purpose labelled sums and products. See D. C. Wang, A. W.
Appel, J. L. Korn, and C. S. Serra, “The Zephyr Abstract Syntax
Description Language,” in USENIX Conference on Domain-Specific
Languages, 1997, pp. 213228.
[PDF available.](
as well as by the ML type system, as seen in languages such as
SML, OCaml, Haskell, Rust, and many others.
**Total order.**<a name="total-order"></a> As we go, we will
incrementally specify a total order over `Value`s. Two values of the
@ -101,9 +111,6 @@ follows:[^ordering-by-syntax]
**Equivalence.**<a name="equivalence"></a> Two `Value`s are equal if
neither is less than the other according to the total order.
<!-- We should avoid unnecessary restrictions such as machine-oriented -->
<!-- fixed-width integer or floating-point values where possible. -->
### Signed integers.
A `SignedInteger` is a signed integer of arbitrary width.
@ -120,8 +127,8 @@ examples of `SignedInteger`s using standard mathematical notation.
A `String` is a sequence of Unicode
[code-point]( Two
`String`s are compared lexicographically, code-point by
code-point.[^utf8-is-awesome] We will write examples of `String`s text
surrounded by double-quotes “`"`” using a monospace font.
code-point.[^utf8-is-awesome] We will write examples of `String`s as
text surrounded by double-quotes “`"`” using a monospace font.
[^utf8-is-awesome]: Happily, the design of UTF-8 is such that this
gives the same result as a lexicographic byte-by-byte comparison
@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ A `Float` is a single-precision IEEE 754 floating-point value; a
`Double` is a double-precision IEEE 754 floating-point value.
`Float`s, `Double`s and `SignedInteger`s are considered disjoint, and
so by the rules [above](#total-order), every `Float` is less than
every `Double`, and every `SignedInteger` is less than both. Two
every `Double`, and every `SignedInteger` is greater than both. Two
`Float`s or two `Double`s are to be ordered by the `totalOrder`
predicate defined in section 5.10 of
[IEEE Std 754-2008](
@ -196,10 +203,8 @@ record's *fields*. A record's label is, itself, a `Value`, though it
will usually be a `Symbol`.[^extensibility] [^iri-labels] `Record`s
are compared lexicographically as if they were just tuples; that is,
first by their labels, and then by the remainder of their fields. We
will only write examples of `Record`s having labels that are `Symbol`s
entirely composed of ASCII characters. Such `Record`s will be written
as a parenthesised, space-separated sequence of their label followed
by their fields.
will write examples of `Record`s as a parenthesised, space-separated
sequence of their label `Value` followed by their field `Value`s.
[^extensibility]: The [Racket]( programming
language defines
@ -215,19 +220,19 @@ by their fields.
`urn:uuid:6bf094a6-20f1-4887-ada7-46834a9b5b34`; where a label can
be read as an absolute IRI, it stands for that IRI; and otherwise,
it cannot be read as an IRI at all, and so the label simply stands
for itself - for its own `Value`.
for itselffor its own `Value`.
**Examples.** The `Record` with label `foo` and fields 1, 2 and 3 is
written `(foo 1 2 3)`; the `Record` with label `void` and no fields is
written `(void)`.
**Non-examples.** `()`, because it lacks a label.
### Sequences.
A `Sequence` is a general-purpose, variable-length ordered sequence of
zero or more `Value`s. `Sequence`s are compared lexicographically,
appealing to the ordering on `Value`s for comparisons at each position
in the `Sequence`s. We write examples space-separated, surrounded with
square brackets.
zero or more `Value`s. `Sequence`s are compared lexicographically. We
write examples space-separated, surrounded with square brackets.
**Examples.** `[]`, the empty sequence; `[1 2 3]`, the sequence of
`SignedInteger`s 1, 2 and 3.
@ -237,18 +242,18 @@ square brackets.
