Compare commits


No commits in common. "trunk" and "99201de724ebbbcf03b2977fdd2bfa75d2c03da8" have entirely different histories.

47 changed files with 1716 additions and 4235 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "upstream"]
path = upstream
url =

View File

@ -1,14 +1,4 @@
# Preserves
Nim implementation of the [Preserves data language](
If you don't know why you need Preserves, see the [Syndicate library](
## Library
To parse or produce Preserves one should write a [schema]( and generate a Nim module using the [preserves_schema_nim](./src/preserves/preserves_schema_nim.nim) utility. This module will contain Nim types corresponding to schema definitions. The `toPreserve` and`fromPreserve` routines will convert Nim types to and from Preserves. The `decodePreserves`, `parsePreserves`, `encode`, and `$` routines will convert `Preserve` objects to and from binary and textual encoding.
To debug the `toPreserves` and `fromPreserves` routines compile with `-d:tracePreserves`.
Nim implementation of the [Preserves data language](
## Utilities
* preserves_schema_nim
@ -17,5 +7,7 @@ To debug the `toPreserves` and `fromPreserves` routines compile with `-d:tracePr
* preserves_from_json
* preserves_to_json
### Installation
`preserves_encode` is a multi-call binary that implements `preserves_encode`, `preserves_decode`, `preserves_from_json`, and `preserves_to_json`, so the appropriate symlinks should be created during packaging.
## Installation
`preserves_encode` is a multi-call binary that implements `preserves_encode`,
`preserves_decode`, `preserves_from_json`, and `preserves_to_json`, so the
appropriate symlinks should be created during packaging.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
: sbom.json |> !sbom-to-nix |> | ./<lock>

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
include depends.tup
NIM_GROUPS += $(TUP_CWD)/<lock>

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { },
inherit (pkgs) lib buildNimPackage nim;
buildNimPackage {
pname = "preserves-nim";
version = "unstable";
lockFile = ./lock.json;
src = if lib.inNixShell then null else lib.cleanSource ./.;
nimFlags = [ "--path:${nim.passthru.nim}/nim" ];
# Path to the compiler/ast library.
postInstall = ''
pushd $out/bin
for link in preserves_decode preserves_from_json preserves_to_json;
do ln -s preserves_encode $link
mv preserves_schemac preserves-schemac

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../nim
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../npeg/src

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
"depends": [
"method": "fetchzip",
"packages": [
"path": "/nix/store/jvrm392g8adfsgf36prgwkbyd7vh5jsw-source",
"ref": "20231006",
"rev": "86ea14d31eea9275e1408ca34e6bfe9c99989a96",
"sha256": "15pcpmnk1bnw3k8769rjzcpg00nahyrypwbxs88jnwr4aczp99j4",
"srcDir": "src",
"url": ""
"method": "fetchzip",
"packages": [
"path": "/nix/store/ffkxmjmigfs7zhhiiqm0iw2c34smyciy-source",
"ref": "1.2.1",
"rev": "26d62fdc40feb84c6533956dc11d5ee9ea9b6c09",
"sha256": "0xpzifjkfp49w76qmaylan8q181bs45anmp46l4bwr3lkrr7bpwh",
"srcDir": "src",
"url": ""

View File

@ -1,61 +1,14 @@
# Emulate Nimble from CycloneDX data at sbom.json.
# Package
import std/json
version = "1.0.0"
author = "Emery Hemingway"
description = "data model and serialization format"
license = "Unlicense"
srcDir = "src"
proc lookupComponent(sbom: JsonNode; bomRef: string): JsonNode =
for c in sbom{"components"}.getElems.items:
if c{"bom-ref"}.getStr == bomRef:
return c
result = newJNull()
bin = @["preserves/preserves_schema_nim", "preserves/private/preserves_encode"]
sbom = "sbom.json".readFile.parseJson
comp = sbom{"metadata", "component"}
bomRef = comp{"bom-ref"}.getStr
version = comp{"version"}.getStr
author = comp{"authors"}[0]{"name"}.getStr
description = comp{"description"}.getStr
license = comp{"licenses"}[0]{"license", "id"}.getStr
# Dependencies
for prop in comp{"properties"}.getElems.items:
let (key, val) = (prop{"name"}.getStr, prop{"value"}.getStr)
case key
of "nim:skipDirs:":
add(skipDirs, val)
of "nim:skipFiles:":
add(skipFiles, val)
of "nim:skipExt":
add(skipExt, val)
of "nim:installDirs":
add(installDirs, val)
of "nim:installFiles":
add(installFiles, val)
of "nim:installExt":
add(installExt, val)
of "nim:binDir":
add(binDir, val)
of "nim:srcDir":
add(srcDir, val)
of "nim:backend":
add(backend, val)
if key.startsWith "nim:bin:":
namedBin[key[8..key.high]] = val
for depend in sbom{"dependencies"}.items:
if depend{"ref"}.getStr == bomRef:
for depRef in depend{"dependsOn"}.items:
let dep = sbom.lookupComponent(depRef.getStr)
var spec = dep{"name"}.getStr
for extRef in dep{"externalReferences"}.elems:
if extRef{"type"}.getStr == "vcs":
spec = extRef{"url"}.getStr
let ver = dep{"version"}.getStr
if ver != "":
if ver.allCharsInSet {'0'..'9', '.'}: spec.add " == "
else: spec.add '#'
spec.add ver
requires spec
requires "nim >= 1.4.8", "compiler >= 1.4.8", "bigints", "npeg"

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
"bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
"specVersion": "1.6",
"metadata": {
"component": {
"type": "application",
"bom-ref": "pkg:nim/preserves",
"name": "preserves",
"description": "data model and serialization format",
"version": "20240523",
"authors": [
"name": "Emery Hemingway"
"licenses": [
"license": {
"id": "Unlicense"
"properties": [
"name": "nim:skipExt",
"value": "nim"
"name": "nim:bin:preserves/private/preserves_encode",
"value": "preserves/private/preserves_encode"
"name": "nim:bin:preserves/preserves_schema_nim",
"value": "preserves/preserves_schema_nim"
"name": "nim:bin:preserves/preserves_schemac",
"value": "preserves/preserves_schemac"
"name": "nim:srcDir",
"value": "src"
"name": "nim:backend",
"value": "c"
"components": [
"type": "library",
"bom-ref": "pkg:nim/npeg",
"name": "npeg",
"version": "1.2.2",
"externalReferences": [
"url": "",
"type": "source-distribution"
"url": "",
"type": "vcs"
"properties": [
"name": "nix:fod:method",
"value": "fetchzip"
"name": "nix:fod:path",
"value": "/nix/store/xpn694ibgipj8xak3j4bky6b3k0vp7hh-source"
"name": "nix:fod:rev",
"value": "ec0cc6e64ea4c62d2aa382b176a4838474238f8d"
"name": "nix:fod:sha256",
"value": "1fi9ls3xl20bmv1ikillxywl96i9al6zmmxrbffx448gbrxs86kg"
"name": "nix:fod:url",
"value": ""
"name": "nix:fod:ref",
"value": "1.2.2"
"name": "nix:fod:srcDir",
"value": "src"
"type": "library",
"bom-ref": "pkg:nim/bigints",
"name": "bigints",
"version": "20231006",
"externalReferences": [
"url": "",
"type": "source-distribution"
"url": "",
"type": "vcs"
"properties": [
"name": "nix:fod:method",
"value": "fetchzip"
"name": "nix:fod:path",
"value": "/nix/store/jvrm392g8adfsgf36prgwkbyd7vh5jsw-source"
"name": "nix:fod:rev",
"value": "86ea14d31eea9275e1408ca34e6bfe9c99989a96"
"name": "nix:fod:sha256",
"value": "15pcpmnk1bnw3k8769rjzcpg00nahyrypwbxs88jnwr4aczp99j4"
"name": "nix:fod:url",
"value": ""
"name": "nix:fod:ref",
"value": "20231006"
"name": "nix:fod:srcDir",
"value": "src"
"dependencies": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/preserves",
"dependsOn": [
"ref": "pkg:nim/npeg",
"dependsOn": []
"ref": "pkg:nim/bigints",
"dependsOn": []

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
´³schema·³version³ definitions·³Ref´³rec´³lit³ref„´³tupleµ´³named³module´³refµ„³
ModulePath„„´³named³name´³atom³Symbol„„„„„³Bundle´³rec´³lit³bundle„´³tupleµ´³named³modules´³refµ„³Modules„„„„„³Schema´³rec´³lit³schema„´³tupleµ´³dict·³version´³named³version´³refµ„³Version„„³ definitions´³named³ definitions´³refµ„³ Definitions„„³ embeddedType´³named³ embeddedType´³refµ„³EmbeddedTypeName„„„„„„„³Binding´³rec´³lit³named„´³tupleµ´³named³name´³atom³Symbol„„´³named³pattern´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„³Modules´³dictof´³refµ„³
ModulePath„´³refµ„³Schema„„³Pattern´³orµµ± SimplePattern´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„µ±CompoundPattern´³refµ„³CompoundPattern„„„„³Version´³lit„³AtomKind´³orµµ±Boolean´³lit³Boolean„„µ±Float´³lit³Float„„µ±Double´³lit³Double„„µ± SignedInteger´³lit³ SignedInteger„„µ±String´³lit³String„„µ±
Definition´³orµµ±or´³rec´³lit³or„´³tupleµ´³ tuplePrefixµ´³named³pattern0´³refµ„³NamedAlternative„„´³named³pattern1´³refµ„³NamedAlternative„„„´³named³patternN´³seqof´³refµ„³NamedAlternative„„„„„„„„µ±and´³rec´³lit³and„´³tupleµ´³ tuplePrefixµ´³named³pattern0´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„´³named³pattern1´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„„´³named³patternN´³seqof´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„„„„„„„µ±Pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„³
ModulePath´³seqof´³atom³Symbol„„³ Definitions´³dictof´³atom³Symbol„´³refµ„³
Definition„„³ NamedPattern´³orµµ±named´³refµ„³Binding„„µ± anonymous´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„³ SimplePattern´³orµµ±any´³lit³any„„µ±atom´³rec´³lit³atom„´³tupleµ´³named³atomKind´³refµ„³AtomKind„„„„„„µ±embedded´³rec´³lit³embedded„´³tupleµ´³named³ interface´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„„µ±lit´³rec´³lit³lit„´³tupleµ´³named³value³any„„„„„µ±seqof´³rec´³lit³seqof„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„„µ±setof´³rec´³lit³setof„´³tupleµ´³named³pattern´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„„µ±dictof´³rec´³lit³dictof„´³tupleµ´³named³key´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„´³named³value´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„„µ±Ref´³refµ„³Ref„„„„³CompoundPattern´³orµµ±rec´³rec´³lit³rec„´³tupleµ´³named³label´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„´³named³fields´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„„„„„µ±tuple´³rec´³lit³tuple„´³tupleµ´³named³patterns´³seqof´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„„„„„„µ± tuplePrefix´³rec´³lit³ tuplePrefix„´³tupleµ´³named³fixed´³seqof´³refµ„³ NamedPattern„„„´³named³variable´³refµ„³NamedSimplePattern„„„„„„µ±dict´³rec´³lit³dict„´³tupleµ´³named³entries´³refµ„³DictionaryEntries„„„„„„„„³EmbeddedTypeName´³orµµ±Ref´³refµ„³Ref„„µ±false´³lit€„„„„³NamedAlternative´³tupleµ´³named³ variantLabel´³atom³String„„´³named³pattern´³refµ„³Pattern„„„„³DictionaryEntries´³dictof³any´³refµ„³NamedSimplePattern„„³NamedSimplePattern´³orµµ±named´³refµ„³Binding„„µ± anonymous´³refµ„³ SimplePattern„„„„„³ embeddedType€„„

