# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import std/[os, strutils, tables] import compiler/[ast, idents, renderer, lineinfos] import ../../preserves, ../schemas type TypeTable = OrderedTable[string, PNode] proc add(parent, child: PNode): PNode {.discardable.} = parent.sons.add child parent proc add(parent: PNode; children: varargs[PNode]): PNode {.discardable.} = parent.sons.add children parent proc child(sn: SchemaNode): SchemaNode = assert(sn.nodes.len == 1) sn.nodes[0] proc nn(kind: TNodeKind; children: varargs[PNode]): PNode = result = newNode(kind) result.sons.add(children) proc nn(kind: TNodeKind; child: PNode): PNode = result = newNode(kind) result.sons.add(child) proc ident(s: string): PNode = newIdentNode(PIdent(s: s), TLineInfo()) proc accQuote(n: PNode): Pnode = nkAccQuoted.newNode.add(n) proc ident(sn: SchemaNode): PNode = var s: string case sn.kind of snkAlt: s = sn.altLabel.toLower.nimIdentNormalize of snkLiteral: s = $sn.value of snkRecord: s = $sn.nodes[0] of snkNamed: s = sn.name of snkDictionary, snkVariableTuple: s = "data" else: raiseAssert("no ident for " & $sn.kind & " " & $sn) ident(s) proc typeIdent(sn: SchemaNode): PNode = case sn.kind of snkAtom: case sn.atom of akBool: ident"bool" of akFloat: ident"float32" of akDouble: ident"float64" of akInt: ident"BiggestInt" of akString: ident"string" of akBytes: nn(nkBracketExpr, ident"seq", ident"byte") of akSymbol: ident"string" # TODO: distinct string type for symbols? of snkNamed: sn.pattern.typeIdent of snkRef: var id = ident sn.refPath[sn.refPath.high] for i in countDown(sn.refPath.high.pred, 0): id = nn(nkDotExpr, ident(sn.refPath[i].toLowerAscii), id) id else: ident"Preserve" proc toExport(n: sink PNode): PNode = nkPostFix.newNode.add(ident"*", n) proc newEmpty(): PNode = newNode(nkEmpty) proc isConst(scm: Schema; sn: SchemaNode): bool = case sn.kind of snkLiteral: result = true of snkRef: if sn.refPath.len == 1: result = isConst(scm, scm.definitions[sn.refPath[0]]) else: discard proc isSymbolEnum(sn: SchemaNode): bool = if sn.kind == snkOr: for bn in sn.nodes: if bn.altBranch.kind != snkLiteral or bn.altBranch.value.kind != pkSymbol: return false result = true proc toEnumTy(sn: SchemaNode): PNode = result = nkEnumTy.newNode.add newEmpty() for bn in sn.nodes: result.add bn.altLabel.nimIdentNormalize.ident.accQuote proc toEnumDef(name: string; sn: SchemaNode): PNode = nkTypeDef.newNode.add( nkPragmaExpr.newNode.add( name.ident.toExport, nkPragma.newNode.add(ident"pure")), newEmpty(), sn.toEnumTy) proc nimTypeOf(scm: Schema; known: var TypeTable; sn: SchemaNode; name = ""): PNode = case sn.kind of snkOr: if sn.isSymbolEnum: result = sn.toEnumTy else: let enumName = name.nimIdentNormalize & "Kind" enumIdent = ident(enumName) if enumName notin known: known[enumName] = toEnumDef(enumName, sn) let recCase = nkRecCase.newNode.add( nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( "kind".ident.toExport, enumName.ident, newEmpty())) for bn in sn.nodes: assert(bn.kind == snkAlt, $bn.kind) var recList = nkRecList.newNode case bn.altBranch.kind of snkRecord: case bn.altBranch.nodes.len of 0, 1: discard of 2: if not isConst(scm, bn.altBranch.nodes[1]): let label = bn.ident recList.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( label.accQuote.toExport, nimTypeOf(scm, known, bn.altBranch.nodes[1], $label), newEmpty()) else: for i, field in bn.altBranch.nodes: if i > 0 and (not isConst(scm, field)): let label = field.ident recList.