A `Set` is an unordered finite set of `Value`s. It contains no
duplicate values, following the [equivalence relation](#equivalence)
induced by the total order on `Value`s. Two `Set`s are compared by
sorting their elements using the [total order](#total-order) and
comparing the resulting sequences as `Sequence`s. We write examples
sorting their elements ascending using the [total order](#total-order)
and comparing the resulting `Sequence`s. We write examples
space-separated, surrounded with curly braces, prefixed by `#set`.
**Examples.** `#set{}`, the empty set; `#set{#set{}}`, the set
containing only the empty set; `#set{4 "hello" (void) 9.0f}`, the set
containing 4, the string `"hello"`, the record with label `void` and
no fields, and the `Float` denoting the number 9.0; `#set{1 1.0f}`,
the set containing a `SignedInteger` and a `Float`, both denoting the
number 1; `#set{(mime application/xml #"<x/>") (mime
application/xml #"<x />")}`, a set containing two different
type-labelled byte arrays.[^mime-xml-difference]
the set containing a `SignedInteger` and a `Float`; `#set{(mime
application/xml #"<x/>") (mime application/xml #"<x />")}`, a set
containing two different type-labelled byte
[^mime-xml-difference]: The two XML documents `<x/>` and `<x />`
differ by bytewise comparison, and thus yield different record
@ -258,50 +263,31 @@ type-labelled byte arrays.[^mime-xml-difference]
**Non-examples.** `#set{1 1 1}`, because it contains multiple
equivalent `Value`s.
### Dictionaries, hash-tables or maps.
### Dictionaries.
A `Dictionary` is an unordered finite collection of zero or more pairs
of `Value`s. Each pair comprises a *key* and a *value*. Keys in a
`Dictionary` must be pairwise distinct. Instances of `Dictionary` are
compared by lexicographic comparison of the sequences resulting from
ordering each `Dictionary`'s pairs in ascending order by key. Examples
are written as a `#dict`-prefixed, curly-brace-surrounded sequence of
A `Dictionary` is an unordered finite collection of pairs of `Value`s.
Each pair comprises a *key* and a *value*. Keys in a `Dictionary` must
be pairwise distinct. Instances of `Dictionary` are compared by
lexicographic comparison of the sequences resulting from ordering each
`Dictionary`'s pairs in ascending order by key. Examples are written
as a `#dict`-prefixed, curly-brace-surrounded sequence of
space-separated key-value pairs, each written with a colon between the
key and value.
**Examples.** `#dict{}`, the empty dictionary; `#dict{a:1}`, the
dictionary mapping the `Symbol` `a` to the `SignedInteger` 1;
`#dict{1:a}`, mapping 1 to `a`; `#dict{"hi":0 hi:0 there:[]}`, having
a `String` and two `Symbol` keys, and `SignedInteger` and `Sequence`
`#dict{[1 2 3]:a}`, mapping `[1 2 3]` to `a`; `#dict{"hi":0 hi:0
there:[]}`, having a `String` and two `Symbol` keys, and
`SignedInteger` and `Sequence` values.
**Non-examples.** `#dict{a:1 b:2 a:3}`, because it contains duplicate
keys; `#dict{[]:[] []:99}`, for the same reason.
keys; `#dict{[7 8]:[] [7 8]:99}`, for the same reason.
## Syntax
Now we have discussed `Value`s and their meanings, we may turn to
techniques for *representing* `Value`s for communication or storage.
The syntax we have used for the examples so far is inadequate in many
ways, not least of which is that it cannot represent every `Value`.
Separation of the meaning of a piece of syntax from the syntax itself
opens the door to domain-specific syntaxes, all equivalent and
interconvertible.[^asn1] With a robust semantic foundation,
connections to other data languages can also be made.
[^asn1]: Those who remember
will recall BER, DER, PER, CER, XER and so on, each appropriate to
a different setting. Similarly,
[Rivest's S-Expression design][sexp.txt] offers a human-friendly
syntax, a syntax robust to network-induced message corruption, and
an unambiguous, simple and easily-parsed machine-friendly syntax
for the same underlying values.
### Binary syntax
For now, we limit our attention to an easily-parsed, easily-produced
machine-readable syntax.