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
@<EmacsMode "-*- preserves -*-">
; TODO: some kind of constants
; TODO: rename "version" to "schema-version" ?
version 1 .
Bundle = <bundle @modules Modules>.
Modules = { ModulePath: Schema ...:... }.
Schema = <schema {
version: Version
embeddedType: EmbeddedTypeName
definitions: Definitions
; version 1 .
Version = 1 .
EmbeddedTypeName = Ref / #f.
Definitions = { symbol: Definition ...:... }.
Definition =
; Pattern / Pattern / ...
/ <or [@pattern0 NamedAlternative @pattern1 NamedAlternative @patternN NamedAlternative ...]>
; Pattern & Pattern & ...
/ <and [@pattern0 NamedPattern @pattern1 NamedPattern @patternN NamedPattern ...]>
; Pattern
/ Pattern
Pattern = SimplePattern / CompoundPattern .
SimplePattern =
; any
/ =any
; special builtins: bool, float, double, int, string, bytes, symbol
/ <atom @atomKind AtomKind>
; matches an embedded value in the input: #:p
/ <embedded @interface SimplePattern>
; =symbol, <<lit> any>, or plain non-symbol atom
/ <lit @value any>
; [p ...] ----> <seqof <ref p>>; see also tuplePrefix below.
/ <seqof @pattern SimplePattern>
; #{p} ----> <setof <ref p>>
/ <setof @pattern SimplePattern>
; {k: v, ...:...} ----> <dictof <ref k> <ref v>>
/ <dictof @key SimplePattern @value SimplePattern>
; symbol, symbol.symbol, symbol.symbol.symbol, ...
/ Ref
CompoundPattern =
; <label a b c> ----> <rec <lit label> <tuple [<ref a> <ref b> <ref c>]>>
; except for record labels
; <<rec> x y> ---> <rec <ref x> <ref y>>
/ <rec @label NamedPattern @fields NamedPattern>
; [a b c] ----> <tuple [<ref a> <ref b> <ref c>]>
/ <tuple @patterns [NamedPattern ...]>
; [a b c ...] ----> <tuplePrefix [<ref a> <ref b>] <seqof <ref c>>>
; TODO: [@fixed0 NamedPattern @fixedN NamedPattern ...]
/ <tuplePrefix @fixed [NamedPattern ...] @variable NamedSimplePattern>
; {a: b, c: d} ----> <dict {a: <ref b>, c: <ref d>}>
/ <dict @entries DictionaryEntries>
DictionaryEntries = { any: NamedSimplePattern ...:... }.
AtomKind = =Boolean / =Float / =Double / =SignedInteger / =String / =ByteString / =Symbol .
NamedAlternative = [@variantLabel string @pattern Pattern].
NamedSimplePattern = @named Binding / @anonymous SimplePattern .
NamedPattern = @named Binding / @anonymous Pattern .
Binding = <named @name symbol @pattern SimplePattern>.
Ref = <ref @module ModulePath @name symbol>.
ModulePath = [symbol ...].

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
: preserves.nim |> !nim_check |>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/..
NIM_FLAGS_preserves_schemac += -d:npegDotDir="../.."
: foreach preserves_schema_nim.nim schemaparse.nim |> !nim_bin |> $(BIN_DIR)/%B | $(BIN_DIR)/<%B>
DOT_FILES = ../../ ../../ ../../
: preserves_schemac.nim |> !nim_bin |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves-schemac | $(DOT_FILES) $(BIN_DIR)/<preserves-schemac>
: foreach $(DOT_FILES) |> dot -Tsvg -LO %f > %o |> ../../%B-Grammer-Graph.svg
: foreach *hooks.nim |> !nim_run |>

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/times
import ../preserves
label = "rfc3339"
fullDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
partialTimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
fullTimeFormat = "HH:mm:sszzz"
dateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz"
proc toPreservesHook*(dt: DateTime): Value =
initRecord("rfc3339", toPreserves($dt))
proc fromPreservesHook*(dt: var DateTime; pr: Value): bool =
result = pr.isRecord(label, 1) and pr.record[0].isString
if result:
s = pr.record[0].string
n = len(s)
if n == len(fullDateFormat):
dt = parse(s, fullDateFormat)
elif n == len(partialTimeFormat):
dt = parse(s, partialTimeFormat)
elif len(partialTimeFormat) < n and n <= len(fullTimeFormat):
dt = parse(s, fullTimeFormat)
elif len(fullTimeFormat) < n:
dt = parse(s, dateTimeFormat)
result = false
except ValueError:
result = false
import std/[times, unittest]
import preserves
var a, b: DateTime
a = now()
var pr = a.toPreservesHook()
check b.fromPreservesHook(pr)
check $a == $b

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
../preserves, ./pegs
Frame = tuple[value: Value, pos: int]
Stack = seq[Frame]
proc shrink(stack: var Stack; n: int) = stack.setLen(stack.len - n)
template pushStack(v: Value) = stack.add((v, capture[0].si))
template collectEntries(result: var seq[Value]; stack: var Stack) =
for frame in stack.mitems:
if frame.pos > capture[0].si:
result.add frame.value.move
stack.shrink result.len
proc parseExpressions*(text: string): seq[Value] =
let parser = peg("Document", stack: Stack):
ws <- *{ ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }
Document <- *Expr * ws * !1
Annotation <-
('@' * SimpleExpr) |
('#' * {'\x20', '\x09', '\x21'} * @{'\r','\n'})
Trailer <- *(ws * Annotation)
Expr <- ws * (Punct | SimpleExpr) * Trailer
Punct <- {',', ';'} | +':':
pushStack initRecord("p", toSymbol $0)
SimpleExpr <-
Atom |
Compound |
Embedded |
Embedded <- "#:" * SimpleExpr:
pushstack stack.pop.value.embed
Annotated <- Annotation * SimpleExpr
Compound <- Sequence | Record | Block | Group | Set
Sequence <- '[' * *Expr * ws * ']':
var pr = Value(kind: pkSequence)
collectEntries(pr.sequence, stack)
pushStack pr
Record <- '<' * *Expr * ws * '>':
var pr = Value(kind: pkRecord)
collectEntries(pr.record, stack)
pr.record.add toSymbol"r"
pushStack pr
Block <- '{' * *Expr * ws * '}':
var pr = Value(kind: pkRecord)
collectEntries(pr.record, stack)
pr.record.add toSymbol"b"
pushStack pr
Group <- '(' * *Expr * ws * ')':
var pr = Value(kind: pkRecord)
collectEntries(pr.record, stack)
pr.record.add toSymbol"g"
pushStack pr
Set <- "#{" * *Expr * ws * '}':
var pr = Value(kind: pkRecord)
collectEntries(pr.record, stack)
pr.record.add toSymbol"s"
pushStack pr
Atom <- Preserves.Atom:
pushStack parsePreserves($0)
var stack: Stack
let match = parser.match(text, stack)
if not match.ok:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse Preserves Expressions:\n" & text[match.matchMax..text.high])
result.setLen stack.len
for i, _ in result:
result[i] = move stack[i].value

View File

@ -1,52 +1,47 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[json, tables]
import ../preserves
proc toPreservesHook*(js: JsonNode): Value =
proc toPreserveHook*(js: JsonNode; E: typedesc): Preserve[E] =
case js.kind
of JString:
result = js.str.toPreserves()
result = Preserve[E](kind: pkString, string: js.str)
of JInt:
result = js.num.toPreserves()
result = Preserve[E](kind: pkSignedInteger, int: js.num)
of JFloat:
result = js.fnum.toPreserves()
result = Preserve[E](kind: pkDouble, double: js.fnum)
of JBool:
result = case js.bval
of false: toSymbol("false")
of true: toSymbol("true")
of false: toSymbol("false", E)
of true: toSymbol("true", E)
of JNull:
result = toSymbol("null")
result = toSymbol("null", E)
of JObject:
result = Value(kind: pkDictionary)
result = Preserve[E](kind: pkDictionary)
for key, val in js.fields.pairs:
result[Value(kind: pkSymbol, symbol: Symbol key)] = toPreservesHook(val)
result[Preserve[E](kind: pkString, string: key)] = toPreserveHook(val, E)
of JArray:
result = Value(kind: pkSequence,
sequence: newSeq[Value](js.elems.len))
result = Preserve[E](kind: pkSequence,
sequence: newSeq[Preserve[E]](js.elems.len))
for i, e in js.elems:
result.sequence[i] = toPreservesHook(e)
result.sequence[i] = toPreserveHook(e, E)
proc fromPreservesHook*(js: var JsonNode; pr: Value): bool =
import std/json
var js = JsonNode()
var pr = js.toPreservesHook()
assert js.fromPreservesHook(pr)
fromJsonHook(pr, js)
js = toJsonHook(pr)
case pr.kind:
proc fromPreserveHook*[E](js: var JsonNode; prs: Preserve[E]): bool =
case prs.kind:
of pkBoolean:
js = newJBool(pr.bool)
js = newJBool(prs.bool)
of pkFloat:
js = newJFloat(pr.float)
of pkRegister:
js = newJInt(pr.register)
js = newJFloat(prs.float)
of pkDouble:
js = newJFloat(prs.double)
of pkSignedInteger:
js = newJInt(
of pkString:
js = newJString(pr.string)
js = newJString(prs.string)
of pkSymbol:
case pr.symbol.string
case prs.symbol
of "false":
js = newJBool(false)
of "true":
@ -57,38 +52,31 @@ proc fromPreservesHook*(js: var JsonNode; pr: Value): bool =
return false
of pkSequence:
js = newJArray()
for i, val in pr.sequence:
if not js.elems[i].fromPreservesHook(val):
for i, val in prs.sequence:
if not fromPreserve(js.elems[i], val):
return false
of pkSet:
js = newJArray()
var i: int
for val in pr.set:
if not js.elems[i].fromPreservesHook(val):
return false
inc i
of pkDictionary:
js = newJObject()
for (key, val) in pr.dict.items:
case key.kind
of pkSymbol:
var jsVal: JsonNode
if not jsVal.fromPreservesHook(val): return false
js[string key.symbol] = jsVal
of pkString:
var jsVal: JsonNode
if not jsVal.fromPreservesHook(val): return false
js[key.string] = jsVal
for (key, val) in prs.dict.items:
if key.kind != pkString:
return false
var jsVal: JsonNode
if not fromPreserve(jsVal, val): return false
js[key.string] = jsVal
else: return false
proc toJsonHook*(pr: Value): JsonNode =
if not result.fromPreservesHook(pr):
proc toJsonHook*[E](pr: Preserve[E]): JsonNode =
if not fromPreserveHook(result, pr):
raise newException(ValueError, "cannot convert Preserves value to JSON")
proc fromJsonHook*(pr: var Value; js: JsonNode) =
pr = toPreservesHook(js)
proc fromJsonHook*[E](pr: var Preserve[E]; js: JsonNode) =
pr = toPreserveHook(js, E)
when isMainModule:
var js = JsonNode()
var pr = js.toPreserveHook(void)
assert fromPreserveHook(js, pr)
fromJsonHook(pr, js)
js = toJsonHook(pr)

src/preserves/parse.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[base64, parseutils, sets, strutils, tables]
import npeg
import ../preserves, ./pegs
Value = Preserve[void]
Frame = tuple[value: Value, pos: int]
Stack = seq[Frame]
proc shrink(stack: var Stack; n: int) = stack.setLen(stack.len - n)
template pushStack(v: Value) = stack.add((v, capture[0].si))
proc parsePreserves*(text: string): Preserve[void] {.gcsafe.} =
const pegParser = peg("Document", stack: Stack):
# Override rules from pegs.nim
Document <- Preserves.Document
Preserves.Record <- Preserves.Record:
record: seq[Value]
labelOff: int
while stack[labelOff].pos < capture[0].si:
inc labelOff
for i in labelOff.succ..stack.high:
record.add(move stack[i].value)
record.add(move stack[labelOff].value)
stack.shrink record.len
pushStack Value(kind: pkRecord, record: move record)
Preserves.Sequence <- Preserves.Sequence:
var sequence: seq[Value]
for frame in stack.mitems:
if frame.pos > capture[0].si:
sequence.add(move frame.value)
stack.shrink sequence.len
pushStack Value(kind: pkSequence, sequence: move sequence)
Preserves.Dictionary <- Preserves.Dictionary:
var prs = Value(kind: pkDictionary)
for i in countDown(stack.high.pred, 0, 2):
if stack[i].pos < capture[0].si: break
prs[move stack[i].value] = stack[i.succ].value
stack.shrink prs.dict.len*2
pushStack prs
Preserves.Set <- Preserves.Set:
var prs = Value(kind: pkSet)
for frame in stack.mitems:
if frame.pos > capture[0].si:
prs.incl(move frame.value)
stack.shrink prs.set.len
pushStack prs
Preserves.Boolean <- Preserves.Boolean:
case $0
of "#f": pushStack Value(kind: pkBoolean)
of "#t": pushStack Value(kind: pkBoolean, bool: true)
else: discard
Preserves.Float <- Preserves.Float:
pushStack Value(kind: pkFloat, float: parseFloat($1))
Preserves.Double <- Preserves.Double:
pushStack Value(kind: pkDouble)
let i = stack.high
discard parseBiggestFloat($0, stack[i].value.double)
Preserves.SignedInteger <- Preserves.SignedInteger:
pushStack Value(kind: pkSignedInteger, int: parseInt($0))
Preserves.String <- Preserves.String:
pushStack Value(kind: pkString, string: unescape($0))
Preserves.charByteString <- Preserves.charByteString:
let s = unescape($1)
pushStack Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](s))
Preserves.hexByteString <- Preserves.hexByteString:
pushStack Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](parseHexStr($1)))
Preserves.b64ByteString <- Preserves.b64ByteString:
pushStack Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](base64.decode($1)))
Preserves.Symbol <- Preserves.Symbol:
pushStack Value(kind: pkSymbol, symbol: $0)
Preserves.Embedded <- Preserves.Embedded:
var v = stack.pop.value
v.embedded = true
pushStack v
Preserves.Compact <- Preserves.Compact:
pushStack decodePreserves(stack.pop.value.bytes, void)
var stack: Stack
let match = pegParser.match(text, stack)
if not match.ok:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse Preserves:\n" & text[match.matchMax..text.high])
assert(stack.len == 1)
when isMainModule:
assert(parsePreserves("#f") == Preserve())