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( label.accQuote.toExport, nimTypeOf(scm, known, field, $label), newEmpty()) else: if isConst(scm, bn.altBranch): recList.add nkDiscardStmt.newNode.add(newEmpty()) else: let label = bn.ident recList.add(nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( label.accQuote, nimTypeOf(scm, known, bn.altBranch, $label), newEmpty())) let disc = nkDotExpr.newNode.add( enumIdent, bn.altLabel.nimIdentNormalize.ident.accQuote) recCase.add nkOfBranch.newNode.add(disc, recList) result = nn(nkRefTy, nn(nkObjectTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), nn(nkRecList, recCase))) of snkAny: result = ident"Preserve" of snkAtom: result = typeIdent(sn) of snkEmbedded: result = nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.embed) of snkLiteral: result = case sn.value.kind # nearly verbatim from ../../preserves/src/preserves.nim of pkBoolean: ident"bool" of pkFloat: ident"float32" of pkDouble: ident"float64" of pkSignedInteger: ident"BiggestInt" of pkBigInteger: ident"BigInt" of pkString: ident"string" of pkByteString: nn( nkBracketExpr, ident"seq", ident"byte") of pkSymbol: ident"string" of pkRecord: ident"Preserve" of pkSequence: nn( nkBracketExpr, ident"seq", ident"Preserve") of pkSet: nn( nkBracketExpr, ident"HashSet", ident"Preserve") of pkDictionary: nn( nkBracketExpr, ident"Table", ident"Preserve", ident"Preserve") of pkEmbedded: nn(nkDiscardStmt, newEmpty()) # TODO: is this possible? of snkSequenceOf: result = nkBracketExpr.newNode.add( ident"seq", nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.child)) of snkSetOf: result = nkBracketExpr.newNode.add( ident"HashedSet", nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.child)) of snkDictOf: result = nkBracketExpr.newNode.add( ident"Table", nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.nodes[0]), nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.nodes[1])) of snkRecord: case sn.nodes.len of 0, 1: result = nn(nkObjectTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), nn(nkRecList, nn(nkDiscardStmt, newEmpty()))) else: let recList = nkRecList.newNode() for i, field in sn.nodes: if i > 0: let id = field.ident recList.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( id.accQuote.toExport, nimTypeOf(scm, known, field, $id), newEmpty()) result = nn(nkRefTy, nn(nkObjectTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), recList)) of snkTuple, snkVariableTuple: # TODO: the variable part result = nkTupleTy.newNode for tn in sn.nodes: result.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( tn.ident.accQuote, nimTypeOf(scm, known, tn), newEmpty()) of snkDictionary: result = nkTupleTy.newNode for i in countup(0, sn.nodes.high, 2): let id = ident(sn.nodes[i+0]) result.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( id.accQuote, nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.nodes[i+1], $id), newEmpty()) of snkNamed: result = nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn.pattern, name) of snkRef: result = typeIdent(sn) else: result = nkCommentStmt.newNode result.comment.add("Missing type generator for " & $sn.kind & " " & $sn) proc toConst(name: string; def: SchemaNode): Pnode = case def.kind of snkLiteral: result = nkConstDef.newNode.add( name.ident.accQuote, newEmpty()) case def.value.kind of pkSignedInteger: discard result.add newIntNode(nkIntLit, def.value.int) of pkSymbol: discard result.add nn(nkCall, ident"symbol", PNode(kind: nkStrLit, strVal: def.value.symbol), ident"EmbeddedType") else: raiseAssert("cannot convert " & $def & " to a Nim literal") else: discard proc toNimLit(sn: SchemaNode): PNode = assert(sn.kind == snkLiteral, $sn) case sn.value.kind of pkSymbol: nkCall.newNode.add( ident"symbol", PNode(kind: nkStrLit, strVal: sn.value.symbol), ident"EmbeddedType") else: raiseAssert("no Nim literal for " & $sn) proc preserveTypeOf(scm: Schema; known: var TypeTable; sn: SchemaNode; name = ""): PNode = case sn.kind of snkOr: if sn.isSymbolEnum: result = sn.toEnumTy else: let enumName = name.nimIdentNormalize & "Kind" if enumName notin known: known[enumName] = toEnumDef(enumName, sn) result = nkObjectTy.newNode.add( newEmpty(), newEmpty(), nkRecList.newNode.add( nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( ident"value", ident"Preserve", newEmpty()), nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( "schemaKind".ident, enumName.ident, newEmpty()))) of snkAny: result = ident"Preserve" of snkAtom: result = case sn.atom of akBool: ident"bool" of akFloat: ident"float32" of akDouble: ident"float64" of akInt: ident"BiggestInt" of akString: ident"string" of akBytes: nkBracketExpr.newNode.add( ident"seq", ident"byte") of akSymbol: ident"string" # TODO: distinct string type for symbols? of snkRecord: case sn.nodes.len of 0, 1: result = nn(nkObjectTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), nn(nkDiscardStmt, newEmpty())) else: let recList = nkRecList.newNode() for i, field in sn.nodes: if i > 0: let id = field.ident recList.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( id.accQuote.toExport, nimTypeOf(scm, known, field, $id), newEmpty()) result = nn(nkObjectTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), recList) of snkTuple: let recList = nkRecList.newNode() for i, field in sn.nodes: let id = field.ident recList.add nkIdentDefs.newNode.add( id.accQuote, nimTypeOf(scm, known, field, $id), newEmpty()) result = nn(nkTupleTy, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), recList) else: result = nimTypeOf(scm, known, sn, name) proc generateProcs(result: var seq[PNode]; name: string; sn: SchemaNode) = proc exportIdent(id: string): PNode = nn(nkPostFix, ident"*", ident(id)) case sn.kind of snkRecord: var params = nn(nkFormalParams, ident"Preserve") initRecordCall = nn(nkCall, nn(nkBracketExpr, ident"initRecord", ident"EmbeddedType"), sn.nodes[0].toNimLit) for i, field in sn.nodes: if i > 0: let id = field.ident.accQuote var fieldType = field.typeIdent if fieldType.kind != nkIdent or fieldType.ident.s != "Preserve": fieldType = nn(nkInfix, ident"|", fieldType, ident"Preserve") params.add nn(nkIdentDefs, id, fieldType, newEmpty()) initRecordCall.add( nn(nkCall, ident"toPreserve", id, ident"EmbeddedType")) var procId = name procId[0] = procId[0].toLowerAscii result.add nn(nkProcDef, exportIdent(procId), newEmpty(), newEmpty(), params, newEmpty(), newEmpty(), nn(nkStmtList, PNode( kind: nkCommentStmt, comment: "Preserves constructor for ``" & name & "``."), initRecordCall)) else: discard proc collectRefImports(imports: PNode; sn: SchemaNode) = case sn.kind of snkLiteral: if sn.value.isDictionary: imports.add ident"std/tables" of snkDictOf: imports.add ident"std/tables" of snkRef: if sn.refPath.len > 1: imports.add ident(sn.refPath[0].toLowerAscii) else: for child in sn.items: collectRefImports(imports, child) proc collectRefImports(imports: PNode; scm: Schema) = if scm.embeddedType.contains {'.'}: let m = split(scm.embeddedType, '.', 1 )[0] imports.add ident(m.toLowerAscii) for _, def in scm.definitions: collectRefImports(imports, def) proc moduleScopedIdent(s: string): PNode = var id: string let items = split(s, {'.'}) for i in 0..