@ -312,42 +298,7 @@ encoded details of the `Value` itself.
For a value `v`, we write `[[v]]` for the `Repr` of v.
The following figure summarises the definitions below:
tt nn mmmm varint(m) contents
00 00 0000 False
00 00 0001 True
00 00 0010 Float, 32 bits big-endian binary
00 00 0011 Double, 64 bits big-endian binary
00 00 x1xx RESERVED
00 00 1xxx RESERVED
00 01 xxxx RESERVED
00 10 ttnn Start Stream <tt,nn>
When tt = 00 --> error
01 --> each chunk is a <tt,nn> piece
1x --> each chunk is a single encoded Value
00 11 ttnn End Stream <tt,nn> (must match preceding Start Stream)
01 00 mmmm ... SignedInteger, big-endian binary
01 01 mmmm ... String, UTF-8 binary
01 10 mmmm ... ByteString
01 11 mmmm ... Symbol, UTF-8 binary
10 00 mmmm ... application-specific Record
10 01 mmmm ... application-specific Record
10 10 mmmm ... application-specific Record
10 11 mmmm ... Record
11 00 mmmm ... Sequence
11 01 mmmm ... Set
11 10 mmmm ... Dictionary
11 11 xxxx RESERVED
If mmmm = 1111, varint(m) is present; otherwise, m is the length
#### Type and Length representation
### Type and Length representation
Each `Repr` takes one of three possible forms:
@ -365,13 +316,13 @@ Each `Repr` takes one of three possible forms:
begins before the number of elements or bytes in the corresponding
`Value` is known.
Applications may choose between formats (B) and (C) depending on their
Applications may choose between formats B and C depending on their
needs at serialization time.
Every `Repr`, however, starts with a *lead byte* describing the
remainder of the representation.
Every `Repr` starts with a *lead byte* describing the remainder of the
##### The lead byte
#### The lead byte
The lead byte is constructed by a function `leadbyte`:
@ -387,18 +338,18 @@ follows:[^some-encodings-unused]
encodings are reserved for future versions of this specification.
- `leadbyte(0,0,-)` (format A) represents an Atom with fixed-length binary representation.
- `leadbyte(0,1,-)` (format A) is RESERVED.
- `leadbyte(0,1,-)` (format A) is reserved.
- `leadbyte(0,2,-)` (format C) is a Stream Start byte.
- `leadbyte(0,3,-)` (format C) is a Stream End byte.
- `leadbyte(1,-,-)` (format B) represents an Atom with variable-length binary representation.
- `leadbyte(2,-,-)` (format B) represents a Record.
- `leadbyte(3,-,-)` (format B) represents a Sequence, Set or Dictionary.
##### Encoding data of fixed length (format A)
#### Encoding data of fixed length (format A)
Each specific type of data defines its own rules for this format.
##### Encoding data of known length (format B)
#### Encoding data of known length (format B)
A `Repr` where the length of the `Value` to be encoded is variable but
known uses the value of `m` in `leadbyte` to encode its length. The
@ -434,15 +385,15 @@ definition,
- 300 (binary, grouped into 7-bit chunks, `10 0101100`) varint-encodes to the two bytes 172 and 2.
- 1000000000 (binary `11 1011100 1101011 0010100 0000000`) varint-encodes to bytes 128, 148, 235, 220, and 3.
##### Streaming data of unknown length (format C)
#### Streaming data of unknown length (format C)
A `Repr` where the length of the `Value` to be encoded is variable and
not known at the time serialization of the `Value` starts is encoded
by a single Stream Start byte, followed by zero or more *chunks*,
followed by a matching Stream End byte:
by a single Stream Start (“open”) byte, followed by zero or more
*chunks*, followed by a matching Stream End (“close”) byte:
startbyte(t,n) = leadbyte(0,2, t*4 + n)
endbyte(t,n) = leadbyte(0,3, t*4 + n)
open(t,n) = leadbyte(0,2, t*4 + n)
close(t,n) = leadbyte(0,3, t*4 + n)
For a `Repr` of a `Value` containing binary data, each chunk is to be
a format B `Repr` of the same type as the overall `Repr`.