View File

@ -1,82 +1,72 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
## NPEG rules for Preserves.
## For an explanation of the syntax see
import npeg, npeg/lib/utf8
when defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.}
grammar "Preserves":
ws <- *{ ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }
commas <- *(ws * ',') * ws
delimiter <- {
' ', '\t', '\r', '\n',
'<', '>', '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')',
'#', ':', '"', '|', '@', ';', ','
} | !1
Document <- Value * ws * !1
Atom <- Boolean | Double | DoubleRaw | SignedInteger | String | ByteString | Symbol
Value <-
(ws * (Record | Collection | Atom | Embedded | Compact)) |
(ws * '@' * Value * Value) |
(ws * ';' * @'\n' * Value)
Collection <- Sequence | Dictionary | Set
Value <- ws * (
Record | Collection | Atom | Embedded | Compact |
Annotation |
('#' * @'\n' * Value) )
Atom <- Boolean | Float | Double | SignedInteger | String | ByteString | Symbol
Record <- '<' * +Value * ws * '>'
Record <- '<' * Value * *Value * ws * '>'
Sequence <- '[' * *(commas * Value) * commas * ']'
Sequence <- '[' * ws * *(Value * ws) * ']'
Dictionary <- '{' * *(commas * Value * ws * ':' * Value) * commas * '}'
Dictionary <- '{' * ws * *(Value * ws * ':' * ws * Value * ws) * '}'
Set <- "#{" * *(commas * Value) * commas * '}'
Set <- "#{" * ws * *(Value * ws) * '}'
Boolean <- '#' * {'f', 't'} * &delimiter
Boolean <- "#f" | "#t"
nat <- +Digit
int <- ?('-'|'+') * nat
Float <- >flt * 'f'
Double <- flt
SignedInteger <- int
nat <- '0' | (Digit-'0') * *Digit
int <- ?'-' * nat
frac <- '.' * +Digit
exp <- 'e' * ?('-'|'+') * +Digit
flt <- int * ((frac * exp) | frac | exp)
Double <- >flt * &delimiter
SignedInteger <- int * &delimiter
unescaped <- utf8.any - { '\x00'..'\x19', '"', '\\', '|' }
unicodeEscaped <- 'u' * Xdigit[4]
escaped <- {'\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'}
escape <- '\\'
char <- unescaped | '|' | (escape * (escaped | '"' | unicodeEscaped))
String <- '"' * >(*char) * '"'
binunescaped <- {' '..'!', '#'..'[', ']'..'~'}
binchar <- binunescaped | (escape * (escaped | '"' | ('x' * Xdigit[2])))
stringBody <- ?escape * *( +( {'\x20'..'\xff'} - {'"'} - {'\\'}) * *escape)
String <- '"' * stringBody * '"'
ByteString <- charByteString | hexByteString | b64ByteString
charByteString <- "#\"" * >(*binchar) * '"'
hexByteString <- "#x\"" * >(*(ws * Xdigit[2])) * ws * '"'
charByteString <- '#' * >('"' * >(*binchar) * '"')
hexByteString <- "#x\"" * ws * >(*(Xdigit[2] * ws)) * '"'
b64ByteString <- "#[" * ws * >(*(base64char * ws)) * ']'
binchar <- binunescaped | (escape * (escaped | '"' | ('x' * Xdigit[2])))
binunescaped <- {'\20'..'\21', '#'..'[', ']'..'~'}
base64char <- {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/', '-', '_', '='}
b64ByteString <- "#[" * >(*(ws * base64char)) * ws * ']'
symchar <- (utf8.any - {'\\', '|'}) | (escape * (escaped | unicodeEscaped)) | "\\|"
QuotedSymbol <- '|' * >(*symchar) * '|'
sympunct <- {'~', '!', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '?', '_', '=', '+', '-', '/', '.'}
symuchar <- utf8.any - { 0..127 }
SymbolOrNumber <- >(+(Alpha | Digit | sympunct | symuchar))
Symbol <- QuotedSymbol | (SymbolOrNumber * &delimiter)
Symbol <- (symstart * *symcont) | ('|' * *symchar * '|')
Embedded <- "#:" * Value
symstart <- Alpha | sympunct | symustart
symcont <- Alpha | sympunct | symustart | symucont | Digit | '-'
sympunct <- {'~', '!', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '?', '_', '=', '+', '/', '.'}
symchar <- unescaped | '"' | (escape * (escaped | '|' | ('u' * Xdigit)))
symustart <- utf8.any - {0..127}
symucont <- utf8.any - {0..127}
# TODO: exclude some unicode ranges
Annotation <- '@' * Value * Value
Embedded <- "#!" * Value
Compact <- "#=" * ws * ByteString
DoubleRaw <- "#xd\"" * >((ws * Xdigit[2])[8]) * ws * '"'
unescaped <- utf8.any - escaped
unicodeEscaped <- 'u' * Xdigit[4]
escaped <- '\\' * ({'{', '"', '|', '\\', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'} | unicodeEscaped)
escape <- '\\'
ws <- *(' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' | ',')

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[hashes, os, parseopt, streams, strutils, tables]
import ../preserves, ./schema, ./schemaparse
when isMainModule:
let outStream = newFileStream(stdout)
inputPath = ""
noBundle = false
for kind, key, arg in getopt():
case kind
of cmdEnd: discard
of cmdArgument:
if inputPath != "":
quit "only a single path may specified"
inputPath = key
of cmdLongOption:
if arg != "":
quit("flag does not take an argument: " & key & " " & arg)
case key
of "no-bundle": noBundle = true
else: quit(key & "flag not recognized")
else: quit(key & "flag not recognized")
if inputPath == "":
quit "input file(s) not specified"
if noBundle:
if not fileExists inputPath:
quit(inputPath & " does not exist or is not a file")
var schema = parsePreservesSchema(readFile(inputPath))
write(outStream, schema.toPreserves)
var bundle: Bundle
if not dirExists inputPath:
quit "not a directory of schemas: " & inputPath
for filePath in walkDirRec(inputPath, relative = true):
var (dirPath, fileName, fileExt) = splitFile(filePath)
if fileExt == ".prs":
scm = parsePreservesSchema(readFile(inputPath / filePath))
path: ModulePath
for e in split(dirPath, '/'):
if e != "": add(path, Symbol e)
add(path, Symbol fileName)
bundle.modules[path] = scm
if bundle.modules.len == 0:
quit "no schemas parsed"
write(outStream, bundle.toPreserves)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
GROUP = $(BIN_DIR)/<preserves_encode>
: preserves_encode.nim |> !nim |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_encode | $(GROUP) {bin}
!link = |> ^o symlink %o^ ln -s preserves_encode %o |> | $(GROUP)
: {bin} |> !link |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_decode
: {bin} |> !link |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_from_json
: {bin} |> !link |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_from_xml
: {bin} |> !link |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_to_json
: {bin} |> !link |> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves_to_xml

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, endians, options, streams, strutils]
import bigints
import ./decoding, ./parsing, ./values
type BufferedDecoder* = object
## Type for buffering binary Preserves before decoding.
stream: StringStream
appendPosition, decodePosition, maxSize: int
proc newBufferedDecoder*(maxSize = 4096): BufferedDecoder =
## Create a new `newBufferedDecoder`.
buf = newBufferedDecoder()
bin = encode(parsePreserves("<foobar>"))
var (success, pr) = decode(buf)
assert success
assert $pr == "<foobar>"
stream: newStringStream(newStringOfCap(maxSize)),
maxSize: maxSize,
proc feed*(dec: var BufferedDecoder; buf: pointer; len: int) =
assert len > 0
if dec.maxSize > 0 and dec.maxSize < (dec.appendPosition + len):
raise newException(IOError, "BufferedDecoder at maximum buffer size"), len)
inc(dec.appendPosition, len)
assert dec.appendPosition ==
proc feed*[T: byte|char](dec: var BufferedDecoder; data: openarray[T]) =
if data.len > 0:
dec.feed(addr data[0], data.len)
proc feed*[T: byte|char](dec: var BufferedDecoder; data: openarray[T]; slice: Slice[int]) =
let n = slice.b + 1 - slice.a
if n > 0:
dec.feed(addr data[slice.a], n)
proc decode*(dec: var BufferedDecoder): Option[Value] =
## Decode from `dec`. If decoding fails the internal position of the
## decoder does not advance.
if dec.appendPosition > 0:
assert(dec.decodePosition < dec.appendPosition)
result =
dec.decodePosition =
if dec.decodePosition == dec.appendPosition:
dec.appendPosition = 0
dec.decodePosition = 0
except IOError:
proc parse*(dec: var BufferedDecoder): Option[Value] =
## Parse from `dec`. If parsing fails the internal position of the
## decoder does not advance.
if dec.appendPosition > 0:
assert(dec.decodePosition < dec.appendPosition)
result =
dec.decodePosition =
if dec.decodePosition == dec.appendPosition:
dec.appendPosition = 0
dec.decodePosition = 0
except IOError, ValueError:

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[endians, options, streams, strutils]
import bigints
import ./values
proc readVarint(s: Stream): uint =
shift = 0
c = uint s.readUint8
while (c and 0x80) == 0x80:
result = result or ((c and 0x7f) shl shift)
inc(shift, 7)
c = uint s.readUint8
result = result or (c shl shift)
proc decodePreserves*(s: Stream): Value {.gcsafe.}
proc decodePreserves(s: Stream; tag: uint8): Value =
## Decode a Preserves value from a binary-encoded stream.
const endMarker = 0x84
case tag
of 0x80: return Value(kind: pkBoolean, bool: false)
of 0x81: return Value(kind: pkBoolean, bool: true)
else: discard
if s.atEnd:
raise newException(IOError, "End of Preserves stream")
case tag
of 0x85:
discard decodePreserves(s)
result = decodePreserves(s)
of 0x86:
result = decodePreserves(s)
result.embedded = true
of 0x87:
result = Value(kind: pkFloat)
var N: int
let n = int s.readUint8()
case n
of 4:
buf: uint32
float: float32
N = s.readData(addr buf, sizeof(buf))
bigEndian32(addr float, addr buf)
result.float = BiggestFloat float
of 8:
var buf: uint64
N = s.readData(addr buf, sizeof(buf))
bigEndian64(addr result.float, addr buf)
raise newException(IOError, "unhandled IEEE754 value of " & $n & " bytes")
if N != n: raise newException(IOError, "short read")
of 0xb0:
var n = int s.readVarint()
if n <= sizeof(int):
result = Value(kind: pkRegister)
if n > 0:
buf: array[sizeof(int), byte]
off = buf.len - n
if s.readData(addr buf[off], n) != n:
raise newException(IOError, "short read")
if off > 0:
var fill: uint8 = if (buf[off] and 0x80) == 0x80'u8: 0xff else: 0x00'u8
for i in 0..<off: buf[i] = fill
when buf.len == 4:
bigEndian32(addr result.register, addr buf[0])
elif buf.len == 8:
bigEndian64(addr result.register, addr buf[0])
else: {.error: "int size " & $buf.len & " not supported here".}
result = Value(kind: pkBigInt)
var buf = newSeq[byte](n)
if s.readData(addr buf[0], buf.len) != n:
raise newException(IOError, "short read")
if (buf[0] and 0x80) == 0x80:
for i, b in buf: buf[i] = not b
result.bigint.fromBytes(buf, bigEndian)
result.bigint = -(result.bigint.succ)
result.bigint.fromBytes(buf, bigEndian)
of 0xb1:
result = Value(kind: pkString, string: newString(s.readVarint()))
if result.string.len > 0:
if s.readData(addr result.string[0], result.string.len) != result.string.len:
raise newException(IOError, "short read")
of 0xb2:
var data = newSeq[byte](s.readVarint())
if data.len > 0:
let n = s.readData(addr data[0], data.len)
if n != data.len:
raise newException(IOError, "short read")
result = Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: data)
of 0xb3:
var data = newString(s.readVarint())
if data.len > 0:
let n = s.readData(addr data[0], data.len)
if n != data.len:
raise newException(IOError, "short read")
result = Value(kind: pkSymbol, symbol: Symbol data)
of 0xb4:
result = Value(kind: pkRecord)
var label = decodePreserves(s)
var tag = s.readUint8()
while tag != endMarker:
result.record.add decodePreserves(s, tag)
tag = s.readUint8()
result.record.add(move label)
of 0xb5:
result = Value(kind: pkSequence)
var tag = s.readUint8()
while tag != endMarker:
result.sequence.add decodePreserves(s, tag)
tag = s.readUint8()
of 0xb6:
result = Value(kind: pkSet)
var tag = s.readUint8()
while tag != endMarker:
incl(result, decodePreserves(s, tag))
tag = s.readUint8()
of 0xb7:
result = Value(kind: pkDictionary)
var tag = s.readUint8()
while tag != endMarker:
result[decodePreserves(s, tag)] = decodePreserves(s)
tag = s.readUint8()
of endMarker:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid Preserves stream")
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid Preserves tag byte 0x" & tag.toHex(2))
proc decodePreserves*(s: Stream): Value {.gcsafe.} =
## Decode a Preserves value from a binary-encoded stream.
s.decodePreserves s.readUint8()
proc decodePreserves*(s: string): Value =
## Decode a string of binary-encoded Preserves.
proc decodePreserves*(s: seq[byte]): Value =
## Decode a byte-string of binary-encoded Preserves.

