import ../preserves, std/tables type Ref* {.preservesRecord: "ref".} = object `module`*: ModulePath `name`*: Symbol ModulePath* = seq[Symbol] Bundle* {.preservesRecord: "bundle".} = ref object `modules`*: Modules CompoundPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum `rec`, `tuple`, `tuplePrefix`, `dict` CompoundPatternRec* {.preservesRecord: "rec".} = ref object `label`*: NamedPattern `fields`*: NamedPattern CompoundPatternTuple* {.preservesRecord: "tuple".} = ref object `patterns`*: seq[NamedPattern] CompoundPatternTuplePrefix* {.preservesRecord: "tuplePrefix".} = ref object `fixed`*: seq[NamedPattern] `variable`*: NamedSimplePattern CompoundPatternDict* {.preservesRecord: "dict".} = ref object `entries`*: DictionaryEntries `CompoundPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: CompoundPatternKind of CompoundPatternKind.`rec`: `rec`*: CompoundPatternRec of CompoundPatternKind.`tuple`: `tuple`*: CompoundPatternTuple of CompoundPatternKind.`tuplePrefix`: `tupleprefix`*: CompoundPatternTuplePrefix of CompoundPatternKind.`dict`: `dict`*: CompoundPatternDict Modules* = Table[ModulePath, Schema] EmbeddedTypeNameKind* {.pure.} = enum `false`, `Ref` `EmbeddedTypeName`* {.preservesOr.} = object case orKind*: EmbeddedTypeNameKind of EmbeddedTypeNameKind.`false`: `false`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool of EmbeddedTypeNameKind.`Ref`: `ref`*: Ref `AtomKind`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum `Boolean`, `Float`, `Double`, `SignedInteger`, `String`, `ByteString`, `Symbol` Definitions* = Table[Symbol, Definition] DictionaryEntries* = Table[Preserve[void], NamedSimplePattern] NamedPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum `named`, `anonymous` `NamedPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: NamedPatternKind of NamedPatternKind.`named`: `named`*: Binding of NamedPatternKind.`anonymous`: `anonymous`*: Pattern SimplePatternKind* {.pure.} = enum `any`, `atom`, `embedded`, `lit`, `seqof`, `setof`, `dictof`, `Ref` SimplePatternAtom* {.preservesRecord: "atom".} = object `atomKind`*: AtomKind SimplePatternEmbedded* {.preservesRecord: "embedded".} = ref object `interface`*: SimplePattern SimplePatternLit* {.preservesRecord: "lit".} = object `value`*: Preserve[void] SimplePatternSeqof* {.preservesRecord: "seqof".} = ref object `pattern`*: SimplePattern SimplePatternSetof* {.preservesRecord: "setof".} = ref object `pattern`*: SimplePattern SimplePatternDictof* {.preservesRecord: "dictof".} = ref object `key`*: SimplePattern `value`*: SimplePattern `SimplePattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: SimplePatternKind of SimplePatternKind.`any`: `any`* {.preservesLiteral: "any".}: bool of SimplePatternKind.`atom`: `atom`*: SimplePatternAtom of SimplePatternKind.`embedded`: `embedded`*: SimplePatternEmbedded of SimplePatternKind.`lit`: `lit`*: SimplePatternLit of SimplePatternKind.`seqof`: `seqof`*: SimplePatternSeqof of SimplePatternKind.`setof`: `setof`*: SimplePatternSetof of SimplePatternKind.`dictof`: `dictof`*: SimplePatternDictof of SimplePatternKind.`Ref`: `ref`*: Ref NamedSimplePatternKind* {.pure.} = enum `named`, `anonymous` `NamedSimplePattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: NamedSimplePatternKind of NamedSimplePatternKind.`named`: `named`*: Binding of NamedSimplePatternKind.`anonymous`: `anonymous`*: SimplePattern DefinitionKind* {.pure.} = enum `or`, `and`, `Pattern` DefinitionOrData* {.preservesTuple.} = ref object `pattern0`*: NamedAlternative `pattern1`*: NamedAlternative `patternN`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[NamedAlternative] DefinitionOr* {.preservesRecord: "or".} = ref object `data`*: DefinitionOrData DefinitionAndData* {.preservesTuple.} = ref object `pattern0`*: NamedPattern `pattern1`*: NamedPattern `patternN`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[NamedPattern] DefinitionAnd* {.preservesRecord: "and".} = ref object `data`*: DefinitionAndData `Definition`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: DefinitionKind of DefinitionKind.`or`: `or`*: DefinitionOr of DefinitionKind.`and`: `and`*: DefinitionAnd of DefinitionKind.`Pattern`: `pattern`*: Pattern NamedAlternative* {.preservesTuple.} = ref object `variantLabel`*: string `pattern`*: Pattern SchemaData* {.preservesDictionary.} = ref object `version`* {.preservesLiteral: "1".}: bool `embeddedType`*: EmbeddedTypeName `definitions`*: Definitions Schema* {.preservesRecord: "schema".} = ref object `data`*: SchemaData PatternKind* {.pure.} = enum `SimplePattern`, `CompoundPattern` `Pattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object case orKind*: PatternKind of PatternKind.`SimplePattern`: `simplepattern`*: SimplePattern of PatternKind.`CompoundPattern`: `compoundpattern`*: CompoundPattern Binding* {.preservesRecord: "named".} = ref object `name`*: Symbol `pattern`*: SimplePattern proc `$`*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules | EmbeddedTypeName | Definitions | DictionaryEntries | NamedPattern | SimplePattern | NamedSimplePattern | Definition | NamedAlternative | Schema | Pattern | Binding): string = `$`(toPreserve(x)) proc encode*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules | EmbeddedTypeName | Definitions | DictionaryEntries | NamedPattern | SimplePattern | NamedSimplePattern | Definition | NamedAlternative | Schema | Pattern | Binding): seq[byte] = encode(toPreserve(x))