@ -450,7 +401,7 @@ a format B `Repr` of the same type as the overall `Repr`.
For a `Repr` of a `Value` containing other `Value`s, each chunk is to
be a single `Repr`.
#### Records
### Records
Format B (known length):
@ -461,13 +412,12 @@ encoding of the record label.
Format C (streaming):
[[ (L F_1 ... F_m) ]]
= startbyte(2,3) ++ [[L]] ++ [[F_1]] ++ ... ++ [[F_m]] ++ endbyte(2,3)
[[ (L F_1...F_m) ]] = open(2,3) ++ [[L]] ++ [[F_1]] ++...++ [[F_m]] ++ close(2,3)
Applications *SHOULD* prefer the known-length format for encoding
##### Application-specific short form for labels
#### Application-specific short form for labels
Any given protocol using Preserves may additionally define an
interpretation for `n ∈ {0,1,2}`, mapping each *short form label
@ -478,7 +428,7 @@ short form label number `n`, format B becomes
and format C becomes
startbyte(2,n) ++ [[F_1]] ++ ... ++ [[F_m]] ++ endbyte(2,n)
open(2,n) ++ [[F_1]] ++...++ [[F_m]] ++ close(2,n)
**Examples.** For example, a protocol may choose to map records
labelled `void` to `n=0`, making
@ -494,30 +444,29 @@ making
for format B, or
= startbyte(2,1) ++ [["Dr"]] ++ [["Elizabeth"]] ++ [["Blackwell"]] ++ endbyte(2,1)
= open(2,1) ++ [["Dr"]] ++ [["Elizabeth"]] ++ [["Blackwell"]] ++ close(2,1)
= [0x29] ++ [["Dr"]] ++ [["Elizabeth"]] ++ [["Blackwell"]] ++ [0x39]
for format C.
#### Sequences, Sets and Dictionaries
### Sequences, Sets and Dictionaries
Format B (known length):
[[ [X_1...X_m] ]] = header(3,0,m) ++ [[X_1]] ++...++ [[X_m]]
[[ #set{X_1...X_m} ]] = header(3,1,m) ++ [[X_1]] ++...++ [[X_m]]
[[ #dict{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m} ]] = header(3,2,m*2) ++ [[K_1]] ++ [[V_1]] ++...
++ [[K_m]] ++ [[V_m]]
[[ #dict{K_1:V_1 ... K_m:V_m} ]]
= header(3,2,m) ++ [[K_1]] ++ [[V_1]] ++ ... ++ [[K_m]] ++ [[V_m]]
Note that `m*2` is given to `header` for a `Dictionary`, since there
are two `Value`s in each key-value pair.
Format C (streaming):
[[ [X_1 ... X_m] ]] = startbyte(3,0) ++ [[X_1]] ++ ... ++ [[X_m]] ++ endbyte(3,0)
[[ #set{X_1 ... X_m} ]] = startbyte(3,1) ++ [[X_1]] ++ ... ++ [[X_m]] ++ endbyte(3,1)
[[ #dict{K_1:V_1 ... K_m:V_m} ]]
= startbyte(3,2) ++ [[K_1]] ++ [[V_1]] ++ ... ++ [[K_m]] ++ [[V_m]] ++ endbyte(3,2)
[[ [X_1...X_m] ]] = open(3,0) ++ [[X_1]] ++...++ [[X_m]] ++ close(3,0)
[[ #set{X_1...X_m} ]] = open(3,1) ++ [[X_1]] ++...++ [[X_m]] ++ close(3,1)
[[ #dict{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m} ]] = open(3,2) ++ [[K_1]] ++ [[V_1]] ++...
++ [[K_m]] ++ [[V_m]] ++ close(3,2)
Applications may use whichever format suits their needs on a
case-by-case basis.
@ -538,26 +487,30 @@ order.
(b) sorting keys or elements makes no sense in streaming
serialization formats.
