
102 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: ☭ Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
include ./protocol
from std/strutils import normalize
import syndicate
{.passC: staticExec("pkg-config --cflags libnotify").}
{.passL: staticExec("pkg-config --libs libnotify").}
const notifyHeader = "<libnotify/notify.h>"
{.pragma: notify, header: notifyHeader, importc: "notify_$1".}
{.pragma: notification, header: notifyHeader, importc: "notify_notification_$1".}
Notification {.importc: "NotifyNotification".} = ptr object
GError {.importc, header: "glib/gerror.h".} = object
message: cstring
proc g_free(mem: pointer) {.importc.}
proc g_error_free(err: ptr GError) {.importc, header: "glib/gerror.h".}
proc init(appName: cstring): bool {.notify.}
proc uninit() {.notify.}
proc get_server_info(name, vendor, version, specVersion: ptr cstring): bool {.notify.}
proc notification_new(summary, body, icon: cstring = nil): Notification {.notify.}
proc set_app_name(n: Notification; s: string) {.notification.}
proc set_category(n: Notification; s: string) {.notification.}
type NotifyUrgency {.importc.} = enum Low, Normal, Critical
proc set_urgency(n: Notification; u: NotifyUrgency) {.notification.}
proc show(n: Notification) =
if not show(n, nil):
stderr.writeLine "show failed"
const appName = "libnotify_actor"
if not init(appName):
quit "failed to initialize libnotify"
proc show(n: Notification; err: ptr (ptr GError)): bool {.notification.}
var err: ptr GError
if not show(n, addr err):
doAssert not err.isNil, "GLIB shit itself without setting an error"
doAssert not err.message.isNil, "GLIB shit itself without setting an error message"
stderr.writeLine "show failed: ", err.message
if not err.isNil:
proc assertServerInfo(turn: var Turn; ds: Ref) =
var name, vendor, version, specVersion: cstring
if get_server_info(addr name, addr vendor, addr version, addr specVersion):
var a = ServerInfo(
name: $name,
vendor: $vendor,
version: $version,
specVersion: $specVersion,
discard publish(turn, ds, a)
type Args {.preservesDictionary.} = object
dataspace: Ref
runActor("main") do (root: Ref; turn: var Turn):
connectStdio(root, turn)
during(turn, root, ?Args) do (ds: Ref):
if not init(appName):
stderr.writeLine "failed to initialize libnotify"
assertServerInfo(turn, ds)
onMessage(turn, ds, ?Notify) do (summary: string, attrs: Attrs):
body = getOrDefault(attrs, Symbol"body")
icon = getOrDefault(attrs, Symbol"icon")
n = notification_new(summary, body, icon)
case getOrDefault(attrs, Symbol"urgency").normalize
of "high", "critical":
set_urgency(n, Critical)
of "low":
set_urgency(n, Low)
else: discard
let app_name = getOrDefault(attrs, Symbol"app_name")
if app_name != "":
set_app_name(n, app_name)
let category = getOrDefault(attrs, Symbol"category")
if category != "":
set_category(n, category)