# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC import base64, endians, json, hashes, tables, streams import bigints type PreserveKind* = enum pkBoolean, pkFloat, pkDouble, pkSignedInteger, pkBigInteger, pkString, pkByteString, pkSymbol, pkRecord, pkSequence, pkSet, pkDictionary, pkEmbedded Preserve*[T] {.acyclic.} = object ## Type that stores a Preserves value. ## ``T`` is the domain-specific type of "embedded" values, otherwise ``void``. case kind*: PreserveKind of pkBoolean: bool*: bool of pkFloat: float*: float32 of pkDouble: double*: float64 of pkSignedInteger: int*: BiggestInt of pkBigInteger: bigint*: BigInt of pkString: string*: string of pkByteString: bytes*: seq[byte] of pkSymbol: symbol*: string of pkRecord: record*: seq[Preserve[T]] # record[0] is the label of pkSequence: seq*: seq[Preserve[T]] of pkSet: set*: CountTable[Preserve[T]] of pkDictionary: dict*: Table[Preserve[T], Preserve[T]] of pkEmbedded: embedded*: T proc `$`*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): string = case prs.kind: of pkBoolean: case prs.bool of false: result = "#f" of true: result = "#t" of pkFloat: result = $prs.float & "f" of pkDouble: result = $prs.double of pkSignedInteger: result = $prs.int of pkBigInteger: result = $prs.bigint of pkString: result = escapeJson(prs.string) of pkByteString: result.add("#[") result.add(base64.encode(prs.bytes)) result.add(']') of pkSymbol: result.add(escapeJsonUnquoted(prs.symbol)) of pkRecord: result.add('<') for val in prs.record: result.add(' ') result.add($val) result.add('>') of pkSequence: result.add('[') for i, val in prs.seq: if i > 0: result.add(' ') result.add($val) result.add(']') of pkSet: result.add("#{") for val in prs.set.keys: result.add($val) result.add(' ') if result.len > 1: result.setLen(result.high) result.add('}') of pkDictionary: result.add('{') for (key, value) in prs.dict.pairs: result.add($key) result.add(" :") result.add($value) result.add(' ') if result.len > 1: result.setLen(result.high) result.add('}') of pkEmbedded: when not T is void: $prs.embedded proc toPreserve*(b: bool): Preserve[void] = Preserve[void](kind: pkBoolean, bool: b) proc toPreserve*(n: SomeInteger): Preserve[void] = Preserve[void](kind: pkSignedInteger, int: n.BiggestInt) proc toPreserve*(n: BigInt): Preserve[void] = if initBigInt(low(BiggestInt)) < n and n < initBigInt(high(BiggestInt)): var tmp: BiggestUint for limb in n.limbs: tmp = (tmp shl 32) or limb if Negative in n.flags: tmp = (not tmp) + 1 result = Preserve[void](kind: pkSignedInteger, int: cast[BiggestInt](tmp)) else: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkBigInteger, bigint: n) proc toPreserve*(s: string): Preserve[void] = Preserve[void](kind: pkString, string: s) proc symbol*[T](s: string): Preserve[void] {.inline.} = ## Symbol constructor. Preserve[T](kind: pkSymbol, symbol: s) proc record*[T](label: Preserve[T], args: varargs[Preserve[T]]): Preserve[T] = ## Record constructor. result = Preserve[T](kind: pkRecord, record: newSeqOfCap(1+args.len)) result.record.add(label) for arg in args: result.record.add(arg) proc record*[T](label: string, args: varargs[Preserve[T]]): Preserve[T] {.inline.} = ## Record constructor that converts ``label`` to a symbol. record(symbol[T](label), args) proc label*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): Preserve[T] {.inline.} = ## Return the label of a record value. prs.record[0] proc arity*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): int {.inline.} = ## Return the number of fields in a record value. pred(prs.record.len) proc fields*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): seq[Preserve[T]] {.inline.