# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense ## NPEG rules for Preserves. ## For an explanation of the syntax see https://github.com/zevv/npeg/blob/master/README.md#syntax. import npeg, npeg/lib/utf8 when defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.} grammar "Preserves": ws <- *{ ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' } commas <- *(ws * ',') * ws delimiter <- { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', '<', '>', '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', '#', ':', '"', '|', '@', ';', ',' } | !1 Document <- Value * ws * !1 Atom <- Boolean | Double | DoubleRaw | SignedInteger | String | ByteString | Symbol Collection <- Sequence | Dictionary | Set Value <- ws * ( Record | Collection | Atom | Embedded | Compact | Annotation | ('#' * @'\n' * Value) ) Record <- '<' * +Value * ws * '>' Sequence <- '[' * *(commas * Value) * commas * ']' Dictionary <- '{' * *(commas * Value * ws * ':' * Value) * commas * '}' Set <- "#{" * *(commas * Value) * commas * '}' Boolean <- '#' * {'f', 't'} * &delimiter nat <- +Digit int <- ?('-'|'+') * nat frac <- '.' * +Digit exp <- 'e' * ?('-'|'+') * +Digit flt <- int * ((frac * exp) | frac | exp) Double <- >flt * &delimiter SignedInteger <- int * &delimiter unescaped <- utf8.any - { '\x00'..'\x19', '"', '\\', '|' } unicodeEscaped <- 'u' * Xdigit[4] escaped <- {'\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'} escape <- '\\' char <- unescaped | '|' | (escape * (escaped | '"' | unicodeEscaped)) String <- '"' * >(*char) * '"' binunescaped <- {' '..'!', '#'..'[', ']'..'~'} binchar <- binunescaped | (escape * (escaped | '"' | ('x' * Xdigit[2]))) ByteString <- charByteString | hexByteString | b64ByteString charByteString <- "#\"" * >(*binchar) * '"' hexByteString <- "#x\"" * >(*(ws * Xdigit[2])) * ws * '"' base64char <- {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/', '-', '_', '='} b64ByteString <- "#[" * >(*(ws * base64char)) * ws * ']' symchar <- (utf8.any - {'\\', '|'}) | (escape * (escaped | unicodeEscaped)) | "\\|" QuotedSymbol <- '|' * >(*symchar) * '|' sympunct <- {'~', '!', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '?', '_', '=', '+', '-', '/', '.'} symuchar <- utf8.any - { 0..127 } SymbolOrNumber <- >(+(Alpha | Digit | sympunct | symuchar)) Symbol <- QuotedSymbol | (SymbolOrNumber * &delimiter) Embedded <- "#:" * Value Annotation <- '@' * Value * Value Compact <- "#=" * ws * ByteString DoubleRaw <- "#xd\"" * >((ws * Xdigit[2])[8]) * ws * '"'