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[algorithm, assertions, endians, streams]
import bigints
import ./values
proc writeVarint(s: Stream; n: Natural) =
var n = n
while n > 0x7f:
s.write(uint8 n or 0x80)
n = n shr 7
s.write(uint8 n and 0x7f)
proc write*(str: Stream; pr: Value) =
## Write the binary-encoding of a Preserves value to a stream.
if pr.embedded: str.write(0x86'u8)
case pr.kind:
of pkBoolean:
case pr.bool
of false: str.write(0x80'u8)
of true: str.write(0x81'u8)
of pkFloat:
when system.cpuEndian == bigEndian:
var be: float64
swapEndian64(be.addr, pr.float.unsafeAddr)
of pkRegister:
if pr.register == 0: str.write("\xb0\x00")
const bufLen = sizeof(int)
var buf: array[bufLen, byte]
when bufLen == 4: bigEndian32(addr buf[0], addr pr.register)
elif bufLen == 8: bigEndian64(addr buf[0], addr pr.register)
else: {.error: "int size " & $bufLen & " not supported here".}
if buf[0] != 0x00 and buf[0] != 0xff:
str.write(cast[string](buf)) # dumbass hex conversion
var start = 0
while start < buf.high and buf[0] == buf[succ start]: inc start
if start < buf.high and (buf[succ start] and 0x80) == (buf[0] and 0x80): inc start
str.write(uint8(bufLen - start))
of pkBigInt:
if pr.bigint.isZero: str.write("\xb0\x00")
elif pr.bigint.isNegative:
var buf = pr.bigint.succ.toBytes(bigEndian)
for i, b in buf: buf[i] = not b
if (buf[0] and 0x80) != 0x80:
var buf = pr.bigint.toBytes(bigEndian)
if (buf[0] and 0x80) != 0:
of pkString:
of pkByteString:
of pkSymbol:
str.write(string pr.symbol)
of pkRecord:
assert(pr.record.len > 0)
for i in 0..<pr.record.high:
of pkSequence:
for e in pr.sequence:
of pkSet:
for val in pr.set.items:
of pkDictionary:
keyIndices = newSeqOfCap[(string, int)](pr.dict.len)
keyBuffer = newStringStream()
for i in
keyIndices.add((, i))
# add each encoded key and its index to the seq
sort(keyIndices) do (a, b: (string, int)) -> int:
cmp(a[0], b[0])
# sort the seq by encoded keys
for (keyBytes, i) in keyIndices:
# encode the values in sorted key order
of pkEmbedded:
# str.write(0x86'u8)
raise newException(ValueError, "cannot encode an embedded object")
proc encode*(pr: Value): seq[byte] =
## Return the binary-encoding of a Preserves value.
let s = newStringStream()
s.write pr
result = cast[seq[byte]](move

View File

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
import std/[assertions, macros]
nnkPragmaCallKinds = {nnkExprColonExpr, nnkCall, nnkCallStrLit}
proc extractTypeImpl(n: NimNode): NimNode =
## attempts to extract the type definition of the given symbol
case n.kind
of nnkSym: # can extract an impl
result = n.getImpl.extractTypeImpl()
of nnkObjectTy, nnkRefTy, nnkPtrTy: result = n
of nnkBracketExpr:
if n.typeKind == ntyTypeDesc:
result = n[1].extractTypeImpl()
doAssert n.typeKind == ntyGenericInst
result = n[0].getImpl()
of nnkTypeDef:
result = n[2]
else: error("Invalid node to retrieve type implementation of: " & $n.kind)
proc customPragmaNode(n: NimNode): NimNode =
expectKind(n, {nnkSym, nnkDotExpr, nnkBracketExpr, nnkTypeOfExpr, nnkType, nnkCheckedFieldExpr})
typ = n.getTypeInst()
if typ.kind == nnkBracketExpr and typ.len > 1 and typ[1].kind == nnkProcTy:
return typ[1][1]
elif typ.typeKind == ntyTypeDesc:
typ = typ[1]
while kind(typ) == nnkBracketExpr:
typ = typ[0]
let impl = getImpl(typ)
if impl.kind == nnkNilLit:
return impl
elif impl[0].kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
return impl[0][1]
return impl[0] # handle types which don't have macro at all
if n.kind == nnkSym: # either an variable or a proc
let impl = n.getImpl()
if impl.kind in RoutineNodes:
return impl.pragma
elif impl.kind == nnkIdentDefs and impl[0].kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
return impl[0][1]
let timpl = typ.getImpl()
if timpl.len>0 and timpl[0].len>1:
return timpl[0][1]
return timpl
if n.kind in {nnkDotExpr, nnkCheckedFieldExpr}:
let name = $(if n.kind == nnkCheckedFieldExpr: n[0][1] else: n[1])
var typInst = getTypeInst(if n.kind == nnkCheckedFieldExpr or n[0].kind == nnkHiddenDeref: n[0][0] else: n[0])
while typInst.kind in {nnkVarTy, nnkBracketExpr}:
typInst = typInst[0]
var typDef = getImpl(typInst)
while typDef != nil:
let typ = typDef[2].extractTypeImpl()
if typ.kind notin {nnkRefTy, nnkPtrTy, nnkObjectTy}: break
let isRef = typ.kind in {nnkRefTy, nnkPtrTy}
if isRef and typ[0].kind in {nnkSym, nnkBracketExpr}: # defines ref type for another object(e.g. X = ref X)
typDef = getImpl(typ[0])
else: # object definition, maybe an object directly defined as a ref type
obj = (if isRef: typ[0] else: typ)
var identDefsStack = newSeq[NimNode](obj[2].len)
for i in 0..<identDefsStack.len: identDefsStack[i] = obj[2][i]
while identDefsStack.len > 0:
var identDefs = identDefsStack.pop()
case identDefs.kind
of nnkRecList:
for child in identDefs.children:
of nnkRecCase:
# Add condition definition
# Add branches
for i in 1 ..< identDefs.len:
for i in 0 .. identDefs.len - 3:
let varNode = identDefs[i]
if varNode.kind == nnkPragmaExpr:
var varName = varNode[0]
if varName.kind == nnkPostfix:
# This is a public field. We are skipping the postfix *
varName = varName[1]
if eqIdent($varName, name):
return varNode[1]
if obj[1].kind == nnkOfInherit: # explore the parent object
typDef = getImpl(obj[1][0])
typDef = nil
macro hasCustomPragma*(n: typed, cp: typed{nkSym}): untyped =
## Expands to `true` if expression `n` which is expected to be `nnkDotExpr`
## (if checking a field), a proc or a type has custom pragma `cp`.
## See also `getCustomPragmaVal`.
## .. code-block:: nim
## template myAttr() {.pragma.}
## type
## MyObj = object
## myField {.myAttr.}: int
## proc myProc() {.myAttr.} = discard
## var o: MyObj
## assert(o.myField.hasCustomPragma(myAttr))
## assert(myProc.hasCustomPragma(myAttr))
let pragmaNode = customPragmaNode(n)
for p in pragmaNode:
if (p.kind == nnkSym and p == cp) or
(p.kind in nnkPragmaCallKinds and p.len > 0 and p[0].kind == nnkSym and p[0] == cp):
return newLit(true)
return newLit(false)
macro getCustomPragmaVal*(n: typed, cp: typed{nkSym}): untyped =
## Expands to value of custom pragma `cp` of expression `n` which is expected
## to be `nnkDotExpr`, a proc or a type.
## See also `hasCustomPragma`
## .. code-block:: nim
## template serializationKey(key: string) {.pragma.}
## type
## MyObj {.serializationKey: "mo".} = object
## myField {.serializationKey: "mf".}: int
## var o: MyObj
## assert(o.myField.getCustomPragmaVal(serializationKey) == "mf")
## assert(o.getCustomPragmaVal(serializationKey) == "mo")
## assert(MyObj.getCustomPragmaVal(serializationKey) == "mo")
result = nil
let pragmaNode = customPragmaNode(n)
for p in pragmaNode:
if p.kind in nnkPragmaCallKinds and p.len > 0 and p[0].kind == nnkSym and p[0] == cp:
if p.len == 2 or (p.len == 3 and p[1].kind == nnkSym and p[1].symKind == nskType):
result = p[1]
let def = p[0].getImpl[3]
result = newTree(nnkPar)
for i in 1 ..< def.len:
let key = def[i][0]
let val = p[i]
result.add newTree(nnkExprColonExpr, key, val)
if result.kind == nnkEmpty:
error(n.repr & " doesn't have a pragma named " & cp.repr()) # returning an empty node results in most cases in a cryptic error,