} = ## Return the fields of a record value. prs.record[1..prs.record.high] iterator fields*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): Preserve[T] = ## Iterate the fields of a record value. for i in 1..prs.record.high: yield prs.record[i] proc `<`(x, y: string | seq[byte]): bool = for i in 0 .. min(x.high, y.high): if x[i] < y[i]: return true x.len < y.len proc `<`*[T](x, y: Preserve[T]): bool = if x.kind != y.kind: if x.kind == pkSignedInteger and y.kind == pkBigInteger: result = x.int < y.bigint elif x.kind == pkBigInteger and y.kind == pkSignedInteger: result = x.bigint < y.int else: result = x.kind < y.kind else: case x.kind of pkBoolean: result = (not x.bool) and y.bool of pkSignedInteger: result = x.int < y.int of pkBigInteger: result = x.bigint < y.bigint of pkString: result = x.string < y.string of pkByteString: result = x.bytes < y.bytes of pkSymbol: result = x.symbol < y.symbol else: discard proc `==`*[T](x, y: Preserve[T]): bool = if x.kind == y.kind: case x.kind of pkBoolean: result = x.bool == y.bool of pkFloat: result = x.float == y.float of pkDouble: result = x.double == y.double of pkSignedInteger: result = x.int == y.int of pkBigInteger: result = x.bigint == y.bigint of pkString: result = x.string == y.string of pkByteString: result = x.bytes == y.bytes of pkSymbol: result = x.symbol == y.symbol of pkRecord: for i, val in x.record: if y.record[i] != val: return false result = true of pkSequence: for i, val in x.seq: if y.seq[i] != val: return false result = true of pkSet: for val in x.set.keys: if not y.set.hasKey(val): return false for val in y.set.keys: if not x.set.hasKey(val): return false result = true of pkDictionary: for (key, val) in x.dict.pairs: if y.dict[key] != val: return false result = true of pkEmbedded: when not T is void: result = x.embedded == y.embedded proc hash*[T](prs: Preserve[T]): Hash = var h = hash(prs.kind.int) case prs.kind of pkBoolean: h = h !& hash(prs.bool) of pkFloat: h = h !& hash(prs.float) of pkDouble: h = h !& hash(prs.double) of pkSignedInteger: h = h !& hash(prs.int) of pkBigInteger: h = h !& hash(prs.bigint.flags) h = h !& hash(prs.bigint) of pkString: h = h !& hash(prs.string) of pkByteString: h = h !& hash(prs.bytes) of pkSymbol: h = h !& hash(prs.symbol) of pkRecord: for val in prs.record: h = h !& hash(val) of pkSequence: for val in prs.seq: h = h !& hash(val) of pkSet: for val in prs.set.keys: h = h !& hash(val) of pkDictionary: for (key, val) in prs.dict.pairs: h = h !& hash(val) of pkEmbedded: when not T is void: h = h !& hash(prs.embedded) !$h proc writeVarint(s: Stream; n: int) = var n = n while true: let c = int8(n and 0x7f) n = n shr 7 if n == 0: s.write((char)c.char) break else: s.write((char)c or 0x80) proc readVarint(s: Stream): int = var shift: int while shift < (9*8): let c = s.readChar.int result = result or ((c and 0x7f) shl shift) if (c and 0x80) == 0: break shift.inc 7 proc write*[T](str: Stream; prs: Preserve[T]) = case prs.kind: of pkBoolean: case prs.bool of false: str.write(0x80'u8) of true: str.write(0x81'u8) of pkFloat: str.write(0x82'u8) when system.cpuEndian == bigEndian: str.write(prs.float) else: var be: float32 swapEndian32(be.addr, prs.float.unsafeAddr) str.write(be) of pkDouble: str.write(0x83'u8) when system.cpuEndian == bigEndian: str.write(prs.double) else: var be: float64 swapEndian64(be.addr, prs.double.unsafeAddr) str.write(be) of pkSignedInteger: if (-3 <= prs.int) and (prs.int <= 12): str.write(0x90'i8 or int8(if prs.int < 0: prs.int + 16 else: prs.int)) else: var bitCount = 1'u8 if prs.int < 0: while ((not prs.int) shr bitCount) != 0: inc(bitCount) else: while (prs.int shr bitCount) != 0: inc(bitCount) var byteCount = (bitCount + 8) div 8 str.write(0xa0'u8 or (byteCount - 1)) proc write(n: uint8; i: BiggestInt) = if n > 0: write(n.pred, i shr 8) str.write(i.uint8) write(byteCount, prs.int) of