Note that `header(3,3,m)` and `startbyte(3,3)`/`endbyte(3,3)` is unused and reserved.
However, a quality implementation may wish to offer the programmer
the option of serializing with set elements and dictionary keys in
sorted order.
#### Variable-length Atoms
Note that `header(3,3,m)` and `open(3,3)`/`close(3,3)` is unused and reserved.
##### SignedInteger
### Variable-length Atoms
#### SignedInteger
Format B (known length):
[[ x ]] when x ∈ SignedInteger = header(1,0,m) ++ intbytes(x)
where m = |intbytes(x)|
and intbytes(x) = a big-endian two's-complement representation
of the signed integer x, taking exactly as
many whole bytes as needed to unambiguously
identify the value
Format C *MUST NOT* be used for `SignedInteger`s.
The function `intbytes(x)` gives the big-endian two's-complement
binary representation of `x`, taking exactly as many whole bytes as
needed to unambiguously identify the value and its sign, and `m =
The value 0 needs zero bytes to identify the value, so `intbytes(0)`
is the empty byte string. Non-zero values need at least one byte; the
most-significant bit in the first byte in `intbytes(x)` for `x≠0` is
most-significant bit in the first byte in `intbytes(x)` for `x`≠0 is
the sign bit.
For example,
@ -583,59 +536,49 @@ For example,
[[ 65536 ]] = [0x43, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]
[[ 131072 ]] = [0x43, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00]
##### String
#### String, ByteString and Symbol
Syntax for these three types varies only in the value of `n` supplied
to `header`, `open`, and `close`. In each case, the payload following
the header is a binary sequence; for `String` and `Symbol`, it is a
UTF-8 encoding of the `Value`'s code points, while for `ByteString` it
is the raw data contained within the `Value` unmodified.
Format B (known length):
[[ S ]] when S ∈ String = header(1,1,m) ++ utf8(S)
where m = |utf8(x)|
and utf8(x) = the UTF-8 encoding of S
[[ S ]] = header(1,n,m) ++ encode(S)
where m = |encode(S)|
and (n,encode(S)) = (1,utf8(S)) if S ∈ String
(2,S) if S ∈ ByteString
(3,utf8(S)) if S ∈ Symbol
To stream a `String`, emit `startbyte(1,1)` and then a sequence of
zero or more format B `String` chunks, followed by `endbyte(1,1)`.
To stream a `String`, `ByteString` or `Symbol`, emit `open(1,n)` and
then a sequence of zero or more format B chunks, followed by
`close(1,n)`. For a `String`, every chunk must be a `String`;
likewise, for `ByteString` and `Symbol`.
While the overall content of a streamed `String` must be valid UTF-8,
individual chunks do not have to conform to UTF-8.
While the overall content of a streamed `String` or `Symbol` must be
valid UTF-8, individual chunks do not have to conform to UTF-8.
##### ByteString
Format B (known length):
[[ B ]] when B ∈ ByteString = header(1,2,m) ++ B
where m = |B|
To stream a `ByteString`, emit `startbyte(1,2)` and then a sequence of
zero or more format B `ByteString` chunks, followed by `endbyte(1,2)`.
##### Symbol
Format B (known length):
[[ S ]] when S ∈ Symbol = header(1,3,m) ++ utf8(S)
where m = |utf8(x)|
and utf8(x) = the UTF-8 encoding of S
To stream a `Symbol`, emit `startbyte(1,3)` and then a sequence of
zero or more format B `Symbol` chunks, followed by `endbyte(1,3)`.
#### Fixed-length Atoms
### Fixed-length Atoms
Fixed-length atoms all use format A, and do not have a length
representation. They repurpose the bits that format B `Repr`s use to
specify lengths. Applications *MUST NOT* use format C with
`startbyte(0,n)` or `endbyte(0,n)` for any `n`.
`open(0,n)` or `close(0,n)` for any `n`.
