# The Immutulator Ingest files into ERIS. It takes a bit of configuring. An example: ``` let ?ds = dataspace $ds #f> ? $dataspace [ ; require the daemon when immutulating $dataspace ? _> [ $config > ] ; resolve from $dataspace ? _ _ _]> _> [ ; temporarily start yt-dlp let ?id = $config > ; translate the output of yt-dlp --dump-json $config ? [ ] $config ? ?cap> [ ; grap the filename out of the received JSON data $cap ? [ $config > ; ask the real immutulator $dataspace ? [ ; answer the initial observation $dataspace ] ] ] ] $config [ ? ?cap> [ $cap { cachefile: "/srv/immutulator.pr" dataspace: $dataspace stores: [ "coap+tcp://[::1]:5683" ] } ] ] ] ``` And I use [syndump](https://git.syndicate-lang.org/ehmry/syndicate_utils#syndump) as a frontend: ``` $ SYNDICATE_STEP=$(mintsturdyref '"eris"' < /dev/null) syndump '' # Output: + "urn:eris:B4A3BWB3NL3AG7JLQZJ3DEOH7G6FYG6LHFH2QTOV5VUEYTMK6NWTQEYVPP2JT2VN5YXXYLKKXR3MOF35DXFKTBOVTR55Z23JQO56D2S4MM" 6030153 video/webm ```