# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import std/[hashes, options, os, parseopt, streams, strutils, tables] import ../preserves, ./schema, ./schemaparse when isMainModule: let outStream = newFileStream(stdout) var inputPath = "" noBundle = false for kind, key, arg in getopt(): case kind of cmdEnd: discard of cmdArgument: if inputPath != "": quit "only a single path may specified" inputPath = key of cmdLongOption: if arg != "": quit("flag does not take an argument: " & key & " " & arg) case key of "no-bundle": noBundle = true else: quit(key & "flag not recognized") else: quit(key & "flag not recognized") if inputPath == "": quit "input file(s) not specified" if noBundle: if not fileExists inputPath: quit(inputPath & " does not exist or is not a file") var schema = parsePreservesSchema(readFile(inputPath)) write(outStream, schema.toPreserve) else: let bundle = Bundle() if not dirExists inputPath: quit "not a directory of schemas: " & inputPath else: for filePath in walkDirRec(inputPath, relative = true): var (dirPath, fileName, fileExt) = splitFile(filePath) if fileExt == ".prs": var scm = parsePreservesSchema(readFile(inputPath / filePath)) path: ModulePath for e in split(dirPath, '/'): if e != "": add(path, Symbol e) add(path, Symbol fileName) bundle.modules[path] = scm if bundle.modules.len == 0: quit "no schemas parsed" else: write(outStream, bundle.toPreserve) close(outStream)