##### Booleans
#### Booleans
[[ #f ]] = header(0,0,0) = [0x00]
[[ #t ]] = header(0,0,1) = [0x01]
##### Floats and Doubles
#### Floats and Doubles
[[ F ]] when F ∈ Float = header(0,0,2) ++ binary32(F)
[[ D ]] when D ∈ Double = header(0,0,3) ++ binary64(D)
where binary32(F) and binary64(D) are big-endian 4- and 8-byte
IEEE 754 binary representations
The functions `binary32(F)` and `binary64(D)` yield big-endian 4- and
8-byte IEEE 754 binary representations of `F` and `D`, respectively.
## Examples
@ -705,14 +648,33 @@ encodes to
The `Value` data type is essentially an S-Expression, able to
represent semi-structured data over `ByteString`, `String`,
`SignedInteger` atoms and so on.
`SignedInteger` atoms and so on.[^why-not-spki-sexps]
[^why-not-spki-sexps]: Rivest's S-Expressions are in many ways
similar to Preserves. However, while they include binary data and
sequences, and an obvious equivalence for them exists, they lack
numbers *per se* as well as any kind of unordered structure such
as sets or maps. In addition, while "display hints" allow
labelling of binary data with an intended interpretation, they
cannot be attached to any other kind of structure, and the "hint"
itself can only be a binary blob.
However, users need a wide variety of data types for representing
domain-specific values such as various kinds of encoded and normalized
text, calendrical values, machine words, and so on.
We use appropriately-labelled `Record`s to denote these
domain-specific data types.
Appropriately-labelled `Record`s denote these domain-specific data
[^why-dictionaries]: Given `Record`'s existence, it may seem odd
that `Dictionary`, `Set`, `Float`, etc. are given special
treatment. Preserves aims to offer a useful basic equivalence
predicate to programmers, and so if a data type demands a special
equivalence predicate, as `Dictionary`, `Set` and `Float` all do,
then the type should be included in the base language. Otherwise,
it can be represented as a `Record` and treated separately. Both
`Boolean` and `String` are seeming exceptions: they merit
inclusion because of their cultural importance.
All of these conventions are optional. They form a layer atop the core
`Value` structure. Non-domain-specific tools do not in general need to
@ -740,11 +702,13 @@ being a `ByteString`, the binary data.
While each media type may define its own rules for comparing
documents, we define ordering among `MIMEData` *representations* of
such media types lexicographically over the (`Symbol`, `ByteString`)
such media types following the general rules for ordering of
| Value | Encoded hexadecimal byte sequence |
| `(mime application/octet-stream #"abcde")` | B3 74 6D 69 6D 65 7F 18 61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 6F 63 74 65 74 2D 73 74 72 65 61 6D 65 61 62 63 64 65 |
| `(mime text/plain #"ABC")` | B3 74 6D 69 6D 65 7A 74 65 78 74 2F 70 6C 61 69 6E 63 41 42 43 |
| `(mime application/xml #"<xhtml/>")` | B3 74 6D 69 6D 65 7F 0F 61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 68 3C 78 68 74 6D 6C 2F 3E |
@ -813,7 +777,84 @@ Dates, times, moments, and timestamps can be represented with a
or `date-time` productions of
[section 5.6 of RFC 3339](
## Representing Values in Programming Languages
## Security Considerations
**Empty chunks.** Streamed (format C) `String`s, `ByteString`s and
`Symbol`s may include chunks of zero length. This opens up a
possibility for denial-of-service: an attacker may begin streaming a
string, sending an endless sequence of zero length chunks, appearing
to make progress but not actually doing so. Implementations may place
optional reasonable restrictions on the number of consecutive empty
chunks that may appear in a stream, and may even supply an optional
mode that rejects empty chunks entirely.
**Canonical form for cryptographic hashing and signing.** As
specified, the encoding rules for `Value`s do not force canonical
serializations for `Set` or `Dictionary` values. Two serializations of
the same `Value` may yield different binary `Repr`s.