pkBigInteger: doAssert(Negative notin prs.bigint.flags, "negative big integers not implemented") var bytes = newSeqOfCap[uint8](prs.bigint.limbs.len * 4) var begun = false for i in countdown(prs.bigint.limbs.high, 0): let limb = prs.bigint.limbs[i] for j in countdown(24, 0, 8): let b = uint8(limb shr j) begun = begun or (b != 0) if begun: bytes.add(b) if bytes.len <= 16: str.write(0xa0'u8 or bytes.high.uint8) else: str.write(0xb0'u8) str.writeVarint(bytes.len) str.write(cast[string](bytes)) of pkString: str.write(0xb1'u8) str.writeVarint(prs.string.len) str.write(prs.string) of pkByteString: str.write(0xb2'u8) str.writeVarint(prs.bytes.len) str.write(prs.bytes) of pkSymbol: str.write(0xb3'u8) str.writeVarint(prs.symbol.len) str.write(prs.symbol) of pkRecord: str.write(0xb4'u8) for val in prs.record: str.write(val) str.write(0x84'u8) of pkSequence: str.write(0xb5'u8) for e in prs.seq: str.write(e) str.write(0x84'u8) of pkSet: str.write(0xb6'u8) for key in prs.set.keys: str.write(key) str.write(0x84'u8) of pkDictionary: str.write(0xb7'u8) for (key, value) in prs.dict.pairs: str.write(key) str.write(value) str.write(0x84'u8) of pkEmbedded: when not T is void: str.write(0x86'u8) str.write(prs.embedded) proc parsePreserve*(s: Stream): Preserve[void] = proc assertStream(check: bool) = if not check: raise newException(ValueError, "invalid Preserves stream") const endMarker = 0x84 let tag = s.readUint8() case tag of 0x80: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkBoolean, bool: false) of 0x81: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkBoolean, bool: true) of 0x82: when system.cpuEndian == bigEndian: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkFloat, float: s.readFloat32()) else: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkFloat) var be = s.readFloat32() swapEndian32(result.float.addr, be.addr) of 0x83: when system.cpuEndian == bigEndian: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkDouble, double: s.readFloat64()) else: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkDouble) var be = s.readFloat64() swapEndian64(result.double.addr, be.addr) of 0x84: assertStream(false) of 0xb1: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkString) let len = s.readVarint() result.string = s.readStr(len) of 0xb2: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkByteString) let len = s.readVarint() result.bytes = cast[seq[byte]](s.readStr(len)) of 0xb3: let len = s.readVarint() result = symbol[void](s.readStr(len)) of 0xb4: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkRecord) while s.peekUint8() != endMarker: result.record.add(s.parsePreserve()) discard s.readUint8() assertStream(result.record.len > 0) of 0xb5: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkSequence) while s.peekUint8() != endMarker: result.seq.add(s.parsePreserve()) discard s.readUint8() of 0xb6: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkSet) while s.peekUint8() != endMarker: let key = s.parsePreserve() result.set[key] = 0 discard s.readUint8() of 0xb7: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkDictionary) while s.peekUint8() != endMarker: let key = s.parsePreserve() let val = s.parsePreserve() result.dict[key] = val discard s.readUint8() of 0xb0: let len = s.readVarint() result = Preserve[void](kind: pkBigInteger) for _ in 1..len: result.bigint = (result.bigint shl 8) + s.readUint8().int32 else: case 0xf0 and tag of 0x90: var n = tag.BiggestInt result = Preserve[void](kind: pkSignedInteger, int: n - (if n > 0x9c: 0xa0 else: 0x90)) of 0xa0: let len = (tag.int and 0x0f) + 1 if len <= 8: result = Preserve[void](kind: pkSignedInteger, int: s.readUint8().BiggestInt) if (result.int and 0x80) != 0: result.int.dec(0x100) for i in 1..