View File

@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, base64, options, parseutils, strutils, unicode]
from std/sequtils import insert
import bigints, npeg
import ../pegs
import ./decoding, ./values
Frame = tuple[value: Value, pos: int]
Stack = seq[Frame]
proc shrink(stack: var Stack; n: int) = stack.setLen(stack.len - n)
template pushStack(v: Value) = stack.add((v, capture[0].si))
proc joinWhitespace(s: string): string =
result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
for token, isSep in tokenize(s, Whitespace + {','}):
if not isSep: add(result, token)
template unescape*(buf: var string; capture: string) =
var i: int
while i < len(capture):
if capture[i] == '\\':
case capture[i]
of '\\': add(buf, char 0x5c)
of '/': add(buf, char 0x2f)
of 'b': add(buf, char 0x08)
of 'f': add(buf, char 0x0c)
of 'n': add(buf, char 0x0a)
of 'r': add(buf, char 0x0d)
of 't': add(buf, char 0x09)
of '"': add(buf, char 0x22)
of 'u':
var short: uint16
discard parseHex(capture, short, i, 4)
inc(i, 3)
if (short shr 15) == 0:
add(buf, Rune(short).toUtf8)
elif (short shr 10) == 0b110110:
if i+6 >= capture.len:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid UTF-16 surrogate pair")
var rune = uint32(short shl 10) + 0x10000
validate(capture[i+1] == '\\')
validate(capture[i+2] == 'u')
inc(i, 3)
discard parseHex(capture, short, i, 4)
if (short shr 10) != 0b110111:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid UTF-16 surrogate pair")
inc(i, 3)
rune = rune or (short and 0b1111111111)
#add(buf, Rune(rune).toUTF8)
let j = buf.len
rune.Rune.fastToUTF8Copy(buf, j, false)
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid UTF-16 escape sequence " & capture)
add(buf, capture[i])
template unescape(buf: var seq[byte]; capture: string) =
var i: int
while i < len(capture):
if capture[i] == '\\':
case capture[i]
of '\\': add(buf, 0x5c'u8)
of '/': add(buf, 0x2f'u8)
of 'b': add(buf, 0x08'u8)
of 'f': add(buf, 0x0c'u8)
of 'n': add(buf, 0x0a'u8)
of 'r': add(buf, 0x0d'u8)
of 't': add(buf, 0x09'u8)
of '"': add(buf, 0x22'u8)
of 'x':
var b: byte
discard parseHex(capture, b, i, 2)
add(buf, b)
add(buf, byte capture[i])
proc pushHexNibble[T](result: var T; c: char) =
var n = case c
of '0'..'9': T(ord(c) - ord('0'))
of 'a'..'f': T(ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
of 'A'..'F': T(ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
else: return
result = (result shl 4) or n
proc parsePreserves*(text: string): Value =
## Parse a text-encoded Preserves `string` to a Preserves `Value`.
let pegParser = peg("Document", stack: Stack):
# Override rules from pegs.nim
Document <- Preserves.Document
Preserves.Record <- Preserves.Record:
record: seq[Value]
labelOff: int
while stack[labelOff].pos < capture[0].si:
inc labelOff
for i in labelOff.succ..stack.high:
record.add(move stack[i].value)
record.add(move stack[labelOff].value)
stack.shrink record.len
pushStack Value(kind: pkRecord, record: move record)
Preserves.Sequence <- Preserves.Sequence:
var sequence: seq[Value]
for frame in stack.mitems:
if frame.pos > capture[0].si:
sequence.add(move frame.value)
stack.shrink sequence.len
pushStack Value(kind: pkSequence, sequence: move sequence)
Preserves.Dictionary <- Preserves.Dictionary:
var prs = Value(kind: pkDictionary)
for i in countDown(stack.high.pred, 0, 2):
if stack[i].pos < capture[0].si: break
val = stack.pop.value
key = stack.pop.value
for j in 0..prs.dict.high:
validate(prs.dict[j].key != key)
prs[key] = val
pushStack prs
Preserves.Set <- Preserves.Set:
var prs = Value(kind: pkSet)
for frame in stack.mitems:
if frame.pos > capture[0].si:
for e in prs.set: validate(e != frame.value)
prs.incl(move frame.value)
stack.shrink prs.set.len
pushStack prs
Preserves.Boolean <- Preserves.Boolean:
case $0
of "#f": pushStack Value(kind: pkBoolean)
of "#t": pushStack Value(kind: pkBoolean, bool: true)
else: discard
Preserves.Double <- Preserves.Double:
pushStack Value(kind: pkFloat, float: parseFloat($1))
Preserves.DoubleRaw <- Preserves.DoubleRaw:
var reg: uint64
for c in $1: pushHexNibble(reg, c)
pushStack Value(kind: pkFloat, float: cast[float64](reg))
Preserves.SignedInteger <- Preserves.SignedInteger:
big = initBigInt($0)
small = toInt[int](big)
if small.isSome:
pushStack Value(kind: pkRegister, register: small.get)
pushStack Value(kind: pkBigInt, bigint: big)
Preserves.String <- Preserves.String:
var v = Value(kind: pkString, string: newStringOfCap(len($1)))
unescape(v.string, $1)
if validateUtf8(v.string) != -1:
raise newException(ValueError, "Preserves text contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence")
pushStack v
Preserves.charByteString <- Preserves.charByteString:
var v = Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: newSeqOfCap[byte](len($1)))
unescape(v.bytes, $1)
pushStack v
Preserves.hexByteString <- Preserves.hexByteString:
pushStack Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](parseHexStr(joinWhitespace($1))))
Preserves.b64ByteString <- Preserves.b64ByteString:
pushStack Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](base64.decode(joinWhitespace($1))))
Preserves.Symbol <- Preserves.Symbol:
var buf = newStringOfCap(len($1))
unescape(buf, $1)
pushStack Value(kind: pkSymbol, symbol: Symbol buf)
Preserves.Embedded <- Preserves.Embedded:
var v = stack.pop.value
v.embedded = true
pushStack v
Preserves.Annotation <- Preserves.Annotation:
var val = stack.pop.value
discard stack.pop.value
pushStack val
Preserves.Compact <- Preserves.Compact:
pushStack decodePreserves(stack.pop.value.bytes)
var stack: Stack
let match = pegParser.match(text, stack)
if not match.ok:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse Preserves:\n" & text[match.matchMax..text.high])
assert(stack.len == 1)
proc parsePreservesAtom*(text: string): Atom =
## Parse a text-encoded Preserves `string` to a Preserves `Atom`.
let pegParser = peg("Atom", a: Atom):
# Override rules from pegs.nim
Atom <- ?"#:" * Preserves.Atom
Preserves.Boolean <- Preserves.Boolean:
case $0
of "#f": a = Atom(kind: pkBoolean)
of "#t": a = Atom(kind: pkBoolean, bool: true)
else: discard
Preserves.Float <- Preserves.Float:
a = Atom(kind: pkFloat)
validate(parseBiggestFloat($0, a.float) == len($0))
Preserves.FloatRaw <- Preserves.FloatRaw:
var reg: uint64
for c in $1: pushHexNibble(reg, c)
a = Atom(kind: pkFloat, float: cast[float64](reg))
Preserves.SignedInteger <- Preserves.SignedInteger:
big = initBigInt($0)
small = toInt[int](big)
if small.isSome:
a = Atom(kind: pkRegister, register: small.get)
a = Atom(kind: pkBigInt, bigint: big)
Preserves.String <- Preserves.String:
a = Atom(kind: pkString, string: newStringOfCap(len($1)))
unescape(a.string, $1)
if validateUtf8(a.string) != -1:
raise newException(ValueError, "Preserves text contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence")
Preserves.charByteString <- Preserves.charByteString:
a = Atom(kind: pkByteString, bytes: newSeqOfCap[byte](len($1)))
unescape(a.bytes, $1)
Preserves.hexByteString <- Preserves.hexByteString:
a = Atom(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](parseHexStr(joinWhitespace($1))))
Preserves.b64ByteString <- Preserves.b64ByteString:
a = Atom(kind: pkByteString, bytes: cast[seq[byte]](base64.decode(joinWhitespace($1))))
Preserves.Symbol <- Preserves.Symbol:
var buf = newStringOfCap(len($1))
unescape(buf, $1)
a = Atom(kind: pkSymbol, symbol: Symbol buf)
if not pegParser.match(text, result).ok:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse Preserves atom: " & text)

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[json, options, streams, xmlparser, xmltree]
import std/[json, options, streams]
from std/os import extractFilename, paramStr
import ../../preserves, ../jsonhooks, ../xmlhooks
import ../../preserves, ../../preserves/jsonhooks, ../../preserves/parse
when isMainModule:
let command = extractFilename(paramStr 0)
@ -19,28 +19,16 @@ when isMainModule:
of "preserves_from_json":
js = stdin.newFileStream.parseJson
pr = js.toPreserves
of "preserves_from_xml":
xn = stdin.newFileStream.parseXml
pr = xn.toPreservesHook()
pr = js.toPreserve
of "preserves_to_json":
pr = stdin.readAll.decodePreserves
js = preservesTo(pr, JsonNode)
js = preserveTo(pr, JsonNode)
if js.isSome:
stdout.writeLine(get js)
quit("Preserves not convertable to JSON")
of "preserves_to_xml":
let pr = stdin.readAll.decodePreserves
var xn: XmlNode
if fromPreserves(xn, pr):
quit("Preserves not convertable to XML")
quit("no behavior defined for " & command)

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[assertions, base64, endians, sequtils, streams, strutils]
when not defined(nimNoLibc):
import std/math
import bigints
import ./values
const hexAlphabet = "0123456789abcdef"
type TextMode* = enum textPreserves, textJson
template writeEscaped(stream: Stream; text: string; delim: char) =
const escaped = { '"', '\\', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' }
i: int
c: char
while i < text.len:
c = text[i]
case c
of delim:
write(stream, '\\')
write(stream, delim)
of '\\': write(stream, "\\\\")
of '\b': write(stream, "\\b")
of '\f': write(stream, "\\f")
of '\n': write(stream, "\\n")
of '\r': write(stream, "\\r")
of '\t': write(stream, "\\t")
of { '\x00'..'\x1f', '\x7f' } - escaped:
# do not use \x__ notation because
# it is a subset of \u____.
write(stream, "\\u00")
write(stream, c.uint8.toHex(2))
else: write(stream, c)
inc i
proc writeSymbol(stream: Stream; sym: string) =
if sym.len > 0 and sym[0] in {'A'..'z'} and not sym.anyIt(char(it) in { '\x00'..'\x19', '"', '\\', '|' }):
write(stream, sym)
write(stream, '|')
writeEscaped(stream, sym, '|')
write(stream, '|')
proc writeFloatBytes(stream: Stream; f: float) =
var buf: array[8, byte]
bigEndian64(addr buf[0], addr f)
write(stream, "#xd\"")
for b in buf:
write(stream, hexAlphabet[b shr 4])
write(stream, hexAlphabet[b and 0xf])
write(stream, '"')
proc writeText*(stream: Stream; pr: Value; mode = textPreserves) =
## Encode Preserves to a `Stream` as text.
if pr.embedded: write(stream, "#:")
case pr.kind:
of pkBoolean:
case pr.bool
of false: write(stream, "#f")
of true: write(stream, "#t")
of pkFloat:
when defined(nimNoLibc):
writeFloatBytes(stream, pr.float)
# IEE754-to-decimal is non-trivial
if pr.float.classify in {fcNormal, fcZero, fcNegZero}:
write(stream, $pr.float)
writeFloatBytes(stream, pr.float)
of pkRegister:
write(stream, $pr.register)
of pkBigInt:
write(stream, $pr.bigint)
of pkString:
write(stream, '"')
writeEscaped(stream, pr.string, '"')
write(stream, '"')
of pkByteString:
if pr.bytes.allIt(char(it) in {' '..'!', '#'..'~'}):
write(stream, "#\"")
write(stream, cast[string](pr.bytes))
write(stream, '"')
if pr.bytes.len > 64:
write(stream, "#[") #]#
write(stream, base64.encode(pr.bytes))
write(stream, ']')
write(stream, "#x\"")
for b in pr.bytes:
write(stream, hexAlphabet[ shr 4])
write(stream, hexAlphabet[ and 0xf])
write(stream, '"')
of pkSymbol:
writeSymbol(stream, pr.symbol.string)
of pkRecord:
assert(pr.record.len > 0)
write(stream, '<')
writeText(stream, pr.record[pr.record.high], mode)
for i in 0..<pr.record.high:
write(stream, ' ')
writeText(stream, pr.record[i], mode)
write(stream, '>')
of pkSequence:
write(stream, '[')
var insertSeperator: bool
case mode
of textPreserves:
for val in pr.sequence:
if insertSeperator: write(stream, ' ')
else: insertSeperator = true
writeText(stream, val, mode)
of textJson:
for val in pr.sequence:
if insertSeperator: write(stream, ',')
else: insertSeperator = true
writeText(stream, val, mode)
write(stream, ']')
of pkSet:
write(stream, "#{")
var insertSeperator: bool
for val in pr.set.items:
if insertSeperator: write(stream, ' ')
else: insertSeperator = true
writeText(stream, val, mode)
write(stream, '}')
of pkDictionary:
write(stream, '{')
var insertSeperator: bool
case mode
of textPreserves:
for (key, value) in pr.dict.items:
if insertSeperator: write(stream, ' ')
else: insertSeperator = true
writeText(stream, key, mode)
write(stream, ": ")
writeText(stream, value, mode)
of textJson:
for (key, value) in pr.dict.items:
if insertSeperator: write(stream, ',')
else: insertSeperator = true
writeText(stream, key, mode)
write(stream, ':')
writeText(stream, value, mode)
write(stream, '}')
of pkEmbedded:
if not pr.embedded: write(stream, "#:")
if pr.embeddedRef.isNil:
write(stream, "<null>")
when compiles($pr.embed):
write(stream, $pr.embed)
write(stream, "")
proc `$`*(sym: Symbol): string =
var stream = newStringStream()
writeSymbol(stream, sym.string)
result = move
proc `$`*(pr: Value): string =
## Generate the textual representation of ``pr``.
var stream = newStringStream()
writeText(stream, pr, textPreserves)
result = move

