
53 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
import std/[macros, typetraits]
import ../preserves
proc initRecord*(label: Preserve; args: varargs[Preserve, toPreserve]): Preserve =
## Record constructor.
result = Preserve(kind: pkRecord,
record: newSeqOfCap[Preserve](1+args.len))
for arg in args:
proc initRecord*(label: string; args: varargs[Preserve, toPreserve]): Preserve {.inline.} =
## Record constructor that converts ``label`` to a symbol.
initRecord(symbol(label), args)
type RecordClass* = object
## Type of a preserves record.
label*: Preserve
arity*: Natural
proc `$`*(rec: RecordClass): string =
$rec.label & "/" & $rec.arity
proc init*(rec: RecordClass; fields: varargs[Preserve, toPreserve]): Preserve =
## Initialize a new record value.
assert(fields.len == rec.arity)
result = initRecord(rec.label, fields)
proc isClassOf*(rec: RecordClass; val: Preserve): bool =
## Compare the label and arity of ``val`` to the record type ``rec``.
if val.kind == pkRecord:
assert(val.record.len > 0)
result = val.label == rec.label and rec.arity == val.arity
proc classOf*(val: Preserve): RecordClass =
## Derive the ``RecordClass`` of ``val``.
if val.kind != pkRecord:
raise newException(Defect, "cannot derive class of non-record value " & $val)
assert(val.record.len > 0)
RecordClass(label: val.label, arity: val.arity)
proc classOf*[T](x: T): RecordClass =
## Derive the ``RecordClass`` of ``T``.
# TODO: would be nice to get the class of a type without an instance.
when not T.hasCustomPragma(record):
raise newException(Defect, "{.record: \"\".} must be present to determine classOf")
result.label = preserves.symbol(T.getCustomPragmaVal(record))
for k, v in x.fieldPairs: inc(result.arity)