## Appendix. Table of lead byte values
00 - False
01 - True
02 - Float
03 - Double
(0x) RESERVED 04-0F
(1x) RESERVED 10-1F
2x - Start Stream
3x - End Stream
4x - SignedInteger
5x - String
6x - ByteString
7x - Symbol
8x - short form Record label index 0
9x - short form Record label index 1
Ax - short form Record label index 2
Bx - Record
Cx - Sequence
Dx - Set
Ex - Dictionary
## Appendix. Bit fields within lead byte values
tt nn mmmm contents
---------- ---------
00 00 0000 False
00 00 0001 True
00 00 0010 Float, 32 bits big-endian binary
00 00 0011 Double, 64 bits big-endian binary
00 10 ttnn Start Stream <tt,nn>
When tt = 00 --> error
01 --> each chunk is a <tt,nn> piece
1x --> each chunk is a single encoded Value
00 11 ttnn End Stream <tt,nn> (must match preceding Start Stream)
01 00 mmmm SignedInteger, big-endian binary
01 01 mmmm String, UTF-8 binary
01 10 mmmm ByteString
01 11 mmmm Symbol, UTF-8 binary
10 00 mmmm application-specific Record
10 01 mmmm application-specific Record
10 10 mmmm application-specific Record
10 11 mmmm Record
11 00 mmmm Sequence
11 01 mmmm Set
11 10 mmmm Dictionary
If mmmm = 1111, a varint(m) follows, giving the length, before
the body; otherwise, m is the length of the body to follow.
## Appendix. Representing Values in Programming Languages
We have given a definition of `Value` and its semantics, and proposed
a concrete syntax for communicating and storing `Value`s. We now turn
@ -881,32 +922,6 @@ should both be identities.
- `Set` ↔ a `sets` set (is this unambiguous? Maybe a [map][erlang-map] from elements to `true`?)
- `Dictionary` ↔ a [map][erlang-map] (new in Erlang/OTP R17)
## Appendix. Table of lead byte values
00 - False
01 - True
02 - Float
03 - Double
(0x) RESERVED 04-0F
(1x) RESERVED 10-1F
2x - Start Stream
3x - End Stream
4x - SignedInteger
5x - String
6x - ByteString
7x - Symbol
8x - short form Record label index 0
9x - short form Record label index 1
Ax - short form Record label index 2
Bx - Record
Cx - Sequence
Dx - Set
Ex - Dictionary
## Appendix. Why not Just Use JSON?
<!-- JSON lacks semantics: JSON syntax doesn't denote anything -->
@ -1060,47 +1075,13 @@ JSON itself does not offer any guidance for which of these options to
choose. In many real cases on the web, poor choices have led to
encodings that are irrecoverably ambiguous.
# Open questions
Q. Should "symbols" instead be URIs? Relative, usually; relative to
what? Some domain-specific base URI?
Q. What about general rationals, subsuming integers and IEEE floats
(except NaN and the Infinities)?
Q. Should I map to SPKI SEXP or is that nonsense / for later?[^why-not-spki-sexps]
[^why-not-spki-sexps]: Why not just use Rivest's S-Expressions as
they are? While they include binary data and sequences, and an
obvious equivalence for them exists, they lack numbers *per se* as
well as any kind of unordered structure such as sets or maps. In
addition, while "display hints" allow labelling of binary data
with an intended interpretation, they cannot be attached to any
other kind of structure, and the "hint" itself can only be a
binary blob.
Q. Should `Symbol` be a special syntax for a `Record` with a `Symbol`
label (recursive!?) and a single `String` field?
Q. Should `String` be a special syntax for `(utf8 ByteString)`? Again,
recursiveness problems...?
Q. Should `Dictionary` be a special syntax for etc etc.? `Set`?
`Float`? `Double`?
--> Rule of thumb: if there's a special equivalence predicate for it,
it needs to be built-in syntax. Otherwise it can be a regular
record. (So: `Boolean` might not make the cut for special
treatment?? Likewise `String`...? Ugh those are psychologically
important perhaps)
Q. Are the language mappings reasonable? How about one for Python?
Q. Literal small integers: could be nice? Not absolutely necessary.
Literal small integers: could be nice? Not absolutely necessary.
## Notes