View File

@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[algorithm, hashes, options, sets, sequtils, tables]
import bigints
PreserveKind* = enum
pkBoolean, pkFloat, pkRegister, pkBigInt, pkString, pkByteString, pkSymbol,
pkRecord, pkSequence, pkSet, pkDictionary, pkEmbedded
atomKinds* = {pkBoolean, pkFloat, pkRegister, pkBigInt, pkString, pkByteString, pkSymbol}
compoundKinds* = {pkRecord, pkSequence, pkSet, pkDictionary}
type Symbol* = distinct string
proc `<`*(x, y: Symbol): bool {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(x, y: Symbol): bool {.borrow.}
proc hash*(s: Symbol): Hash {.borrow.}
proc len*(s: Symbol): int {.borrow.}
Atom* = object
## Atomic Preserves value.
## Useful when a `const Value` is required.
case kind*: PreserveKind
of pkBoolean:
bool*: bool
of pkFloat:
float*: float
of pkRegister:
register*: int
of pkBigInt:
bigint*: BigInt
of pkString:
string*: string
of pkByteString:
bytes*: seq[byte]
of pkSymbol:
symbol*: Symbol
Value* = object
case kind*: PreserveKind
of pkBoolean:
bool*: bool
of pkFloat:
float*: float
of pkRegister:
register*: int
of pkBigInt:
bigint*: BigInt
of pkString:
string*: string
of pkByteString:
bytes*: seq[byte]
of pkSymbol:
symbol*: Symbol
of pkRecord:
record*: seq[Value] # label is last
of pkSequence:
sequence*: seq[Value]
of pkSet:
set*: seq[Value]
# TODO: HashSet
of pkDictionary:
dict*: seq[DictEntry]
# TODO: Tables
of pkEmbedded:
embeddedRef*: EmbeddedRef
embedded*: bool
## Flag to mark embedded Preserves value
DictEntry* = tuple[key: Value, val: Value]
EmbeddedRef* = ref RootObj
EmbeddedObj* = RootObj
## Object refs embedded in Preserves `Value`s must inherit from `EmbeddedObj`.
## At the moment this is just an alias to `RootObj` but this may change in the future.
func `==`*(x, y: Value): bool =
## Check `x` and `y` for equivalence.
if x.kind == y.kind and x.embedded == y.embedded:
case x.kind
of pkBoolean:
result = x.bool == y.bool
of pkFloat:
result = cast[uint64](x.float) == cast[uint64](y.float)
of pkRegister:
result = x.register == y.register
of pkBigInt:
result = x.bigint == y.bigint
of pkString:
result = x.string == y.string
of pkByteString:
result = x.bytes == y.bytes
of pkSymbol:
result = x.symbol == y.symbol
of pkRecord:
result = x.record.len == y.record.len
for i in 0..x.record.high:
if not result: break
result = result and (x.record[i] == y.record[i])
of pkSequence:
for i, val in x.sequence:
if y.sequence[i] != val: return false
result = true
of pkSet:
result = x.set.len == y.set.len
for i in 0..x.set.high:
if not result: break
result = result and (x.set[i] == y.set[i])
of pkDictionary:
result = x.dict.len == y.dict.len
for i in 0..x.dict.high:
if not result: break
result = result and
(x.dict[i].key == y.dict[i].key) and
(x.dict[i].val == y.dict[i].val)
of pkEmbedded:
result = x.embeddedRef == y.embeddedRef
proc `<`(x, y: string | seq[byte]): bool =
for i in 0 .. min(x.high, y.high):
if x[i] < y[i]: return true
if x[i] != y[i]: return false
x.len < y.len
proc `<`*(x, y: Value): bool =
## Preserves have a total order over values. Check if `x` is ordered before `y`.
if x.embedded != y.embedded:
result = y.embedded
elif x.kind != y.kind:
result = x.kind < y.kind
case x.kind
of pkBoolean:
result = (not x.bool) and y.bool
of pkFloat:
result = x.float < y.float
of pkRegister:
result = x.register < y.register
of pkBigInt:
result = x.bigint < y.bigint
of pkString:
result = x.string < y.string
of pkByteString:
result = x.bytes < y.bytes
of pkSymbol:
result = x.symbol < y.symbol
of pkRecord:
if x.record[x.record.high] < y.record[y.record.high]: return true
for i in 0..<min(x.record.high, y.record.high):
if x.record[i] < y.record[i]: return true
if x.record[i] == y.record[i]: return false
result = x.record.len < y.record.len
of pkSequence:
for i in 0..min(x.sequence.high, y.sequence.high):
if x.sequence[i] < y.sequence[i]: return true
if x.sequence[i] != y.sequence[i]: return false
result = x.sequence.len < y.sequence.len
of pkSet:
for i in 0..min(x.set.high, y.set.high):
if x.set[i] < y.set[i]: return true
if x.set[i] != y.set[i]: return false
result = x.set.len < y.set.len
of pkDictionary:
for i in 0..min(x.dict.high, y.dict.high):
if x.dict[i].key < y.dict[i].key: return true
if x.dict[i].key == y.dict[i].key:
if x.dict[i].val < y.dict[i].val: return true
if x.dict[i].val != y.dict[i].val: return false
result = x.dict.len < y.dict.len
of pkEmbedded:
result = x.embeddedRef < y.embeddedRef
func cmp*(x, y: Value): int =
## Compare by Preserves total ordering.
if x == y: 0
elif x < y: -1
else: 1
proc sort*(pr: var Value) = sort(pr.sequence, cmp)
## Sort a Preserves array by total ordering.
proc hash*(pr: Value): Hash =
## Produce a `Hash` of `pr` for use with a `HashSet` or `Table`.
var h = hash( !& hash(pr.embedded)
case pr.kind
of pkBoolean:
h = h !& hash(pr.bool)
of pkFloat:
h = h !& hash(pr.float)
of pkRegister:
h = h !& hash(pr.register)
of pkBigInt:
h = h !& hash(pr.bigint)
of pkString:
h = h !& hash(pr.string)
of pkByteString:
h = h !& hash(pr.bytes)
of pkSymbol:
h = h !& hash(string pr.symbol)
of pkRecord:
for val in pr.record:
h = h !& hash(val)
of pkSequence:
for val in pr.sequence:
h = h !& hash(val)
of pkSet:
for val in pr.set.items:
h = h !& hash(val)
of pkDictionary:
for (key, val) in pr.dict.items:
h = h !& hash(key) !& hash(val)
of pkEmbedded:
h = h !& hash(cast[uint](addr pr.embeddedRef[]))
proc `[]`*(pr: Value; i: int): Value =
## Select an indexed value from ``pr``.
## Only valid for records and sequences.
case pr.kind
of pkRecord: pr.record[i]
of pkSequence: pr.sequence[i]
raise newException(ValueError, "Preserves value is not indexable")
proc `[]=`*(pr: var Value; i: Natural; val: Value) =
## Assign an indexed value into ``pr``.
## Only valid for records and sequences.
case pr.kind
of pkRecord: pr.record[i] = val
of pkSequence: pr.sequence[i] = val
raise newException(ValueError, "Preserves value is not indexable")
proc `[]=`*(pr: var Value; key, val: Value) =
## Insert `val` by `key` in the Preserves dictionary `pr`.
for i in
if key < pr.dict[i].key:
insert(pr.dict, [(key, val, )], i)
elif key == pr.dict[i].key:
pr.dict[i].val = val
pr.dict.add((key, val, ))
proc incl*(pr: var Value; key: Value) =
## Include `key` in the Preserves set `pr`.
# TODO: binary search
for i in
if key < pr.set[i]:
insert(pr.set, [key], i)
elif key == pr.set[i]:
proc excl*(pr: var Value; key: Value) =
## Exclude `key` from the Preserves set `pr`.
for i in
if pr.set[i] == key:
delete(pr.set, i..i)

View File

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
std/typetraits, preserves, std/tables
Ref* {.preservesRecord: "ref".} = object
`module`*: ModulePath
`name`*: Symbol
`name`* {.preservesSymbol.}: string
ModulePath* = seq[Symbol]
ModulePath* = seq[string]
Bundle* {.preservesRecord: "bundle".} = object
`modules`*: Modules
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ type
CompoundPatternDict* {.preservesRecord: "dict".} = object
`entries`*: DictionaryEntries
`CompoundPattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
`CompoundPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: CompoundPatternKind
of CompoundPatternKind.`rec`:
`rec`*: CompoundPatternRec
@ -45,23 +44,24 @@ type
Modules* = Table[ModulePath, Schema]
EmbeddedTypeNameKind* {.pure.} = enum
`false`, `Ref`
`EmbeddedTypeName`* {.preservesOr.} = object
`Ref`, `false`
`EmbeddedTypeName`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: EmbeddedTypeNameKind
of EmbeddedTypeNameKind.`false`:
`false`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
of EmbeddedTypeNameKind.`Ref`:
`ref`*: Ref
of EmbeddedTypeNameKind.`false`:
`false`* {.preservesLiteral: "#f".}: bool
`AtomKind`* {.preservesOr, pure.} = enum
`Boolean`, `Double`, `SignedInteger`, `String`, `ByteString`, `Symbol`
Definitions* = Table[Symbol, Definition]
DictionaryEntries* = Table[Value, NamedSimplePattern]
`AtomKind`* {.preservesOr.} = enum
`Boolean`, `Float`, `Double`, `SignedInteger`, `String`, `ByteString`,
Definitions* = Table[string, Definition]
DictionaryEntries* = Table[Preserve[void], NamedSimplePattern]
NamedPatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`named`, `anonymous`
`NamedPattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
`NamedPattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: NamedPatternKind
of NamedPatternKind.`named`:
`named`*: Binding
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type
`interface`*: SimplePattern
SimplePatternLit* {.preservesRecord: "lit".} = object
`value`*: Value
`value`*: Preserve[void]
SimplePatternSeqof* {.preservesRecord: "seqof".} = object
`pattern`*: SimplePattern
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ type
`key`*: SimplePattern
`value`*: SimplePattern
`SimplePattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
`SimplePattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: SimplePatternKind
of SimplePatternKind.`any`:
`any`* {.preservesLiteral: "any".}: bool
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ type
NamedSimplePatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`named`, `anonymous`
`NamedSimplePattern`* {.preservesOr.} = object
`NamedSimplePattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: NamedSimplePatternKind
of NamedSimplePatternKind.`named`:
`named`*: Binding
@ -131,23 +131,23 @@ type
DefinitionKind* {.pure.} = enum
`or`, `and`, `Pattern`
DefinitionOrField0* {.preservesTuple.} = object
DefinitionOrData* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`pattern0`*: NamedAlternative
`pattern1`*: NamedAlternative
`patternN`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[NamedAlternative]
DefinitionOr* {.preservesRecord: "or".} = object
`field0`*: DefinitionOrField0
`data`*: DefinitionOrData
DefinitionAndField0* {.preservesTuple.} = object
DefinitionAndData* {.preservesTuple.} = object
`pattern0`*: NamedPattern
`pattern1`*: NamedPattern
`patternN`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[NamedPattern]
DefinitionAnd* {.preservesRecord: "and".} = object
`field0`*: DefinitionAndField0
`data`*: DefinitionAndData
`Definition`* {.preservesOr.} = object
`Definition`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: DefinitionKind
of DefinitionKind.`or`:
`or`*: DefinitionOr
@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ type
`variantLabel`*: string
`pattern`*: Pattern
SchemaField0* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`definitions`*: Definitions
SchemaData* {.preservesDictionary.} = object
`embeddedType`*: EmbeddedTypeName
`version`* {.preservesLiteral: "1".}: tuple[]
`version`* {.preservesLiteral: "1".}: bool
`definitions`*: Definitions
Schema* {.preservesRecord: "schema".} = object
`field0`*: SchemaField0
`data`*: SchemaData
PatternKind* {.pure.} = enum
`SimplePattern`, `CompoundPattern`
`Pattern`* {.acyclic, preservesOr.} = ref object
`Pattern`* {.preservesOr.} = ref object
case orKind*: PatternKind
of PatternKind.`SimplePattern`:
`simplepattern`*: SimplePattern
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ type
Binding* {.preservesRecord: "named".} = object
`name`*: Symbol
`name`* {.preservesSymbol.}: string
`pattern`*: SimplePattern
proc `$`*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules |
@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ proc `$`*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules |
Schema |
Pattern |
Binding): string =
proc encode*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules |
proc encode*[E](x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules |
EmbeddedTypeName |
Definitions |
DictionaryEntries |
@ -212,4 +212,4 @@ proc encode*(x: Ref | ModulePath | Bundle | CompoundPattern | Modules |
Schema |
Pattern |
Binding): seq[byte] =
encode(toPreserve(x, E))

