
93 lines
2.7 KiB

{createManagedProcess, stdenv, lib, writeTextFile, nginx, runtimeDir, stateDir, cacheDir, forceDisableUserChange}:
{ port ? 80
, webapps ? []
, instanceSuffix ? ""
, instanceName ? "nginx${instanceSuffix}"
, workerConnections ? 190000
user = instanceName;
group = instanceName;
nginxStateDir = "${stateDir}/${instanceName}";
nginxLogDir = "${nginxStateDir}/logs";
nginxCacheDir = "${cacheDir}/${instanceName}";
import ./default.nix {
inherit createManagedProcess lib nginx stateDir forceDisableUserChange runtimeDir cacheDir;
} {
inherit instanceName;
dependencies = map (webapp: webapp.pkg) webapps
++ map (interDependency: interDependency.pkgs."${stdenv.system}") (builtins.attrValues interDependencies);
configFile = writeTextFile {
name = "nginx.conf";
text = ''
pid ${runtimeDir}/${instanceName}.pid;
error_log ${nginxLogDir}/error.log;
${lib.optionalString (!forceDisableUserChange) ''
user ${user} ${group};
events {
worker_connections ${toString workerConnections};
http {
access_log ${nginxLogDir}/access.log;
error_log ${nginxLogDir}/error.log;
proxy_temp_path ${nginxCacheDir}/proxy;
client_body_temp_path ${nginxCacheDir}/client_body;
fastcgi_temp_path ${nginxCacheDir}/fastcgi;
uwsgi_temp_path ${nginxCacheDir}/uwsgi;
scgi_temp_path ${nginxCacheDir}/scgi;
${lib.concatMapStrings (dependency: ''
upstream webapp${toString dependency.port} {
server localhost:${toString dependency.port};
'') webapps}
${lib.concatMapStrings (paramName:
dependency = builtins.getAttr paramName interDependencies;
upstream webapp${toString dependency.port} {
server ${}:${toString dependency.port};
'') (builtins.attrNames interDependencies)}
# Fallback virtual host displaying an error page. This is what users see
# if they connect to a non-deployed web application.
# Without it, nginx redirects to the first available virtual host, giving
# unpredictable results. This could happen while an upgrade is in progress.
server {
listen ${toString port};
server_name aaaa;
root ${./errorpage};
${lib.concatMapStrings (dependency: ''
server {
listen ${toString port};
server_name ${dependency.dnsName};
location / {
proxy_pass http://webapp${toString dependency.port};
'') (webapps ++ builtins.attrValues interDependencies)}