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[strutils, tables]
from std/os import absolutePath, isAbsolute, getCurrentDir, parentDir
import npeg
import ../preserves, ./schema, ./pegs
Stack = seq[tuple[node: Value, pos: int]]
ParseState = object
schema: SchemaField0
stack: Stack
directory: string
template takeStackAt(): seq[Value] =
var nodes = newSeq[Value]()
let pos = capture[0].si
var i: int
while i < p.stack.len and p.stack[i].pos < pos:
inc i
let stop = i
while i < p.stack.len:
nodes.add(move p.stack[i].node)
inc i
template takeStackAfter(): seq[Value] =
var nodes = newSeq[Value]()
let pos = capture[0].si
var i: int
while i < p.stack.len and p.stack[i].pos <= pos:
inc i
let stop = i
while i < p.stack.len:
nodes.add(move p.stack[i].node)
inc i
template popStack(): Value =
assert(p.stack.len > 0, capture[0].s)
assert(capture[0].si <= p.stack[p.stack.high].pos, capture[0].s)
template pushStack(n: Value) =
let pos = capture[0].si
var i: int
while i < p.stack.len and p.stack[i].pos < pos:
inc i
p.stack.add((n, pos))
assert(p.stack.len > 0, capture[0].s)
proc toSymbolLit(s: string): Value =
initRecord(toSymbol"lit", toSymbol s)
proc match(text: string; p: var ParseState)
const parser = peg("Schema", p: ParseState):
Schema <- S * +Clause * !1
Clause <- (Version | EmbeddedTypeName | Include | Definition | +LineComment) * S * '.' * S
Version <- "version" * S * >(*Digit):
if parseInt($1) != 1: fail()
EmbeddedTypeName <- "embeddedType" * S * ("#f" | Ref):
if capture.len == 1:
var r = popStack()
p.schema.embeddedType =
EmbeddedTypeName(orKind: EmbeddedTypeNameKind.Ref)
validate p.schema.embeddedType.`ref`.fromPreserves(r)
Include <- "include" * S * '"' * >(+Preserves.char) * '"':
var path: string
unescape(path, $1)
path = absolutePath(path,
var state = ParseState(
schema: move p.schema,
directory: parentDir path)
match(readFile path, state)
p.schema = move state.schema
Definition <- *LineComment * ?Annotation * id * '=' * S * (OrPattern | AndPattern | Pattern):
if p.schema.definitions.hasKey(Symbol $1):
raise newException(ValueError, "duplicate definition of " & $0)
node = popStack()
def: Definition
if not def.fromPreserves(node):
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to convert " & $1 & " to a Definition: " & $node)
p.schema.definitions[Symbol $1] = def
OrDelim <- *LineComment * '/' * S * *LineComment
OrPattern <- ?OrDelim * AltPattern * +(S * OrDelim * AltPattern):
var node = initRecord(toSymbol("or"), takeStackAt().toPreserves)
pushStack node
AltPattern <-
AltNamed |
AltRecord |
AltRef |
AltNamed <- atId * ?Annotation * Pattern:
var n = toPreserves(@[toPreserves $1] & takeStackAt())
pushStack n
AltRecord <- '<' * id * *NamedPattern * '>':
var n = toPreserves @[
toPreserves $1,
toSymbolLit $1,
initRecord(toSymbol"tuple", toPreserves takeStackAt()))]
pushStack n
AltRef <- Ref:
var r = popStack()
var n = toPreserves @[r[1].symbol.string.toPreserves, r]
pushStack n
AltLiteralPattern <-
>Preserves.Boolean |
>Preserves.Double |
>Preserves.SignedInteger |
>Preserves.String |
'=' * >Preserves.Symbol:
var id = case $1
of "#f": "false"
of "#t": "true"
else: $1
var n = toPreserves @[
toPreserves id,
initRecord(toSymbol"lit", parsePreserves $1)]
pushStack n
AndPattern <- ?'&' * S * NamedPattern * +('&' * S * NamedPattern):
var node = initRecord(toSymbol("and"), toPreserves takeStackAt())
pushStack node
Pattern <- SimplePattern | CompoundPattern
SimplePattern <- (
AnyPattern |
AtomKindPattern |
EmbeddedPattern |
LiteralPattern |
SequenceOfPattern |
SetOfPattern |
DictOfPattern |
Ref ) * S
AnyPattern <- "any":
pushStack toSymbol"any"
AtomKindPattern <- Boolean | Double | SignedInteger | String | ByteString | Symbol
Boolean <- "bool":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"Boolean")
Double <- "double":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"Double")
SignedInteger <- "int":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"SignedInteger")
String <- "string":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"String")
ByteString <- "bytes":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"ByteString")
Symbol <- "symbol":
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"atom", toSymbol"Symbol")
EmbeddedPattern <- "#:" * SimplePattern:
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"embedded", popStack())
pushStack n
LiteralPattern <- ('=' * >symbol) | ("<<lit>" * >Preserves.Value * ">") | >nonSymbolAtom:
pushStack initRecord(toSymbol"lit", parsePreserves($1))
SequenceOfPattern <- '[' * S * SimplePattern * "..." * S * ']':
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"seqof", popStack())
pushStack n
SetOfPattern <- "#{" * S * SimplePattern * '}':
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"setof", popStack())
pushStack n
DictOfPattern <-
'{' * S *
?Annotation * SimplePattern * ':' * S * SimplePattern * "...:..." * S *
val = popStack()
key = popStack()
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"dictof", key, val)
pushStack n
Ref <- >(Alpha * *Alnum) * *('.' * >(*Alnum)):
var path = initSequence()
for i in 1..<capture.len: path.sequence.add(toSymbol capture[i].s)
var name = pop(path.sequence)
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"ref", path, name)
pushStack n
CompoundPattern <- (
RecordPattern |
VariableRecordPattern |
TuplePattern |
VariableTuplePattern |
DictionaryPattern ) * S
RecordPattern <-
("<<rec>" * S * NamedPattern * *NamedPattern * '>') |
('<' * >Value * *(S * NamedPattern) * '>'):
if capture.len == 2:
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"rec",
toSymbolLit $1,
initRecord(toSymbol"tuple", toPreserves takeStackAfter()))
pushStack n
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"rec", takeStackAfter())
pushStack n
VariableRecordPattern <- '<' * >Value * S * *(NamedPattern) * "..." * S * '>':
var fields = takeStackAfter()
var tail = fields.pop
tail[1] = initRecord(toSymbol"seqof", tail[1])
var n = initRecord(
toSymbolLit $1,
initRecord(toSymbol"tuplePrefix", toPreserves fields, tail))
pushStack n
TuplePattern <-
'[' * S * *NamedPattern * ']':
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"tuple", toPreserves takeStackAfter())
pushStack n
VariableTuplePattern <-
'[' * S * *NamedPattern * ?Pattern * "..." * S * ']':
var fields = takeStackAfter()
var tail = fields.pop
tail[1] = initRecord(toSymbol"seqof", tail[1])
var node = initRecord(toSymbol"tuplePrefix", toPreserves fields, tail)
pushStack node
DictionaryPattern <- '{' * S * *(*LineComment * >Value * S * ':' * S * NamedSimplePattern * ?',' * S) * '}':
var dict = initDictionary()
for i in countDown(pred capture.len, 1):
let key = toSymbol capture[i].s
dict[key] = initRecord("named", key, popStack())
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"dict", dict)
pushStack n
NamedPattern <- ((atId * ?Annotation * SimplePattern) | Pattern):
if capture.len > 1:
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"named", toSymbol $1, popStack())
pushStack n
NamedSimplePattern <- ((atId * ?Annotation * SimplePattern) | SimplePattern):
if capture.len > 1:
var n = initRecord(toSymbol"named", toSymbol $1, popStack())
pushStack n
id <- >(Alpha * *Alnum) * S
atId <- ?Annotation * '@' * id
symbol <- Preserves.Symbol
nonSymbolAtom <-
Preserves.Boolean |
Preserves.Double |
Preserves.SignedInteger |
Preserves.String |
Value <- Preserves.Value:
Annotation <- '@' * (Preserves.String | Preserves.Record) * S:
S <- *{ ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }
LineComment <- '#' * @'\n' * S
proc match(text: string; p: var ParseState) =
let match = parser.match(text, p)
if not match.ok:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to parse.\n" & text[0..<match.matchMax])
proc parsePreservesSchema*(text: string; directory = getCurrentDir()): Schema =
## Parse a Preserves schema.
## Schemas in binary encoding should instead be parsed as Preserves
## and converted to `Schema` with `fromPreserve` or `preserveTo`.
assert directory != ""
var p = ParseState(schema: SchemaField0(), directory: directory)
match(text, p)
Schema(field0: p.schema)
when isMainModule:
import std/streams
let txt = readAll stdin
if txt != "":
scm = parsePreservesSchema(txt)
pr = toPreserves scm
stdout.newFileStream.writeText(pr, textPreserves)

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import ../preserves, ./private/macros
proc `%`*(v: bool|SomeFloat|SomeInteger|string|seq[byte]|Symbol): Value {.inline.} = v.toPreserves
# Preserve an atomic Nim value.

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[parseutils, strtabs, xmltree]
import ../preserves
proc toPreservesFromString*(s: string): Value =
# This is a bad and slow thing to do, but that is XML.
case s
of "false", "no", "off":
result = toPreserves(false)
of "true", "yes", "on":
result = toPreserves(true)
n: BiggestInt
f: float
if parseBiggestInt(s, n) == s.len:
result = toPreserves(n)
elif parseHex(s, n) == s.len:
result = toPreserves(n)
elif parseFloat(s, f) == s.len:
result = toPreserves(f)
result = toPreserves(s)
proc toPreservesHook*(xn: XmlNode): Value =
if xn.kind == xnElement:
result = Value(kind: pkRecord)
if not xn.attrs.isNil:
var attrs = initDictionary()
for xk, xv in xn.attrs.pairs:
attrs[toSymbol(xk)] = toPreservesFromString(xv)
var isText = xn.len > 0
# escaped text is broken up and must be concatenated
for child in xn.items:
if child.kind == xnElement:
isText = false
if isText:
for child in xn.items:
case child.kind
of xnElement:
of xnText, xnVerbatimText, xnCData, xnEntity:
of xnComment:
# record labels are stored after the fields
proc toUnquotedString(pr: Value): string {.inline.} =
case pr.kind
of pkString:
of pkBoolean:
if pr.bool: "true" else: "false"
else: $pr
proc fromPreservesHook*(xn: var XmlNode; pr: Value): bool =
if pr.kind == pkRecord and pr.label.kind == pkSymbol:
xn = newElement($pr.label)
var i: int
for e in pr.fields:
if i == 0 and e.kind == pkDictionary:
var pairs = newSeqOfCap[tuple[key, val: string]](e.dict.len)
for key, val in e.dict.items:
pairs.add((key.toUnquotedString, val.toUnquotedString,))
xn.attrs = pairs.toXmlAttributes
elif e.kind == pkString:
xn.add newText(e.string)
var child: XmlNode
result = fromPreservesHook(child, e)
if not result: return
xn.add child
inc i
result = true
when isMainModule:
var xn = newElement("foobar")
var pr = xn.toPreservesHook()
assert fromPreservesHook(xn, pr)

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
NIM_FLAGS_test_samples += -d:upstreamTestfile="$(TUP_CWD)/../../preserves/tests/"
: foreach t*.nim |> !nim_run |> | ../<test>
: $(BIN_DIR)/<preserves-schemac> \
|> $(BIN_DIR)/preserves-schemac --no-bundle ../../preserves/doc/demo.prs | xxd > %o \
|> demo.xxd

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
switch("path", "$projectDir/../src")
switch("path", "$projectDir/../src")

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[options, unittest]
import preserves
suite "BufferedDecoder":
test "half-string":
buf = newBufferedDecoder()
pr = Value(kind: pkByteString, bytes: newSeq[byte](23))
for i, _ in pr.bytes:
pr.bytes[i] = byte(i)
let bin = encode(pr)
for i in 0..32:
checkpoint $i
let j = (i+2) and 0xf
feed(buf, bin[0..<j])
feed(buf, bin[j..bin.high])
var v = decode(buf)
check v.isSome

View File

@ -1,104 +1,47 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[options, tables, unittest, xmlparser, xmltree]
import preserves, preserves/xmlhooks
Route {.preservesRecord: "route".} = object
`transports`*: seq[Value]
`pathSteps`* {.preservesTupleTail.}: seq[Value]
import std/[options, tables, unittest]
import bigints, preserves
suite "conversions":
test "dictionary":
type Bar = tuple
s: string
type Foobar {.preservesDictionary.} = object
a: int
b: seq[int]
c {.preservesEmbedded.}: Bar
d: Option[bool]
e: Option[bool]
a, b: int
c: Bar
c = Foobar(a: 1, b: @[2], c: ("ku", ), e: some(true))
b = toPreserves(c)
a = preservesTo(b, Foobar)
check($b == """{a: 1 b: [2] c: #:["ku"] e: #t}""")
if a.isSome: check(get(a) == c)
c = Foobar(a: 1, b: 2, c: ("ku", ))
b = toPreserve(c)
a = preserveTo(b, Foobar)
check(a.isSome and (get(a) == c))
check(b.kind == pkDictionary)
test "records":
type Bar {.preservesRecord: "bar".} = object
s: string
type Foobar {.preservesRecord: "foo".} = object
a: int
b: seq[int]
a, b: int
c: Bar
tup = Foobar(a: 1, b: @[2], c: Bar(s: "ku", ))
prs = toPreserves(tup)
tup = Foobar(a: 1, b: 2, c: Bar(s: "ku", ))
prs = toPreserve(tup)
check(prs.kind == pkRecord)
check($prs == """<foo 1 [2] <bar "ku">>""")
check(preservesTo(prs, Foobar) == some(tup))
check($prs == """<foo 1 2 <bar "ku">>""")
check(preserveTo(prs, Foobar) == some(tup))
test "tables":
var a: Table[int, string]
for i, s in ["a", "b", "c"]: a[i] = s
let b = toPreserves(a)
check($b == """{0: "a" 1: "b" 2: "c"}""")
let b = toPreserve(a)
check($b == """{0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c"}""")
var c: Table[int, string]
check(fromPreserves(c, b))
check(fromPreserve(c, b))
check(a == c)
test "XML":
var a: XmlNode
var b = parseXML """
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="10cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" version="1.1">
<desc>Example text01 - 'Hello, out there' in blue</desc>
<text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55" fill="blue">
Hello, out there
<!-- Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element -->
<rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2"/>
var pr = toPreserves(b)
checkpoint $pr
check fromPreserves(a, pr)
test "preservesTupleTail":
let pr = parsePreserves """<route [<tcp "localhost" 1024>] <ref {oid: "syndicate" sig: #x"69ca300c1dbfa08fba692102dd82311a"}>>"""
var route: Route
check route.fromPreserves(pr)
test "ebedded":
Foo {.preservesRecord: "foo".} = object
n: int
bar {.preservesEmbedded.}: Bar
Bar = ref object of RootObj
x: int
Baz = ref object of RootObj
x: int
let a = initRecord("foo", 9.toPreserves, embed Bar(x: 768))
checkpoint $a
check a.preservesTo(Foo).isSome
let b = initRecord("foo", 2.toPreserves, embed Baz(x: 999))
checkpoint $b
check not b.preservesTo(Foo).isSome
suite "toPreserve":
template check(p: Value; s: string) =
suite "%":
template check(p: Preserve; s: string) =
test s: check($p == s)
check false.toPreserves, "#f"
check [0, 1, 2, 3].toPreserves, "[0 1 2 3]"
test "toRecord":
let r = toRecord(Symbol"foo", "üks", "kaks", "kolm", {4..7})
check $r == """<foo "üks" "kaks" "kolm" #{4 5 6 7}>"""
check false.toPreserve, "#f"
check [0, 1, 2, 3].toPreserve, "[0 1 2 3]"

tests/test_integers.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import streams, strutils, unittest
import bigints, preserves
suite "native":
let testVectors = @[
(-257, "A1FEFF"),
(-256, "A1FF00"),
(-255, "A1FF01"),
(-254, "A1FF02"),
(-129, "A1FF7F"),
(-128, "A080"),
(-127, "A081"),
(-4, "A0FC"),
(-3, "9D"),
(-2, "9E"),
(-1, "9F"),
(0, "90"),
(1, "91"),
(12, "9C"),
(13, "A00D"),
(127, "A07F"),
(128, "A10080"),
(255, "A100FF"),
(256, "A10100"),
(131072, "A2020000"),
(32767, "A17FFF"),
(32768, "A2008000"),
(65535, "A200FFFF"),
(65536, "A2010000"),
for (num, txt) in testVectors:
test $num:
let x = num.toPreserve
var stream = newStringStream()
let a = txt
let b = stream.readAll.toHex
check(b == a)
let y = stream.decodePreserves()
let a = num
let b =
check(b == a)
suite "big":
let testVectors = @[
for (decimals, hex) in testVectors:
test decimals:
let big = initBigInt(decimals)
let x = big.toPreserve
var stream = newStringStream()
let a = hex
let b = stream.readAll.toHex
check(b == a)
let y = stream.decodePreserves()
let a = big
let b = y.bigint
check(b == a)

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
preserves, preserves/expressions
template testExpr(name, code, cntrl: string) {.dirty.} =
test name:
checkpoint code
pr = parsePreserves cntrl
exprs = parseExpressions code
checkpoint $(exprs.toPreserves)
check exprs.len == 1
let px = exprs[0]
check px == pr
suite "expression":
testExpr "date", """
<date 1821 (lookup-month "February") 3>
""", """
<r date 1821 <g lookup-month "February"> 3>
testExpr "r", "<>", "<r>"
testExpr "begin",
"""(begin (println! (+ 1 2)) (+ 3 4))""",
"""<g begin <g println! <g + 1 2>> <g + 3 4>>"""
testExpr "g",
"""()""", """<g>"""
testExpr "groups",
"""[() () ()]""", """[<g>, <g>, <g>]"""
testExpr "loop", """
# Now enter the loop
loop: {
""", """
setUp <g> <p |;|>
# Now enter the loop
loop <p |:|> <b
greet <g "World"> <p |;|>
tearDown <g> <p |;|>
testExpr "+", """
[1 + 2.0, print "Hello", predicate: #t, foo, #:remote, bar]
""", """
[1 + 2.0 <p |,|> print "Hello" <p |,|> predicate <p |:|> #t <p |,|>
foo <p |,|> #:remote <p |,|> bar]
testExpr "set",
"""#{1 2 3}""", """<s 1 2 3>"""
testExpr "group-set",
"""#{(read) (read) (read)}""",
"""<s <g read> <g read> <g read>>"""
testExpr "block", """
optional name: string,
address: Address,
""", """
optional name <p |:|> string <p |,|>
address <p |:|> Address <p |,|>

View File

@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[strutils, unittest]
import preserves
import preserves, preserves/parse
const examples = [
("""<capture <discard>>""", "\xB4\xB3\x07capture\xB4\xB3\x07discard\x84\x84"),
("""[1 2 3 4]""", "\xB5\xB0\x01\x01\xB0\x01\x02\xB0\x01\x03\xB0\x01\x04\x84"),
("""[-2 -1 0 1]""", "\xB5\xB0\x01\xFE\xB0\x01\xFF\xB0\x00\xB0\x01\x01\x84"),
("""[1 2 3 4]""", "\xB5\x91\x92\x93\x94\x84"),
("""[-2 -1 0 1]""", "\xB5\x9E\x9F\x90\x91\x84"),
(""""hello"""", "\xB1\x05hello"),
("""" \"hello\" """", "\xB1\x09 \"hello\" "),
("""["a" b #"c" [] #{} #t #f]""", "\xB5\xB1\x01a\xB3\x01b\xB2\x01c\xB5\x84\xB6\x84\x81\x80\x84"),
("""-257""", "\xB0\x02\xFE\xFF"),
("""-1""", "\xB0\x01\xFF"),
("""0""", "\xB0\x00"),
("""1""", "\xB0\x01\x01"),
("""255""", "\xB0\x02\x00\xFF"),
("""1.0""", "\x87\x08\x3F\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
("""-1.202e300""", "\x87\x08\xFE\x3C\xB7\xB7\x59\xBF\x04\x26"),
("""-257""", "\xA1\xFE\xFF"),
("""-1""", "\x9F"),
("""0""", "\x90"),
("""1""", "\x91"),
("""255""", "\xA1\x00\xFF"),
("""1.0f""", "\x82\x3F\x80\x00\x00"),
("""1.0""", "\x83\x3F\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
("""-1.202e300""", "\x83\xFE\x3C\xB7\xB7\x59\xBF\x04\x26"),
("""#=#x"B4B30763617074757265B4B307646973636172648484"""", "\xB4\xB3\x07capture\xB4\xB3\x07discard\x84\x84"),
("""#f""", "\x80")
@ -38,5 +38,3 @@ suite "parse":
a = encode test
b = bin
check(cast[string](a).toHex == b.toHex)
if test.isAtomic:
discard parsePreservesAtom(txt)

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ for i, jsText in testVectors:
control = parseJson jsText
x = control.toPreserves
x = control.toPreserve
var stream = newStringStream()

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/unittest
import preserves
const upstreamTestfile {.strdefine.} = ""
proc strip(pr: Value): Value = pr
proc encodeBinary(pr: Value): Value =
result = encode(pr).toPreserves
checkpoint("encoded binary: " & $result)
proc looseEncodeBinary(pr: Value): Value =
result = encode(pr).toPreserves
checkpoint("loose encoded binary: " & $result)
proc annotatedBinary(pr: Value): Value =
result = encode(pr).toPreserves
checkpoint("annotated binary: " & $result)
proc decodeBinary(pr: Value): Value =
result = decodePreserves(pr.bytes)
proc encodeText(pr: Value): Value =
result = ($pr).toPreserves
checkpoint("encoded text: " & result.string)
proc decodeText(pr: Value): Value =
result = parsePreserves(pr.string)
checkpoint("decoded text " & $pr)
if upstreamTestfile != "":
let samples = readFile(upstreamTestfile).parsePreserves()
assert samples.isRecord("TestCases")
var binary, annotatedValue, stripped, text, bytes: Value
for n in { 1..8, 20..22, 30..32 }:
suite $n:
for name, testcase in samples[0]:
assert testcase.isRecord
assert testcase.label.isSymbol
var testMatched: bool
case testcase.label.symbol.string
of "Test":
testMatched = (n in { 1..8 })
if testMatched:
binary = testcase[0]
annotatedValue = testcase[1]
stripped = strip(annotatedValue)
of "NondeterministicTest":
testMatched = (n in { 1..7 })
if testMatched:
binary = testcase[0]
annotatedValue = testcase[1]
stripped = strip(annotatedValue)
of "ParseError":
testMatched = (n in { 20 })
if testMatched: text = testcase[0]
of "ParseShort":
testMatched = (n in { 21 })
if testMatched: text = testcase[0]
of "ParseEOF":
testMatched = (n in { 22 })
if testMatched: text = testcase[0]
of "DecodeError":
testMatched = (n in { 30 })
if testMatched: bytes = testcase[0]
of "DecodeShort":
testMatched = (n in { 31 })
if testMatched: bytes = testcase[0]
of "DecodeEOF":
testMatched = (n in { 32 })
if testMatched: bytes = testcase[0]
assert false
if testMatched:
test $name:
checkpoint $testcase
case n
of 1: check decodeBinary(encodeBinary(annotatedValue)) == stripped
of 2: check strip(decodeBinary(binary)) == stripped
of 3:
# check decodeBinary(binary) == annotatedValue
of 4:
# check decodeBinary(annotatedBinary(annotatedValue)) == annotatedValue
of 5: check decodeText(encodeText(stripped)) == stripped
of 6: check decodeText(encodeText(annotatedValue)) == annotatedValue
of 7:
# check annotatedBinary(annotatedValue) == binary
of 8:
# check looseEncodeBinary(annotatedValue) == binary
of 20, 21, 22:
# TODO: be specific about which error is raised
expect ValueError, IOError:
discard decodeText(text)
of 30, 31, 32:
expect ValueError, IOError:
discard decodeBinary(bytes)
assert false

tests/test_schemas.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[tables, options, os, unittest]
import preserves, preserves/parse, preserves/schema
suite "schema":
binPath = "upstream/schema/schema.bin"
test "convertability":
if not fileExists(binPath): skip()
b = decodePreserves readFile(binPath)
scm = preserveTo(b, Schema)
check scm.isSome
if scm.isSome:
var a = toPreserve(get scm)
check(a == b)

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
import std/[options, sequtils, unittest]
import preserves
suite "step":
var data = parsePreserves """
<foo "bar" [ 0.0 {a: #f, "b": #t } ] >
var o = some data
for i in [1.toPreserves, 1.toPreserves, "b".toPreserves]:
test $i:
o = step(get o, i)
check o.isSome

upstream Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit b2c3032e7a9c5157aaea88a77be83438b7a23c58